// // types and interfaces // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- export type DoubledObject < T > = T export type DoubledObjectWithKey < T extends string > = { [K in T] : any } export type TestDouble < T > = T export type TestDoubleConstructor < T > = Constructor interface Call { context: {}; args: any[]; } interface Constructor { new (...args: any[]): T } export interface Captor { capture(): any; value?: any; values?: any[]; } export interface Explanation { callCount: number; calls: Call[]; description: string; isTestDouble: boolean; } export interface Matchers { anything(): any; isA(type: Function): any; contains(a: string | any[] | {}): any; argThat(matcher: Function): any; not(v: any): any; captor(): Captor } export const matchers: Matchers export interface Stubber { thenReturn(...args: any[]): TestDouble; thenDo(f: Function): TestDouble; thenThrow(e: Error): TestDouble; thenResolve(...args: any[]): TestDouble; thenReject(e: Error): TestDouble; thenCallback(...args: any[]): TestDouble; } export interface TestdoubleConfig { promiseConstructor?: any; ignoreWarnings?: boolean; suppressErrors?: boolean; } export interface VerificationConfig { ignoreExtraArgs?: boolean; times?: number; } // // general // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Update the configuration. Configuration will perist through the lifetime of * of the entire test. If you need to change a configuration property for a * single test, you'll need to manage undoing the change yourself (e.g. in * beforeEach and afterEach hooks). * * @export * @param {TestdoubleConfig} config */ export function config(config: TestdoubleConfig): void; /** * Reset the state. * * @export */ export function reset(): void; /** * Takes a test double function as an argument and will describe the current * configuration and state of the test double. * * @export * @template T * @param {TestDouble} f * @returns {Explanation} */ export function explain(f: TestDouble): Explanation; // // fake: constructors // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create a fake object constructor the given class. * * @export * @template T * @param {{ new (...args: any[]): T }} constructor * @returns {DoubledObject} */ export function constructor(constructor: Constructor): TestDoubleConstructor; // // fake: functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create a fake function. * * @param {string} [name] Name of function for better messages. * @returns {TestDouble} */ declare function functionDouble(name?: string): TestDouble; /** * Create a fake function. Typed when type is provided. * @example td.func(); * @template T * @param {T} [name] Name of function to copy. * @returns {TestDouble} */ declare function functionDouble(name?: T): TestDouble; export { functionDouble as function } export { functionDouble as func } // // fake: objects // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Create a fake object that is deep copy of the given object. * * @export * @template T * @param {{ new (...args: any[]): T }} constructor * @returns {DoubledObject} */ export function object(constructor: Constructor): DoubledObject; /** * Create a fake object that has the given list of properties. * * @export * @template Key * @param {Key[]} props Array of properties. * @returns {DoubledObjectWithKey} */ export function object(props: T[]): DoubledObjectWithKey; /** * Create a fake empty object that is cast as the generic using a Proxy object. * * @export * @template T * @param {T} object Name of object. * @returns {DoubledObject} */ export function object(object: string): DoubledObject; /** * Create a fake empty object using a Proxy object that is cast as the generic of a passed interface. * * @export * @template T * @returns {DoubledObject} */ export function object(): DoubledObject; /** * Create a fake object that is deep copy of the given object. * * @export * @template T * @param {T} object Object to copy. * @returns {DoubledObject} */ export function object(object: T): DoubledObject; // fake: imitations /** * Create a fake object constructor for the given class. * * @export * @template T * @param {{ new (...args: any[]): T }} constructor * @param {string} [name] * @returns {TestDoubleConstructor} */ export function imitate(constructor: Constructor, name?: string): TestDoubleConstructor; /** * Create a fake object or function. * * @export * @template T * @param {T} original * @param {string} [name] * @returns {TestDouble} */ export function imitate(original: T, name?: string): TestDouble; // // stubbing // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Callback marker. * * @export * @param {...any[]} args */ export function callback(...args: any[]): void; /** * Swap out real dependenencies with fake one. Intercept calls to `require` * that dependency module and ensure your subject is handed a fake instead. * * @export * @param {string} path * @param {*} [f] * @returns {*} */ export function replace(path: string, f?: any): any; /** * Swap out real dependenencies with fake one. Reference to the property will * be replace it during your test. * * @export * @param {{}} path * @param {string} property * @param {*} [f] * @returns {*} */ export function replace(path: {}, property: string, f?: any): any; /** * Stub a specific function call. * * @export * @param {...any[]} args * @returns {Stubber} */ export function when(...args: any[]): Stubber; /** * Verify a specific function call to a stubbed function. * * @export * @param {...any[]} args * @returns {Stubber} */ export function verify(a: any, check?: VerificationConfig): void;