/// import { Readable, ReadableOptions, TransformOptions } from 'stream'; import { SitemapItem, ErrorLevel, SitemapItemLoose, ErrorHandler } from './types'; /** * Verifies all data passed in will comply with sitemap spec. * @param conf Options to validate * @param level logging level * @param errorHandler error handling func */ export declare function validateSMIOptions(conf: SitemapItem, level?: ErrorLevel, errorHandler?: ErrorHandler): SitemapItem; /** * Combines multiple streams into one * @param streams the streams to combine */ export declare function mergeStreams(streams: Readable[], options?: TransformOptions): Readable; export interface ReadlineStreamOptions extends ReadableOptions { input: Readable; } /** * Wraps node's ReadLine in a stream */ export declare class ReadlineStream extends Readable { private _source; constructor(options: ReadlineStreamOptions); _read(size: number): void; } /** * Takes a stream likely from fs.createReadStream('./path') and returns a stream * of sitemap items * @param stream a stream of line separated urls. * @param opts.isJSON is the stream line separated JSON. leave undefined to guess */ export declare function lineSeparatedURLsToSitemapOptions(stream: Readable, { isJSON }?: { isJSON?: boolean; }): Readable; /** * Based on lodash's implementation of chunk. * * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors * * Based on Underscore.js, copyright Jeremy Ashkenas, * DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history * available at https://github.com/lodash/lodash */ export declare function chunk(array: any[], size?: number): any[]; /** * Converts the passed in sitemap entry into one capable of being consumed by SitemapItem * @param {string | SitemapItemLoose} elem the string or object to be converted * @param {string} hostname * @returns SitemapItemOptions a strict sitemap item option */ export declare function normalizeURL(elem: string | SitemapItemLoose, hostname?: string, lastmodDateOnly?: boolean): SitemapItem;