import { CopyTuple, IMap, ICopy, ICpu } from './interfaces'; import { Options, BrowserSyncInstance } from 'browser-sync'; export declare const cwd: string; /** * Clean * Removes file(s) using provided glob(s). * * @param globs glob or array of glob strings. */ export declare function clean(globs: string | string[]): void; /** * Copy * Copies source to target. Does NOT support globs. * * @param src the source path to be copied. * @param dest the destination path to copy to. */ export declare function copy(src: string, dest: string): boolean; /** * Copy All * Takes collection and copies to destination. * * @param copies collection of source and destination targets. */ export declare function copyAll(copies: CopyTuple[] | CopyTuple | IMap | string[]): { success: any; failed: any; }; /** * Pkg * Loads the package.json file for project or saves package.json. * * @param val the package.json object to be written to file. */ export declare function pkg(val?: any): any; /** * Bump * : Bumps the package version. * * @param type the release type to increment the package by. */ export declare function bump(type?: 'major' | 'premajor' | 'minor' | 'preminor' | 'patch' | 'prepatch' | 'prerelease'): { name: any; version: any; previous: any; current: any; }; /** * Serve * Hook to Browser Sync accepts name and options returning a Browser Sync Server Instance. * @see * * @param name the name of the server or Browser Sync options. * @param options the Browser Sync Options. */ export declare function serve(name?: string | Options, options?: Options | boolean, init?: boolean): BrowserSyncInstance; /** * Platform * Gets information and paths for the current platform. */ export declare function platform(): { platform: any; arch: string; release: string; hostname: string; homedir: string; cpu: ICpu; };