--- parserOptions: parser: babel-eslint extends: - standard - standard-jsx - plugin:vue/recommended env: jasmine: true browser: true jest: true rules: comma-dangle: - 2 - always-multiline no-multiple-empty-lines: - 2 - max: 2 padded-blocks: 0 # Relax camelcase rule: modules and services are NOT camelcase. camelcase: 0 # Disable arrow-parens rule, since Standard isn't CLEAR about what it wants. arrow-parens: 0 # use brace style even in templates, 1tbs is the default vue/brace-style: 1tbs # components should be kebab-case in templates vue/component-name-in-template-casing: - error - kebab-case - registeredComponentsOnly: true - ignores: [] # components should have the same name as their file name (case ignored) vue/match-component-file-name: - error - extensions: [js, vue] - shouldMatchCase: false # use curly spacing even in templates vue/object-curly-spacing: always # never use parenthesis on function call for v-on vue/v-on-function-call: - error - never