// @flow // flow-disable-next-line import { hasFile, pathCascade } from '@sharyn/check-setup' import { knexConfigPath } from './shared' const pathToSharynWebpackConfig = pathCascade( 'node_modules/@sharyn/webpack-config', 'node_modules/sharyn/webpack-config', ) const hasSharynWebpackConfig = !!pathToSharynWebpackConfig const pathToGlobalSetup = './src/_testing/global-setup.js' const hasGlobalSetup = hasFile(pathToGlobalSetup) const pathToGlobalTeardown = './src/_testing/global-teardown.js' const hasGlobalTeardown = hasFile(pathToGlobalTeardown) const dockerWaitPg = containerName => `until docker run --rm --link ${containerName}:pg --net sharyn-net postgres:latest pg_isready -U postgres -h pg; do sleep 1; done` const binDir = null const prefix = command => `${binDir || './node_modules/.bin/'}${command}` const nodemon = prefix('nodemon -w src -i dist -x "babel-node src/_server/server.js"') const migrate = prefix(`knex --knexfile ${knexConfigPath || ''} --cwd . migrate:latest`) const webpackProd = prefix( `webpack --mode=production --progress ${ hasSharynWebpackConfig ? `--config ${pathToSharynWebpackConfig}` : '' }`, ) const webpackStats = prefix( `webpack --mode=production --progress --json ${ hasSharynWebpackConfig ? `--config ${pathToSharynWebpackConfig}` : '' } > webpack-stats.json`, ) const jestOptions = `${hasGlobalSetup ? `--globalSetup ${pathToGlobalSetup}` : ''} ${ hasGlobalTeardown ? `--globalTeardown ${pathToGlobalTeardown}` : '' }` export const nodeLocalProd = prefix( 'cross-env NODE_ENV=production ENV_TYPE=local-production node lib/_server/server.js', ) export const DOCKER_UP = 'docker-compose up -d' export const dockerDownTest = (id: string) => `docker rm -f ${id}` export const DOCKER_UP_TEST = 'docker-compose up -d db-test' export const DOCKER_WAIT_PG = dockerWaitPg('db') export const DOCKER_WAIT_PG_TEST = dockerWaitPg('db-test') export const babel = prefix('babel src -d lib') export const dbMigr = migrate export const dbSeed = prefix(`knex --knexfile ${knexConfigPath || ''} --cwd . seed:run`) export const dbMigrTest = `${prefix('cross-env NODE_ENV=test')} ${migrate}` export const herokuLocalProd = prefix( 'cross-env NODE_ENV=production ENV_TYPE=local-production heroku local', ) export const lint = prefix('eslint src --fix --ext .js,.jsx') export const typecheck = prefix('flow') export const testUnit = prefix(`jest --testMatch **/*.unit.test.js ${jestOptions}`) export const testE2E = prefix( `jest --preset jest-puppeteer --testMatch **/*.e2e.test.js --runInBand ${jestOptions}`, ) export const rmBundle = prefix('rimraf dist/js/bundle.js') // Add .cache when switching back to Parcel export const rmLibAndBundle = prefix('rimraf lib dist/js/bundle.js') // Add .cache when switching back to Parcel export const clientWatch = prefix( `webpack-dev-server --mode=development --progress --hot ${ hasSharynWebpackConfig ? `--config ${pathToSharynWebpackConfig}` : '' }`, ) export const clientBuild = `${prefix('cross-env NODE_ENV=production')} ${webpackProd}` export const stats = `${prefix('cross-env NODE_ENV=production')} ${webpackStats}` export const serverWatch = nodemon export const serverWatchSsrOnly = `${prefix('cross-env SSR_ONLY=true')} ${nodemon}` export const serverWatchNoSsr = `${prefix('cross-env NO_SSR=true')} ${nodemon}`