declare module 'svelte' { export interface ComponentConstructorOptions< Props extends Record = Record > { target: Element | Document | ShadowRoot; anchor?: Element; props?: Props; context?: Map; hydrate?: boolean; intro?: boolean; $$inline?: boolean; } /** * Convenience type to get the events the given component expects. Example: * ```html * * * * ``` */ export type ComponentEvents = Component extends SvelteComponent ? Events : never; /** * Convenience type to get the props the given component expects. Example: * ```html * * ``` */ export type ComponentProps = Component extends SvelteComponent ? Props : never; /** * Convenience type to get the type of a Svelte component. Useful for example in combination with * dynamic components using ``. * * Example: * ```html * * * * * ``` */ export type ComponentType = (new ( options: ComponentConstructorOptions< Component extends SvelteComponent ? Props : Record > ) => Component) & { /** The custom element version of the component. Only present if compiled with the `customElement` compiler option */ element?: typeof HTMLElement; }; interface DispatchOptions { cancelable?: boolean; } interface EventDispatcher> { // Implementation notes: // - undefined extends X instead of X extends undefined makes this work better with both strict and nonstrict mode // - | null | undefined is added for convenience, as they are equivalent for the custom event constructor (both result in a null detail) ( ...args: null extends EventMap[Type] ? [type: Type, parameter?: EventMap[Type] | null | undefined, options?: DispatchOptions] : undefined extends EventMap[Type] ? [type: Type, parameter?: EventMap[Type] | null | undefined, options?: DispatchOptions] : [type: Type, parameter: EventMap[Type], options?: DispatchOptions] ): boolean; } /** * Base class for Svelte components. Used when dev=false. * * */ class SvelteComponent_1 = any, Events extends Record = any> { /** * ### PRIVATE API * * Do not use, may change at any time * * */ $$: any; /** * ### PRIVATE API * * Do not use, may change at any time * * */ $$set: any; $destroy(): void; $on>(type: K, callback: ((e: Events[K]) => void) | null | undefined): () => void; $set(props: Partial): void; } /** * Base class for Svelte components with some minor dev-enhancements. Used when dev=true. * * Can be used to create strongly typed Svelte components. * * #### Example: * * You have component library on npm called `component-library`, from which * you export a component called `MyComponent`. For Svelte+TypeScript users, * you want to provide typings. Therefore you create a `index.d.ts`: * ```ts * import { SvelteComponent } from "svelte"; * export class MyComponent extends SvelteComponent<{foo: string}> {} * ``` * Typing this makes it possible for IDEs like VS Code with the Svelte extension * to provide intellisense and to use the component like this in a Svelte file * with TypeScript: * ```svelte * * * ``` * */ export class SvelteComponent = any, Events extends Record = any, Slots extends Record = any> extends SvelteComponent_1 { [prop: string]: any; constructor(options: ComponentConstructorOptions); /** * For type checking capabilities only. * Does not exist at runtime. * ### DO NOT USE! * * */ $$prop_def: Props; /** * For type checking capabilities only. * Does not exist at runtime. * ### DO NOT USE! * * */ $$events_def: Events; /** * For type checking capabilities only. * Does not exist at runtime. * ### DO NOT USE! * * */ $$slot_def: Slots; $capture_state(): void; $inject_state(): void; } /** * @deprecated Use `SvelteComponent` instead. See PR for more information: * */ export class SvelteComponentTyped = any, Events extends Record = any, Slots extends Record = any> extends SvelteComponent { } /** * Schedules a callback to run immediately before the component is updated after any state change. * * The first time the callback runs will be before the initial `onMount` * * * */ export function beforeUpdate(fn: () => any): void; /** * The `onMount` function schedules a callback to run as soon as the component has been mounted to the DOM. * It must be called during the component's initialisation (but doesn't need to live *inside* the component; * it can be called from an external module). * * If a function is returned _synchronously_ from `onMount`, it will be called when the component is unmounted. * * `onMount` does not run inside a [server-side component]( * * * */ export function onMount(fn: () => NotFunction | Promise> | (() => any)): void; /** * Schedules a callback to run immediately after the component has been updated. * * The first time the callback runs will be after the initial `onMount` * * * */ export function afterUpdate(fn: () => any): void; /** * Schedules a callback to run immediately before the component is unmounted. * * Out of `onMount`, `beforeUpdate`, `afterUpdate` and `onDestroy`, this is the * only one that runs inside a server-side component. * * * */ export function onDestroy(fn: () => any): void; /** * Creates an event dispatcher that can be used to dispatch [component events]( * Event dispatchers are functions that can take two arguments: `name` and `detail`. * * Component events created with `createEventDispatcher` create a * [CustomEvent]( * These events do not [bubble]( * The `detail` argument corresponds to the [CustomEvent.detail]( * property and can contain any type of data. * * The event dispatcher can be typed to narrow the allowed event names and the type of the `detail` argument: * ```ts * const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ * loaded: never; // does not take a detail argument * change: string; // takes a detail argument of type string, which is required * optional: number | null; // takes an optional detail argument of type number * }>(); * ``` * * * */ export function createEventDispatcher = any>(): EventDispatcher; /** * Associates an arbitrary `context` object with the current component and the specified `key` * and returns that object. The context is then available to children of the component * (including slotted content) with `getContext`. * * Like lifecycle functions, this must be called during component initialisation. * * * */ export function setContext(key: any, context: T): T; /** * Retrieves the context that belongs to the closest parent component with the specified `key`. * Must be called during component initialisation. * * * */ export function getContext(key: any): T; /** * Retrieves the whole context map that belongs to the closest parent component. * Must be called during component initialisation. Useful, for example, if you * programmatically create a component and want to pass the existing context to it. * * * */ export function getAllContexts = Map>(): T; /** * Checks whether a given `key` has been set in the context of a parent component. * Must be called during component initialisation. * * * */ export function hasContext(key: any): boolean; export function tick(): Promise; /** * Anything except a function */ type NotFunction = T extends Function ? never : T; } declare module 'svelte/compiler' { import type { AssignmentExpression, Node, Program } from 'estree'; import type { SourceMap } from 'magic-string'; export { walk } from 'estree-walker'; interface BaseNode { start: number; end: number; type: string; children?: TemplateNode[]; [prop_name: string]: any; } interface Text extends BaseNode { type: 'Text'; data: string; } interface MustacheTag extends BaseNode { type: 'MustacheTag' | 'RawMustacheTag'; expression: Node; } interface Comment extends BaseNode { type: 'Comment'; data: string; ignores: string[]; } interface ConstTag extends BaseNode { type: 'ConstTag'; expression: AssignmentExpression; } interface DebugTag extends BaseNode { type: 'DebugTag'; identifiers: Node[]; } type DirectiveType = | 'Action' | 'Animation' | 'Binding' | 'Class' | 'StyleDirective' | 'EventHandler' | 'Let' | 'Ref' | 'Transition'; interface BaseDirective extends BaseNode { type: DirectiveType; name: string; } interface BaseExpressionDirective extends BaseDirective { type: DirectiveType; expression: null | Node; name: string; modifiers: string[]; } interface Element extends BaseNode { type: | 'InlineComponent' | 'SlotTemplate' | 'Title' | 'Slot' | 'Element' | 'Head' | 'Options' | 'Window' | 'Document' | 'Body'; attributes: Array; name: string; } interface Attribute extends BaseNode { type: 'Attribute'; name: string; value: any[]; } interface SpreadAttribute extends BaseNode { type: 'Spread'; expression: Node; } interface Transition extends BaseExpressionDirective { type: 'Transition'; intro: boolean; outro: boolean; } type Directive = BaseDirective | BaseExpressionDirective | Transition; type TemplateNode = | Text | ConstTag | DebugTag | MustacheTag | BaseNode | Element | Attribute | SpreadAttribute | Directive | Transition | Comment; interface Script extends BaseNode { type: 'Script'; context: string; content: Program; } interface Style extends BaseNode { type: 'Style'; attributes: any[]; // TODO children: any[]; // TODO add CSS node types content: { start: number; end: number; styles: string; }; } interface Ast { html: TemplateNode; css?: Style; instance?: Script; module?: Script; } interface Warning { start?: { line: number; column: number; pos?: number }; end?: { line: number; column: number }; pos?: number; code: string; message: string; filename?: string; frame?: string; toString: () => string; } export type EnableSourcemap = boolean | { js: boolean; css: boolean }; export type CssHashGetter = (args: { name: string; filename: string | undefined; css: string; hash: (input: string) => string; }) => string; export interface CompileOptions { /** * Sets the name of the resulting JavaScript class (though the compiler will rename it if it would otherwise conflict with other variables in scope). * It will normally be inferred from `filename` * * @default 'Component' */ name?: string; /** * Used for debugging hints and sourcemaps. Your bundler plugin will set it automatically. * * @default null */ filename?: string; /** * If `"dom"`, Svelte emits a JavaScript class for mounting to the DOM. * If `"ssr"`, Svelte emits an object with a `render` method suitable for server-side rendering. * If `false`, no JavaScript or CSS is returned; just metadata. * * @default 'dom' */ generate?: 'dom' | 'ssr' | false; /** * If `"throw"`, Svelte throws when a compilation error occurred. * If `"warn"`, Svelte will treat errors as warnings and add them to the warning report. * * @default 'throw' */ errorMode?: 'throw' | 'warn'; /** * If `"strict"`, Svelte returns a variables report with only variables that are not globals nor internals. * If `"full"`, Svelte returns a variables report with all detected variables. * If `false`, no variables report is returned. * * @default 'strict' */ varsReport?: 'full' | 'strict' | false; /** * An initial sourcemap that will be merged into the final output sourcemap. * This is usually the preprocessor sourcemap. * * @default null */ sourcemap?: object | string; /** * If `true`, Svelte generate sourcemaps for components. * Use an object with `js` or `css` for more granular control of sourcemap generation. * * @default true */ enableSourcemap?: EnableSourcemap; /** * Used for your JavaScript sourcemap. * * @default null */ outputFilename?: string; /** * Used for your CSS sourcemap. * * @default null */ cssOutputFilename?: string; /** * The location of the `svelte` package. * Any imports from `svelte` or `svelte/[module]` will be modified accordingly. * * @default 'svelte' */ sveltePath?: string; /** * If `true`, causes extra code to be added to components that will perform runtime checks and provide debugging information during development. * * @default false */ dev?: boolean; /** * If `true`, getters and setters will be created for the component's props. If `false`, they will only be created for readonly exported values (i.e. those declared with `const`, `class` and `function`). If compiling with `customElement: true` this option defaults to `true`. * * @default false */ accessors?: boolean; /** * If `true`, tells the compiler that you promise not to mutate any objects. * This allows it to be less conservative about checking whether values have changed. * * @default false */ immutable?: boolean; /** * If `true` when generating DOM code, enables the `hydrate: true` runtime option, which allows a component to upgrade existing DOM rather than creating new DOM from scratch. * When generating SSR code, this adds markers to `` elements so that hydration knows which to replace. * * @default false */ hydratable?: boolean; /** * If `true`, generates code that will work in IE9 and IE10, which don't support things like `element.dataset`. * * @default false */ legacy?: boolean; /** * If `true`, tells the compiler to generate a custom element constructor instead of a regular Svelte component. * * @default false */ customElement?: boolean; /** * A `string` that tells Svelte what tag name to register the custom element with. * It must be a lowercase alphanumeric string with at least one hyphen, e.g. `"my-element"`. * * @default null */ tag?: string; /** * - `'injected'` (formerly `true`), styles will be included in the JavaScript class and injected at runtime for the components actually rendered. * - `'external'` (formerly `false`), the CSS will be returned in the `css` field of the compilation result. Most Svelte bundler plugins will set this to `'external'` and use the CSS that is statically generated for better performance, as it will result in smaller JavaScript bundles and the output can be served as cacheable `.css` files. * - `'none'`, styles are completely avoided and no CSS output is generated. */ css?: 'injected' | 'external' | 'none' | boolean; /** * A `number` that tells Svelte to break the loop if it blocks the thread for more than `loopGuardTimeout` ms. * This is useful to prevent infinite loops. * **Only available when `dev: true`**. * * @default 0 */ loopGuardTimeout?: number; /** * The namespace of the element; e.g., `"mathml"`, `"svg"`, `"foreign"`. * * @default 'html' */ namespace?: string; /** * A function that takes a `{ hash, css, name, filename }` argument and returns the string that is used as a classname for scoped CSS. * It defaults to returning `svelte-${hash(css)}`. * * @default undefined */ cssHash?: CssHashGetter; /** * If `true`, your HTML comments will be preserved during server-side rendering. By default, they are stripped out. * * @default false */ preserveComments?: boolean; /** * If `true`, whitespace inside and between elements is kept as you typed it, rather than removed or collapsed to a single space where possible. * * @default false */ preserveWhitespace?: boolean; /** * If `true`, exposes the Svelte major version in the browser by adding it to a `Set` stored in the global `window.__svelte.v`. * * @default true */ discloseVersion?: boolean; } interface ParserOptions { filename?: string; customElement?: boolean; css?: 'injected' | 'external' | 'none' | boolean; } interface Var { name: string; /** the `bar` in `export { foo as bar }` or `export let bar` */ export_name?: string; /** true if assigned a boolean default value (`export let foo = true`) */ is_boolean?: boolean; injected?: boolean; module?: boolean; mutated?: boolean; reassigned?: boolean; referenced?: boolean; // referenced from template scope referenced_from_script?: boolean; // referenced from script writable?: boolean; // used internally, but not exposed global?: boolean; internal?: boolean; // event handlers, bindings initialised?: boolean; hoistable?: boolean; subscribable?: boolean; is_reactive_dependency?: boolean; imported?: boolean; } interface CssResult { code: string; map: SourceMap; } /** The returned shape of `compile` from `svelte/compiler` */ export interface CompileResult { /** The resulting JavaScript code from compling the component */ js: { /** Code as a string */ code: string; /** A source map */ map: any; }; /** The resulting CSS code from compling the component */ css: CssResult; /** The abstract syntax tree representing the structure of the component */ ast: Ast; /** * An array of warning objects that were generated during compilation. Each warning has several properties: * - code is a string identifying the category of warning * - message describes the issue in human-readable terms * - start and end, if the warning relates to a specific location, are objects with line, column and character properties * - frame, if applicable, is a string highlighting the offending code with line numbers * */ warnings: Warning[]; /** An array of the component's declarations used by tooling in the ecosystem (like our ESLint plugin) to infer more information */ vars: Var[]; /** An object used by the Svelte developer team for diagnosing the compiler. Avoid relying on it to stay the same! */ stats: { timings: { total: number; }; }; } /** * The result of a preprocessor run. If the preprocessor does not return a result, it is assumed that the code is unchanged. */ export interface Processed { /** * The new code */ code: string; /** * A source map mapping back to the original code */ map?: string | object; // we are opaque with the type here to avoid dependency on the remapping module for our public types. /** * A list of additional files to watch for changes */ dependencies?: string[]; /** * Only for script/style preprocessors: The updated attributes to set on the tag. If undefined, attributes stay unchanged. */ attributes?: Record; toString?: () => string; } /** * A markup preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version. */ export type MarkupPreprocessor = (options: { /** * The whole Svelte file content */ content: string; /** * The filename of the Svelte file */ filename?: string; }) => Processed | void | Promise; /** * A script/style preprocessor that takes a string of code and returns a processed version. */ export type Preprocessor = (options: { /** * The script/style tag content */ content: string; /** * The attributes on the script/style tag */ attributes: Record; /** * The whole Svelte file content */ markup: string; /** * The filename of the Svelte file */ filename?: string; }) => Processed | void | Promise; /** * A preprocessor group is a set of preprocessors that are applied to a Svelte file. */ export interface PreprocessorGroup { /** Name of the preprocessor. Will be a required option in the next major version */ name?: string; markup?: MarkupPreprocessor; style?: Preprocessor; script?: Preprocessor; } /** * Utility type to extract the type of a preprocessor from a preprocessor group */ export interface SveltePreprocessor< PreprocessorType extends keyof PreprocessorGroup, Options = any > { (options?: Options): Required>; } /** * `compile` takes your component source code, and turns it into a JavaScript module that exports a class. * * * */ export function compile(source: string, options?: CompileOptions): CompileResult; /** * The parse function parses a component, returning only its abstract syntax tree. * * * */ export function parse(template: string, options?: ParserOptions): Ast; /** * The preprocess function provides convenient hooks for arbitrarily transforming component source code. * For example, it can be used to convert a