import * as tls from 'tls';
import * as net from 'net';
import { type SecureContextOptions } from 'tls';
import BulkLoad, { type Options as BulkLoadOptions, type Callback as BulkLoadCallback } from './bulk-load';
import Debug from './debug';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { TransientErrorLookup } from './transient-error-lookup';
import Request from './request';
import MessageIO from './message-io';
import { Parser as TokenStreamParser } from './token/token-stream-parser';
import { ISOLATION_LEVEL } from './transaction';
import { ConnectionError } from './errors';
import Message from './message';
import { type Metadata } from './metadata-parser';
import { ColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider } from './always-encrypted/keystore-provider-azure-key-vault';
import { Collation } from './collation';
import { TokenHandler } from './token/handler';
type BeginTransactionCallback =
* The callback is called when the request to start the transaction has completed,
* either successfully or with an error.
* If an error occurred then `err` will describe the error.
* As only one request at a time may be executed on a connection, another request should not
* be initiated until this callback is called.
* @param err If an error occurred, an [[Error]] object with details of the error.
* @param transactionDescriptor A Buffer that describe the transaction
(err: Error | null | undefined, transactionDescriptor?: Buffer) => void;
type SaveTransactionCallback =
* The callback is called when the request to set a savepoint within the
* transaction has completed, either successfully or with an error.
* If an error occurred then `err` will describe the error.
* As only one request at a time may be executed on a connection, another request should not
* be initiated until this callback is called.
* @param err If an error occurred, an [[Error]] object with details of the error.
(err: Error | null | undefined) => void;
type CommitTransactionCallback =
* The callback is called when the request to commit the transaction has completed,
* either successfully or with an error.
* If an error occurred then `err` will describe the error.
* As only one request at a time may be executed on a connection, another request should not
* be initiated until this callback is called.
* @param err If an error occurred, an [[Error]] object with details of the error.
(err: Error | null | undefined) => void;
type RollbackTransactionCallback =
* The callback is called when the request to rollback the transaction has
* completed, either successfully or with an error.
* If an error occurred then err will describe the error.
* As only one request at a time may be executed on a connection, another request should not
* be initiated until this callback is called.
* @param err If an error occurred, an [[Error]] object with details of the error.
(err: Error | null | undefined) => void;
type ResetCallback =
* The callback is called when the connection reset has completed,
* either successfully or with an error.
* If an error occurred then `err` will describe the error.
* As only one request at a time may be executed on a connection, another
* request should not be initiated until this callback is called
* @param err If an error occurred, an [[Error]] object with details of the error.
(err: Error | null | undefined) => void;
type TransactionDoneCallback = (err: Error | null | undefined, ...args: any[]) => void;
type CallbackParameters any> = T extends (err: Error | null | undefined, ...args: infer P) => any ? P : never;
interface AzureActiveDirectoryMsiAppServiceAuthentication {
type: 'azure-active-directory-msi-app-service';
options: {
* If you user want to connect to an Azure app service using a specific client account
* they need to provide `clientId` associate to their created identity.
* This is optional for retrieve token from azure web app service
clientId?: string;
interface AzureActiveDirectoryMsiVmAuthentication {
type: 'azure-active-directory-msi-vm';
options: {
* If you want to connect using a specific client account
* they need to provide `clientId` associated to their created identity.
* This is optional for retrieve a token
clientId?: string;
interface AzureActiveDirectoryDefaultAuthentication {
type: 'azure-active-directory-default';
options: {
* If you want to connect using a specific client account
* they need to provide `clientId` associated to their created identity.
* This is optional for retrieving a token
clientId?: string;
interface AzureActiveDirectoryAccessTokenAuthentication {
type: 'azure-active-directory-access-token';
options: {
* A user need to provide `token` which they retrieved else where
* to forming the connection.
token: string;
interface AzureActiveDirectoryPasswordAuthentication {
type: 'azure-active-directory-password';
options: {
* A user need to provide `userName` associate to their account.
userName: string;
* A user need to provide `password` associate to their account.
password: string;
* A client id to use.
clientId: string;
* Optional parameter for specific Azure tenant ID
tenantId: string;
interface AzureActiveDirectoryServicePrincipalSecret {
type: 'azure-active-directory-service-principal-secret';
options: {
* Application (`client`) ID from your registered Azure application
clientId: string;
* The created `client secret` for this registered Azure application
clientSecret: string;
* Directory (`tenant`) ID from your registered Azure application
tenantId: string;
interface NtlmAuthentication {
type: 'ntlm';
options: {
* User name from your windows account.
userName: string;
* Password from your windows account.
password: string;
* Once you set domain for ntlm authentication type, driver will connect to SQL Server using domain login.
* This is necessary for forming a connection using ntlm type
domain: string;
interface DefaultAuthentication {
type: 'default';
options: {
* User name to use for sql server login.
userName?: string | undefined;
* Password to use for sql server login.
password?: string | undefined;
export type ConnectionAuthentication = DefaultAuthentication | NtlmAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryPasswordAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryMsiAppServiceAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryMsiVmAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryAccessTokenAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryServicePrincipalSecret | AzureActiveDirectoryDefaultAuthentication;
interface InternalConnectionConfig {
server: string;
authentication: ConnectionAuthentication;
options: InternalConnectionOptions;
export interface InternalConnectionOptions {
abortTransactionOnError: boolean;
appName: undefined | string;
camelCaseColumns: boolean;
cancelTimeout: number;
columnEncryptionKeyCacheTTL: number;
columnEncryptionSetting: boolean;
columnNameReplacer: undefined | ((colName: string, index: number, metadata: Metadata) => string);
connectionRetryInterval: number;
connector: undefined | (() => Promise);
connectTimeout: number;
connectionIsolationLevel: typeof ISOLATION_LEVEL[keyof typeof ISOLATION_LEVEL];
cryptoCredentialsDetails: SecureContextOptions;
database: undefined | string;
datefirst: number;
dateFormat: string;
debug: {
data: boolean;
packet: boolean;
payload: boolean;
token: boolean;
enableAnsiNull: null | boolean;
enableAnsiNullDefault: null | boolean;
enableAnsiPadding: null | boolean;
enableAnsiWarnings: null | boolean;
enableArithAbort: null | boolean;
enableConcatNullYieldsNull: null | boolean;
enableCursorCloseOnCommit: null | boolean;
enableImplicitTransactions: null | boolean;
enableNumericRoundabort: null | boolean;
enableQuotedIdentifier: null | boolean;
encrypt: string | boolean;
encryptionKeyStoreProviders: KeyStoreProviderMap | undefined;
fallbackToDefaultDb: boolean;
instanceName: undefined | string;
isolationLevel: typeof ISOLATION_LEVEL[keyof typeof ISOLATION_LEVEL];
language: string;
localAddress: undefined | string;
maxRetriesOnTransientErrors: number;
multiSubnetFailover: boolean;
packetSize: number;
port: undefined | number;
readOnlyIntent: boolean;
requestTimeout: number;
rowCollectionOnDone: boolean;
rowCollectionOnRequestCompletion: boolean;
serverName: undefined | string;
serverSupportsColumnEncryption: boolean;
tdsVersion: string;
textsize: number;
trustedServerNameAE: string | undefined;
trustServerCertificate: boolean;
useColumnNames: boolean;
useUTC: boolean;
workstationId: undefined | string;
lowerCaseGuids: boolean;
interface KeyStoreProviderMap {
[key: string]: ColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider;
* @private
interface State {
name: string;
enter?(this: Connection): void;
exit?(this: Connection, newState: State): void;
events: {
socketError?(this: Connection, err: Error): void;
connectTimeout?(this: Connection): void;
message?(this: Connection, message: Message): void;
retry?(this: Connection): void;
reconnect?(this: Connection): void;
type Authentication = DefaultAuthentication | NtlmAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryPasswordAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryMsiAppServiceAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryMsiVmAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryAccessTokenAuthentication | AzureActiveDirectoryServicePrincipalSecret | AzureActiveDirectoryDefaultAuthentication;
type AuthenticationType = Authentication['type'];
export interface ConnectionConfiguration {
* Hostname to connect to.
server: string;
* Configuration options for forming the connection.
options?: ConnectionOptions;
* Authentication related options for connection.
authentication?: AuthenticationOptions;
interface DebugOptions {
* A boolean, controlling whether [[debug]] events will be emitted with text describing packet data details
* (default: `false`)
data: boolean;
* A boolean, controlling whether [[debug]] events will be emitted with text describing packet details
* (default: `false`)
packet: boolean;
* A boolean, controlling whether [[debug]] events will be emitted with text describing packet payload details
* (default: `false`)
payload: boolean;
* A boolean, controlling whether [[debug]] events will be emitted with text describing token stream tokens
* (default: `false`)
token: boolean;
interface AuthenticationOptions {
* Type of the authentication method, valid types are `default`, `ntlm`,
* `azure-active-directory-password`, `azure-active-directory-access-token`,
* `azure-active-directory-msi-vm`, `azure-active-directory-msi-app-service`,
* `azure-active-directory-default`
* or `azure-active-directory-service-principal-secret`
type?: AuthenticationType;
* Different options for authentication types:
* * `default`: [[DefaultAuthentication.options]]
* * `ntlm` :[[NtlmAuthentication]]
* * `azure-active-directory-password` : [[AzureActiveDirectoryPasswordAuthentication.options]]
* * `azure-active-directory-access-token` : [[AzureActiveDirectoryAccessTokenAuthentication.options]]
* * `azure-active-directory-msi-vm` : [[AzureActiveDirectoryMsiVmAuthentication.options]]
* * `azure-active-directory-msi-app-service` : [[AzureActiveDirectoryMsiAppServiceAuthentication.options]]
* * `azure-active-directory-service-principal-secret` : [[AzureActiveDirectoryServicePrincipalSecret.options]]
* * `azure-active-directory-default` : [[AzureActiveDirectoryDefaultAuthentication.options]]
options?: any;
export interface ConnectionOptions {
* A boolean determining whether to rollback a transaction automatically if any error is encountered
* during the given transaction's execution. This sets the value for `SET XACT_ABORT` during the
* initial SQL phase of a connection [documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/set-xact-abort-transact-sql).
abortTransactionOnError?: boolean;
* Application name used for identifying a specific application in profiling, logging or tracing tools of SQLServer.
* (default: `Tedious`)
appName?: string | undefined;
* A boolean, controlling whether the column names returned will have the first letter converted to lower case
* (`true`) or not. This value is ignored if you provide a [[columnNameReplacer]].
* (default: `false`).
camelCaseColumns?: boolean;
* The number of milliseconds before the [[Request.cancel]] (abort) of a request is considered failed
* (default: `5000`).
cancelTimeout?: number;
* A function with parameters `(columnName, index, columnMetaData)` and returning a string. If provided,
* this will be called once per column per result-set. The returned value will be used instead of the SQL-provided
* column name on row and meta data objects. This allows you to dynamically convert between naming conventions.
* (default: `null`)
columnNameReplacer?: (colName: string, index: number, metadata: Metadata) => string;
* Number of milliseconds before retrying to establish connection, in case of transient failure.
* (default:`500`)
connectionRetryInterval?: number;
* Custom connector factory method.
* (default: `undefined`)
connector?: () => Promise;
* The number of milliseconds before the attempt to connect is considered failed
* (default: `15000`).
connectTimeout?: number;
* The default isolation level for new connections. All out-of-transaction queries are executed with this setting.
* The isolation levels are available from `require('tedious').ISOLATION_LEVEL`.
* (default: `READ_COMMITED`).
connectionIsolationLevel?: number;
* When encryption is used, an object may be supplied that will be used
* for the first argument when calling [`tls.createSecurePair`](http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/tls.html#tls_tls_createsecurepair_credentials_isserver_requestcert_rejectunauthorized)
* (default: `{}`)
cryptoCredentialsDetails?: SecureContextOptions;
* Database to connect to (default: dependent on server configuration).
database?: string | undefined;
* Sets the first day of the week to a number from 1 through 7.
datefirst?: number;
* A string representing position of month, day and year in temporal datatypes.
* (default: `mdy`)
dateFormat?: string;
debug?: DebugOptions;
* A boolean, controls the way null values should be used during comparison operation.
* (default: `true`)
enableAnsiNull?: boolean;
* If true, `SET ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON ON` will be set in the initial sql. This means new columns will be
* nullable by default. See the [T-SQL documentation](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187375.aspx)
* (default: `true`).
enableAnsiNullDefault?: boolean;
* A boolean, controls if padding should be applied for values shorter than the size of defined column.
* (default: `true`)
enableAnsiPadding?: boolean;
* If true, SQL Server will follow ISO standard behavior during various error conditions. For details,
* see [documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/set-ansi-warnings-transact-sql)
* (default: `true`)
enableAnsiWarnings?: boolean;
* Ends a query when an overflow or divide-by-zero error occurs during query execution.
* See [documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/set-arithabort-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017)
* for more details.
* (default: `true`)
enableArithAbort?: boolean;
* A boolean, determines if concatenation with NULL should result in NULL or empty string value, more details in
* [documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/set-concat-null-yields-null-transact-sql)
* (default: `true`)
enableConcatNullYieldsNull?: boolean;
* A boolean, controls whether cursor should be closed, if the transaction opening it gets committed or rolled
* back.
* (default: `null`)
enableCursorCloseOnCommit?: boolean | null;
* A boolean, sets the connection to either implicit or autocommit transaction mode.
* (default: `false`)
enableImplicitTransactions?: boolean;
* If false, error is not generated during loss of precession.
* (default: `false`)
enableNumericRoundabort?: boolean;
* If true, characters enclosed in single quotes are treated as literals and those enclosed double quotes are treated as identifiers.
* (default: `true`)
enableQuotedIdentifier?: boolean;
* A string value that can be only set to 'strict', which indicates the usage TDS 8.0 protocol. Otherwise,
* a boolean determining whether or not the connection will be encrypted.
* (default: `true`)
encrypt?: string | boolean;
* By default, if the database requested by [[database]] cannot be accessed,
* the connection will fail with an error. However, if [[fallbackToDefaultDb]] is
* set to `true`, then the user's default database will be used instead
* (default: `false`)
fallbackToDefaultDb?: boolean;
* The instance name to connect to.
* The SQL Server Browser service must be running on the database server,
* and UDP port 1434 on the database server must be reachable.
* (no default)
* Mutually exclusive with [[port]].
instanceName?: string | undefined;
* The default isolation level that transactions will be run with.
* The isolation levels are available from `require('tedious').ISOLATION_LEVEL`.
* (default: `READ_COMMITED`).
isolationLevel?: number;
* Specifies the language environment for the session. The session language determines the datetime formats and system messages.
* (default: `us_english`).
language?: string;
* A string indicating which network interface (ip address) to use when connecting to SQL Server.
localAddress?: string | undefined;
* A boolean determining whether to parse unique identifier type with lowercase case characters.
* (default: `false`).
lowerCaseGuids?: boolean;
* The maximum number of connection retries for transient errors.、
* (default: `3`).
maxRetriesOnTransientErrors?: number;
* Sets the MultiSubnetFailover = True parameter, which can help minimize the client recovery latency when failovers occur.
* (default: `false`).
multiSubnetFailover?: boolean;
* The size of TDS packets (subject to negotiation with the server).
* Should be a power of 2.
* (default: `4096`).
packetSize?: number;
* Port to connect to (default: `1433`).
* Mutually exclusive with [[instanceName]]
port?: number;
* A boolean, determining whether the connection will request read only access from a SQL Server Availability
* Group. For more information, see [here](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh710054.aspx "Microsoft: Configure Read-Only Routing for an Availability Group (SQL Server)")
* (default: `false`).
readOnlyIntent?: boolean;
* The number of milliseconds before a request is considered failed, or `0` for no timeout.
* As soon as a response is received, the timeout is cleared. This means that queries that immediately return a response have ability to run longer than this timeout.
* (default: `15000`).
requestTimeout?: number;
* A boolean, that when true will expose received rows in Requests done related events:
* * [[Request.Event_doneInProc]]
* * [[Request.Event_doneProc]]
* * [[Request.Event_done]]
* (default: `false`)
* Caution: If many row are received, enabling this option could result in
* excessive memory usage.
rowCollectionOnDone?: boolean;
* A boolean, that when true will expose received rows in Requests' completion callback.See [[Request.constructor]].
* (default: `false`)
* Caution: If many row are received, enabling this option could result in
* excessive memory usage.
rowCollectionOnRequestCompletion?: boolean;
* The version of TDS to use. If server doesn't support specified version, negotiated version is used instead.
* The versions are available from `require('tedious').TDS_VERSION`.
* * `7_1`
* * `7_2`
* * `7_3_A`
* * `7_3_B`
* * `7_4`
* (default: `7_4`)
tdsVersion?: string;
* Specifies the size of varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), text, ntext, and image data returned by a SELECT statement.
* (default: `2147483647`)
textsize?: string;
* If "true", the SQL Server SSL certificate is automatically trusted when the communication layer is encrypted using SSL.
* If "false", the SQL Server validates the server SSL certificate. If the server certificate validation fails,
* the driver raises an error and terminates the connection. Make sure the value passed to serverName exactly
* matches the Common Name (CN) or DNS name in the Subject Alternate Name in the server certificate for an SSL connection to succeed.
* (default: `true`)
trustServerCertificate?: boolean;
serverName?: string;
* A boolean determining whether to return rows as arrays or key-value collections.
* (default: `false`).
useColumnNames?: boolean;
* A boolean determining whether to pass time values in UTC or local time.
* (default: `true`).
useUTC?: boolean;
* The workstation ID (WSID) of the client, default os.hostname().
* Used for identifying a specific client in profiling, logging or
* tracing client activity in SQLServer.
* The value is reported by the TSQL function HOST_NAME().
workstationId?: string | undefined;
* @private
declare const CLEANUP_TYPE: {
NORMAL: number;
REDIRECT: number;
RETRY: number;
interface RoutingData {
server: string;
port: number;
* A [[Connection]] instance represents a single connection to a database server.
* ```js
* var Connection = require('tedious').Connection;
* var config = {
* "authentication": {
* ...,
* "options": {...}
* },
* "options": {...}
* };
* var connection = new Connection(config);
* ```
* Only one request at a time may be executed on a connection. Once a [[Request]]
* has been initiated (with [[Connection.callProcedure]], [[Connection.execSql]],
* or [[Connection.execSqlBatch]]), another should not be initiated until the
* [[Request]]'s completion callback is called.
declare class Connection extends EventEmitter {
* @private
fedAuthRequired: boolean;
* @private
config: InternalConnectionConfig;
* @private
secureContextOptions: SecureContextOptions;
* @private
inTransaction: boolean;
* @private
transactionDescriptors: Buffer[];
* @private
transactionDepth: number;
* @private
isSqlBatch: boolean;
* @private
curTransientRetryCount: number;
* @private
transientErrorLookup: TransientErrorLookup;
* @private
closed: boolean;
* @private
loginError: undefined | AggregateError | ConnectionError;
* @private
debug: Debug;
* @private
ntlmpacket: undefined | any;
* @private
ntlmpacketBuffer: undefined | Buffer;
* @private
FINAL: State;
* @private
routingData: undefined | RoutingData;
* @private
messageIo: MessageIO;
* @private
state: State;
* @private
resetConnectionOnNextRequest: undefined | boolean;
* @private
request: undefined | Request | BulkLoad;
* @private
procReturnStatusValue: undefined | any;
* @private
socket: undefined | net.Socket;
* @private
messageBuffer: Buffer;
* @private
connectTimer: undefined | NodeJS.Timeout;
* @private
cancelTimer: undefined | NodeJS.Timeout;
* @private
requestTimer: undefined | NodeJS.Timeout;
* @private
retryTimer: undefined | NodeJS.Timeout;
* @private
_cancelAfterRequestSent: () => void;
* @private
databaseCollation: Collation | undefined;
* Note: be aware of the different options field:
* 1. config.authentication.options
* 2. config.options
* ```js
* const { Connection } = require('tedious');
* const config = {
* "authentication": {
* ...,
* "options": {...}
* },
* "options": {...}
* };
* const connection = new Connection(config);
* ```
* @param config
constructor(config: ConnectionConfiguration);
connect(connectListener?: (err?: Error) => void): void;
* The server has reported that the charset has changed.
on(event: 'charsetChange', listener: (charset: string) => void): this;
* The attempt to connect and validate has completed.
on(event: 'connect',
* @param err If successfully connected, will be falsey. If there was a
* problem (with either connecting or validation), will be an [[Error]] object.
listener: (err: Error | undefined) => void): this;
* The server has reported that the active database has changed.
* This may be as a result of a successful login, or a `use` statement.
on(event: 'databaseChange', listener: (databaseName: string) => void): this;
* A debug message is available. It may be logged or ignored.
on(event: 'debug', listener: (messageText: string) => void): this;
* Internal error occurs.
on(event: 'error', listener: (err: Error) => void): this;
* The server has issued an error message.
on(event: 'errorMessage', listener: (message: import('./token/token').ErrorMessageToken) => void): this;
* The connection has ended.
* This may be as a result of the client calling [[close]], the server
* closing the connection, or a network error.
on(event: 'end', listener: () => void): this;
* The server has issued an information message.
on(event: 'infoMessage', listener: (message: import('./token/token').InfoMessageToken) => void): this;
* The server has reported that the language has changed.
on(event: 'languageChange', listener: (languageName: string) => void): this;
* The connection was reset.
on(event: 'resetConnection', listener: () => void): this;
* A secure connection has been established.
on(event: 'secure', listener: (cleartext: import('tls').TLSSocket) => void): this;
* @private
emit(event: 'charsetChange', charset: string): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'connect', error?: Error): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'databaseChange', databaseName: string): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'debug', messageText: string): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'error', error: Error): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'errorMessage', message: import('./token/token').ErrorMessageToken): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'end'): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'infoMessage', message: import('./token/token').InfoMessageToken): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'languageChange', languageName: string): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'secure', cleartext: import('tls').TLSSocket): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'rerouting'): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'resetConnection'): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'retry'): boolean;
* @private
emit(event: 'rollbackTransaction'): boolean;
* Closes the connection to the database.
* The [[Event_end]] will be emitted once the connection has been closed.
close(): void;
* @private
initialiseConnection(): void | Promise;
* @private
cleanupConnection(cleanupType: typeof CLEANUP_TYPE[keyof typeof CLEANUP_TYPE]): void;
* @private
createDebug(): Debug;
* @private
createTokenStreamParser(message: Message, handler: TokenHandler): TokenStreamParser;
socketHandlingForSendPreLogin(socket: net.Socket): void;
wrapWithTls(socket: net.Socket, signal: AbortSignal): Promise;
connectOnPort(port: number, multiSubnetFailover: boolean, signal: AbortSignal, customConnector?: () => Promise): void;
* @private
closeConnection(): void;
* @private
createConnectTimer(): AbortSignal;
* @private
createCancelTimer(): void;
* @private
createRequestTimer(): void;
* @private
createRetryTimer(): void;
* @private
connectTimeout(): void;
* @private
cancelTimeout(): void;
* @private
requestTimeout(): void;
* @private
retryTimeout(): void;
* @private
clearConnectTimer(): void;
* @private
clearCancelTimer(): void;
* @private
clearRequestTimer(): void;
* @private
clearRetryTimer(): void;
* @private
transitionTo(newState: State): void;
* @private
getEventHandler(eventName: T): NonNullable;
* @private
dispatchEvent(eventName: T, ...args: Parameters>): void;
* @private
socketError(error: Error): void;
* @private
socketEnd(): void;
* @private
socketClose(): void;
* @private
sendPreLogin(): void;
* @private
sendLogin7Packet(): void;
* @private
sendFedAuthTokenMessage(token: string): void;
* @private
sendInitialSql(): void;
* @private
getInitialSql(): string;
* @private
processedInitialSql(): void;
* Execute the SQL batch represented by [[Request]].
* There is no param support, and unlike [[Request.execSql]],
* it is not likely that SQL Server will reuse the execution plan it generates for the SQL.
* In almost all cases, [[Request.execSql]] will be a better choice.
* @param request A [[Request]] object representing the request.
execSqlBatch(request: Request): void;
* Execute the SQL represented by [[Request]].
* As `sp_executesql` is used to execute the SQL, if the same SQL is executed multiples times
* using this function, the SQL Server query optimizer is likely to reuse the execution plan it generates
* for the first execution. This may also result in SQL server treating the request like a stored procedure
* which can result in the [[Event_doneInProc]] or [[Event_doneProc]] events being emitted instead of the
* [[Event_done]] event you might expect. Using [[execSqlBatch]] will prevent this from occurring but may have a negative performance impact.
* Beware of the way that scoping rules apply, and how they may [affect local temp tables](http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/mladenp/archive/2006/11/03/17197.aspx)
* If you're running in to scoping issues, then [[execSqlBatch]] may be a better choice.
* See also [issue #24](https://github.com/pekim/tedious/issues/24)
* @param request A [[Request]] object representing the request.
execSql(request: Request): void;
* Creates a new BulkLoad instance.
* @param table The name of the table to bulk-insert into.
* @param options A set of bulk load options.
newBulkLoad(table: string, callback: BulkLoadCallback): BulkLoad;
newBulkLoad(table: string, options: BulkLoadOptions, callback: BulkLoadCallback): BulkLoad;
* Execute a [[BulkLoad]].
* ```js
* // We want to perform a bulk load into a table with the following format:
* // CREATE TABLE employees (first_name nvarchar(255), last_name nvarchar(255), day_of_birth date);
* const bulkLoad = connection.newBulkLoad('employees', (err, rowCount) => {
* // ...
* });
* // First, we need to specify the columns that we want to write to,
* // and their definitions. These definitions must match the actual table,
* // otherwise the bulk load will fail.
* bulkLoad.addColumn('first_name', TYPES.NVarchar, { nullable: false });
* bulkLoad.addColumn('last_name', TYPES.NVarchar, { nullable: false });
* bulkLoad.addColumn('date_of_birth', TYPES.Date, { nullable: false });
* // Execute a bulk load with a predefined list of rows.
* //
* // Note that these rows are held in memory until the
* // bulk load was performed, so if you need to write a large
* // number of rows (e.g. by reading from a CSV file),
* // passing an `AsyncIterable` is advisable to keep memory usage low.
* connection.execBulkLoad(bulkLoad, [
* { 'first_name': 'Steve', 'last_name': 'Jobs', 'day_of_birth': new Date('02-24-1955') },
* { 'first_name': 'Bill', 'last_name': 'Gates', 'day_of_birth': new Date('10-28-1955') }
* ]);
* ```
* @param bulkLoad A previously created [[BulkLoad]].
* @param rows A [[Iterable]] or [[AsyncIterable]] that contains the rows that should be bulk loaded.
execBulkLoad(bulkLoad: BulkLoad, rows: AsyncIterable | Iterable): void;
* Prepare the SQL represented by the request.
* The request can then be used in subsequent calls to
* [[execute]] and [[unprepare]]
* @param request A [[Request]] object representing the request.
* Parameters only require a name and type. Parameter values are ignored.
prepare(request: Request): void;
* Release the SQL Server resources associated with a previously prepared request.
* @param request A [[Request]] object representing the request.
* Parameters only require a name and type.
* Parameter values are ignored.
unprepare(request: Request): void;
* Execute previously prepared SQL, using the supplied parameters.
* @param request A previously prepared [[Request]].
* @param parameters An object whose names correspond to the names of
* parameters that were added to the [[Request]] before it was prepared.
* The object's values are passed as the parameters' values when the
* request is executed.
execute(request: Request, parameters?: {
[key: string]: unknown;
}): void;
* Call a stored procedure represented by [[Request]].
* @param request A [[Request]] object representing the request.
callProcedure(request: Request): void;
* Start a transaction.
* @param callback
* @param name A string representing a name to associate with the transaction.
* Optional, and defaults to an empty string. Required when `isolationLevel`
* is present.
* @param isolationLevel The isolation level that the transaction is to be run with.
* The isolation levels are available from `require('tedious').ISOLATION_LEVEL`.
* Optional, and defaults to the Connection's isolation level.
beginTransaction(callback: BeginTransactionCallback, name?: string, isolationLevel?: number): void;
* Commit a transaction.
* There should be an active transaction - that is, [[beginTransaction]]
* should have been previously called.
* @param callback
* @param name A string representing a name to associate with the transaction.
* Optional, and defaults to an empty string. Required when `isolationLevel`is present.
commitTransaction(callback: CommitTransactionCallback, name?: string): void;
* Rollback a transaction.
* There should be an active transaction - that is, [[beginTransaction]]
* should have been previously called.
* @param callback
* @param name A string representing a name to associate with the transaction.
* Optional, and defaults to an empty string.
* Required when `isolationLevel` is present.
rollbackTransaction(callback: RollbackTransactionCallback, name?: string): void;
* Set a savepoint within a transaction.
* There should be an active transaction - that is, [[beginTransaction]]
* should have been previously called.
* @param callback
* @param name A string representing a name to associate with the transaction.\
* Optional, and defaults to an empty string.
* Required when `isolationLevel` is present.
saveTransaction(callback: SaveTransactionCallback, name: string): void;
* Run the given callback after starting a transaction, and commit or
* rollback the transaction afterwards.
* This is a helper that employs [[beginTransaction]], [[commitTransaction]],
* [[rollbackTransaction]], and [[saveTransaction]] to greatly simplify the
* use of database transactions and automatically handle transaction nesting.
* @param cb
* @param isolationLevel
* The isolation level that the transaction is to be run with.
* The isolation levels are available from `require('tedious').ISOLATION_LEVEL`.
* Optional, and defaults to the Connection's isolation level.
transaction(cb: (err: Error | null | undefined, txDone?: (err: Error | null | undefined, done: T, ...args: CallbackParameters) => void) => void, isolationLevel?: typeof ISOLATION_LEVEL[keyof typeof ISOLATION_LEVEL]): void;
* @private
makeRequest(request: Request | BulkLoad, packetType: number, payload: (Iterable | AsyncIterable) & {
toString: (indent?: string) => string;
}): void;
* Cancel currently executed request.
cancel(): boolean;
* Reset the connection to its initial state.
* Can be useful for connection pool implementations.
* @param callback
reset(callback: ResetCallback): void;
* @private
currentTransactionDescriptor(): Buffer;
* @private
getIsolationLevelText(isolationLevel: typeof ISOLATION_LEVEL[keyof typeof ISOLATION_LEVEL]): "read uncommitted" | "repeatable read" | "serializable" | "snapshot" | "read committed";
export default Connection;