import { SQSClient, Message, QueueAttributeName } from "@aws-sdk/client-sqs"; /** * The options for the consumer. */ export interface ConsumerOptions { /** * The SQS queue URL. */ queueUrl: string; /** * List of queue attributes to retrieve, see [AWS docs]( * @defaultvalue `[]` */ attributeNames?: QueueAttributeName[]; /** * List of message attributes to retrieve (i.e. `['name', 'address']`). * @defaultvalue `[]` */ messageAttributeNames?: string[]; /** @hidden */ stopped?: boolean; /** * The number of messages to request from SQS when polling (default `1`). * * This cannot be higher than the * [AWS limit of 10]( * @defaultvalue `1` */ batchSize?: number; /** * The duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent * retrieve requests after being retrieved by a ReceiveMessage request. */ visibilityTimeout?: number; /** * The duration (in seconds) for which the call will wait for a message to arrive in * the queue before returning. * @defaultvalue `20` */ waitTimeSeconds?: number; /** * The duration (in milliseconds) to wait before retrying after an authentication error. * @defaultvalue `10000` */ authenticationErrorTimeout?: number; /** * The duration (in milliseconds) to wait before repolling the queue. * @defaultvalue `0` */ pollingWaitTimeMs?: number; /** * If you want the stop action to wait for the final poll to complete and in-flight messages * to be processed before emitting 'stopped' set this to the max amount of time to wait. * @defaultvalue `0` */ pollingCompleteWaitTimeMs?: number; /** * If true, sets the message visibility timeout to 0 after a `processing_error`. * @defaultvalue `false` */ terminateVisibilityTimeout?: boolean; /** * The interval (in seconds) between requests to extend the message visibility timeout. * * On each heartbeat the visibility is extended by adding `visibilityTimeout` to * the number of seconds since the start of the handler function. * * This value must less than `visibilityTimeout`. */ heartbeatInterval?: number; /** * An optional [SQS Client]( * object to use if you need to configure the client manually. */ sqs?: SQSClient; /** * The AWS region. * @defaultValue process.env.AWS_REGION || `eu-west-1` */ region?: string; /** * Set this value to false to ignore the `queueUrl` and use the * client's resolved endpoint, which may be a custom endpoint. * @defaultValue `true` */ useQueueUrlAsEndpoint?: boolean; /** * Time in ms to wait for `handleMessage` to process a message before timing out. * * Emits `timeout_error` on timeout. By default, if `handleMessage` times out, * the unprocessed message returns to the end of the queue. */ handleMessageTimeout?: number; /** * Default to `true`, if you don't want the package to delete messages from sqs * set this to `false`. * @defaultvalue `true` */ shouldDeleteMessages?: boolean; /** * By default, the consumer will treat an empty object or array from either of the * handlers as a acknowledgement of no messages and will not delete those messages as * a result. Set this to `true` to always acknowledge all messages no matter the returned * value. * @defaultvalue `false` */ alwaysAcknowledge?: boolean; /** * An `async` function (or function that returns a `Promise`) to be called whenever * a message is received. * * In the case that you need to acknowledge the message, return an object containing * the MessageId that you'd like to acknowledge. */ handleMessage?(message: Message): Promise; /** * An `async` function (or function that returns a `Promise`) to be called whenever * a batch of messages is received. Similar to `handleMessage` but will receive the * list of messages, not each message individually. * * **If both are set, `handleMessageBatch` overrides `handleMessage`**. * * In the case that you need to ack only some of the messages, return an array with * the successful messages only. */ handleMessageBatch?(messages: Message[]): Promise; /** * An `async` function (or function that returns a `Promise`) to be called right * before the SQS Client sends a receive message command. * * This function is usefull if SQS Client module exports have been modified, for * example to add middlewares. */ preReceiveMessageCallback?(): Promise; /** * An `async` function (or function that returns a `Promise`) to be called right * after the SQS Client sends a receive message command. * * This function is usefull if SQS Client module exports have been modified, for * example to add middlewares. */ postReceiveMessageCallback?(): Promise; /** * Set this to `true` if you want to receive additional information about the error * that occurred from AWS, such as the response and metadata. */ extendedAWSErrors?: boolean; } /** * A subset of the ConsumerOptions that can be updated at runtime. */ export type UpdatableOptions = "visibilityTimeout" | "batchSize" | "waitTimeSeconds" | "pollingWaitTimeMs"; /** * The options for the stop method. */ export interface StopOptions { /** * Default to `false`, if you want the stop action to also abort requests to SQS * set this to `true`. * @defaultvalue `false` */ abort?: boolean; } /** * These are the events that the consumer emits. */ export interface Events { /** * Fired after one batch of items (up to `batchSize`) has been successfully processed. */ response_processed: []; /** * Fired when the queue is empty (All messages have been consumed). */ empty: []; /** * Fired when a message is received. */ message_received: [Message]; /** * Fired when a message is successfully processed and removed from the queue. */ message_processed: [Message]; /** * Fired when an error occurs interacting with the queue. * * If the error correlates to a message, that message is included in Params */ error: [Error, void | Message | Message[]]; /** * Fired when `handleMessageTimeout` is supplied as an option and if * `handleMessage` times out. */ timeout_error: [Error, Message]; /** * Fired when an error occurs processing the message. */ processing_error: [Error, Message]; /** * Fired when requests to SQS were aborted. */ aborted: []; /** * Fired when the consumer starts its work.. */ started: []; /** * Fired when the consumer finally stops its work. */ stopped: []; /** * Fired when an option is updated */ option_updated: [UpdatableOptions, ConsumerOptions[UpdatableOptions]]; /** * Fired when the Consumer is waiting for polling to complete before stopping. */ waiting_for_polling_to_complete: []; /** * Fired when the Consumer has waited for polling to complete and is stopping due to a timeout. */ waiting_for_polling_to_complete_timeout_exceeded: []; } /** * The error object that is emitted with error events from AWS. */ export type AWSError = { /** * Name, eg. ConditionalCheckFailedException */ readonly name: string; /** * Human-readable error response message */ message: string; /** * Non-standard stacktrace */ stack?: string; /** * Whether the client or server are at fault. */ readonly $fault: "client" | "server"; /** * Represents an HTTP message as received in reply to a request */ readonly $response?: { /** * The status code of the HTTP response. */ statusCode?: number; /** * The headers of the HTTP message. */ headers: Record; /** * The body of the HTTP message. * Can be: ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | string | Uint8Array | Readable | ReadableStream */ body?: any; }; /** * The service that encountered the exception. */ readonly $service?: string; /** * Indicates that an error MAY be retried by the client. */ readonly $retryable?: { /** * Indicates that the error is a retryable throttling error. */ readonly throttling?: boolean; }; readonly $metadata: { /** * The status code of the last HTTP response received for this operation. */ readonly httpStatusCode?: number; /** * A unique identifier for the last request sent for this operation. Often * requested by AWS service teams to aid in debugging. */ readonly requestId?: string; /** * A secondary identifier for the last request sent. Used for debugging. */ readonly extendedRequestId?: string; /** * A tertiary identifier for the last request sent. Used for debugging. */ readonly cfId?: string; /** * The number of times this operation was attempted. */ readonly attempts?: number; /** * The total amount of time (in milliseconds) that was spent waiting between * retry attempts. */ readonly totalRetryDelay?: number; }; };