
npm codeship coverage 93.85%

### A [Slack Web API]( client :seedling::raised_hands::two_hearts: - Written in modern JavaScript; tested for Node and the browser - Complete support for the [Slack Web API]( - Perfect symmetry: JS method signatures match Web API docs - Choose your async adventure: all methods accept either a Node style errback or return a `Promise` - Opt into an OO style class instance that applies `token` to all methods - Well tested, CI, and Apache2 licensed - Only one dependency: `tiny-json-http` - Tiny: **7kb** browserified/minified ## Install :star2::package: ``` npm i slack ``` # Usage :sparkles::rocket: `slack` mirrors the published API docs exactly because its generated from those docs! The default interface are stateless functions and has remain unchanged since `1.0.0` and that will continue to be the case. ```javascript var slack = require('slack') // logs {args:{hello:'world'}} slack.api.test({hello:'world'}, console.log) // :new: opt into promises slack.api.test({nice:1}).then(console.log).catch(console.log) ``` Due to popular demand an OO style is now supported. For an instance of `Slack` all methods come prebound with the `token` parameter applied. ```javascript const token = process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN const Slack = require('slack') const bot = new Slack({token}) // logs {args:{hyper:'card'}} bot.api.test({hyper:'card'}).then(console.log) ``` Using `async`/`await` in Node 8.x: ```javascript let token = process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN let Slack = require('slack') let bot = new Slack({token}) ;(async function main() { // logs {args:{hyper:'card'}} var result = await bot.api.test({hyper:'card'}) console.log(result) })() ``` Choose whichever style works best for your project deployment needs and team preference. It is definitely worth examining what style is more concise, expressive and deterministic. It is also worth noticing how these properties can change between runtime versions. :hearts::beer: ### Error Handling Some methods (like [``]( provide additional context for errors through a `response_metadata` object. This will be exposed as a `messages` properties on the errors that are thrown. ```javascript => { console.log(err.messages) }) ``` ### Test Setup :lock::key::point_left: Clone this repo and create a file called `.env` in the root with the following: ``` SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=xxxx SLACK_CLIENT_ID=xxxx SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET=xxxx ``` You can get a `SLACK_TOKEN` for testing [here]( You need to register an app for a `SLACK_CLIENT_ID` and `SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET`. The tests require the app to have the `channels:history` scope. You can [read about bot tokens here]( ## Testing :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: :point_right: In Node: ``` npm test ``` :point_right: Or the browser: ``` npm run btest ``` # Slack Web API :tada::honeybee::triangular_flag_on_post: The entire Slack Web API is supported. All method signatures accept a `params` object and either a Node style callback (an errback) or, if absent, it will return a `Promise`. Required params are documented inline below. {{#methods}} - {{{.}}} {{/methods}} # Contributing The code for the client is generated by scraping the [Slack Web API documentation]( Regenerate from the latest Slack documentation by running :runner:: ``` npm run generate ``` Portions of this README are generated as well; to make edits, update `readme.tmpl` and run the same command :cloud::umbrella::sunny::sunflower:.