import { CleanSummary } from '../../../typings'; import { StringTask } from '../types'; export declare const CONFIG_ERROR_INTERACTIVE_MODE = "Git clean interactive mode is not supported"; export declare const CONFIG_ERROR_MODE_REQUIRED = "Git clean mode parameter (\"n\" or \"f\") is required"; export declare const CONFIG_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION = "Git clean unknown option found in: "; /** * All supported option switches available for use in a `git.clean` operation */ export declare enum CleanOptions { DRY_RUN = "n", FORCE = "f", IGNORED_INCLUDED = "x", IGNORED_ONLY = "X", EXCLUDING = "e", QUIET = "q", RECURSIVE = "d" } /** * The two modes `git.clean` can run in - one of these must be supplied in order * for the command to not throw a `TaskConfigurationError` */ export declare type CleanMode = CleanOptions.FORCE | CleanOptions.DRY_RUN; export declare function cleanWithOptionsTask(mode: CleanMode | string, customArgs: string[]): import("./task").EmptyTask | StringTask; export declare function cleanTask(mode: CleanMode, customArgs: string[]): StringTask; export declare function isCleanOptionsArray(input: string[]): input is CleanOptions[];