import React, { ComponentProps } from 'react'; import PrettyPropType from 'storybook-pretty-props'; declare type StyleSheet = Record; export declare type ComponentMap = Record['propType']; }>; }>; interface Node { /** The type of node */ type: string; /** The HTML tag to use to render the node */ tagName: string; /** Properties of the HTML node to create */ properties: { /** The classNames to put on the node */ className: string[]; /** The style object to put on the node */ style?: React.CSSProperties; }; /** The children of the HTML node to create */ children: React.ReactNode; /** The value of the node to create */ value?: string; } interface RenderRows { /** A row to render in the highlighted output */ rows: Node[]; /** The stylesheet to use to style the highlighted output */ stylesheet: StyleSheet; /** Whether to inline all of the styles in the highlighted output */ useInlineStyles?: boolean; } /** Render a row from the react-syntax-highlighter output */ declare const jsxRenderer: (components: Record | undefined; }>) => ({ rows, stylesheet, useInlineStyles }: RenderRows) => (string | JSX.Element | undefined)[]; export default jsxRenderer;