import {Configuration as devServerConf} from 'webpack-dev-server' import {BundleAnalyzerPlugin} from 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'; import {Configuration as webpackConfiguration} from 'webpack'; import {RollupBuild} from 'rollup'; import {EventEmitter} from 'events'; declare module 'sm-webpack-config' { interface BabelConfig { /** * @see */ envOptions?: { loose?: boolean; modules?: string | boolean; useBuiltIns?: false | 'entry' | 'usage'; corejs?: number; targets: { esmodules?: boolean; chrome?: string; browsers?: string[]; }, shippedProposals?: boolean; exclude?: string | string[] | RegExp; debug?: boolean; } /** * @see */ transformImports?: { [module: string]: { transform: string | ((importName: string, matches) => string); preventFullImport?: boolean; camelCase?: boolean; kebabCase?: boolean; snakeCase?: boolean; skipDefaultConversion?: boolean; } }; includePresets?: (string | [string, any])[]; /** * '@babel/preset-env' is added by default */ excludePresets?: string[]; includePlugins?: (string | [string, any])[]; /** * #### These are added by default: * - @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import * - @babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta * - @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties * - @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx * - babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx * - @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining * - @babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator * - babel-plugin-transform-imports * - @babel/plugin-transform-runtime */ excludePlugins?: string[]; /** * Mention node_modules that need to be compiled by babel * Or a regex pattern that matches modules */ includeModules?: string[] | RegExp; debug?: boolean; } interface DevServerConf extends devServerConf { wwwHost?: string; appHost?: string; appPort?: number; notifyOnError?: boolean; open?: boolean; buildSSR?: boolean; } interface BaseConfig { /** * @default 'res' */ sourcePath?: string; /** * @default 'static/dist/dev' * 'static/dist' in production */ destPath?: string; /** * @default '/static/dist/dev' */ publicUrl?: string; sourceMap?: boolean; eslint?: boolean; entry?: { [app: string]: string; }, /** * Generate dist index.html with correct asset hash for caching. * you can customize output by editing /index.html * @see * @default index.html */ entryHtml?: boolean | string; appendHash?: boolean; library?: boolean; minify?: boolean; gzip?: boolean; quiet?: boolean; /** * Generate bundle size stats so we can analyze them * to see which dependecies are the heaviest * @see */ analyzeBundle?: boolean | BundleAnalyzerPlugin.Options; ssr?: boolean | { entry?: string; sourceMap?: boolean; }; cwd?: string; cssModules?: boolean; /** * @see */ devServer?: Partial /** * Open dev server url after starting it * Default: true */ openBrowser?: boolean; /** * 'babel-loader' options */ babel?: BabelConfig; } export interface Config extends BaseConfig { /** * NOTE: This is only used when called through CLI, it is ignored when called through function */ webpackConfig: Partial; $env_development?: Partial; $env_production?: Partial; } interface RollupBaseConfig { entry?: string; dest?: string; library?: string; libraryFormat?: string; minify?: boolean; sourceMap?: boolean; /** * 'rollup-plugin-babel' options */ babel?: BabelConfig; } export interface RollupConfig extends RollupBaseConfig { $env_development?: Partial; $env_production?: Partial; } export type webpackConfig = webpackConfiguration; /** * @param options it is {env, config, webpackConfig} * env can be developement or production * config gets merged into our default config * webpackConfig gets merged into final webpack config * @returns merged webpack config */ export function getWebpackConfig(options?: {env?: string, config?: Config, webpackConfig?: webpackConfig}): webpackConfig; /** * Same as getWebpackConfig but sets environment to production */ export function getProdConfig(options?: {config?: Config, webpackConfig?: webpackConfig}): webpackConfig; /** * Same as getWebpackConfig but sets environment to developement */ export function getDevConfig(options?: {config?: Config, webpackConfig?: webpackConfig}): webpackConfig; /** * Run webpack with config provided */ export function runWebpack(options?: {env?: string, config?: Config, webpackConfig?: webpackConfig}): Promise; /** * Same as runWebpack but sets environment to developement */ export function runDevWebpack(options?: {config?: Config, webpackConfig?: webpackConfig}): Promise; /** * Same as runWebpack but sets environment to production */ export function runProdWebpack(options?: {config?: Config, webpackConfig?: webpackConfig}): Promise; /** * Starts dev server with hot reloading * @see */ export function runDevServer(options?: {config?: Config, webpackConfig?: webpackConfig}): Promise; /** * @see */ export function koaDevServer(options?: {config?: Config, webpackConfig?: webpackConfig}): {middleware: () => (ctx, nxt) => Promise, on: EventEmitter}; /** * Run rollup build * env is taken from NODE_ENV */ export function runRollup(options?: {config?: RollupBaseConfig}): Promise; }