import { A11yOptions } from './modules/a11y'; import { AutoplayOptions } from './modules/autoplay'; import { ControllerOptions } from './modules/controller'; import { CoverflowEffectOptions } from './modules/effect-coverflow'; import { CubeEffectOptions } from './modules/effect-cube'; import { FadeEffectOptions } from './modules/effect-fade'; import { FlipEffectOptions } from './modules/effect-flip'; import { CreativeEffectOptions } from './modules/effect-creative'; import { CardsEffectOptions } from './modules/effect-cards'; import { HashNavigationOptions } from './modules/hash-navigation'; import { HistoryOptions } from './modules/history'; import { KeyboardOptions } from './modules/keyboard'; import { LazyOptions } from './modules/lazy'; import { MousewheelOptions } from './modules/mousewheel'; import { NavigationOptions } from './modules/navigation'; import { PaginationOptions } from './modules/pagination'; import { ParallaxOptions } from './modules/parallax'; import { ScrollbarOptions } from './modules/scrollbar'; import { ThumbsOptions } from './modules/thumbs'; import { VirtualOptions } from './modules/virtual'; import { ZoomOptions } from './modules/zoom'; import { FreeModeOptions } from './modules/free-mode'; import { GridOptions } from './modules/grid'; import { CSSSelector, SwiperModule } from './shared'; import { SwiperEvents } from './swiper-events'; export interface SwiperOptions { /** * Array with Swiper modules * * @example * ```js * import Swiper, { Navigation, Pagination } from 'swiper'; * * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * modules: [ Navigation, Pagination ], * }); * ``` */ modules?: SwiperModule[]; /** * Whether Swiper should be initialised automatically when you create an instance. * If disabled, then you need to init it manually by calling `swiper.init()` * * @default true */ init?: boolean; /** * Whether Swiper initially enabled. When Swiper is disabled, it will hide all navigation elements and won't respond to any events and interactions * * @default true */ enabled?: boolean; /** * Swiper will recalculate slides position on window resize (orientationchange) * * @default true */ updateOnWindowResize?: boolean; /** * When enabled it will use ResizeObserver (if supported by browser) on swiper container to detect container resize (instead of watching for window resize) * * @default true */ resizeObserver?: boolean; /** * Index number of initial slide. * * @default 0 */ initialSlide?: number; /** * Can be `'horizontal'` or `'vertical'` (for vertical slider). * * @default 'horizontal' */ direction?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'; /** * Duration of transition between slides (in ms) * * @default 300 */ speed?: number; /** * Enabled this option and plugin will set width/height on swiper wrapper equal to total size of all slides. * Mostly should be used as compatibility fallback option for browser that don't support flexbox layout well * * @default false */ setWrapperSize?: boolean; /** * Enabled this option and swiper will be operated as usual except it will not move, real translate values on wrapper will not be set. * Useful when you may need to create custom slide transition * * @default false */ virtualTranslate?: boolean; /** * Swiper width (in px). Parameter allows to force Swiper width. * Useful only if you initialize Swiper when it is hidden and in SSR and Test environments for correct Swiper initialization * * @default null * * @note Setting this parameter will make Swiper not responsive */ width?: number | null; /** * Swiper height (in px). Parameter allows to force Swiper height. * Useful only if you initialize Swiper when it is hidden and in SSR and Test environments for correct Swiper initialization * * @default null * * @note Setting this parameter will make Swiper not responsive */ height?: number | null; /** * Set to `true` and slider wrapper will adapt its height to the height of the currently active slide * * @default false */ autoHeight?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` to round values of slides width and height to prevent blurry texts on usual * resolution screens (if you have such) * * @default false */ roundLengths?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` on Swiper for correct touch events interception. Use only on * swipers that use same direction as the parent one * * @default false */ nested?: boolean; /** * When enabled Swiper will automatically wrap slides with swiper-wrapper element, * and will create required elements for navigation, pagination and scrollbar * they are enabled (with their respective params object or with boolean `true`)) * * @default false */ createElements?: boolean; /** * CSS selector for focusable elements. Swiping will be disabled on such elements if they are "focused" * * @default 'input, select, option, textarea, button, video, label' */ focusableElements?: string; /** * If enabled (by default) and navigation elements' parameters passed as a string (like `".pagination"`) * then Swiper will look for such elements through child elements first. * Applies for pagination, prev/next buttons and scrollbar elements * * @default true */ uniqueNavElements?: boolean; /** * Transition effect. Can be `'slide'`, `'fade'`, `'cube'`, `'coverflow'`, `'flip'` or `'creative'` * * @default 'slide' */ effect?: 'slide' | 'fade' | 'cube' | 'coverflow' | 'flip' | 'creative' | 'cards'; /** * Fire Transition/SlideChange/Start/End events on swiper initialization. * Such events will be fired on initialization in case of your initialSlide is not 0, or you use loop mode * * @default true */ runCallbacksOnInit?: boolean; /** * When enabled Swiper will be disabled and hide navigation buttons on * case there are not enough slides for sliding. * * @default true */ watchOverflow?: boolean; /** * userAgent string. Required for browser/device detection when rendered on server-side * * @default null */ userAgent?: string | null; /** * Required for active slide detection when rendered on server-side and enabled history * * @default null */ url?: string | null; /** * Register event handlers */ on?: { [event in keyof SwiperEvents]?: SwiperEvents[event]; }; /** * Add event listener that will be fired on all events * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * onAny(eventName, ...args) { * console.log('Event: ', eventName); * console.log('Event data: ', args); * } * }); * ``` */ onAny?(handler: (eventName: string, ...args: any[]) => void): void; /** * When enabled it will use modern CSS Scroll Snap API. * It doesn't support all of Swiper's features, but potentially should bring a much better performance in simple configurations. * * This is what is not supported when it is enabled: * * - Cube and Cards effects * - `speed` parameter may not have no effect * - All transition start/end related events (use `slideChange` instead) * - `slidesPerGroup` has limited support * - `simulateTouch` doesn't have effect and "dragging" with mouse doesn't work * - `resistance` doesn't have any effect * - `allowSlidePrev/Next` * - `swipeHandler` * - `freeMode` and all relevant features * * @default false */ cssMode?: boolean; // Slides grid /** * Distance between slides in px. * * @default 0 * * @note If you use "margin" css property to the elements which go into Swiper in which you pass "spaceBetween" into, navigation might not work properly. */ spaceBetween?: number; /** * Number of slides per view (slides visible at the same time on slider's container). * @note If you use it with "auto" value and along with `loop: true` then you need to specify `loopedSlides` parameter with amount of slides to loop (duplicate) * @note `slidesPerView: 'auto'` is currently not compatible with multirow mode, when `grid.rows` > 1 * * @default 1 */ slidesPerView?: number | 'auto'; /** * If total number of slides less than specified here value, then Swiper will enable `backface-visibility: hidden` on slide elements to reduce visual "flicker" in Safari. * * @note It is not recommended to enable it on large amount of slides as it will reduce performance * * @default 10 */ maxBackfaceHiddenSlides?: number; /** * Set numbers of slides to define and enable group sliding. Useful to use with slidesPerView > 1 * * @default 1 */ slidesPerGroup?: number; /** * The parameter works in the following way: If `slidesPerGroupSkip` equals `0` (default), no slides are excluded from grouping, and the resulting behaviour is the same as without this change. * * If `slidesPerGroupSkip` is equal or greater than `1` the first X slides are treated as single groups, whereas all following slides are grouped by the `slidesPerGroup` value. * * @default 0 */ slidesPerGroupSkip?: number; /** * This param intended to be used only with `slidesPerView: 'auto'` and `slidesPerGroup: 1`. When enabled, it will skip all slides in view on `.slideNext()` & `.slidePrev()` methods calls, on Navigation "buttons" clicks and in autoplay. * * @default false */ slidesPerGroupAuto?: boolean; /** * If `true`, then active slide will be centered, not always on the left side. * * @default false */ centeredSlides?: boolean; /** * If `true`, then active slide will be centered without adding gaps at the beginning and end of slider. * Required `centeredSlides: true`. Not intended to be used with `loop` or `pagination` * * @default false */ centeredSlidesBounds?: boolean; /** * Add (in px) additional slide offset in the beginning of the container (before all slides) * * @default 0 */ slidesOffsetBefore?: number; /** * Add (in px) additional slide offset in the end of the container (after all slides) * * @default 0 */ slidesOffsetAfter?: number; /** * Normalize slide index. * * @default true */ normalizeSlideIndex?: boolean; /** * When enabled it center slides if the amount of slides less than `slidesPerView`. Not intended to be used `loop` mode and `grid.rows` * * @default false */ centerInsufficientSlides?: boolean; /** * This option may a little improve desktop usability. If `true`, user will see the "grab" cursor when hover on Swiper * * @default false */ grabCursor?: boolean; /** * Target element to listen touch events on. Can be `'container'` (to listen for touch events on swiper) or `'wrapper'` * (to listen for touch events on swiper-wrapper) * * @default 'wrapper' */ touchEventsTarget?: 'container' | 'wrapper'; /** * Touch ratio * * @default 1 */ touchRatio?: number; /** * Allowable angle (in degrees) to trigger touch move * * @default 45 */ touchAngle?: number; /** * If `true`, Swiper will accept mouse events like touch events (click and drag to change slides) * * @default true */ simulateTouch?: boolean; /** * Set to `false` if you want to disable short swipes * * @default true */ shortSwipes?: boolean; /** * Set to `false` if you want to disable long swipes * * @default true */ longSwipes?: boolean; /** * Ratio to trigger swipe to next/previous slide during long swipes * * @default 0.5 */ longSwipesRatio?: number; /** * Minimal duration (in ms) to trigger swipe to next/previous slide during long swipes * * @default 300 */ longSwipesMs?: number; /** * If disabled, then slider will be animated only when you release it, it will not move while you hold your finger on it * * @default true */ followFinger?: boolean; /** * If `false`, then the only way to switch the slide is use of external API functions like slidePrev or slideNext * * @default true */ allowTouchMove?: boolean; /** * Threshold value in px. If "touch distance" will be lower than this value then swiper will not move * * @default 0 */ threshold?: number; /** * If disabled, `touchstart` (`pointerdown`) event won't be prevented * * @default true */ touchStartPreventDefault?: boolean; /** * Force to always prevent default for `touchstart` (`pointerdown`) event * * @default false */ touchStartForcePreventDefault?: boolean; /** * If enabled, then propagation of "touchmove" will be stopped * * @default false */ touchMoveStopPropagation?: boolean; /** * Enable to release Swiper events for swipe-back work in app. If set to `'prevent'` then it will prevent system swipe-back navigation instead * * @default false */ edgeSwipeDetection?: boolean | string; /** * Area (in px) from left edge of the screen to release touch events for swipe-back in app * * @default 20 */ edgeSwipeThreshold?: number; /** * Enable to release touch events on slider edge position (beginning, end) to allow for further page scrolling * * @default false */ touchReleaseOnEdges?: boolean; /** * Passive event listeners will be used by default where possible to improve scrolling performance on mobile devices. * But if you need to use `e.preventDefault` and you have conflict with it, then you should disable this parameter * * @default true */ passiveListeners?: boolean; // Touch Resistance /** * Set to `false` if you want to disable resistant bounds * * @default true */ resistance?: boolean; /** * This option allows you to control resistance ratio * * @default 0.85 */ resistanceRatio?: number; // Swiping / No swiping /** * When enabled it won't allow to change slides by swiping or navigation/pagination buttons during transition * * @default false */ preventInteractionOnTransition?: boolean; /** * Set to `false` to disable swiping to previous slide direction (to left or top) * * @default true */ allowSlidePrev?: boolean; /** * Set to `false` to disable swiping to next slide direction (to right or bottom) * * @default true */ allowSlideNext?: boolean; /** * Enable/disable swiping on elements matched to class specified in `noSwipingClass` * * @default true */ noSwiping?: boolean; /** * Specify `noSwiping`'s element css class * * @default 'swiper-no-swiping' */ noSwipingClass?: string; /** * Can be used instead of `noSwipingClass` to specify elements to disable swiping on. * For example `'input'` will disable swiping on all inputs * * @default */ noSwipingSelector?: string; /** * String with CSS selector or HTML element of the container with pagination that will work as only available handler for swiping * * @default null */ swipeHandler?: CSSSelector | HTMLElement | null; // Clicks /** * Set to `true` to prevent accidental unwanted clicks on links during swiping * * @default true */ preventClicks?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` to stop clicks event propagation on links during swiping * * @default true */ preventClicksPropagation?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` and click on any slide will produce transition to this slide * * @default false */ slideToClickedSlide?: boolean; // Progress /** * Enable this feature to calculate each slides progress and visibility (slides in viewport will have additional visible class) * * @default false */ watchSlidesProgress?: boolean; // Images /** * When enabled Swiper will force to load all images * * @default true */ preloadImages?: boolean; /** * When enabled Swiper will be reinitialized after all inner images ( tags) are loaded. Required `preloadImages: true` * * @default true */ updateOnImagesReady?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` to enable continuous loop mode * * Because of nature of how the loop mode works, it will add duplicated slides. Such duplicated slides will have additional classes: * - `swiper-slide-duplicate` - represents duplicated slide * - `swiper-slide-duplicate-active` - represents slide duplicated to the currently active slide * - `swiper-slide-duplicate-next` - represents slide duplicated to the slide next to active * - `swiper-slide-duplicate-prev` - represents slide duplicated to the slide previous to active * * @default false * * @note If you use it along with `slidesPerView: 'auto'` then you need to specify `loopedSlides` parameter with amount of slides to loop (duplicate). Should not be used together with `rewind` mode */ loop?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` to enable "rewind" mode. When enabled, clicking "next" navigation button (or calling `.slideNext()`) when on last slide will slide back to the first slide. Clicking "prev" navigation button (or calling `.slidePrev()`) when on first slide will slide forward to the last slide. * * @default false * * @note Should not be used together with `loop` mode */ rewind?: boolean; /** * Addition number of slides that will be cloned after creating of loop * * @default 0 */ loopAdditionalSlides?: number; /** * If you use `slidesPerView:'auto'` with loop mode you should tell to Swiper how many slides it should loop (duplicate) using this parameter * * @default null */ loopedSlides?: number | null; /** * When enabled then amount of duplicated slides will not exceed amount of original slides. Useful to disable and increase `loopedSlides` when you have a lot of slides per view and not sufficient amount of original slides * * @default true */ loopedSlidesLimit?: boolean; /** * Enable and loop mode will fill groups with insufficient number of slides with blank slides. Good to be used with `slidesPerGroup` parameter * * @default false */ loopFillGroupWithBlank?: boolean; /** * When enabled it prevents Swiper slide prev/next transitions when transitions is already in progress (has effect when `loop` enabled) * * @default true */ loopPreventsSlide?: boolean; /** * Allows to set different parameter for different responsive breakpoints (screen sizes). Not all parameters can be changed in breakpoints, only those which do not require different layout and logic, like `slidesPerView`, `slidesPerGroup`, `spaceBetween`, `grid.rows`. Such parameters like `loop` and `effect` won't work * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * // Default parameters * slidesPerView: 1, * spaceBetween: 10, * // Responsive breakpoints * breakpoints: { * // when window width is >= 320px * 320: { * slidesPerView: 2, * spaceBetween: 20 * }, * // when window width is >= 480px * 480: { * slidesPerView: 3, * spaceBetween: 30 * }, * // when window width is >= 640px * 640: { * slidesPerView: 4, * spaceBetween: 40 * } * } * }) * ``` * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * slidesPerView: 1, * spaceBetween: 10, * // using "ratio" endpoints * breakpoints: { * '@0.75': { * slidesPerView: 2, * spaceBetween: 20, * }, * '@1.00': { * slidesPerView: 3, * spaceBetween: 40, * }, * '@1.50': { * slidesPerView: 4, * spaceBetween: 50, * }, * } * }); * ``` */ breakpoints?: { [width: number]: SwiperOptions; [ratio: string]: SwiperOptions; }; /** * Base for breakpoints (beta). Can be `window` or `container`. If set to `window` (by default) then breakpoint keys mean window width. If set to `container` then breakpoint keys treated as swiper container width * * @default 'window' * * @note Currently in beta and not supported by Swiper Angular, React, Svelte and Vue components */ breakpointsBase?: string; // Observer /** * Set to `true` to enable Mutation Observer on Swiper and its elements. In this case Swiper will be updated (reinitialized) each time if you change its style (like hide/show) or modify its child elements (like adding/removing slides) * * @default false */ observer?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` if you also need to watch Mutations for Swiper slide children elements * * @default false */ observeSlideChildren?: boolean; /** * Set to `true` if you also need to watch Mutations for Swiper parent elements * * @default false */ observeParents?: boolean; // Namespace /** * The beginning of the modifier CSS class that can be added to swiper container depending on different parameters * * @default 'swiper-' */ containerModifierClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of slide * * @default 'swiper-slide' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue components */ slideClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of currently active slide * * @default 'swiper-slide-active' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue components */ slideActiveClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of duplicated slide which represents the currently active slide * * @default 'swiper-slide-duplicate-active' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue components */ slideDuplicateActiveClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of currently visible slide * * @default 'swiper-slide-visible' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue */ slideVisibleClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of slide duplicated by loop mode * * @default 'swiper-slide-duplicate' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue */ slideDuplicateClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of slide which is right after currently active slide * * @default 'swiper-slide-next' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue */ slideNextClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of duplicated slide which represents the slide next to active slide * * @default 'swiper-slide-duplicate-next' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue */ slideDuplicateNextClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of slide which is right before currently active slide * * @default 'swiper-slide-prev' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue */ slidePrevClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of duplicated slide which represents the slide previous to active slide * * @default 'swiper-slide-duplicate-prev' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue */ slideDuplicatePrevClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of blank slide append to fill groups in loop mode when `loopFillGroupWithBlank` is also enabled * * @default 'swiper-slide-invisible-blank' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue */ slideBlankClass?: string; /** * CSS class name of slides' wrapper * * @default 'swiper-wrapper' * * @note By changing classes you will also need to change Swiper's CSS to reflect changed classes * * @note Not supported in Swiper Angular/React/Svelte/Vue * */ wrapperClass?: string; /** * Object with a11y parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * a11y: { * prevSlideMessage: 'Previous slide', * nextSlideMessage: 'Next slide', * }, * }); * ``` */ a11y?: A11yOptions; /** * Object with autoplay parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * autoplay: { * delay: 5000, * }, *}); * ``` */ autoplay?: AutoplayOptions | boolean; /** * Object with controller parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * controller: { * inverse: true, * }, * }); * ``` */ controller?: ControllerOptions; /** * Object with Coverflow-effect parameters. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * effect: 'coverflow', * coverflowEffect: { * rotate: 30, * slideShadows: false, * }, * }); * ``` */ coverflowEffect?: CoverflowEffectOptions; /** * Object with Cube-effect parameters * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * effect: 'cube', * cubeEffect: { * slideShadows: false, * }, * }); * ``` */ cubeEffect?: CubeEffectOptions; /** * Object with Fade-effect parameters * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * effect: 'fade', * fadeEffect: { * crossFade: true * }, * }); * ``` */ fadeEffect?: FadeEffectOptions; /** * Object with Flip-effect parameters * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * effect: 'flip', * flipEffect: { * slideShadows: false, * }, * }); * ``` */ flipEffect?: FlipEffectOptions; /** * Object with Creative-effect parameters * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * effect: 'creative', * creativeEffect: { * prev: { * // will set `translateZ(-400px)` on previous slides * translate: [0, 0, -400], * }, * next: { * // will set `translateX(100%)` on next slides * translate: ['100%', 0, 0], * }, * }, * }); * ``` */ creativeEffect?: CreativeEffectOptions; /** * Object with Cards-effect parameters * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * effect: 'cards', * cardsEffect: { * // ... * }, * }); * ``` */ cardsEffect?: CardsEffectOptions; /** * Enables hash url navigation to for slides. * Object with hash navigation parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * hashNavigation: { * replaceState: true, * }, * }); * ``` */ hashNavigation?: HashNavigationOptions | boolean; /** * Enables history push state where every slide will have its own url. In this parameter you have to specify main slides url like `"slides"` and specify every slide url using `data-history` attribute. * * Object with history navigation parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * history: { * replaceState: true, * }, * }); * ``` * * @example * ```html * *
* ``` */ history?: HistoryOptions | boolean; /** * Enables navigation through slides using keyboard. Object with keyboard parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * keyboard: { * enabled: true, * onlyInViewport: false, * }, * }); * ``` */ keyboard?: KeyboardOptions | boolean; /** * Enables images lazy loading. Object with lazy loading parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * lazy: { * loadPrevNext: true, * }, * }); * ``` */ lazy?: LazyOptions | boolean; /** * Enables navigation through slides using mouse wheel. Object with mousewheel parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * mousewheel: { * invert: true, * }, * }); * ``` */ mousewheel?: MousewheelOptions | boolean; /** * Object with navigation parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * navigation: { * nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', * prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', * }, * }); * ``` */ navigation?: NavigationOptions | boolean; /** * Object with pagination parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * pagination: { * el: '.swiper-pagination', * type: 'bullets', * }, * }); * ``` */ pagination?: PaginationOptions | boolean; /** * Object with parallax parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * parallax: true, * }); * ``` */ parallax?: ParallaxOptions | boolean; /** * Object with scrollbar parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * scrollbar: { * el: '.swiper-scrollbar', * draggable: true, * }, * }); * ``` */ scrollbar?: ScrollbarOptions | boolean; /** * Object with thumbs component parameters * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * ... * thumbs: { * swiper: thumbsSwiper * } * }); * ``` */ thumbs?: ThumbsOptions; /** * Enables virtual slides functionality. Object with virtual slides parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * virtual: { * slides: ['Slide 1', 'Slide 2', 'Slide 3', 'Slide 4', 'Slide 5'], * }, * }); * ``` */ virtual?: VirtualOptions | boolean; /** * Enables zooming functionality. Object with zoom parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * zoom: { * maxRatio: 5, * }, * }); * ``` */ zoom?: ZoomOptions | boolean; /** * Enables free mode functionality. Object with free mode parameters or boolean `true` to enable with default settings. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * freeMode: true, * }); * * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * freeMode: { * enabled: true, * sticky: true, * }, * }); * ``` */ freeMode?: FreeModeOptions | boolean; /** * Object with grid parameters to enable "multirow" slider. * * @example * ```js * const swiper = new Swiper('.swiper', { * grid: { * rows: 2, * }, * }); * ``` */ grid?: GridOptions; /** * !INTERNAL When enabled will emit "_containerClasses" and "_slideClass" events */ _emitClasses?: boolean; }