/// /// /// /// import { TAP } from '@tapjs/core'; export { Base, BaseOpts, Counts, Extra, Lists, Minimal, Spawn, SpawnEvents, SpawnOpts, Stdin, StdinOpts, TapBaseEvents, TapFile, TapFileEvents, TapFileOpts, TapPlugin, TestBase, TestBaseEvents, TestBaseOpts, Worker, WorkerEvents, WorkerOpts, } from '@tapjs/core'; export { Test } from '@tapjs/test'; export type { TestOpts } from '@tapjs/test'; export type { TAP }; export { after, afterEach, bailout, before, beforeEach, comment, doesNotThrow, emits, end, error, fail, has, hasStrict, match, matchOnly, matchOnlyStrict, matchStrict, not, notHas, notHasStrict, notMatch, notMatchOnly, notMatchOnlyStrict, notMatchStrict, notOk, notSame, ok, only, pass, plan, pragma, same, skip, strictNotSame, test, throws, timeout, todo, type, mockRequire, mockImport, createMock, intercept, captureFn, capture, testdir, fixture, matchSnapshot, stdin, stdinOnly, spawn, worker, }; export declare const t: TAP; declare const bailout: (message?: string | undefined) => void, comment: (...args: any[]) => void, end: () => TAP, fail: (...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, pass: (...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, plan: (n: number, comment?: string | undefined) => void, pragma: (set: { [k: string]: boolean; }) => void, skip: { (name: string, extra: import("@tapjs/test").TestOpts, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (name: string, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (extra: import("@tapjs/test").TestOpts, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; }, stdinOnly: (extra?: (T & { tapStream?: import("stream").Readable | import("minipass").Minipass> | undefined; }) | undefined) => void, test: { (name: string, extra: import("@tapjs/test").TestOpts, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (name: string, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (extra: import("@tapjs/test").TestOpts, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; }, timeout: (options?: { expired?: string | undefined; signal?: NodeJS.Signals | null | undefined; } | undefined) => void, todo: { (name: string, extra: import("@tapjs/test").TestOpts, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (name: string, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (extra: import("@tapjs/test").TestOpts, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; (cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest & import("@tapjs/test").BuiltPlugins>; }; /** * If the property exists, use it, otherwise treat it as a known undefined */ export type Maybe = K extends keyof T ? T : T & { [k in K]: undefined; }; /** * Type to make TypeScript ok with accessing an unknown property, * and just treating it as undefined if the plugin isn't loaded. */ export type MaybePlugin

any> = Maybe>; declare const only: { (name: string, extra: import("@tapjs/test").TestOpts, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest>; (name: string, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest>; (extra: import("@tapjs/test").TestOpts, cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest>; (cb: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test) => any): import("@tapjs/core").PromiseWithSubtest>; }; declare const after: (fn: () => any) => void; declare const before: (fn: () => any) => void; declare const afterEach: (fn: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test) => any) => void; declare const beforeEach: (fn: (t: import("@tapjs/test").Test) => any) => void; declare const ok: (obj: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, notOk: (obj: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, not: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, type: (obj: any, klass: string | Function, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, same: (found: any, wanted: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, notSame: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, strictNotSame: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, has: (found: any, wanted: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, notHas: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, hasStrict: (found: any, wanted: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, notHasStrict: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, match: (found: any, wanted: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, notMatch: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, matchOnly: (found: any, wanted: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, notMatchOnly: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, matchStrict: (found: any, wanted: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, notMatchStrict: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, matchOnlyStrict: (found: any, wanted: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, notMatchOnlyStrict: (found: any, doNotWant: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean, throws: (fn: Function | (() => any), ...[wanted, msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/asserts").ThrowsArgs) => boolean | Error, doesNotThrow: (fn: Function | (() => any), ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean | Error, emits: (emitter: import("events")<[never]> | EventTarget, event: string, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => Promise, error: (er: unknown, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean; declare const mockRequire: (module: string, mocks?: Record | undefined) => T, mockImport: (module: string, mocks?: Record | undefined) => Promise, createMock: (bases: B, overrides: O) => import("@tapjs/mock").MockedObject; declare const captureFn: any>(original: F) => F & { calls: import("@tapjs/intercept").CaptureResult[]; args: () => import("@tapjs/intercept").TupleUnion>>[]; }, capture: >(obj: T, method: M, impl?: ((this: T, ...a: any[]) => any) | undefined) => import("@tapjs/intercept").CaptureResultsMethod, intercept: (obj: T, prop: keyof T, desc?: PropertyDescriptor | undefined, strictMode?: boolean | undefined) => import("@tapjs/intercept").InterceptResultsMethod; declare const matchSnapshot: (found: any, ...[msg, extra]: import("@tapjs/core").MessageExtra) => boolean; declare const spawn: { (cmd: string): import("@tapjs/spawn").PromiseWithSpawn; (cmd: string, options: import("@tapjs/spawn").SpawnOpts, name?: string | undefined): import("@tapjs/spawn").PromiseWithSpawn; (cmd: string, args: string | string[], name?: string | undefined): import("@tapjs/spawn").PromiseWithSpawn; (cmd: string, args: string | string[], options: import("@tapjs/spawn").SpawnOpts, name?: string | undefined): import("@tapjs/spawn").PromiseWithSpawn; }; declare const stdin: { (): import("@tapjs/stdin").PromiseWithStdin; (name: string): import("@tapjs/stdin").PromiseWithStdin; (name: string, extra: import("@tapjs/core").StdinOpts): import("@tapjs/stdin").PromiseWithStdin; (extra: import("@tapjs/core").StdinOpts): import("@tapjs/stdin").PromiseWithStdin; }; declare const worker: { (filename: string): import("@tapjs/worker").PromiseWithWorker; (filename: string, name?: string | undefined): import("@tapjs/worker").PromiseWithWorker; (filename: string, options: import("@tapjs/core").WorkerOpts, name?: string | undefined): import("@tapjs/worker").PromiseWithWorker; }; declare const testdir: (content?: import("@tapjs/fixture").FixtureDirContent | undefined) => string, fixture: (type: T, content: import("@tapjs/fixture").FixtureContent) => import("@tapjs/fixture").Fixture; //# sourceMappingURL=main.d.ts.map