var TailwindPlugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin.js'); var postcss = require('postcss'); var fs = require('fs'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var TailwindPlugin__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(TailwindPlugin); var postcss__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(postcss); const optionsHandlerForIgnoreAndRemove = (selector, { ignore, remove } = {}) => { if ((remove == null ? void 0 : remove.some(s => selector.includes(s))) === true) { return ''; } if ((ignore == null ? void 0 : ignore.some(s => selector.includes(s))) === true) { return selector; } return null; }; const roots = new Set(['html', 'body', ':host']); function isRootSelector(selector) { return roots.has(selector); } function isBeforeOrAfter(ruleSelector) { return ruleSelector.includes('::before') || ruleSelector.includes('::after'); } function isPseudoElementSelector(ruleSelector) { return ruleSelector.includes('::'); } /** * Isolates the TailwindCSS preflight styles inside of the container (assuming all the TailwindCSS is inside of this container) * * @param containerSelectors * @param options * @param options.ignore - list of preflight CSS selectors to ignore (don't isolate) - these will not be affected by the transformation * @param options.remove - list of preflight CSS selectors to remove from the final CSS - use it if you have any specific conflicts and really want to remove some preflight rules * @param options.rootStyles - 'move to container' (default) - moves the root styles to the container styles (by simply replacing the selector), 'add :where' - adds ` :where` to the root selector so styles are still in roots, but only matching items would be affected * * @link (example) */ const isolateInsideOfContainer = (containerSelectors, options) => { const whereNotExcept = typeof (options == null ? void 0 : options.except) === 'string' && options.except ? `:where(:not(${options.except},${options.except} *))` : ''; const selectorsArray = [containerSelectors].flat(); const whereDirect = `:where(${selectorsArray.join(',')})`; const whereWithSubs = `:where(${ => `${s},${s} *`).join(',')})`; return ({ ruleSelector }) => { const handled = optionsHandlerForIgnoreAndRemove(ruleSelector, options); if (handled != null) { return handled; } if (isRootSelector(ruleSelector)) { if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.rootStyles) === 'add :where') { return `${ruleSelector}${whereNotExcept} ${whereDirect}`; } return => `${s}${whereNotExcept}`).join(','); } else if (isBeforeOrAfter(ruleSelector)) { return `${whereWithSubs}${whereNotExcept}${ruleSelector}`; } else if (isPseudoElementSelector(ruleSelector)) { return `${whereWithSubs}${whereNotExcept} ${ruleSelector}`; } else { return `${ruleSelector}${whereWithSubs}${whereNotExcept}`; } }; }; /** * Isolates the TailwindCSS preflight styles outside of the container (assuming no TailwindCSS inside of it) * @param containerSelectors * @param options * @param options.ignore - list of preflight CSS selectors to ignore (don't isolate) - these will not be affected by the transformation * @param options.remove - list of preflight CSS selectors to remove from the final CSS - use it if you have any specific conflicts and really want to remove some preflight rules * * @link (example) */ const isolateOutsideOfContainer = (containerSelectors, options) => { const whereNotContainerSelector = `:where(:not(${[containerSelectors].flat().map(s => `${s},${s} *`).join(',')}))`; const insideOfContainerLogic = typeof (options == null ? void 0 : === 'string' && ? isolateInsideOfContainer( : null; return ({ ruleSelector, }) => { const ignoreOrRemove = optionsHandlerForIgnoreAndRemove(ruleSelector, options); if (ignoreOrRemove != null) { return ignoreOrRemove; } if (isRootSelector(ruleSelector)) { return ruleSelector; } return [isBeforeOrAfter(ruleSelector) ? `${whereNotContainerSelector}${ruleSelector}` : isPseudoElementSelector(ruleSelector) ? `${whereNotContainerSelector} ${ruleSelector}` : `${ruleSelector}${whereNotContainerSelector}`, insideOfContainerLogic == null ? void 0 : insideOfContainerLogic({ ruleSelector, })].filter(Boolean).join(','); }; }; /** * @deprecated Use `isolateInsideOfContainer` with rootStyles option set to 'add :where' * @description Isolates the TailwindCSS preflight styles within the component selector (not inside of the container, but immediately) * @param componentSelectors * @param options * @param options.ignore - list of preflight CSS selectors to ignore (don't isolate) - these will not be affected by the transformation * @param options.remove - list of preflight CSS selectors to remove from the final CSS - use it if you have any specific conflicts and really want to remove some preflight rules * * @link (example) */ const isolateForComponents = (componentSelectors, options) => { const componentSelectorsArray = [componentSelectors].flat(); const whereComponentSelectorsDirect = `:where(${componentSelectorsArray.join(',')})`; const whereComponentSelectorsWithSubs = `:where(${ => `${s},${s} *`).join(',')})`; return ({ ruleSelector }) => { var _optionsHandlerForIgn; return (_optionsHandlerForIgn = optionsHandlerForIgnoreAndRemove(ruleSelector, options)) != null ? _optionsHandlerForIgn : isRootSelector(ruleSelector) ? `${ruleSelector} ${whereComponentSelectorsDirect}` : `${ruleSelector}${whereComponentSelectorsWithSubs}`; }; }; const { withOptions } = TailwindPlugin__default["default"]; /** * TailwindCSS plugin to scope the preflight styles * @param isolationStrategy - function to transform the preflight CSS selectors, * import {@link isolateInsideOfContainer}, * {@link isolateOutsideOfContainer}, * {@link isolateForComponents} or write {@link your own} * @param propsFilter - function to filter the preflight CSS properties and values, return false to remove the property. Any other value (including true and undefined) will leave the prop intact * @param modifyPreflightStyles - function to modify the preflight CSS properties and their values, return null to remove the property. Any other returned value will be used as a new value for the property. If you don't want to change it - return the old value (provided in argument object as `value`). * @link (documentation) */ const scopedPreflightStyles = withOptions(({ isolationStrategy, propsFilter, modifyPreflightStyles }) => ({ addBase, corePlugins }) => { const baseCssPath = require.resolve('tailwindcss/lib/css/preflight.css'); const baseCssStyles = postcss__default["default"].parse(fs.readFileSync(baseCssPath, 'utf8')); if (typeof isolationStrategy !== 'function') { throw new Error("TailwindCssScopedPreflightPlugin: isolationStrategy option must be a function - custom one or pre-bundled - import { isolateInsideOfContainer, isolateOutsideOfContainer, isolateForComponents } from 'tailwindcss-scoped-preflight-plugin')"); } if (corePlugins('preflight')) { throw new Error(`TailwindCssScopedPreflightPlugin: TailwindCSS corePlugins.preflight config option must be set to false`); } let modifyStylesHook; if (typeof modifyPreflightStyles === 'function') { modifyStylesHook = modifyPreflightStyles; } else if (modifyPreflightStyles) { const configEntries = Object.entries(modifyPreflightStyles); modifyStylesHook = ({ selectorSet, property, value }) => { var _matchingEntry$; const matchingEntry = configEntries.find(([sel]) => selectorSet.has(sel)); return matchingEntry == null || (_matchingEntry$ = matchingEntry[1]) == null ? void 0 : _matchingEntry$[property]; }; } baseCssStyles.walkRules(rule => { if (propsFilter || modifyPreflightStyles) { var _rule$nodes; const selectorSet = new Set(rule.selectors); rule.nodes = (_rule$nodes = rule.nodes) == null ? void 0 : _rule$ => { if (node instanceof postcss__default["default"].Declaration) { const newValue = modifyStylesHook ? modifyStylesHook({ selectorSet, property: node.prop, value: node.value }) : node.value; const filterValue = propsFilter ? propsFilter({ selectorSet, property: node.prop, value: node.value }) : true; if (filterValue === false || newValue === null) { return postcss__default["default"].comment({ text: node.toString() }); } else if (typeof newValue !== 'undefined' && newValue !== node.value) { node.value = newValue; } } return node; }); } rule.selectors = => isolationStrategy({ ruleSelector: s })).filter((value, index, array) => value && array.indexOf(value) === index); rule.selector = rule.selectors.join(',\n'); if (!rule.nodes.some(n => n instanceof postcss__default["default"].Declaration)) { rule.nodes = []; } }); addBase(baseCssStyles.nodes.filter((node, i, all) => { const next = all[i + 1]; return node instanceof postcss__default["default"].Rule ? node.nodes.length > 0 && node.selector : node instanceof postcss__default["default"].Comment ? next instanceof postcss__default["default"].Rule && next.selector && next.nodes.length > 0 : true; })); }, () => ({ corePlugins: { preflight: false } })); exports.isolateForComponents = isolateForComponents; exports.isolateInsideOfContainer = isolateInsideOfContainer; exports.isolateOutsideOfContainer = isolateOutsideOfContainer; exports.scopedPreflightStyles = scopedPreflightStyles; //#