interface Traceparent { version: string; trace_id: string; parent_id: string; flags: number; child(): Traceparent; toString(): string; } /** * Makes a new Traceparent which one can then `toString()` to get the value. * * @example * * ```js * const id = make(); * String(id); // 00-aa3ee2e08eb134a292fb799969f2de62-62994ea4677bc463-00 * const child = id.child(); * String(child); // 00-aa3ee2e08eb134a292fb799969f2de62-5402ac6f6874d505-00 * ``` */ declare const make: () => Traceparent; /** * Allows you to parse an incoming value into the areas, easy for a server to continue the trace chain. * * @example * * ```js * const parent = parse(req.headers.traceparent); // 00-aa3ee2e08eb134a292fb799969f2de62-62994ea4677bc463-00 * const child = parent.child(); * String(child); // 00-aa3ee2e08eb134a292fb799969f2de62-5402ac6f6874d505-00 * ``` */ declare const parse: (value: string) => Traceparent; declare const is_sampled: (value: Traceparent) => boolean; declare const sample: (value: Traceparent) => void; export { Traceparent, is_sampled, make, parse, sample };