import * as sharedstreetsPbf from 'sharedstreets-pbf'; import {SharedStreetsIntersection, SharedStreetsGeometry } from 'sharedstreets-types'; import * as turfHelpers from '@turf/helpers'; import bbox from "@turf/bbox"; import destination from '@turf/destination'; import { existsSync, mkdirSync, writeFileSync, readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { getJson, getPbf, resolveHome } from "./util"; const chalk = require('chalk'); const path = require('path'); const SphericalMercator = require("@mapbox/sphericalmercator"); const sphericalMercator = new SphericalMercator({ size: 256 }); const DEFAULT_ZLEVEL = 12; const SHST_ID_API_URL = ''; const SHST_TILE_URL = ''; const USE_LOCAL_CACHE = true; const SHST_TILE_CACHE_DIR = resolveHome('~/.shst/cache/tiles/'); export enum TileType { REFERENCE = 'reference', INTERSECTION = 'intersection', GEOMETRY = 'geometry', METADATA = 'metadata' } export async function getTilesForId(id:string) { var url = SHST_ID_API_URL + 'shst:' + id; return getJson(url); } export function getTileIdsForPolygon(polygon:turfHelpers.Feature, buffer:number=0):string[] { var polyBound = bbox(polygon) var nwPoint = destination([polyBound[0],polyBound[1]], buffer, 315, {'units':'meters'}); var sePoint = destination([polyBound[2],polyBound[3]], buffer, 135, {'units':'meters'}); let bounds = [nwPoint.geometry.coordinates[0], nwPoint.geometry.coordinates[1], sePoint.geometry.coordinates[0], sePoint.geometry.coordinates[1]]; return getTileIdsForBounds(bounds, false); } export function getTileIdsForPoint(point:turfHelpers.Feature, buffer:number):string[] { if(buffer > 0) { var nwPoint = destination(point, buffer, 315, {'units':'meters'}); var sePoint = destination(point, buffer, 135, {'units':'meters'}); let bounds = [nwPoint.geometry.coordinates[0], nwPoint.geometry.coordinates[1], sePoint.geometry.coordinates[0], sePoint.geometry.coordinates[1]]; return getTileIdsForBounds(bounds, false); } else{ let bounds = [point.geometry.coordinates[0], point.geometry.coordinates[1], point.geometry.coordinates[0], point.geometry.coordinates[1]]; return getTileIdsForBounds(bounds, false); } } export function getTileIdsForBounds(bounds:number[], bufferEdge:boolean):string[] { let tileRange =, DEFAULT_ZLEVEL); let tileIds = []; // if buffer extend tile range to +/- 1 let bufferSize = 0; if(bufferEdge) bufferSize = 1; for(var x = tileRange.minX - bufferSize; x <= tileRange.maxX + bufferSize; x++){ for(var y = tileRange.minY - bufferSize; y <= tileRange.maxY + bufferSize; y++){ var tileId = DEFAULT_ZLEVEL + '-' + x + '-' + y; tileIds.push(tileId); } } return tileIds; } export async function getTile(tilePath:TilePath):Promise { // TODO use generator/yield pattern + protobuf decodeDelimited var arrayBuffer:Uint8Array; var tileFilePath = path.join(SHST_TILE_CACHE_DIR, tilePath.toPathString()); if(USE_LOCAL_CACHE && existsSync(tileFilePath)) { arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(readFileSync(tileFilePath)); //console.log(chalk.keyword('lightgreen')(" reading from cached: " + SHST_TILE_CACHE_DIR + tilePath.toPathString())); } else { try { arrayBuffer = await getPbf(SHST_TILE_URL + tilePath.toPathString()); } catch(e) { return []; } if(USE_LOCAL_CACHE) { mkdirSync(path.join(SHST_TILE_CACHE_DIR, tilePath.source), { recursive: true }); writeFileSync(tileFilePath, arrayBuffer); console.log(chalk.keyword('lightgreen')(" writing to cache: " + tileFilePath)); } } if(arrayBuffer) { if(tilePath.tileType === TileType.GEOMETRY) { var geometries:any[] = sharedstreetsPbf.geometry(arrayBuffer); return geometries; } else if(tilePath.tileType === TileType.INTERSECTION) { var intersections:any[] = sharedstreetsPbf.intersection(arrayBuffer); return intersections; } else if(tilePath.tileType === TileType.REFERENCE) { var references:any[] = sharedstreetsPbf.reference(arrayBuffer); return references; } else if(tilePath.tileType === TileType.METADATA) { var metadata:any[] = sharedstreetsPbf.metadata(arrayBuffer); return metadata; } } } export function getIdFromTilePath(tilePath:string):string { var pathParts = tilePath.split("/"); var fileParts = pathParts[pathParts.length-1].split("."); var tileId = fileParts[fileParts.length-4]; return tileId; } export function getTypeFromTilePath(tilePath:string):TileType { var parts = tilePath.split("."); var typeString = parts[parts.length-3].toUpperCase(); var type:TileType = TileType[typeString] return type; } export function getSourceFromTilePath(tilePath:string):string { var pathParts = tilePath.split('/'); var tileSource = pathParts[0] + '/' + pathParts[1]; return tileSource; } export function getHierarchyFromPath(tilePath:string):number { var parts = tilePath.split("."); return parseInt(parts[parts.length-2]) } export class TilePathParams { source:string; tileHierarchy:number; constructor(params:TilePathParams=null) { if(params) this.setParams(params); } setParams(params:TilePathParams) { this.source = params.source; this.tileHierarchy = params.tileHierarchy; } } export class TilePath extends TilePathParams{ tileId:string; tileType:TileType; constructor(path:string=null) { super(); if(path) { this.tileId = getIdFromTilePath(path); this.tileType = getTypeFromTilePath(path); this.source = getSourceFromTilePath(path); this.tileHierarchy = getHierarchyFromPath(path); } } toPathString():string { return this.source + '/' + this.tileId + '.' + this.tileType + '.' + this.tileHierarchy + '.pbf' } } export class TilePathGroup extends TilePathParams { tileIds:string[]; tileTypes:TileType[]; constructor(paths:TilePath[]=null){ super(); this.tileIds = []; this.tileTypes = []; if(paths) { for(var path of paths) { this.addPath(path); } } } *[Symbol.iterator]() { this.tileTypes.sort(); this.tileIds.sort(); for(var tileType of this.tileTypes) { for(var tileId of this.tileIds) { var tilePath:TilePath = new TilePath(); tilePath.setParams(this); tilePath.tileId = tileId; tilePath.tileType = tileType; yield tilePath; } } } addType(tileType:TileType) { var typeSet:Set = new Set(this.tileTypes); typeSet.add(tileType); this.tileTypes = [...typeSet.values()]; } addTileId(tileId:string) { var idSet:Set = new Set(this.tileIds); idSet.add(tileId); this.tileIds = [...idSet.values()]; } addPath(path:TilePath) { if(this.source != undefined && this.source !== path.source) throw "Path source does not match group"; else this.source = path.source; if(this.tileHierarchy != undefined && this.tileHierarchy !== path.tileHierarchy) throw "Path source does not match group"; else this.tileHierarchy = path.tileHierarchy; this.addType(path.tileType); this.addTileId(path.tileId); } static fromPolygon(polygon:turfHelpers.Feature, buffer:number, params:TilePathParams):TilePathGroup { var tilePathGroup = new TilePathGroup(); tilePathGroup.setParams(params); tilePathGroup.tileIds = getTileIdsForPolygon(polygon); return tilePathGroup; } static fromPoint(point:turfHelpers.Feature, buffer:number, params:TilePathParams):TilePathGroup { var tilePathGroup = new TilePathGroup(); tilePathGroup.setParams(params); tilePathGroup.tileIds = getTileIdsForPoint(point, buffer); return tilePathGroup; } }