import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import Connection, { type InternalConnectionOptions } from './connection'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; import { type DataType, type Parameter } from './data-type'; import { Collation } from './collation'; /** * @private */ interface InternalOptions { checkConstraints: boolean; fireTriggers: boolean; keepNulls: boolean; lockTable: boolean; order: { [columnName: string]: 'ASC' | 'DESC'; }; } export interface Options { /** * Honors constraints during bulk load, using T-SQL * [CHECK_CONSTRAINTS]( * (default: `false`) */ checkConstraints?: InternalOptions['checkConstraints'] | undefined; /** * Honors insert triggers during bulk load, using the T-SQL [FIRE_TRIGGERS]( (default: `false`) */ fireTriggers?: InternalOptions['fireTriggers'] | undefined; /** * Honors null value passed, ignores the default values set on table, using T-SQL [KEEP_NULLS]( (default: `false`) */ keepNulls?: InternalOptions['keepNulls'] | undefined; /** * Places a bulk update(BU) lock on table while performing bulk load, using T-SQL [TABLOCK]( (default: `false`) */ lockTable?: InternalOptions['lockTable'] | undefined; /** * Specifies the ordering of the data to possibly increase bulk insert performance, using T-SQL [ORDER]( (default: `{}`) */ order?: InternalOptions['order'] | undefined; } export type Callback = /** * A function which will be called after the [[BulkLoad]] finishes executing. * * @param rowCount the number of rows inserted */ (err: Error | undefined | null, rowCount?: number) => void; interface Column extends Parameter { objName: string; collation: Collation | undefined; } interface ColumnOptions { output?: boolean; /** * For VarChar, NVarChar, VarBinary. Use length as `Infinity` for VarChar(max), NVarChar(max) and VarBinary(max). */ length?: number; /** * For Numeric, Decimal. */ precision?: number; /** * For Numeric, Decimal, Time, DateTime2, DateTimeOffset. */ scale?: number; /** * If the name of the column is different from the name of the property found on `rowObj` arguments passed to [[addRow]], then you can use this option to specify the property name. */ objName?: string; /** * Indicates whether the column accepts NULL values. */ nullable?: boolean; } declare class RowTransform extends Transform { /** * @private */ columnMetadataWritten: boolean; /** * @private */ bulkLoad: BulkLoad; /** * @private */ mainOptions: BulkLoad['options']; /** * @private */ columns: BulkLoad['columns']; /** * @private */ constructor(bulkLoad: BulkLoad); /** * @private */ _transform(row: Array | { [colName: string]: unknown; }, _encoding: string, callback: (error?: Error) => void): void; /** * @private */ _flush(callback: () => void): void; } /** * A BulkLoad instance is used to perform a bulk insert. * * Use [[Connection.newBulkLoad]] to create a new instance, and [[Connection.execBulkLoad]] to execute it. * * Example of BulkLoad Usages: * * ```js * // optional BulkLoad options * const options = { keepNulls: true }; * * // instantiate - provide the table where you'll be inserting to, options and a callback * const bulkLoad = connection.newBulkLoad('MyTable', options, (error, rowCount) => { * console.log('inserted %d rows', rowCount); * }); * * // setup your columns - always indicate whether the column is nullable * bulkLoad.addColumn('myInt', TYPES.Int, { nullable: false }); * bulkLoad.addColumn('myString', TYPES.NVarChar, { length: 50, nullable: true }); * * // execute * connection.execBulkLoad(bulkLoad, [ * { myInt: 7, myString: 'hello' }, * { myInt: 23, myString: 'world' } * ]); * ``` */ declare class BulkLoad extends EventEmitter { /** * @private */ error: Error | undefined; /** * @private */ canceled: boolean; /** * @private */ executionStarted: boolean; /** * @private */ streamingMode: boolean; /** * @private */ table: string; /** * @private */ timeout: number | undefined; /** * @private */ options: InternalConnectionOptions; /** * @private */ callback: Callback; /** * @private */ columns: Array; /** * @private */ columnsByName: { [name: string]: Column; }; /** * @private */ firstRowWritten: boolean; /** * @private */ rowToPacketTransform: RowTransform; /** * @private */ bulkOptions: InternalOptions; /** * @private */ connection: Connection | undefined; /** * @private */ rows: Array | undefined; /** * @private */ rst: Array | undefined; /** * @private */ rowCount: number | undefined; collation: Collation | undefined; /** * @private */ constructor(table: string, collation: Collation | undefined, connectionOptions: InternalConnectionOptions, { checkConstraints, fireTriggers, keepNulls, lockTable, order, }: Options, callback: Callback); /** * Adds a column to the bulk load. * * The column definitions should match the table you are trying to insert into. * Attempting to call addColumn after the first row has been added will throw an exception. * * ```js * bulkLoad.addColumn('MyIntColumn', TYPES.Int, { nullable: false }); * ``` * * @param name The name of the column. * @param type One of the supported `data types`. * @param __namedParameters Additional column type information. At a minimum, `nullable` must be set to true or false. * @param length For VarChar, NVarChar, VarBinary. Use length as `Infinity` for VarChar(max), NVarChar(max) and VarBinary(max). * @param nullable Indicates whether the column accepts NULL values. * @param objName If the name of the column is different from the name of the property found on `rowObj` arguments passed to [[addRow]] or [[Connection.execBulkLoad]], then you can use this option to specify the property name. * @param precision For Numeric, Decimal. * @param scale For Numeric, Decimal, Time, DateTime2, DateTimeOffset. */ addColumn(name: string, type: DataType, { output, length, precision, scale, objName, nullable }: ColumnOptions): void; /** * @private */ getOptionsSql(): string; /** * @private */ getBulkInsertSql(): string; /** * This is simply a helper utility function which returns a `CREATE TABLE SQL` statement based on the columns added to the bulkLoad object. * This may be particularly handy when you want to insert into a temporary table (a table which starts with `#`). * * ```js * var sql = bulkLoad.getTableCreationSql(); * ``` * * A side note on bulk inserting into temporary tables: if you want to access a local temporary table after executing the bulk load, * you'll need to use the same connection and execute your requests using [[Connection.execSqlBatch]] instead of [[Connection.execSql]] */ getTableCreationSql(): string; /** * @private */ getColMetaData(): Buffer; /** * Sets a timeout for this bulk load. * * ```js * bulkLoad.setTimeout(timeout); * ``` * * @param timeout The number of milliseconds before the bulk load is considered failed, or 0 for no timeout. * When no timeout is set for the bulk load, the [[ConnectionOptions.requestTimeout]] of the Connection is used. */ setTimeout(timeout?: number): void; /** * @private */ createDoneToken(): Buffer; /** * @private */ cancel(): void; } export default BulkLoad;