/** Slice a string with [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors_and_Styles) @param string - A string with ANSI escape codes. Like one styled by [`chalk`](https://github.com/chalk/chalk). @param startSlice - Zero-based index at which to start the slice. @param endSlice - Zero-based index at which to end the slice. @example ``` import chalk from 'chalk'; import sliceAnsi from 'slice-ansi'; const string = 'The quick brown ' + chalk.red('fox jumped over ') + 'the lazy ' + chalk.green('dog and then ran away with the unicorn.'); console.log(sliceAnsi(string, 20, 30)); ``` */ export default function sliceAnsi(string: string, startSlice: number, endSlice?: number): string;