export interface A11yMethods {} export interface A11yEvents {} export interface A11yOptions { /** * Enables A11y * * @default true */ enabled?: boolean; /** * Message for screen readers for previous button * * @default 'Previous slide' */ prevSlideMessage?: string; /** * Message for screen readers for next button * * @default 'Next slide' */ nextSlideMessage?: string; /** * Message for screen readers for previous button when swiper is on first slide * * @default 'This is the first slide' */ firstSlideMessage?: string; /** * Message for screen readers for previous button when swiper is on last slide * * @default 'This is the last slide' */ lastSlideMessage?: string; /** * Message for screen readers for single pagination bullet * * @default 'Go to slide {{index}}' */ paginationBulletMessage?: string; /** * CSS class name of a11 notification * * @default 'swiper-notification' */ notificationClass?: string; }