/// import { SAXStream } from 'sax'; import { Readable, Transform, TransformOptions, TransformCallback } from 'stream'; import { SitemapItem, ErrorLevel } from './types'; declare type Logger = (level: 'warn' | 'error' | 'info' | 'log', ...message: Parameters[0]) => void; export interface XMLToSitemapItemStreamOptions extends TransformOptions { level?: ErrorLevel; logger?: Logger | false; } /** * Takes a stream of xml and transforms it into a stream of SitemapItems * Use this to parse existing sitemaps into config options compatible with this library */ export declare class XMLToSitemapItemStream extends Transform { level: ErrorLevel; logger: Logger; error: Error | null; saxStream: SAXStream; constructor(opts?: XMLToSitemapItemStreamOptions); _transform(data: string, encoding: string, callback: TransformCallback): void; private err; } /** Read xml and resolve with the configuration that would produce it or reject with an error ``` const { createReadStream } = require('fs') const { parseSitemap, createSitemap } = require('sitemap') parseSitemap(createReadStream('./example.xml')).then( // produces the same xml // you can, of course, more practically modify it or store it (xmlConfig) => console.log(createSitemap(xmlConfig).toString()), (err) => console.log(err) ) ``` @param {Readable} xml what to parse @return {Promise} resolves with list of sitemap items that can be fed into a SitemapStream. Rejects with an Error object. */ export declare function parseSitemap(xml: Readable): Promise; export interface ObjectStreamToJSONOptions extends TransformOptions { lineSeparated: boolean; } /** * A Transform that converts a stream of objects into a JSON Array or a line * separated stringified JSON * @param [lineSeparated=false] whether to separate entries by a new line or comma */ export declare class ObjectStreamToJSON extends Transform { lineSeparated: boolean; firstWritten: boolean; constructor(opts?: ObjectStreamToJSONOptions); _transform(chunk: SitemapItem, encoding: string, cb: TransformCallback): void; _flush(cb: TransformCallback): void; } export {};