VimUnDov+; JSݱhsqj!F(VVVVVs _Vm]\5_Vm`_5_*Vm`*Support scaling of viewport through camera5_Vmaa5_Vmb# 0.3.05_Vmbb5_Vmed5_ Volfe5_ Vszoji5_ Vszuml5_  Vsmm5_ Vs nn5_ Vs v u5_Vs ### Added5_Vs u u5_ Vs v# 0.4.05_ Vs v# [0.4.05_ Vs v # [0.4.0]5_ Vs v# [0.4.0] - 2015-12-175_Vs## [0.3.0] - 2015-12-035_ Vs t# 0.3.25_Vs t# 0.3.15_Vs t# 0.3.05_Vs t# 0.2.05_Vs t# 0.1.15_!Vs  "t# 0.1.05_&Vs%'t# 0.0.15_ *Vs)+t# 3.0.25_! .Vs-/t# 3.0.15_ "!2Vs13t# 3.0.05_!#"7Vs68t# 2.5.05_"$#;Vs:<t# 2.4.05_#%$BVsACt# 2.3.05_$&%FVsEGt# 2.2.05_%'&(Vs)(-u(*t5_&('-Vs:,-L## 3.0.2WFix keyboard events bubbling outside of game. Helps when a game is inside of an iframe.## 3.0.1/Fix infinite loop with unresolvable collisions.## 3.0.0MSimulate the game at the same frequency independant of the drawing framerate.rThere are no breaking API changes, but the games will run differently now, thus justifying a major version number.## 2.5.01Pause scenes and mute audio when tab loses focus.## 2.4.0:Add support for Game Center leaderboards and achievements.:Add support for In-App Purchases. Not to be used for evil!:Add new Button class to make animated buttons much easier.Add new Particle engine.## 2.3.0Add Animation.rotateClockwise()/.rotateCounterclockwise() and buffer.rotateClockwise()/.rotateCounterclickwise(). Add AnimationLoader support for rotation.## 2.2.0`Change Entity.solveCollisions() to return an array of entities that were involved in collisions.# 2.1.0Way better collision solving.# 2.0.03Implement volume control and change how mute works.# 1.3.0#Add openUrl(). And Mouse.onmouseup.# 1.2.0jAdd optional bounding rectangle to Mouse.isPressed(). This makes the API more similar to consumePressed().# 1.1.2Fix iPhone/iPad detection.# 1.1.1Include ad sizes.# 1.1.0;Add advertising support. Currently only uses iAd in Ejecta.# 1.0.16Fix mouse coordinates in Ejecta when canvas is scaled.# 1.0.0Convert save data to async API so it works with Chrome Apps. This is a breaking change, so respecting semver makes me bump the version to 1.0.0. :-/# 0.1.6VFix scaling on Ejecta. You must now specify canvas.width/height in JS instead of HTML.# 0.1.5;Fix font loading in Firefox. It doesn't like single quotes.5_')(*Vs>)+,## 0.0.05_(*)*Vs@)+, ## c0.0.05_)+** VsA)+, ## [0.0.05_*,+&VsC%',## 0.0.15_+-,!VsF ",## 0.1.05_,.-VsG,## 0.1.15_-/.VsH,## 0.2.05_.0/VsI,## 0.3.05_/10VsK,## 0.3.15_021 VsL ,## 0.3.25_132 VsO , ## 0.3.2]5_243VsQ, ## 0.3.1]5_354VsR, ## 0.3.0]5_465VsS, ## 0.2.0]5_576VsT, ## 0.1.1]5_687!VsU ", ## 0.1.0]5_7:8&VsV%', ## 0.0.1]5_8;9:Vs,,5_:<;Vs . -5_;=<Vs.## [0.4.0] - 2015-12-175_<>=Vs / .5_=?> Vs 5_>A? Vs /(Upgrade to entity-component-system 2.0.05_?B@AVs/&Add method to reset box collider cache5_ACBVs5_BDCVs5_CEDVs-&Un-scale the viewport when it is reset5_DGEVs-&Un-scale the viewport when it is reset5_EHFGVs-*Support scaling of viewport through camera5_GIHVs-3Draw custom buffer for an entity if it is specified5_HJIVs-%Support rotation when drawing images.5_IKJ Vs!-$Log more info on no such image error5_JLK$Vs#%-Add matchParent system.5_KML%Vs$&-'Allow sound loop start and end settings5_LNM)Vs(*-HAdd a way to remove a deleted entity from the collision detection cache.5_MPN-Vs,#Fork from original splatjs project.5_NQOP,Vs+,5_PRQ(Vs'(5_QSR#Vs"#5_RTSVs5_SUTVs5_TVUVs 5_UV Vs  '-5_NPO+Vs*-5_EGFVs-,S- upport scaling of viewport through camera5_?A@Vs/(A- dd method to reset box collider cache5_8:9Vs , ,## [0.4.0] - 2015-12-175_ Vs v ### Changed 5_ Vsmm# 0# Change LogDAll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.BThis project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( [Unreleased]## [0.3.0] - 2015-12-03 ### Added.4.05_ Vsmm# [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]0.4.05