declare module 'sql-template-strings' { export class SQLStatement { private strings: string[] /** * The SQL Statement for [node-postgres]( */ text: string /** * The SQL Statement for [Sequelize]( */ query: string /** * The SQL Statement for [mysql]( */ sql: string /** * The values to be inserted for the placeholders */ values: any[] /** * The name for postgres prepared statements, if set */ name: string /** * Appends a string or another statement * * ```ts * query.append(SQL`AND genre = ${genre}`).append(' ORDER BY rating') * query.text // => 'SELECT author FROM books WHERE name = $1 AND author = $2 AND genre = $3 ORDER BY rating' * query.sql // => 'SELECT author FROM books WHERE name = ? AND author = ? AND genre = ? ORDER BY rating' * query.values // => ['harry potter', 'J. K. Rowling', 'Fantasy'] ORDER BY rating` * * const query = SQL`SELECT * FROM books` * if ( { * query.append(SQL` WHERE name = ${}`) * } * query.append(SQL` LIMIT 10 OFFSET ${params.offset || 0}`) * ``` */ append (statement: SQLStatement | string | number): this /** * Sets the name property of this statement for prepared statements in postgres * * ```ts * pg.query(SQL`SELECT author FROM books WHERE name = ${book}`.setName('my_query')) * ``` */ setName (name: string): this /** * Use a prepared statement with Sequelize. * Makes `query` return a query with `$n` syntax instead of `?` and switches the `values` key name to `bind` * If omitted, `value` defaults to `true`. */ useBind (value?: boolean): this } /** * The template string tag * * ```ts * import {SQL} from 'sql-template-strings'; * * pg.query(SQL`SELECT author FROM books WHERE name = ${book} AND author = ${author}`) * ``` */ export function SQL (strings: any, ...values: any[]): SQLStatement export default SQL }