import { Socket as Engine, SocketOptions as EngineOptions } from ""; import { Socket, SocketOptions, DisconnectDescription } from "./socket.js"; import { Packet } from ""; import { DefaultEventsMap, EventsMap, Emitter } from ""; export interface ManagerOptions extends EngineOptions { /** * Should we force a new Manager for this connection? * @default false */ forceNew: boolean; /** * Should we multiplex our connection (reuse existing Manager) ? * @default true */ multiplex: boolean; /** * The path to get our client file from, in the case of the server * serving it * @default '/' */ path: string; /** * Should we allow reconnections? * @default true */ reconnection: boolean; /** * How many reconnection attempts should we try? * @default Infinity */ reconnectionAttempts: number; /** * The time delay in milliseconds between reconnection attempts * @default 1000 */ reconnectionDelay: number; /** * The max time delay in milliseconds between reconnection attempts * @default 5000 */ reconnectionDelayMax: number; /** * Used in the exponential backoff jitter when reconnecting * @default 0.5 */ randomizationFactor: number; /** * The timeout in milliseconds for our connection attempt * @default 20000 */ timeout: number; /** * Should we automatically connect? * @default true */ autoConnect: boolean; /** * the parser to use. Defaults to an instance of the Parser that ships with */ parser: any; } interface ManagerReservedEvents { open: () => void; error: (err: Error) => void; ping: () => void; packet: (packet: Packet) => void; close: (reason: string, description?: DisconnectDescription) => void; reconnect_failed: () => void; reconnect_attempt: (attempt: number) => void; reconnect_error: (err: Error) => void; reconnect: (attempt: number) => void; } export declare class Manager extends Emitter<{}, {}, ManagerReservedEvents> { /** * The Engine.IO client instance * * @public */ engine: Engine; /** * @private */ _autoConnect: boolean; /** * @private */ _readyState: "opening" | "open" | "closed"; /** * @private */ _reconnecting: boolean; private readonly uri; opts: Partial; private nsps; private subs; private backoff; private setTimeoutFn; private clearTimeoutFn; private _reconnection; private _reconnectionAttempts; private _reconnectionDelay; private _randomizationFactor; private _reconnectionDelayMax; private _timeout; private encoder; private decoder; private skipReconnect; /** * `Manager` constructor. * * @param uri - engine instance or engine uri/opts * @param opts - options * @public */ constructor(opts: Partial); constructor(uri?: string, opts?: Partial); constructor(uri?: string | Partial, opts?: Partial); /** * Sets the `reconnection` config. * * @param {Boolean} v - true/false if it should automatically reconnect * @return {Manager} self or value * @public */ reconnection(v: boolean): this; reconnection(): boolean; reconnection(v?: boolean): this | boolean; /** * Sets the reconnection attempts config. * * @param {Number} v - max reconnection attempts before giving up * @return {Manager} self or value * @public */ reconnectionAttempts(v: number): this; reconnectionAttempts(): number; reconnectionAttempts(v?: number): this | number; /** * Sets the delay between reconnections. * * @param {Number} v - delay * @return {Manager} self or value * @public */ reconnectionDelay(v: number): this; reconnectionDelay(): number; reconnectionDelay(v?: number): this | number; /** * Sets the randomization factor * * @param v - the randomization factor * @return self or value * @public */ randomizationFactor(v: number): this; randomizationFactor(): number; randomizationFactor(v?: number): this | number; /** * Sets the maximum delay between reconnections. * * @param v - delay * @return self or value * @public */ reconnectionDelayMax(v: number): this; reconnectionDelayMax(): number; reconnectionDelayMax(v?: number): this | number; /** * Sets the connection timeout. `false` to disable * * @param v - connection timeout * @return self or value * @public */ timeout(v: number | boolean): this; timeout(): number | boolean; timeout(v?: number | boolean): this | number | boolean; /** * Starts trying to reconnect if reconnection is enabled and we have not * started reconnecting yet * * @private */ private maybeReconnectOnOpen; /** * Sets the current transport `socket`. * * @param {Function} fn - optional, callback * @return self * @public */ open(fn?: (err?: Error) => void): this; /** * Alias for open() * * @return self * @public */ connect(fn?: (err?: Error) => void): this; /** * Called upon transport open. * * @private */ private onopen; /** * Called upon a ping. * * @private */ private onping; /** * Called with data. * * @private */ private ondata; /** * Called when parser fully decodes a packet. * * @private */ private ondecoded; /** * Called upon socket error. * * @private */ private onerror; /** * Creates a new socket for the given `nsp`. * * @return {Socket} * @public */ socket(nsp: string, opts?: Partial): Socket; /** * Called upon a socket close. * * @param socket * @private */ _destroy(socket: Socket): void; /** * Writes a packet. * * @param packet * @private */ _packet(packet: Partial): void; /** * Clean up transport subscriptions and packet buffer. * * @private */ private cleanup; /** * Close the current socket. * * @private */ _close(): void; /** * Alias for close() * * @private */ private disconnect; /** * Called when: * * - the low-level engine is closed * - the parser encountered a badly formatted packet * - all sockets are disconnected * * @private */ private onclose; /** * Attempt a reconnection. * * @private */ private reconnect; /** * Called upon successful reconnect. * * @private */ private onreconnect; } export {};