import * as crypto from 'crypto' import * as http from 'http' import * as https from 'https' import * as tg from './core/types/typegram' import * as tt from './telegram-types' import * as util from 'util' import { Composer, MaybePromise } from './composer' import ApiClient from './core/network/client' import { compactOptions } from './core/helpers/compact' import Context from './context' import d from 'debug' import generateCallback from './core/network/webhook' import { Polling } from './core/network/polling' import pTimeout from 'p-timeout' import Telegram from './telegram' import { TlsOptions } from 'tls' import { URL } from 'url' const debug = d('telegraf:main') const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: Telegraf.Options = { telegram: {}, handlerTimeout: 90_000, // 90s in ms contextType: Context, } function always(x: T) { return () => x } const anoop = always(Promise.resolve()) // eslint-disable-next-line export namespace Telegraf { export interface Options { contextType: new ( ...args: ConstructorParameters ) => TContext handlerTimeout: number telegram?: Partial } export interface LaunchOptions { dropPendingUpdates?: boolean /** List the types of updates you want your bot to receive */ allowedUpdates?: tt.UpdateType[] /** Configuration options for when the bot is run via webhooks */ webhook?: { /** Public domain for webhook. If domain is not specified, hookPath should contain a domain name as well (not only path component). */ domain?: string /** Webhook url path; will be automatically generated if not specified */ hookPath?: string host?: string port?: number /** TLS server options. Omit to use http. */ tlsOptions?: TlsOptions cb?: http.RequestListener } } } // eslint-disable-next-line import/export export class Telegraf extends Composer { private readonly options: Telegraf.Options private webhookServer?: http.Server | https.Server private polling?: Polling /** Set manually to avoid implicit `getMe` call in `launch` or `webhookCallback` */ public botInfo?: tg.UserFromGetMe public telegram: Telegram readonly context: Partial = {} private handleError = (err: unknown, ctx: C): MaybePromise => { // set exit code to emulate `warn-with-error-code` behavior of // // to prevent a clean exit despite an error being thrown process.exitCode = 1 console.error('Unhandled error while processing', ctx.update) throw err } constructor(token: string, options?: Partial>) { super() // @ts-expect-error this.options = { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...compactOptions(options), } this.telegram = new Telegram(token, this.options.telegram) debug('Created a `Telegraf` instance') } private get token() { return this.telegram.token } /** @deprecated use `ctx.telegram.webhookReply` */ set webhookReply(webhookReply: boolean) { this.telegram.webhookReply = webhookReply } get webhookReply() { return this.telegram.webhookReply } /** * _Override_ error handling */ catch(handler: (err: unknown, ctx: C) => MaybePromise) { this.handleError = handler return this } webhookCallback(path = '/') { return generateCallback( path, (update: tg.Update, res: http.ServerResponse) => this.handleUpdate(update, res) ) } private startPolling(allowedUpdates: tt.UpdateType[] = []) { this.polling = new Polling(this.telegram, allowedUpdates) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises this.polling.loop(async (updates) => { await this.handleUpdates(updates) }) } private startWebhook( hookPath: string, tlsOptions?: TlsOptions, port?: number, host?: string, cb?: http.RequestListener ) { const webhookCb = this.webhookCallback(hookPath) const callback: http.RequestListener = typeof cb === 'function' ? (req, res) => webhookCb(req, res, () => cb(req, res)) : webhookCb this.webhookServer = tlsOptions != null ? https.createServer(tlsOptions, callback) : http.createServer(callback) this.webhookServer.listen(port, host, () => { debug('Webhook listening on port: %s', port) }) return this } secretPathComponent() { return crypto .createHash('sha3-256') .update(this.token) .update(process.version) // salt .digest('hex') } /** * @see */ async launch(config: Telegraf.LaunchOptions = {}) { debug('Connecting to Telegram') this.botInfo ??= await this.telegram.getMe() debug(`Launching @${this.botInfo.username}`) if (config.webhook === undefined) { await this.telegram.deleteWebhook({ drop_pending_updates: config.dropPendingUpdates, }) this.startPolling(config.allowedUpdates) debug('Bot started with long polling') return } if ( typeof config.webhook.domain !== 'string' && typeof config.webhook.hookPath !== 'string' ) { throw new Error('Webhook domain or webhook path is required') } let domain = config.webhook.domain ?? '' if (domain.startsWith('https://') || domain.startsWith('http://')) { domain = new URL(domain).host } const hookPath = config.webhook.hookPath ?? `/telegraf/${this.secretPathComponent()}` const { port, host, tlsOptions, cb } = config.webhook this.startWebhook(hookPath, tlsOptions, port, host, cb) if (!domain) { debug('Bot started with webhook') return } await this.telegram.setWebhook(`https://${domain}${hookPath}`, { drop_pending_updates: config.dropPendingUpdates, allowed_updates: config.allowedUpdates, }) debug(`Bot started with webhook @ https://${domain}`) } stop(reason = 'unspecified') { debug('Stopping bot... Reason:', reason) // if (this.polling === undefined && this.webhookServer === undefined) { throw new Error('Bot is not running!') } this.webhookServer?.close() this.polling?.stop() } private handleUpdates(updates: readonly tg.Update[]) { if (!Array.isArray(updates)) { throw new TypeError(util.format('Updates must be an array, got', updates)) } return Promise.all( => this.handleUpdate(update))) } private botInfoCall?: Promise async handleUpdate(update: tg.Update, webhookResponse?: http.ServerResponse) { this.botInfo ??= (debug( 'Update %d is waiting for `botInfo` to be initialized', update.update_id ), await (this.botInfoCall ??= this.telegram.getMe())) debug('Processing update', update.update_id) const tg = new Telegram(this.token, this.telegram.options, webhookResponse) const TelegrafContext = this.options.contextType const ctx = new TelegrafContext(update, tg, this.botInfo) Object.assign(ctx, this.context) try { await pTimeout( Promise.resolve(this.middleware()(ctx, anoop)), this.options.handlerTimeout ) } catch (err) { return await this.handleError(err, ctx) } finally { if (webhookResponse?.writableEnded === false) { webhookResponse.end() } debug('Finished processing update', update.update_id) } } }