import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { SitemapItemLoose } from './types'; /** * * @param {object} options - * @param {string} options.hostname - The hostname for all URLs * @param {string} [options.sitemapHostname] - The hostname for the sitemaps if different than hostname * @param {SitemapItemLoose[] | string | Readable | string[]} options.sourceData - The urls you want to make a sitemap out of. * @param {string} options.destinationDir - where to write the sitemaps and index * @param {string} [options.publicBasePath] - where the sitemaps are relative to the hostname. Defaults to root. * @param {number} [options.limit] - how many URLs to write before switching to a new file. Defaults to 50k * @param {boolean} [options.gzip] - whether to compress the written files. Defaults to true * @returns {Promise} an empty promise that resolves when everything is done */ export declare const simpleSitemapAndIndex: ({ hostname, sitemapHostname, sourceData, destinationDir, limit, gzip, publicBasePath, }: { hostname: string; sitemapHostname?: string | undefined; sourceData: SitemapItemLoose[] | string | Readable | string[]; destinationDir: string; publicBasePath?: string | undefined; limit?: number | undefined; gzip?: boolean | undefined; }) => Promise; export default simpleSitemapAndIndex;