import * as Immutable from 'seamless-immutable'; import { SolrResponse } from './Data'; import * as fetchJsonp from 'fetch-jsonp'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { FacetValue } from '../component/facet/FacetTypes'; function escape(value: QueryParam): string { if (value === '*') { return value; } return ( (value.toString().indexOf(' ') > 0) ? ( '"' + value.toString().replace(/ /g, '%20') + '"' ) : ( value.toString() ) ); } // Note that the stored versions of these end up namespaced and/or aliased enum UrlParams { ID = 'id', QUERY = 'query', FQ = 'fq', START = 'start', TYPE = 'type', HL = 'highlight' } interface SavedSearch { type?: 'QUERY' | 'MLT' | 'DETAILS'; query?: string; boost?: string; sort?: string[]; facets?: { [ key: string ]: string[] }; } interface SearchParams extends SavedSearch { start?: number; } type QueryParam = string | number; type NamespacedUrlParam = [UrlParams, QueryParam]; type UrlFragment = [UrlParams | NamespacedUrlParam, QueryParam | [string, QueryParam[]]] | null; // k, v class QueryBeingBuilt { solrUrlFragment: string; appUrlFragment: UrlFragment; constructor(solrUrlFragment: string, appUrlFragment: UrlFragment) { this.solrUrlFragment = solrUrlFragment; // TODO, these need to support the following: // aliasing multiple parameters (i.e. any of the following values could be a 'q') // this supports renames over time // urls in the path or the query // this is for seo // aliasing groups of parameters (this is like the named search example) // numeric indexes - e.g. fq // facets should have some special handling; // facets can be arrays // facets can be hierarchies (probably there are different implementations of this) // "named" values that wrap sets of parameters - e.g named sort fields or enum queries // need to be able to namespace the output of this to be unique to support multiple searches on a site // this needs to work 100% bidirectional (i.e. url -> objects, objects -> url) this.appUrlFragment = appUrlFragment; } } class SolrQueryBuilder { searchResponse?: SolrResponse; previous?: SolrQueryBuilder; op: () => QueryBeingBuilt; constructor(op: () => QueryBeingBuilt, previous?: SolrQueryBuilder) { this.op = op; this.previous = previous; } get(id: QueryParam) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('get?id=' + id, [UrlParams.ID, id]), this ); } select() { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('select?facet=true', [UrlParams.TYPE, 'QUERY']), this ); } moreLikeThis(handler: string, col: string, id: QueryParam) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt(handler + '?q=' + col + ':' + id, [UrlParams.ID, id]), this ); } start(start: number) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('start=' + start, [UrlParams.START, start]), this ); } jsonp(callback: string) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('wt=json&json.wrf=' + callback, null), this ); } export() { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('wt=csv', null), this ); } qt(qt: string) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( // TODO: tv.all here is probably wrong () => new QueryBeingBuilt('tv.all=true&qt=' + qt, null), this ); } q(searchFields: string[], value: QueryParam) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt( 'defType=edismax&q=' + (field) => field + ':' + escape(value) ).join('%20OR%20'), [UrlParams.QUERY, value] ) , this ); } bq(query: string) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => { return new QueryBeingBuilt( 'bq=' + query, null ); }, this ); } fq(field: string, values: QueryParam[]) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => { return new QueryBeingBuilt( 'fq=' + '{!tag=' + field + '_q}' + => field + ':' + v).join('%20OR%20'), [UrlParams.FQ, [field, values]] ); }, this ); } highlight(query: HighlightQuery) { if (query.fields.length > 0) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => { let params: string[] = [ 'method', 'fields', 'query', 'qparser', 'requireFieldMatch', 'usePhraseHighlighter', 'highlightMultiTerm', 'snippets', 'fragsize', 'encoder', 'maxAnalyzedChars'].map( (key: string) => query[key] ? ( 'hl.' + key + '=' + query[key] ) : '' ).filter( (key) => key !== '' ); if (query.pre) { params.push('hl.tag.pre=' + query.pre); } if ( { params.push('' + query.pre); } return new QueryBeingBuilt( 'hl=true&' + 'hl.fl=' + query.fields.join(',') + ( params.length > 0 ? ( '&' + params.join('&') ) : '' ), // Not saving these, because I'm assuming these will be // configured as part of the search engine, rather than // changed by user behavior null ); } ); } else { return null; } } fl(fields: QueryParam[]) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt( 'fl=' + fields.join(','), null ), this ); } requestFacet(field: string) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt( `facet.field={!ex=${field}_q}${field}&` + `facet.mincount=1&` + `facet.${field}.limit=50&` + `facet.${field}.sort=count`, null ), this ); } rows(rows: number) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt( 'rows=' + rows, null ), this ); } sort(fields: string[]) { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt( 'sort=' +','), // TODO: I think this should add a 'named sort' to the URL, because // this could have a large amount of Solr specific stuff in it - i.e. // add(field1, mul(field2, field3)) and you don't want to expose the // internals to external search engines, or they'll index the site in // a way that would make this hard to change null ), this ); } schema() { return new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt( 'admin/luke?', null ) ); } construct(): [string, Array] { let start: [string, Array] = ['', []]; if (this.previous) { start = this.previous.construct(); } if (start[0] !== '') { start[0] = start[0] + '&'; } const output = this.op(); return [ start[0] + output.solrUrlFragment, start[1].concat([output.appUrlFragment]) ]; } buildCurrentParameters(): SearchParams { const initialParams = this.construct()[1]; const result: Array = initialParams; const searchParams: SearchParams = { }; (p: UrlFragment) => { if (p !== null) { if (p[0] === UrlParams.FQ) { const facet = p[1][0]; const values = p[1][1]; if (!searchParams.facets) { searchParams.facets = {}; } searchParams.facets[facet] = values; } else { searchParams[p[0] as string] = p[1]; } } } ); return searchParams; } buildSolrUrl() { return this.construct()[0]; } } interface PaginationData { numFound: number; start: number; pageSize: number; } type QueryEvent = (object: T[], paging: PaginationData) => void; type FacetEvent = (object: FacetValue[]) => void; type ErrorEvent = (error: object) => void; type GetEvent = (object: T) => void; type MoreLikeThisEvent = (object: T[]) => void; interface SolrGet { doGet: (id: string | number) => void; onGet: (cb: GetEvent) => void; } interface SolrUpdate { doUpdate: (id: string | number, attr: string, value: string) => void; } interface SolrQuery { doQuery: (q: GenericSolrQuery) => void; doExport: (q: GenericSolrQuery) => void; onQuery: (cb: QueryEvent) => void; registerFacet: (facet: string[]) => (cb: FacetEvent) => void; refine: (q: GenericSolrQuery) => SolrQuery; } interface SolrHighlight { onHighlight: (cb: QueryEvent) => void; } interface SolrMoreLikeThis { doMoreLikeThis: (id: string | number) => void; onMoreLikeThis: (cb: MoreLikeThisEvent) => void; } interface SolrTransitions { clearEvents: () => void; getCoreConfig: () => SolrConfig; getNamespace: () => string; getCurrentParameters: () => SearchParams; stateTransition: (v: SearchParams) => void; } type SolrSchemaFieldDefinition = { type: string; schema: string; dynamicBase: string; docs: number; }; function mergeQuery( q1?: GenericSolrQuery, q2?: GenericSolrQuery ): GenericSolrQuery { if (!q1) { return q2 || { query: '*:* /* q2 */'}; } if (!q2) { return q1 || { query: '*:* /* q1 */'}; } return { query: '(' + q1.query + ') AND (' + q2.query + ')', rows: q1.rows || q2.rows, boost: q1.boost || q2.boost, sort: q1.sort || q2.sort }; } type SolrSchemaDefinition = { responseHeader: { status: number; QTime: number }; index: { numDocs: number; maxDoc: number, deletedDocs: number, indexHeapUsageBytes: number; version: number; segmentCount: number; current: boolean; hasDeletions: boolean; directory: string; segmentsFile: string; segmentsFileSizeInBytes: number; userData: { commitTimeMSec: string; commitCommandVer: string; }; lastModified: string; }, fields: { [key: string]: SolrSchemaFieldDefinition}; info: object; }; interface SolrSchema { getSchema: () => SolrSchemaDefinition; } // TODO - this needs a lot more definition to be useful interface GenericSolrQuery { query: string; boost?: string; sort?: string[]; rows?: number; } /** * See: */ interface HighlightQuery { method?: 'unified' | 'original' | 'fastVector' | 'postings'; fields: string[]; query?: string; qparser?: string; requireFieldMatch?: boolean; usePhraseHighlighter?: boolean; highlightMultiTerm?: boolean; snippets?: number; fragsize?: number; pre?: string; post?: string; encoder?: string; maxAnalyzedChars?: number; } interface SolrConfig { url: string; core: string; primaryKey: string; defaultSearchFields: string[]; fields: string[]; pageSize: number; prefix: string; fq?: [string, string]; qt?: string; } // This needs to be a global in case you trigger // a bunch of JSONP requests all at once let requestId: number = 0; class SolrCore implements SolrTransitions { solrConfig: SolrConfig; private events: { query: QueryEvent[], error: ErrorEvent[], get: GetEvent[], mlt: MoreLikeThisEvent[], facet: { [key: string]: FacetEvent[] }; }; private currentParameters: SearchParams = {}; private query?: GenericSolrQuery; private getCache = {}; private mltCache = {}; private refinements: SolrCore[] = []; constructor(solrConfig: SolrConfig) { this.solrConfig = solrConfig; this.clearEvents(); // this.onGet = this.memoize(this.onGet); } clearEvents() { = { query: [], error: [], get: [], mlt: [], facet: {} }; if (_.keys(this.getCache).length > 100) { this.getCache = {}; } if (_.keys(this.mltCache).length > 100) { this.mltCache = {}; } } getCoreConfig() { return this.solrConfig; } onQuery(op: QueryEvent) {; } refine(query: GenericSolrQuery) { // TODO - decide if the events should proxy // const obj: SolrCore = this; if (null == obj || 'object' !== typeof obj) { return obj; } const copy: SolrCore = new SolrCore(this.solrConfig); for (let attr in obj) { if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(attr) && attr !== 'events' && attr !== 'refinements' ) { copy[attr] = obj[attr]; } } copy.clearEvents(); copy.query = mergeQuery(query, this.query); this.refinements.push(copy); return copy; } registerFacet(facetNames: string[]) { const events =; return function facetBind(cb: FacetEvent) { // this works differently than the other event types because // you may not know in advance what all the facets should be (facetName) => { events[facetName] = (events[facetName] || []); events[facetName].push(cb); } ); }; } onError(op: ErrorEvent) {; } doMoreLikeThis(id: string | number) { this.prefetchMoreLikeThis(id, true); } getNamespace() { return ''; } prefetchMoreLikeThis(id: string | number, prefetch: boolean) { const self = this; if (!self.mltCache[id]) { const callback = 'cb_' + requestId++; const qb = new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('', null) ).moreLikeThis( 'mlt', // TODO - configurable self.solrConfig.primaryKey, id ).fl(self.solrConfig.fields).jsonp( callback ); const url = self.solrConfig.url + self.solrConfig.core + '/' + qb.buildSolrUrl(); fetchJsonp(url, { jsonpCallbackFunction: callback }).then( (data) => { data.json().then( (responseData) => { const mlt =; if (prefetch) { (event) => { event(Immutable(mlt)); } ); (doc) => { self.prefetchMoreLikeThis( doc[this.solrConfig.primaryKey], false ); } ); } (doc) => self.getCache[id] = responseData.doc ); self.mltCache[id] =; } ).catch( (error) => { (event) => event(error) ); } ); } ); } else { (event) => { event(Immutable(this.mltCache[id])); } ); } } onMoreLikeThis(op: (v: T[]) => void) {; } onGet(op: GetEvent) {; } doGet(id: string | number) { const self = this; const callback = 'cb_' + requestId++; const qb = new SolrQueryBuilder(() => new QueryBeingBuilt('', null)).get( id ).fl(this.solrConfig.fields).jsonp( callback ); const url = this.solrConfig.url + this.solrConfig.core + '/' + qb.buildSolrUrl(); if (!this.getCache[id]) { fetchJsonp(url, { jsonpCallbackFunction: callback }).then( (data) => { data.json().then( (responseData) => { (event) => event(Immutable(responseData.doc)) ); this.getCache[id] = responseData.doc; } ).catch( (error) => { (event) => event(error) ); } ); } ); } else { (event) => event(Immutable(this.getCache[id])) ); } } doQuery(desiredQuery: GenericSolrQuery, cb?: (qb: SolrQueryBuilder<{}>) => SolrQueryBuilder<{}>) { const self = this; // this lets you make one master datastore and refine off it, // and if no controls need it, it won't be run if ( > 0) { const callback = 'cb_' + (requestId++); // this lets the provided query override rows/boost const query: GenericSolrQuery = mergeQuery(desiredQuery, this.query); let qb = new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('', null), ); qb = this.solrConfig.defaultSearchFields, query.query ); if (this.solrConfig.qt) { qb = qb.qt(this.solrConfig.qt); } qb = qb.fl(this.solrConfig.fields).rows( query.rows || this.solrConfig.pageSize ); if (this.solrConfig.fq) { qb = qb.fq(this.solrConfig.fq[0], [this.solrConfig.fq[1]]); } if (query.boost) { qb =; } if (query.sort) { qb = qb.sort(query.sort); }, (v, k) => { qb = qb.requestFacet(k); } ); if (cb) { qb = cb(qb); } qb = qb.jsonp( callback ); const url = this.solrConfig.url + this.solrConfig.core + '/' + qb.buildSolrUrl(); fetchJsonp(url, { jsonpCallbackFunction: callback, timeout: 30000 }).then( (data) => { this.currentParameters = qb.buildCurrentParameters(); data.json().then( (responseData) => { (event) => event( Immutable(, Immutable({ numFound: responseData.response.numFound, start: responseData.response.start, pageSize: query.rows || 10 }) ) ); const facetCounts = responseData.facet_counts; if (facetCounts) { const facetFields = facetCounts.facet_fields; if (facetFields) {, (events, k) => { if (facetFields[k]) { const previousValues = (this.currentParameters.facets || {})[k]; const facetLabels = facetFields[k].filter( (v, i) => i % 2 === 0 ); const facetLabelCount = facetFields[k].filter( (v, i) => i % 2 === 1 ); const facetSelections = (value) => _.includes(previousValues, value) ); (event) => { event( _.zipWith(facetLabels, facetLabelCount, facetSelections).map( (facetData: [string, number, boolean]) => { return { value: facetData[0], count: facetData[1], checked: facetData[2] }; } )); } ); } } ); } } } ).catch( (error) => { (event) => event(error) ); } ); } ); } (refinement) => refinement.doQuery(desiredQuery, cb) ); } doUpdate(id: string | number, attr: string, value: string) { const self = this; const op = { id: id, }; op[attr] = { set: value }; const url = this.solrConfig.url + this.solrConfig.core + '/' + 'update?commit=true'; const http = new XMLHttpRequest(); const params = JSON.stringify(op);'POST', url, true); http.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); delete this.getCache[id]; http.onreadystatechange = function() { if (http.readyState === 4) { // trigger UI re-render - don't care if success or failure // because we might have succeeded but got a CORS error self.doGet(id); } }; http.send(params); } doExport() { const query = this.getCurrentParameters(); let qb = new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('', null), ).select().q( this.solrConfig.defaultSearchFields, query.query || '*' ).fl(this.solrConfig.fields) .rows( 2147483647 ); if (this.solrConfig.fq) { qb = qb.fq(this.solrConfig.fq[0], [this.solrConfig.fq[1]]); }, (v, k) => { qb = qb.requestFacet(k); } ); qb = qb.export(); const url = this.solrConfig.url + this.solrConfig.core + '/' + qb.buildSolrUrl();, '_blank'); } next(op: (event: SolrQueryBuilder) => SolrQueryBuilder) { const self = this; const qb = op( new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('', null) ) ).fl(self.solrConfig.fields); const url = self.solrConfig.url + self.solrConfig.core + '/select?' + qb.buildSolrUrl(); fetchJsonp(url).then( (data) => { data.json().catch( (error) => { (event) => event(error) ); } ).then( (responseData) => { (event) => event(Immutable( ); } ); } ); } stateTransition(newState: SearchParams) { if (newState.type === 'QUERY') { this.doQuery( { rows: this.solrConfig.pageSize, query: newState.query || '*', boost: newState.boost, sort: newState.sort }, (qb: SolrQueryBuilder<{}>) => { let response = qb.start( newState.start || 0 ); newState.facets, (values: string[], k: string) => { if (values.length > 0) { response = response.fq( k, values ); } } ); return response; } ); } else { throw 'INVALID STATE TRANSITION: ' + JSON.stringify(newState); } } getCurrentParameters(): SearchParams { return this.currentParameters; } } // TODO: I want a way to auto-generate these from Solr management APIs // TODO: This thing should provide some reflection capability so the // auto-registered version can be used to bind controls through // a properties picker UI class DataStore { cores: { [ keys: string ]: SolrCore } = {}; clearEvents() { this.cores, (v: SolrCore, k) => v.clearEvents() ); } registerCore(config: SolrConfig): SolrCore { // Check if this exists - Solr URL + core should be enough let key = config.url; if (!_.endsWith(key, '/')) { key += '/'; } key += config.core; if (!this.cores[key]) { this.cores[key] = new SolrCore(config); } return (this.cores[key] as SolrCore); } } class AutoConfiguredDataStore extends DataStore { private core: SolrCore & SolrGet & SolrQuery; private facets: string[]; private fields: string[]; getCore() { return this.core; } getFacets() { return this.facets; } getFields() { return this.fields; } autoconfigure( config: SolrConfig, complete: () => void, useFacet: (facet: string) => boolean ): void { const callback = 'cb_autoconfigure_' + config.core; useFacet = useFacet || ((facet: string) => true); let qb = new SolrQueryBuilder( () => new QueryBeingBuilt('', null), ).schema().jsonp( callback ); const url = config.url + config.core + '/' + qb.buildSolrUrl(); fetchJsonp(url, { jsonpCallbackFunction: callback }).then( (data) => { data.json().then( (responseData: SolrSchemaDefinition) => { // TODO cache aggressively const fields = _.toPairs(responseData.fields).filter( ([fieldName, fieldDef]) => { return > 0 && fieldDef.schema.match(/I.S............../); } ).map( ([fieldName, fieldDef]) => fieldName ); const defaultSearchFields = _.toPairs(responseData.fields).filter( ([fieldName, fieldDef]) => { return > 0 && fieldDef.schema.match(/I................/); } ).map( ([fieldName, fieldDef]) => fieldName ); const coreConfig = _.extend( {}, { primaryKey: 'id', fields: fields, defaultSearchFields: defaultSearchFields, pageSize: 50, prefix: config.core }, config ); this.core = new SolrCore(coreConfig); this.fields = fields; this.facets = fields.filter(useFacet); this.core.registerFacet(this.facets)(_.identity); complete(); } ); } ); } } type SingleComponent = (data: T, index?: number) => object | null | undefined; export { ErrorEvent, UrlParams, QueryParam, HighlightQuery, NamespacedUrlParam, UrlFragment, PaginationData, SavedSearch, SearchParams, QueryBeingBuilt, SolrQueryBuilder, SingleComponent, MoreLikeThisEvent, GetEvent, GenericSolrQuery, QueryEvent, FacetEvent, SolrConfig, SolrGet, SolrUpdate, SolrMoreLikeThis, SolrQuery, SolrHighlight, SolrTransitions, SolrCore, SolrSchemaFieldDefinition, SolrSchemaDefinition, SolrSchema, DataStore, AutoConfiguredDataStore };