#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict' var yargs = require( 'yargs' ) var stylint = require( '../' ) var options = yargs .usage( 'Usage: $0 [dir | file] ' ) .option( 'watch', { alias: 'w', describe: 'Watch file or directory and run lint on change', type: 'boolean' } ) .option( 'config', { alias: 'c', describe: 'Location of custom config file', type: 'string' } ) .option( 'strict', { alias: 's', describe: 'Run all tests, regardless of config', type: 'boolean' } ) .option( 'reporter', { alias: 'r', describe: 'Custom reporter npm module name', type: 'string', requiresArg: true } ) .version( function() { return 'Stylint version: ' + require( '../package' ).version } ) .alias( 'version', 'v' ) .help( 'help' ) .alias( 'help', 'h' ) .alias( 'help', '?' ) .example( '$0 directory', 'Run Stylint on all .styl-files in "directory"' ) .epilogue( 'GPL-3.0 License' ) .argv stylint().create( {}, { watch: options.watch, config: options.config, strict: options.strict, reporter: options.reporter }, options._.length > 1 ? options._ : options._[0] )