import { Context } from './context' import { ExclusiveKeys, MaybePromise } from './core/helpers/util' import { MiddlewareFn } from './middleware' import d from 'debug' const debug = d('telegraf:session') export interface SyncSessionStore { get: (name: string) => T | undefined set: (name: string, value: T) => void delete: (name: string) => void } export interface AsyncSessionStore { get: (name: string) => Promise set: (name: string, value: T) => Promise delete: (name: string) => Promise } export type SessionStore = SyncSessionStore | AsyncSessionStore interface SessionOptions { /** Customise the session prop. Defaults to "session" and is available as ctx.session. */ property?: P getSessionKey?: (ctx: C) => MaybePromise store?: SessionStore defaultSession?: (ctx: C) => S } /** @deprecated session can use custom properties now. Construct this type directly. */ export interface SessionContext extends Context { session?: S } /** * Returns middleware that adds `ctx.session` for storing arbitrary state per session key. * * The default `getSessionKey` is `${}:${}`. * If either `ctx.from` or `` is `undefined`, default session key and thus `ctx.session` are also `undefined`. * * > ⚠️ Session data is kept only in memory by default, which means that all data will be lost when the process is terminated. * > * > If you want to persist data across process restarts, or share it among multiple instances, you should use * [@telegraf/session](, or pass custom `storage`. * * @see {@link Telegraf Docs | Session} * @see {@link Example} */ export function session< S extends NonNullable, C extends Context & { [key in P]?: C[P] }, P extends (ExclusiveKeys & string) | 'session' = 'session', // ^ Only allow prop names that aren't keys in base Context. // At type level, this is cosmetic. To not get cluttered with all Context keys. >(options?: SessionOptions): MiddlewareFn { const prop = options?.property ?? ('session' as P) const getSessionKey = options?.getSessionKey ?? defaultGetSessionKey const store = options?.store ?? new MemorySessionStore() // caches value from store in-memory while simultaneous updates share it // when counter reaches 0, the cached ref will be freed from memory const cache = new Map() // temporarily stores concurrent requests const concurrents = new Map>() // this function must be handled with care // read full description on the original PR: // make sure to update the tests in test/session.js if you make any changes or fix bugs here return async (ctx, next) => { const updId = ctx.update.update_id // because this is async, requests may still race here, but it will get autocorrected at (1) // v5 getSessionKey should probably be synchronous to avoid that const key = await getSessionKey(ctx) if (!key) { // Leaving this here could be useful to check for `prop in ctx` in future middleware ctx[prop] = undefined as unknown as S return await next() } let cached = cache.get(key) if (cached) { debug(`(${updId}) found cached session, reusing from cache`) ++cached.counter } else { debug(`(${updId}) did not find cached session`) // if another concurrent request has already sent a store request, fetch that instead let promise = concurrents.get(key) if (promise) debug(`(${updId}) found a concurrent request, reusing promise`) else { debug(`(${updId}) fetching from upstream store`) promise = store.get(key) } // synchronously store promise so concurrent requests can share response concurrents.set(key, promise) const upstream = await promise // all concurrent awaits will have promise in their closure, safe to remove now concurrents.delete(key) debug(`(${updId}) updating cache`) // another request may have beaten us to the punch const c = cache.get(key) if (c) { // another request did beat us to the punch c.counter++ // (1) preserve cached reference; in-memory reference is always newer than from store cached = c } else { // we're the first, so we must cache the reference cached = { ref: upstream ?? options?.defaultSession?.(ctx), counter: 1 } cache.set(key, cached) } } // TS already knows cached is always defined by this point, but does not guard cached. // It will, however, guard `c` here. const c = cached let touched = false Object.defineProperty(ctx, prop, { get() { touched = true return c.ref }, set(value: S) { touched = true c.ref = value }, }) try { await next() } finally { if (--c.counter === 0) { // decrement to avoid memory leak debug(`(${updId}) refcounter reached 0, removing cached`) cache.delete(key) } debug(`(${updId}) middlewares completed, checking session`) // only update store if ctx.session was touched if (touched) if (ctx[prop] == null) { debug(`(${updId}) ctx.${prop} missing, removing from store`) await store.delete(key) } else { debug(`(${updId}) ctx.${prop} found, updating store`) await store.set(key, ctx[prop] as S) } } } } async function defaultGetSessionKey(ctx: Context): Promise { const fromId = ctx.from?.id const chatId = if (fromId == null || chatId == null) { return undefined } return `${fromId}:${chatId}` } /** @deprecated Use `Map` */ export class MemorySessionStore implements SyncSessionStore { private readonly store = new Map() constructor(private readonly ttl = Infinity) {} get(name: string): T | undefined { const entry = if (entry == null) { return undefined } else if (entry.expires < { this.delete(name) return undefined } return entry.session } set(name: string, value: T): void { const now =, { session: value, expires: now + this.ttl }) } delete(name: string): void { } } /** @deprecated session can use custom properties now. Directly use `'session' in ctx` instead */ export function isSessionContext( ctx: Context ): ctx is SessionContext { return 'session' in ctx }