(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('three')) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'three'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.MeshBVHLib = global.MeshBVHLib || {}, global.THREE)); })(this, (function (exports, three) { 'use strict'; // Split strategy constants const CENTER = 0; const AVERAGE = 1; const SAH = 2; // Traversal constants const NOT_INTERSECTED = 0; const INTERSECTED = 1; const CONTAINED = 2; // SAH cost constants // TODO: hone these costs more. The relative difference between them should be the // difference in measured time to perform a triangle intersection vs traversing // bounds. const TRIANGLE_INTERSECT_COST = 1.25; const TRAVERSAL_COST = 1; // Build constants const BYTES_PER_NODE = 6 * 4 + 4 + 4; const IS_LEAFNODE_FLAG = 0xFFFF; // EPSILON for computing floating point error during build // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_epsilon#Values_for_standard_hardware_floating_point_arithmetics const FLOAT32_EPSILON = Math.pow( 2, - 24 ); const SKIP_GENERATION = Symbol( 'SKIP_GENERATION' ); function getVertexCount( geo ) { return geo.index ? geo.index.count : geo.attributes.position.count; } function getTriCount( geo ) { return getVertexCount( geo ) / 3; } function getIndexArray( vertexCount, BufferConstructor = ArrayBuffer ) { if ( vertexCount > 65535 ) { return new Uint32Array( new BufferConstructor( 4 * vertexCount ) ); } else { return new Uint16Array( new BufferConstructor( 2 * vertexCount ) ); } } // ensures that an index is present on the geometry function ensureIndex( geo, options ) { if ( ! geo.index ) { const vertexCount = geo.attributes.position.count; const BufferConstructor = options.useSharedArrayBuffer ? SharedArrayBuffer : ArrayBuffer; const index = getIndexArray( vertexCount, BufferConstructor ); geo.setIndex( new three.BufferAttribute( index, 1 ) ); for ( let i = 0; i < vertexCount; i ++ ) { index[ i ] = i; } } } // Computes the set of { offset, count } ranges which need independent BVH roots. Each // region in the geometry index that belongs to a different set of material groups requires // a separate BVH root, so that triangles indices belonging to one group never get swapped // with triangle indices belongs to another group. For example, if the groups were like this: // // [-------------------------------------------------------------] // |__________________| // g0 = [0, 20] |______________________||_____________________| // g1 = [16, 40] g2 = [41, 60] // // we would need four BVH roots: [0, 15], [16, 20], [21, 40], [41, 60]. function getFullGeometryRange( geo, range ) { const triCount = getTriCount( geo ); const drawRange = range ? range : geo.drawRange; const start = drawRange.start / 3; const end = ( drawRange.start + drawRange.count ) / 3; const offset = Math.max( 0, start ); const count = Math.min( triCount, end ) - offset; return [ { offset: Math.floor( offset ), count: Math.floor( count ), } ]; } function getRootIndexRanges( geo, range ) { if ( ! geo.groups || ! geo.groups.length ) { return getFullGeometryRange( geo, range ); } const ranges = []; const rangeBoundaries = new Set(); const drawRange = range ? range : geo.drawRange; const drawRangeStart = drawRange.start / 3; const drawRangeEnd = ( drawRange.start + drawRange.count ) / 3; for ( const group of geo.groups ) { const groupStart = group.start / 3; const groupEnd = ( group.start + group.count ) / 3; rangeBoundaries.add( Math.max( drawRangeStart, groupStart ) ); rangeBoundaries.add( Math.min( drawRangeEnd, groupEnd ) ); } // note that if you don't pass in a comparator, it sorts them lexicographically as strings :-( const sortedBoundaries = Array.from( rangeBoundaries.values() ).sort( ( a, b ) => a - b ); for ( let i = 0; i < sortedBoundaries.length - 1; i ++ ) { const start = sortedBoundaries[ i ]; const end = sortedBoundaries[ i + 1 ]; ranges.push( { offset: Math.floor( start ), count: Math.floor( end - start ), } ); } return ranges; } function hasGroupGaps( geometry, range ) { const vertexCount = getTriCount( geometry ); const groups = getRootIndexRanges( geometry, range ) .sort( ( a, b ) => a.offset - b.offset ); const finalGroup = groups[ groups.length - 1 ]; finalGroup.count = Math.min( vertexCount - finalGroup.offset, finalGroup.count ); let total = 0; groups.forEach( ( { count } ) => total += count ); return vertexCount !== total; } // computes the union of the bounds of all of the given triangles and puts the resulting box in "target". // A bounding box is computed for the centroids of the triangles, as well, and placed in "centroidTarget". // These are computed together to avoid redundant accesses to bounds array. function getBounds( triangleBounds, offset, count, target, centroidTarget ) { let minx = Infinity; let miny = Infinity; let minz = Infinity; let maxx = - Infinity; let maxy = - Infinity; let maxz = - Infinity; let cminx = Infinity; let cminy = Infinity; let cminz = Infinity; let cmaxx = - Infinity; let cmaxy = - Infinity; let cmaxz = - Infinity; for ( let i = offset * 6, end = ( offset + count ) * 6; i < end; i += 6 ) { const cx = triangleBounds[ i + 0 ]; const hx = triangleBounds[ i + 1 ]; const lx = cx - hx; const rx = cx + hx; if ( lx < minx ) minx = lx; if ( rx > maxx ) maxx = rx; if ( cx < cminx ) cminx = cx; if ( cx > cmaxx ) cmaxx = cx; const cy = triangleBounds[ i + 2 ]; const hy = triangleBounds[ i + 3 ]; const ly = cy - hy; const ry = cy + hy; if ( ly < miny ) miny = ly; if ( ry > maxy ) maxy = ry; if ( cy < cminy ) cminy = cy; if ( cy > cmaxy ) cmaxy = cy; const cz = triangleBounds[ i + 4 ]; const hz = triangleBounds[ i + 5 ]; const lz = cz - hz; const rz = cz + hz; if ( lz < minz ) minz = lz; if ( rz > maxz ) maxz = rz; if ( cz < cminz ) cminz = cz; if ( cz > cmaxz ) cmaxz = cz; } target[ 0 ] = minx; target[ 1 ] = miny; target[ 2 ] = minz; target[ 3 ] = maxx; target[ 4 ] = maxy; target[ 5 ] = maxz; centroidTarget[ 0 ] = cminx; centroidTarget[ 1 ] = cminy; centroidTarget[ 2 ] = cminz; centroidTarget[ 3 ] = cmaxx; centroidTarget[ 4 ] = cmaxy; centroidTarget[ 5 ] = cmaxz; } // precomputes the bounding box for each triangle; required for quickly calculating tree splits. // result is an array of size tris.length * 6 where triangle i maps to a // [x_center, x_delta, y_center, y_delta, z_center, z_delta] tuple starting at index i * 6, // representing the center and half-extent in each dimension of triangle i function computeTriangleBounds( geo, target = null, offset = null, count = null ) { const posAttr = geo.attributes.position; const index = geo.index ? geo.index.array : null; const triCount = getTriCount( geo ); const normalized = posAttr.normalized; let triangleBounds; if ( target === null ) { triangleBounds = new Float32Array( triCount * 6 ); offset = 0; count = triCount; } else { triangleBounds = target; offset = offset || 0; count = count || triCount; } // used for non-normalized positions const posArr = posAttr.array; // support for an interleaved position buffer const bufferOffset = posAttr.offset || 0; let stride = 3; if ( posAttr.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) { stride = posAttr.data.stride; } // used for normalized positions const getters = [ 'getX', 'getY', 'getZ' ]; for ( let tri = offset; tri < offset + count; tri ++ ) { const tri3 = tri * 3; const tri6 = tri * 6; let ai = tri3 + 0; let bi = tri3 + 1; let ci = tri3 + 2; if ( index ) { ai = index[ ai ]; bi = index[ bi ]; ci = index[ ci ]; } // we add the stride and offset here since we access the array directly // below for the sake of performance if ( ! normalized ) { ai = ai * stride + bufferOffset; bi = bi * stride + bufferOffset; ci = ci * stride + bufferOffset; } for ( let el = 0; el < 3; el ++ ) { let a, b, c; if ( normalized ) { a = posAttr[ getters[ el ] ]( ai ); b = posAttr[ getters[ el ] ]( bi ); c = posAttr[ getters[ el ] ]( ci ); } else { a = posArr[ ai + el ]; b = posArr[ bi + el ]; c = posArr[ ci + el ]; } let min = a; if ( b < min ) min = b; if ( c < min ) min = c; let max = a; if ( b > max ) max = b; if ( c > max ) max = c; // Increase the bounds size by float32 epsilon to avoid precision errors when // converting to 32 bit float. Scale the epsilon by the size of the numbers being // worked with. const halfExtents = ( max - min ) / 2; const el2 = el * 2; triangleBounds[ tri6 + el2 + 0 ] = min + halfExtents; triangleBounds[ tri6 + el2 + 1 ] = halfExtents + ( Math.abs( min ) + halfExtents ) * FLOAT32_EPSILON; } } return triangleBounds; } function arrayToBox( nodeIndex32, array, target ) { target.min.x = array[ nodeIndex32 ]; target.min.y = array[ nodeIndex32 + 1 ]; target.min.z = array[ nodeIndex32 + 2 ]; target.max.x = array[ nodeIndex32 + 3 ]; target.max.y = array[ nodeIndex32 + 4 ]; target.max.z = array[ nodeIndex32 + 5 ]; return target; } function makeEmptyBounds( target ) { target[ 0 ] = target[ 1 ] = target[ 2 ] = Infinity; target[ 3 ] = target[ 4 ] = target[ 5 ] = - Infinity; } function getLongestEdgeIndex( bounds ) { let splitDimIdx = - 1; let splitDist = - Infinity; for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const dist = bounds[ i + 3 ] - bounds[ i ]; if ( dist > splitDist ) { splitDist = dist; splitDimIdx = i; } } return splitDimIdx; } // copies bounds a into bounds b function copyBounds( source, target ) { target.set( source ); } // sets bounds target to the union of bounds a and b function unionBounds( a, b, target ) { let aVal, bVal; for ( let d = 0; d < 3; d ++ ) { const d3 = d + 3; // set the minimum values aVal = a[ d ]; bVal = b[ d ]; target[ d ] = aVal < bVal ? aVal : bVal; // set the max values aVal = a[ d3 ]; bVal = b[ d3 ]; target[ d3 ] = aVal > bVal ? aVal : bVal; } } // expands the given bounds by the provided triangle bounds function expandByTriangleBounds( startIndex, triangleBounds, bounds ) { for ( let d = 0; d < 3; d ++ ) { const tCenter = triangleBounds[ startIndex + 2 * d ]; const tHalf = triangleBounds[ startIndex + 2 * d + 1 ]; const tMin = tCenter - tHalf; const tMax = tCenter + tHalf; if ( tMin < bounds[ d ] ) { bounds[ d ] = tMin; } if ( tMax > bounds[ d + 3 ] ) { bounds[ d + 3 ] = tMax; } } } // compute bounds surface area function computeSurfaceArea( bounds ) { const d0 = bounds[ 3 ] - bounds[ 0 ]; const d1 = bounds[ 4 ] - bounds[ 1 ]; const d2 = bounds[ 5 ] - bounds[ 2 ]; return 2 * ( d0 * d1 + d1 * d2 + d2 * d0 ); } const BIN_COUNT = 32; const binsSort = ( a, b ) => a.candidate - b.candidate; const sahBins = new Array( BIN_COUNT ).fill().map( () => { return { count: 0, bounds: new Float32Array( 6 ), rightCacheBounds: new Float32Array( 6 ), leftCacheBounds: new Float32Array( 6 ), candidate: 0, }; } ); const leftBounds = new Float32Array( 6 ); function getOptimalSplit( nodeBoundingData, centroidBoundingData, triangleBounds, offset, count, strategy ) { let axis = - 1; let pos = 0; // Center if ( strategy === CENTER ) { axis = getLongestEdgeIndex( centroidBoundingData ); if ( axis !== - 1 ) { pos = ( centroidBoundingData[ axis ] + centroidBoundingData[ axis + 3 ] ) / 2; } } else if ( strategy === AVERAGE ) { axis = getLongestEdgeIndex( nodeBoundingData ); if ( axis !== - 1 ) { pos = getAverage( triangleBounds, offset, count, axis ); } } else if ( strategy === SAH ) { const rootSurfaceArea = computeSurfaceArea( nodeBoundingData ); let bestCost = TRIANGLE_INTERSECT_COST * count; // iterate over all axes const cStart = offset * 6; const cEnd = ( offset + count ) * 6; for ( let a = 0; a < 3; a ++ ) { const axisLeft = centroidBoundingData[ a ]; const axisRight = centroidBoundingData[ a + 3 ]; const axisLength = axisRight - axisLeft; const binWidth = axisLength / BIN_COUNT; // If we have fewer triangles than we're planning to split then just check all // the triangle positions because it will be faster. if ( count < BIN_COUNT / 4 ) { // initialize the bin candidates const truncatedBins = [ ...sahBins ]; truncatedBins.length = count; // set the candidates let b = 0; for ( let c = cStart; c < cEnd; c += 6, b ++ ) { const bin = truncatedBins[ b ]; bin.candidate = triangleBounds[ c + 2 * a ]; bin.count = 0; const { bounds, leftCacheBounds, rightCacheBounds, } = bin; for ( let d = 0; d < 3; d ++ ) { rightCacheBounds[ d ] = Infinity; rightCacheBounds[ d + 3 ] = - Infinity; leftCacheBounds[ d ] = Infinity; leftCacheBounds[ d + 3 ] = - Infinity; bounds[ d ] = Infinity; bounds[ d + 3 ] = - Infinity; } expandByTriangleBounds( c, triangleBounds, bounds ); } truncatedBins.sort( binsSort ); // remove redundant splits let splitCount = count; for ( let bi = 0; bi < splitCount; bi ++ ) { const bin = truncatedBins[ bi ]; while ( bi + 1 < splitCount && truncatedBins[ bi + 1 ].candidate === bin.candidate ) { truncatedBins.splice( bi + 1, 1 ); splitCount --; } } // find the appropriate bin for each triangle and expand the bounds. for ( let c = cStart; c < cEnd; c += 6 ) { const center = triangleBounds[ c + 2 * a ]; for ( let bi = 0; bi < splitCount; bi ++ ) { const bin = truncatedBins[ bi ]; if ( center >= bin.candidate ) { expandByTriangleBounds( c, triangleBounds, bin.rightCacheBounds ); } else { expandByTriangleBounds( c, triangleBounds, bin.leftCacheBounds ); bin.count ++; } } } // expand all the bounds for ( let bi = 0; bi < splitCount; bi ++ ) { const bin = truncatedBins[ bi ]; const leftCount = bin.count; const rightCount = count - bin.count; // check the cost of this split const leftBounds = bin.leftCacheBounds; const rightBounds = bin.rightCacheBounds; let leftProb = 0; if ( leftCount !== 0 ) { leftProb = computeSurfaceArea( leftBounds ) / rootSurfaceArea; } let rightProb = 0; if ( rightCount !== 0 ) { rightProb = computeSurfaceArea( rightBounds ) / rootSurfaceArea; } const cost = TRAVERSAL_COST + TRIANGLE_INTERSECT_COST * ( leftProb * leftCount + rightProb * rightCount ); if ( cost < bestCost ) { axis = a; bestCost = cost; pos = bin.candidate; } } } else { // reset the bins for ( let i = 0; i < BIN_COUNT; i ++ ) { const bin = sahBins[ i ]; bin.count = 0; bin.candidate = axisLeft + binWidth + i * binWidth; const bounds = bin.bounds; for ( let d = 0; d < 3; d ++ ) { bounds[ d ] = Infinity; bounds[ d + 3 ] = - Infinity; } } // iterate over all center positions for ( let c = cStart; c < cEnd; c += 6 ) { const triCenter = triangleBounds[ c + 2 * a ]; const relativeCenter = triCenter - axisLeft; // in the partition function if the centroid lies on the split plane then it is // considered to be on the right side of the split let binIndex = ~ ~ ( relativeCenter / binWidth ); if ( binIndex >= BIN_COUNT ) binIndex = BIN_COUNT - 1; const bin = sahBins[ binIndex ]; bin.count ++; expandByTriangleBounds( c, triangleBounds, bin.bounds ); } // cache the unioned bounds from right to left so we don't have to regenerate them each time const lastBin = sahBins[ BIN_COUNT - 1 ]; copyBounds( lastBin.bounds, lastBin.rightCacheBounds ); for ( let i = BIN_COUNT - 2; i >= 0; i -- ) { const bin = sahBins[ i ]; const nextBin = sahBins[ i + 1 ]; unionBounds( bin.bounds, nextBin.rightCacheBounds, bin.rightCacheBounds ); } let leftCount = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < BIN_COUNT - 1; i ++ ) { const bin = sahBins[ i ]; const binCount = bin.count; const bounds = bin.bounds; const nextBin = sahBins[ i + 1 ]; const rightBounds = nextBin.rightCacheBounds; // don't do anything with the bounds if the new bounds have no triangles if ( binCount !== 0 ) { if ( leftCount === 0 ) { copyBounds( bounds, leftBounds ); } else { unionBounds( bounds, leftBounds, leftBounds ); } } leftCount += binCount; // check the cost of this split let leftProb = 0; let rightProb = 0; if ( leftCount !== 0 ) { leftProb = computeSurfaceArea( leftBounds ) / rootSurfaceArea; } const rightCount = count - leftCount; if ( rightCount !== 0 ) { rightProb = computeSurfaceArea( rightBounds ) / rootSurfaceArea; } const cost = TRAVERSAL_COST + TRIANGLE_INTERSECT_COST * ( leftProb * leftCount + rightProb * rightCount ); if ( cost < bestCost ) { axis = a; bestCost = cost; pos = bin.candidate; } } } } } else { console.warn( `MeshBVH: Invalid build strategy value ${ strategy } used.` ); } return { axis, pos }; } // returns the average coordinate on the specified axis of the all the provided triangles function getAverage( triangleBounds, offset, count, axis ) { let avg = 0; for ( let i = offset, end = offset + count; i < end; i ++ ) { avg += triangleBounds[ i * 6 + axis * 2 ]; } return avg / count; } class MeshBVHNode { constructor() { // internal nodes have boundingData, left, right, and splitAxis // leaf nodes have offset and count (referring to primitives in the mesh geometry) this.boundingData = new Float32Array( 6 ); } } /********************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "sortUtils.template.js". */ /********************************************************/ // reorders `tris` such that for `count` elements after `offset`, elements on the left side of the split // will be on the left and elements on the right side of the split will be on the right. returns the index // of the first element on the right side, or offset + count if there are no elements on the right side. function partition( indirectBuffer, index, triangleBounds, offset, count, split ) { let left = offset; let right = offset + count - 1; const pos = split.pos; const axisOffset = split.axis * 2; // hoare partitioning, see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort#Hoare_partition_scheme while ( true ) { while ( left <= right && triangleBounds[ left * 6 + axisOffset ] < pos ) { left ++; } // if a triangle center lies on the partition plane it is considered to be on the right side while ( left <= right && triangleBounds[ right * 6 + axisOffset ] >= pos ) { right --; } if ( left < right ) { // we need to swap all of the information associated with the triangles at index // left and right; that's the verts in the geometry index, the bounds, // and perhaps the SAH planes for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { let t0 = index[ left * 3 + i ]; index[ left * 3 + i ] = index[ right * 3 + i ]; index[ right * 3 + i ] = t0; } // swap bounds for ( let i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { let tb = triangleBounds[ left * 6 + i ]; triangleBounds[ left * 6 + i ] = triangleBounds[ right * 6 + i ]; triangleBounds[ right * 6 + i ] = tb; } left ++; right --; } else { return left; } } } /********************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "sortUtils.template.js". */ /********************************************************/ // reorders `tris` such that for `count` elements after `offset`, elements on the left side of the split // will be on the left and elements on the right side of the split will be on the right. returns the index // of the first element on the right side, or offset + count if there are no elements on the right side. function partition_indirect( indirectBuffer, index, triangleBounds, offset, count, split ) { let left = offset; let right = offset + count - 1; const pos = split.pos; const axisOffset = split.axis * 2; // hoare partitioning, see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort#Hoare_partition_scheme while ( true ) { while ( left <= right && triangleBounds[ left * 6 + axisOffset ] < pos ) { left ++; } // if a triangle center lies on the partition plane it is considered to be on the right side while ( left <= right && triangleBounds[ right * 6 + axisOffset ] >= pos ) { right --; } if ( left < right ) { // we need to swap all of the information associated with the triangles at index // left and right; that's the verts in the geometry index, the bounds, // and perhaps the SAH planes let t = indirectBuffer[ left ]; indirectBuffer[ left ] = indirectBuffer[ right ]; indirectBuffer[ right ] = t; // swap bounds for ( let i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { let tb = triangleBounds[ left * 6 + i ]; triangleBounds[ left * 6 + i ] = triangleBounds[ right * 6 + i ]; triangleBounds[ right * 6 + i ] = tb; } left ++; right --; } else { return left; } } } function IS_LEAF( n16, uint16Array ) { return uint16Array[ n16 + 15 ] === 0xFFFF; } function OFFSET( n32, uint32Array ) { return uint32Array[ n32 + 6 ]; } function COUNT( n16, uint16Array ) { return uint16Array[ n16 + 14 ]; } function LEFT_NODE( n32 ) { return n32 + 8; } function RIGHT_NODE( n32, uint32Array ) { return uint32Array[ n32 + 6 ]; } function SPLIT_AXIS( n32, uint32Array ) { return uint32Array[ n32 + 7 ]; } function BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( n32 ) { return n32; } let float32Array, uint32Array, uint16Array, uint8Array; const MAX_POINTER = Math.pow( 2, 32 ); function countNodes( node ) { if ( 'count' in node ) { return 1; } else { return 1 + countNodes( node.left ) + countNodes( node.right ); } } function populateBuffer( byteOffset, node, buffer ) { float32Array = new Float32Array( buffer ); uint32Array = new Uint32Array( buffer ); uint16Array = new Uint16Array( buffer ); uint8Array = new Uint8Array( buffer ); return _populateBuffer( byteOffset, node ); } // pack structure // boundingData : 6 float32 // right / offset : 1 uint32 // splitAxis / isLeaf + count : 1 uint32 / 2 uint16 function _populateBuffer( byteOffset, node ) { const stride4Offset = byteOffset / 4; const stride2Offset = byteOffset / 2; const isLeaf = 'count' in node; const boundingData = node.boundingData; for ( let i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { float32Array[ stride4Offset + i ] = boundingData[ i ]; } if ( isLeaf ) { if ( node.buffer ) { const buffer = node.buffer; uint8Array.set( new Uint8Array( buffer ), byteOffset ); for ( let offset = byteOffset, l = byteOffset + buffer.byteLength; offset < l; offset += BYTES_PER_NODE ) { const offset2 = offset / 2; if ( ! IS_LEAF( offset2, uint16Array ) ) { uint32Array[ ( offset / 4 ) + 6 ] += stride4Offset; } } return byteOffset + buffer.byteLength; } else { const offset = node.offset; const count = node.count; uint32Array[ stride4Offset + 6 ] = offset; uint16Array[ stride2Offset + 14 ] = count; uint16Array[ stride2Offset + 15 ] = IS_LEAFNODE_FLAG; return byteOffset + BYTES_PER_NODE; } } else { const left = node.left; const right = node.right; const splitAxis = node.splitAxis; let nextUnusedPointer; nextUnusedPointer = _populateBuffer( byteOffset + BYTES_PER_NODE, left ); if ( ( nextUnusedPointer / 4 ) > MAX_POINTER ) { throw new Error( 'MeshBVH: Cannot store child pointer greater than 32 bits.' ); } uint32Array[ stride4Offset + 6 ] = nextUnusedPointer / 4; nextUnusedPointer = _populateBuffer( nextUnusedPointer, right ); uint32Array[ stride4Offset + 7 ] = splitAxis; return nextUnusedPointer; } } function generateIndirectBuffer( geometry, useSharedArrayBuffer ) { const triCount = ( geometry.index ? geometry.index.count : geometry.attributes.position.count ) / 3; const useUint32 = triCount > 2 ** 16; const byteCount = useUint32 ? 4 : 2; const buffer = useSharedArrayBuffer ? new SharedArrayBuffer( triCount * byteCount ) : new ArrayBuffer( triCount * byteCount ); const indirectBuffer = useUint32 ? new Uint32Array( buffer ) : new Uint16Array( buffer ); for ( let i = 0, l = indirectBuffer.length; i < l; i ++ ) { indirectBuffer[ i ] = i; } return indirectBuffer; } function buildTree( bvh, triangleBounds, offset, count, options ) { // epxand variables const { maxDepth, verbose, maxLeafTris, strategy, onProgress, indirect, } = options; const indirectBuffer = bvh._indirectBuffer; const geometry = bvh.geometry; const indexArray = geometry.index ? geometry.index.array : null; const partionFunc = indirect ? partition_indirect : partition; // generate intermediate variables const totalTriangles = getTriCount( geometry ); const cacheCentroidBoundingData = new Float32Array( 6 ); let reachedMaxDepth = false; const root = new MeshBVHNode(); getBounds( triangleBounds, offset, count, root.boundingData, cacheCentroidBoundingData ); splitNode( root, offset, count, cacheCentroidBoundingData ); return root; function triggerProgress( trianglesProcessed ) { if ( onProgress ) { onProgress( trianglesProcessed / totalTriangles ); } } // either recursively splits the given node, creating left and right subtrees for it, or makes it a leaf node, // recording the offset and count of its triangles and writing them into the reordered geometry index. function splitNode( node, offset, count, centroidBoundingData = null, depth = 0 ) { if ( ! reachedMaxDepth && depth >= maxDepth ) { reachedMaxDepth = true; if ( verbose ) { console.warn( `MeshBVH: Max depth of ${ maxDepth } reached when generating BVH. Consider increasing maxDepth.` ); console.warn( geometry ); } } // early out if we've met our capacity if ( count <= maxLeafTris || depth >= maxDepth ) { triggerProgress( offset + count ); node.offset = offset; node.count = count; return node; } // Find where to split the volume const split = getOptimalSplit( node.boundingData, centroidBoundingData, triangleBounds, offset, count, strategy ); if ( split.axis === - 1 ) { triggerProgress( offset + count ); node.offset = offset; node.count = count; return node; } const splitOffset = partionFunc( indirectBuffer, indexArray, triangleBounds, offset, count, split ); // create the two new child nodes if ( splitOffset === offset || splitOffset === offset + count ) { triggerProgress( offset + count ); node.offset = offset; node.count = count; } else { node.splitAxis = split.axis; // create the left child and compute its bounding box const left = new MeshBVHNode(); const lstart = offset; const lcount = splitOffset - offset; node.left = left; getBounds( triangleBounds, lstart, lcount, left.boundingData, cacheCentroidBoundingData ); splitNode( left, lstart, lcount, cacheCentroidBoundingData, depth + 1 ); // repeat for right const right = new MeshBVHNode(); const rstart = splitOffset; const rcount = count - lcount; node.right = right; getBounds( triangleBounds, rstart, rcount, right.boundingData, cacheCentroidBoundingData ); splitNode( right, rstart, rcount, cacheCentroidBoundingData, depth + 1 ); } return node; } } function buildPackedTree( bvh, options ) { const geometry = bvh.geometry; if ( options.indirect ) { bvh._indirectBuffer = generateIndirectBuffer( geometry, options.useSharedArrayBuffer ); if ( hasGroupGaps( geometry, options.range ) && ! options.verbose ) { console.warn( 'MeshBVH: Provided geometry contains groups or a range that do not fully span the vertex contents while using the "indirect" option. ' + 'BVH may incorrectly report intersections on unrendered portions of the geometry.' ); } } if ( ! bvh._indirectBuffer ) { ensureIndex( geometry, options ); } const BufferConstructor = options.useSharedArrayBuffer ? SharedArrayBuffer : ArrayBuffer; const triangleBounds = computeTriangleBounds( geometry ); const geometryRanges = options.indirect ? getFullGeometryRange( geometry, options.range ) : getRootIndexRanges( geometry, options.range ); bvh._roots = geometryRanges.map( range => { const root = buildTree( bvh, triangleBounds, range.offset, range.count, options ); const nodeCount = countNodes( root ); const buffer = new BufferConstructor( BYTES_PER_NODE * nodeCount ); populateBuffer( 0, root, buffer ); return buffer; } ); } class SeparatingAxisBounds { constructor() { this.min = Infinity; this.max = - Infinity; } setFromPointsField( points, field ) { let min = Infinity; let max = - Infinity; for ( let i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const p = points[ i ]; const val = p[ field ]; min = val < min ? val : min; max = val > max ? val : max; } this.min = min; this.max = max; } setFromPoints( axis, points ) { let min = Infinity; let max = - Infinity; for ( let i = 0, l = points.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const p = points[ i ]; const val = axis.dot( p ); min = val < min ? val : min; max = val > max ? val : max; } this.min = min; this.max = max; } isSeparated( other ) { return this.min > other.max || other.min > this.max; } } SeparatingAxisBounds.prototype.setFromBox = ( function () { const p = new three.Vector3(); return function setFromBox( axis, box ) { const boxMin = box.min; const boxMax = box.max; let min = Infinity; let max = - Infinity; for ( let x = 0; x <= 1; x ++ ) { for ( let y = 0; y <= 1; y ++ ) { for ( let z = 0; z <= 1; z ++ ) { p.x = boxMin.x * x + boxMax.x * ( 1 - x ); p.y = boxMin.y * y + boxMax.y * ( 1 - y ); p.z = boxMin.z * z + boxMax.z * ( 1 - z ); const val = axis.dot( p ); min = Math.min( val, min ); max = Math.max( val, max ); } } } this.min = min; this.max = max; }; } )(); const areIntersecting = ( function () { const cacheSatBounds = new SeparatingAxisBounds(); return function areIntersecting( shape1, shape2 ) { const points1 = shape1.points; const satAxes1 = shape1.satAxes; const satBounds1 = shape1.satBounds; const points2 = shape2.points; const satAxes2 = shape2.satAxes; const satBounds2 = shape2.satBounds; // check axes of the first shape for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const sb = satBounds1[ i ]; const sa = satAxes1[ i ]; cacheSatBounds.setFromPoints( sa, points2 ); if ( sb.isSeparated( cacheSatBounds ) ) return false; } // check axes of the second shape for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const sb = satBounds2[ i ]; const sa = satAxes2[ i ]; cacheSatBounds.setFromPoints( sa, points1 ); if ( sb.isSeparated( cacheSatBounds ) ) return false; } }; } )(); const closestPointLineToLine = ( function () { // https://github.com/juj/MathGeoLib/blob/master/src/Geometry/Line.cpp#L56 const dir1 = new three.Vector3(); const dir2 = new three.Vector3(); const v02 = new three.Vector3(); return function closestPointLineToLine( l1, l2, result ) { const v0 = l1.start; const v10 = dir1; const v2 = l2.start; const v32 = dir2; v02.subVectors( v0, v2 ); dir1.subVectors( l1.end, l1.start ); dir2.subVectors( l2.end, l2.start ); // float d0232 = v02.Dot(v32); const d0232 = v02.dot( v32 ); // float d3210 = v32.Dot(v10); const d3210 = v32.dot( v10 ); // float d3232 = v32.Dot(v32); const d3232 = v32.dot( v32 ); // float d0210 = v02.Dot(v10); const d0210 = v02.dot( v10 ); // float d1010 = v10.Dot(v10); const d1010 = v10.dot( v10 ); // float denom = d1010*d3232 - d3210*d3210; const denom = d1010 * d3232 - d3210 * d3210; let d, d2; if ( denom !== 0 ) { d = ( d0232 * d3210 - d0210 * d3232 ) / denom; } else { d = 0; } d2 = ( d0232 + d * d3210 ) / d3232; result.x = d; result.y = d2; }; } )(); const closestPointsSegmentToSegment = ( function () { // https://github.com/juj/MathGeoLib/blob/master/src/Geometry/LineSegment.cpp#L187 const paramResult = new three.Vector2(); const temp1 = new three.Vector3(); const temp2 = new three.Vector3(); return function closestPointsSegmentToSegment( l1, l2, target1, target2 ) { closestPointLineToLine( l1, l2, paramResult ); let d = paramResult.x; let d2 = paramResult.y; if ( d >= 0 && d <= 1 && d2 >= 0 && d2 <= 1 ) { l1.at( d, target1 ); l2.at( d2, target2 ); return; } else if ( d >= 0 && d <= 1 ) { // Only d2 is out of bounds. if ( d2 < 0 ) { l2.at( 0, target2 ); } else { l2.at( 1, target2 ); } l1.closestPointToPoint( target2, true, target1 ); return; } else if ( d2 >= 0 && d2 <= 1 ) { // Only d is out of bounds. if ( d < 0 ) { l1.at( 0, target1 ); } else { l1.at( 1, target1 ); } l2.closestPointToPoint( target1, true, target2 ); return; } else { // Both u and u2 are out of bounds. let p; if ( d < 0 ) { p = l1.start; } else { p = l1.end; } let p2; if ( d2 < 0 ) { p2 = l2.start; } else { p2 = l2.end; } const closestPoint = temp1; const closestPoint2 = temp2; l1.closestPointToPoint( p2, true, temp1 ); l2.closestPointToPoint( p, true, temp2 ); if ( closestPoint.distanceToSquared( p2 ) <= closestPoint2.distanceToSquared( p ) ) { target1.copy( closestPoint ); target2.copy( p2 ); return; } else { target1.copy( p ); target2.copy( closestPoint2 ); return; } } }; } )(); const sphereIntersectTriangle = ( function () { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34043955/detect-collision-between-sphere-and-triangle-in-three-js const closestPointTemp = new three.Vector3(); const projectedPointTemp = new three.Vector3(); const planeTemp = new three.Plane(); const lineTemp = new three.Line3(); return function sphereIntersectTriangle( sphere, triangle ) { const { radius, center } = sphere; const { a, b, c } = triangle; // phase 1 lineTemp.start = a; lineTemp.end = b; const closestPoint1 = lineTemp.closestPointToPoint( center, true, closestPointTemp ); if ( closestPoint1.distanceTo( center ) <= radius ) return true; lineTemp.start = a; lineTemp.end = c; const closestPoint2 = lineTemp.closestPointToPoint( center, true, closestPointTemp ); if ( closestPoint2.distanceTo( center ) <= radius ) return true; lineTemp.start = b; lineTemp.end = c; const closestPoint3 = lineTemp.closestPointToPoint( center, true, closestPointTemp ); if ( closestPoint3.distanceTo( center ) <= radius ) return true; // phase 2 const plane = triangle.getPlane( planeTemp ); const dp = Math.abs( plane.distanceToPoint( center ) ); if ( dp <= radius ) { const pp = plane.projectPoint( center, projectedPointTemp ); const cp = triangle.containsPoint( pp ); if ( cp ) return true; } return false; }; } )(); const ZERO_EPSILON = 1e-15; function isNearZero( value ) { return Math.abs( value ) < ZERO_EPSILON; } class ExtendedTriangle extends three.Triangle { constructor( ...args ) { super( ...args ); this.isExtendedTriangle = true; this.satAxes = new Array( 4 ).fill().map( () => new three.Vector3() ); this.satBounds = new Array( 4 ).fill().map( () => new SeparatingAxisBounds() ); this.points = [ this.a, this.b, this.c ]; this.sphere = new three.Sphere(); this.plane = new three.Plane(); this.needsUpdate = true; } intersectsSphere( sphere ) { return sphereIntersectTriangle( sphere, this ); } update() { const a = this.a; const b = this.b; const c = this.c; const points = this.points; const satAxes = this.satAxes; const satBounds = this.satBounds; const axis0 = satAxes[ 0 ]; const sab0 = satBounds[ 0 ]; this.getNormal( axis0 ); sab0.setFromPoints( axis0, points ); const axis1 = satAxes[ 1 ]; const sab1 = satBounds[ 1 ]; axis1.subVectors( a, b ); sab1.setFromPoints( axis1, points ); const axis2 = satAxes[ 2 ]; const sab2 = satBounds[ 2 ]; axis2.subVectors( b, c ); sab2.setFromPoints( axis2, points ); const axis3 = satAxes[ 3 ]; const sab3 = satBounds[ 3 ]; axis3.subVectors( c, a ); sab3.setFromPoints( axis3, points ); this.sphere.setFromPoints( this.points ); this.plane.setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint( axis0, a ); this.needsUpdate = false; } } ExtendedTriangle.prototype.closestPointToSegment = ( function () { const point1 = new three.Vector3(); const point2 = new three.Vector3(); const edge = new three.Line3(); return function distanceToSegment( segment, target1 = null, target2 = null ) { const { start, end } = segment; const points = this.points; let distSq; let closestDistanceSq = Infinity; // check the triangle edges for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const nexti = ( i + 1 ) % 3; edge.start.copy( points[ i ] ); edge.end.copy( points[ nexti ] ); closestPointsSegmentToSegment( edge, segment, point1, point2 ); distSq = point1.distanceToSquared( point2 ); if ( distSq < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = distSq; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( point1 ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( point2 ); } } // check end points this.closestPointToPoint( start, point1 ); distSq = start.distanceToSquared( point1 ); if ( distSq < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = distSq; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( point1 ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( start ); } this.closestPointToPoint( end, point1 ); distSq = end.distanceToSquared( point1 ); if ( distSq < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = distSq; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( point1 ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( end ); } return Math.sqrt( closestDistanceSq ); }; } )(); ExtendedTriangle.prototype.intersectsTriangle = ( function () { const saTri2 = new ExtendedTriangle(); const arr1 = new Array( 3 ); const arr2 = new Array( 3 ); const cachedSatBounds = new SeparatingAxisBounds(); const cachedSatBounds2 = new SeparatingAxisBounds(); const cachedAxis = new three.Vector3(); const dir = new three.Vector3(); const dir1 = new three.Vector3(); const dir2 = new three.Vector3(); const tempDir = new three.Vector3(); const edge = new three.Line3(); const edge1 = new three.Line3(); const edge2 = new three.Line3(); const tempPoint = new three.Vector3(); function triIntersectPlane( tri, plane, targetEdge ) { // find the edge that intersects the other triangle plane const points = tri.points; let count = 0; let startPointIntersection = - 1; for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const { start, end } = edge; start.copy( points[ i ] ); end.copy( points[ ( i + 1 ) % 3 ] ); edge.delta( dir ); const startIntersects = isNearZero( plane.distanceToPoint( start ) ); if ( isNearZero( plane.normal.dot( dir ) ) && startIntersects ) { // if the edge lies on the plane then take the line targetEdge.copy( edge ); count = 2; break; } // check if the start point is near the plane because "intersectLine" is not robust to that case const doesIntersect = plane.intersectLine( edge, tempPoint ); if ( ! doesIntersect && startIntersects ) { tempPoint.copy( start ); } // ignore the end point if ( ( doesIntersect || startIntersects ) && ! isNearZero( tempPoint.distanceTo( end ) ) ) { if ( count <= 1 ) { // assign to the start or end point and save which index was snapped to // the start point if necessary const point = count === 1 ? targetEdge.start : targetEdge.end; point.copy( tempPoint ); if ( startIntersects ) { startPointIntersection = count; } } else if ( count >= 2 ) { // if we're here that means that there must have been one point that had // snapped to the start point so replace it here const point = startPointIntersection === 1 ? targetEdge.start : targetEdge.end; point.copy( tempPoint ); count = 2; break; } count ++; if ( count === 2 && startPointIntersection === - 1 ) { break; } } } return count; } // TODO: If the triangles are coplanar and intersecting the target is nonsensical. It should at least // be a line contained by both triangles if not a different special case somehow represented in the return result. return function intersectsTriangle( other, target = null, suppressLog = false ) { if ( this.needsUpdate ) { this.update(); } if ( ! other.isExtendedTriangle ) { saTri2.copy( other ); saTri2.update(); other = saTri2; } else if ( other.needsUpdate ) { other.update(); } const plane1 = this.plane; const plane2 = other.plane; if ( Math.abs( plane1.normal.dot( plane2.normal ) ) > 1.0 - 1e-10 ) { // perform separating axis intersection test only for coplanar triangles const satBounds1 = this.satBounds; const satAxes1 = this.satAxes; arr2[ 0 ] = other.a; arr2[ 1 ] = other.b; arr2[ 2 ] = other.c; for ( let i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) { const sb = satBounds1[ i ]; const sa = satAxes1[ i ]; cachedSatBounds.setFromPoints( sa, arr2 ); if ( sb.isSeparated( cachedSatBounds ) ) return false; } const satBounds2 = other.satBounds; const satAxes2 = other.satAxes; arr1[ 0 ] = this.a; arr1[ 1 ] = this.b; arr1[ 2 ] = this.c; for ( let i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) { const sb = satBounds2[ i ]; const sa = satAxes2[ i ]; cachedSatBounds.setFromPoints( sa, arr1 ); if ( sb.isSeparated( cachedSatBounds ) ) return false; } // check crossed axes for ( let i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) { const sa1 = satAxes1[ i ]; for ( let i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i2 ++ ) { const sa2 = satAxes2[ i2 ]; cachedAxis.crossVectors( sa1, sa2 ); cachedSatBounds.setFromPoints( cachedAxis, arr1 ); cachedSatBounds2.setFromPoints( cachedAxis, arr2 ); if ( cachedSatBounds.isSeparated( cachedSatBounds2 ) ) return false; } } if ( target ) { // TODO find two points that intersect on the edges and make that the result if ( ! suppressLog ) { console.warn( 'ExtendedTriangle.intersectsTriangle: Triangles are coplanar which does not support an output edge. Setting edge to 0, 0, 0.' ); } target.start.set( 0, 0, 0 ); target.end.set( 0, 0, 0 ); } return true; } else { // find the edge that intersects the other triangle plane const count1 = triIntersectPlane( this, plane2, edge1 ); if ( count1 === 1 && other.containsPoint( edge1.end ) ) { if ( target ) { target.start.copy( edge1.end ); target.end.copy( edge1.end ); } return true; } else if ( count1 !== 2 ) { return false; } // find the other triangles edge that intersects this plane const count2 = triIntersectPlane( other, plane1, edge2 ); if ( count2 === 1 && this.containsPoint( edge2.end ) ) { if ( target ) { target.start.copy( edge2.end ); target.end.copy( edge2.end ); } return true; } else if ( count2 !== 2 ) { return false; } // find swap the second edge so both lines are running the same direction edge1.delta( dir1 ); edge2.delta( dir2 ); if ( dir1.dot( dir2 ) < 0 ) { let tmp = edge2.start; edge2.start = edge2.end; edge2.end = tmp; } // check if the edges are overlapping const s1 = edge1.start.dot( dir1 ); const e1 = edge1.end.dot( dir1 ); const s2 = edge2.start.dot( dir1 ); const e2 = edge2.end.dot( dir1 ); const separated1 = e1 < s2; const separated2 = s1 < e2; if ( s1 !== e2 && s2 !== e1 && separated1 === separated2 ) { return false; } // assign the target output if ( target ) { tempDir.subVectors( edge1.start, edge2.start ); if ( tempDir.dot( dir1 ) > 0 ) { target.start.copy( edge1.start ); } else { target.start.copy( edge2.start ); } tempDir.subVectors( edge1.end, edge2.end ); if ( tempDir.dot( dir1 ) < 0 ) { target.end.copy( edge1.end ); } else { target.end.copy( edge2.end ); } } return true; } }; } )(); ExtendedTriangle.prototype.distanceToPoint = ( function () { const target = new three.Vector3(); return function distanceToPoint( point ) { this.closestPointToPoint( point, target ); return point.distanceTo( target ); }; } )(); ExtendedTriangle.prototype.distanceToTriangle = ( function () { const point = new three.Vector3(); const point2 = new three.Vector3(); const cornerFields = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]; const line1 = new three.Line3(); const line2 = new three.Line3(); return function distanceToTriangle( other, target1 = null, target2 = null ) { const lineTarget = target1 || target2 ? line1 : null; if ( this.intersectsTriangle( other, lineTarget ) ) { if ( target1 || target2 ) { if ( target1 ) lineTarget.getCenter( target1 ); if ( target2 ) lineTarget.getCenter( target2 ); } return 0; } let closestDistanceSq = Infinity; // check all point distances for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { let dist; const field = cornerFields[ i ]; const otherVec = other[ field ]; this.closestPointToPoint( otherVec, point ); dist = otherVec.distanceToSquared( point ); if ( dist < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = dist; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( point ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( otherVec ); } const thisVec = this[ field ]; other.closestPointToPoint( thisVec, point ); dist = thisVec.distanceToSquared( point ); if ( dist < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = dist; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( thisVec ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( point ); } } for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const f11 = cornerFields[ i ]; const f12 = cornerFields[ ( i + 1 ) % 3 ]; line1.set( this[ f11 ], this[ f12 ] ); for ( let i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2 ++ ) { const f21 = cornerFields[ i2 ]; const f22 = cornerFields[ ( i2 + 1 ) % 3 ]; line2.set( other[ f21 ], other[ f22 ] ); closestPointsSegmentToSegment( line1, line2, point, point2 ); const dist = point.distanceToSquared( point2 ); if ( dist < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = dist; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( point ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( point2 ); } } } return Math.sqrt( closestDistanceSq ); }; } )(); class OrientedBox { constructor( min, max, matrix ) { this.isOrientedBox = true; this.min = new three.Vector3(); this.max = new three.Vector3(); this.matrix = new three.Matrix4(); this.invMatrix = new three.Matrix4(); this.points = new Array( 8 ).fill().map( () => new three.Vector3() ); this.satAxes = new Array( 3 ).fill().map( () => new three.Vector3() ); this.satBounds = new Array( 3 ).fill().map( () => new SeparatingAxisBounds() ); this.alignedSatBounds = new Array( 3 ).fill().map( () => new SeparatingAxisBounds() ); this.needsUpdate = false; if ( min ) this.min.copy( min ); if ( max ) this.max.copy( max ); if ( matrix ) this.matrix.copy( matrix ); } set( min, max, matrix ) { this.min.copy( min ); this.max.copy( max ); this.matrix.copy( matrix ); this.needsUpdate = true; } copy( other ) { this.min.copy( other.min ); this.max.copy( other.max ); this.matrix.copy( other.matrix ); this.needsUpdate = true; } } OrientedBox.prototype.update = ( function () { return function update() { const matrix = this.matrix; const min = this.min; const max = this.max; const points = this.points; for ( let x = 0; x <= 1; x ++ ) { for ( let y = 0; y <= 1; y ++ ) { for ( let z = 0; z <= 1; z ++ ) { const i = ( ( 1 << 0 ) * x ) | ( ( 1 << 1 ) * y ) | ( ( 1 << 2 ) * z ); const v = points[ i ]; v.x = x ? max.x : min.x; v.y = y ? max.y : min.y; v.z = z ? max.z : min.z; v.applyMatrix4( matrix ); } } } const satBounds = this.satBounds; const satAxes = this.satAxes; const minVec = points[ 0 ]; for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const axis = satAxes[ i ]; const sb = satBounds[ i ]; const index = 1 << i; const pi = points[ index ]; axis.subVectors( minVec, pi ); sb.setFromPoints( axis, points ); } const alignedSatBounds = this.alignedSatBounds; alignedSatBounds[ 0 ].setFromPointsField( points, 'x' ); alignedSatBounds[ 1 ].setFromPointsField( points, 'y' ); alignedSatBounds[ 2 ].setFromPointsField( points, 'z' ); this.invMatrix.copy( this.matrix ).invert(); this.needsUpdate = false; }; } )(); OrientedBox.prototype.intersectsBox = ( function () { const aabbBounds = new SeparatingAxisBounds(); return function intersectsBox( box ) { // TODO: should this be doing SAT against the AABB? if ( this.needsUpdate ) { this.update(); } const min = box.min; const max = box.max; const satBounds = this.satBounds; const satAxes = this.satAxes; const alignedSatBounds = this.alignedSatBounds; aabbBounds.min = min.x; aabbBounds.max = max.x; if ( alignedSatBounds[ 0 ].isSeparated( aabbBounds ) ) return false; aabbBounds.min = min.y; aabbBounds.max = max.y; if ( alignedSatBounds[ 1 ].isSeparated( aabbBounds ) ) return false; aabbBounds.min = min.z; aabbBounds.max = max.z; if ( alignedSatBounds[ 2 ].isSeparated( aabbBounds ) ) return false; for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const axis = satAxes[ i ]; const sb = satBounds[ i ]; aabbBounds.setFromBox( axis, box ); if ( sb.isSeparated( aabbBounds ) ) return false; } return true; }; } )(); OrientedBox.prototype.intersectsTriangle = ( function () { const saTri = new ExtendedTriangle(); const pointsArr = new Array( 3 ); const cachedSatBounds = new SeparatingAxisBounds(); const cachedSatBounds2 = new SeparatingAxisBounds(); const cachedAxis = new three.Vector3(); return function intersectsTriangle( triangle ) { if ( this.needsUpdate ) { this.update(); } if ( ! triangle.isExtendedTriangle ) { saTri.copy( triangle ); saTri.update(); triangle = saTri; } else if ( triangle.needsUpdate ) { triangle.update(); } const satBounds = this.satBounds; const satAxes = this.satAxes; pointsArr[ 0 ] = triangle.a; pointsArr[ 1 ] = triangle.b; pointsArr[ 2 ] = triangle.c; for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const sb = satBounds[ i ]; const sa = satAxes[ i ]; cachedSatBounds.setFromPoints( sa, pointsArr ); if ( sb.isSeparated( cachedSatBounds ) ) return false; } const triSatBounds = triangle.satBounds; const triSatAxes = triangle.satAxes; const points = this.points; for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const sb = triSatBounds[ i ]; const sa = triSatAxes[ i ]; cachedSatBounds.setFromPoints( sa, points ); if ( sb.isSeparated( cachedSatBounds ) ) return false; } // check crossed axes for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const sa1 = satAxes[ i ]; for ( let i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i2 ++ ) { const sa2 = triSatAxes[ i2 ]; cachedAxis.crossVectors( sa1, sa2 ); cachedSatBounds.setFromPoints( cachedAxis, pointsArr ); cachedSatBounds2.setFromPoints( cachedAxis, points ); if ( cachedSatBounds.isSeparated( cachedSatBounds2 ) ) return false; } } return true; }; } )(); OrientedBox.prototype.closestPointToPoint = ( function () { return function closestPointToPoint( point, target1 ) { if ( this.needsUpdate ) { this.update(); } target1 .copy( point ) .applyMatrix4( this.invMatrix ) .clamp( this.min, this.max ) .applyMatrix4( this.matrix ); return target1; }; } )(); OrientedBox.prototype.distanceToPoint = ( function () { const target = new three.Vector3(); return function distanceToPoint( point ) { this.closestPointToPoint( point, target ); return point.distanceTo( target ); }; } )(); OrientedBox.prototype.distanceToBox = ( function () { const xyzFields = [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ]; const segments1 = new Array( 12 ).fill().map( () => new three.Line3() ); const segments2 = new Array( 12 ).fill().map( () => new three.Line3() ); const point1 = new three.Vector3(); const point2 = new three.Vector3(); // early out if we find a value below threshold return function distanceToBox( box, threshold = 0, target1 = null, target2 = null ) { if ( this.needsUpdate ) { this.update(); } if ( this.intersectsBox( box ) ) { if ( target1 || target2 ) { box.getCenter( point2 ); this.closestPointToPoint( point2, point1 ); box.closestPointToPoint( point1, point2 ); if ( target1 ) target1.copy( point1 ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( point2 ); } return 0; } const threshold2 = threshold * threshold; const min = box.min; const max = box.max; const points = this.points; // iterate over every edge and compare distances let closestDistanceSq = Infinity; // check over all these points for ( let i = 0; i < 8; i ++ ) { const p = points[ i ]; point2.copy( p ).clamp( min, max ); const dist = p.distanceToSquared( point2 ); if ( dist < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = dist; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( p ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( point2 ); if ( dist < threshold2 ) return Math.sqrt( dist ); } } // generate and check all line segment distances let count = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { for ( let i1 = 0; i1 <= 1; i1 ++ ) { for ( let i2 = 0; i2 <= 1; i2 ++ ) { const nextIndex = ( i + 1 ) % 3; const nextIndex2 = ( i + 2 ) % 3; // get obb line segments const index = i1 << nextIndex | i2 << nextIndex2; const index2 = 1 << i | i1 << nextIndex | i2 << nextIndex2; const p1 = points[ index ]; const p2 = points[ index2 ]; const line1 = segments1[ count ]; line1.set( p1, p2 ); // get aabb line segments const f1 = xyzFields[ i ]; const f2 = xyzFields[ nextIndex ]; const f3 = xyzFields[ nextIndex2 ]; const line2 = segments2[ count ]; const start = line2.start; const end = line2.end; start[ f1 ] = min[ f1 ]; start[ f2 ] = i1 ? min[ f2 ] : max[ f2 ]; start[ f3 ] = i2 ? min[ f3 ] : max[ f2 ]; end[ f1 ] = max[ f1 ]; end[ f2 ] = i1 ? min[ f2 ] : max[ f2 ]; end[ f3 ] = i2 ? min[ f3 ] : max[ f2 ]; count ++; } } } // check all the other boxes point for ( let x = 0; x <= 1; x ++ ) { for ( let y = 0; y <= 1; y ++ ) { for ( let z = 0; z <= 1; z ++ ) { point2.x = x ? max.x : min.x; point2.y = y ? max.y : min.y; point2.z = z ? max.z : min.z; this.closestPointToPoint( point2, point1 ); const dist = point2.distanceToSquared( point1 ); if ( dist < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = dist; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( point1 ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( point2 ); if ( dist < threshold2 ) return Math.sqrt( dist ); } } } } for ( let i = 0; i < 12; i ++ ) { const l1 = segments1[ i ]; for ( let i2 = 0; i2 < 12; i2 ++ ) { const l2 = segments2[ i2 ]; closestPointsSegmentToSegment( l1, l2, point1, point2 ); const dist = point1.distanceToSquared( point2 ); if ( dist < closestDistanceSq ) { closestDistanceSq = dist; if ( target1 ) target1.copy( point1 ); if ( target2 ) target2.copy( point2 ); if ( dist < threshold2 ) return Math.sqrt( dist ); } } } return Math.sqrt( closestDistanceSq ); }; } )(); class PrimitivePool { constructor( getNewPrimitive ) { this._getNewPrimitive = getNewPrimitive; this._primitives = []; } getPrimitive() { const primitives = this._primitives; if ( primitives.length === 0 ) { return this._getNewPrimitive(); } else { return primitives.pop(); } } releasePrimitive( primitive ) { this._primitives.push( primitive ); } } class ExtendedTrianglePoolBase extends PrimitivePool { constructor() { super( () => new ExtendedTriangle() ); } } const ExtendedTrianglePool = /* @__PURE__ */ new ExtendedTrianglePoolBase(); class _BufferStack { constructor() { this.float32Array = null; this.uint16Array = null; this.uint32Array = null; const stack = []; let prevBuffer = null; this.setBuffer = buffer => { if ( prevBuffer ) { stack.push( prevBuffer ); } prevBuffer = buffer; this.float32Array = new Float32Array( buffer ); this.uint16Array = new Uint16Array( buffer ); this.uint32Array = new Uint32Array( buffer ); }; this.clearBuffer = () => { prevBuffer = null; this.float32Array = null; this.uint16Array = null; this.uint32Array = null; if ( stack.length !== 0 ) { this.setBuffer( stack.pop() ); } }; } } const BufferStack = new _BufferStack(); let _box1$1, _box2$1; const boxStack = []; const boxPool = /* @__PURE__ */ new PrimitivePool( () => new three.Box3() ); function shapecast( bvh, root, intersectsBounds, intersectsRange, boundsTraverseOrder, byteOffset ) { // setup _box1$1 = boxPool.getPrimitive(); _box2$1 = boxPool.getPrimitive(); boxStack.push( _box1$1, _box2$1 ); BufferStack.setBuffer( bvh._roots[ root ] ); const result = shapecastTraverse( 0, bvh.geometry, intersectsBounds, intersectsRange, boundsTraverseOrder, byteOffset ); // cleanup BufferStack.clearBuffer(); boxPool.releasePrimitive( _box1$1 ); boxPool.releasePrimitive( _box2$1 ); boxStack.pop(); boxStack.pop(); const length = boxStack.length; if ( length > 0 ) { _box2$1 = boxStack[ length - 1 ]; _box1$1 = boxStack[ length - 2 ]; } return result; } function shapecastTraverse( nodeIndex32, geometry, intersectsBoundsFunc, intersectsRangeFunc, nodeScoreFunc = null, nodeIndexByteOffset = 0, // offset for unique node identifier depth = 0 ) { const { float32Array, uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; let nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; const isLeaf = IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); if ( isLeaf ) { const offset = OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const count = COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( nodeIndex32 ), float32Array, _box1$1 ); return intersectsRangeFunc( offset, count, false, depth, nodeIndexByteOffset + nodeIndex32, _box1$1 ); } else { const left = LEFT_NODE( nodeIndex32 ); const right = RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); let c1 = left; let c2 = right; let score1, score2; let box1, box2; if ( nodeScoreFunc ) { box1 = _box1$1; box2 = _box2$1; // bounding data is not offset arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( c1 ), float32Array, box1 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( c2 ), float32Array, box2 ); score1 = nodeScoreFunc( box1 ); score2 = nodeScoreFunc( box2 ); if ( score2 < score1 ) { c1 = right; c2 = left; const temp = score1; score1 = score2; score2 = temp; box1 = box2; // box2 is always set before use below } } // Check box 1 intersection if ( ! box1 ) { box1 = _box1$1; arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( c1 ), float32Array, box1 ); } const isC1Leaf = IS_LEAF( c1 * 2, uint16Array ); const c1Intersection = intersectsBoundsFunc( box1, isC1Leaf, score1, depth + 1, nodeIndexByteOffset + c1 ); let c1StopTraversal; if ( c1Intersection === CONTAINED ) { const offset = getLeftOffset( c1 ); const end = getRightEndOffset( c1 ); const count = end - offset; c1StopTraversal = intersectsRangeFunc( offset, count, true, depth + 1, nodeIndexByteOffset + c1, box1 ); } else { c1StopTraversal = c1Intersection && shapecastTraverse( c1, geometry, intersectsBoundsFunc, intersectsRangeFunc, nodeScoreFunc, nodeIndexByteOffset, depth + 1 ); } if ( c1StopTraversal ) return true; // Check box 2 intersection // cached box2 will have been overwritten by previous traversal box2 = _box2$1; arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( c2 ), float32Array, box2 ); const isC2Leaf = IS_LEAF( c2 * 2, uint16Array ); const c2Intersection = intersectsBoundsFunc( box2, isC2Leaf, score2, depth + 1, nodeIndexByteOffset + c2 ); let c2StopTraversal; if ( c2Intersection === CONTAINED ) { const offset = getLeftOffset( c2 ); const end = getRightEndOffset( c2 ); const count = end - offset; c2StopTraversal = intersectsRangeFunc( offset, count, true, depth + 1, nodeIndexByteOffset + c2, box2 ); } else { c2StopTraversal = c2Intersection && shapecastTraverse( c2, geometry, intersectsBoundsFunc, intersectsRangeFunc, nodeScoreFunc, nodeIndexByteOffset, depth + 1 ); } if ( c2StopTraversal ) return true; return false; // Define these inside the function so it has access to the local variables needed // when converting to the buffer equivalents function getLeftOffset( nodeIndex32 ) { const { uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; let nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; // traverse until we find a leaf while ( ! IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ) ) { nodeIndex32 = LEFT_NODE( nodeIndex32 ); nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; } return OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); } function getRightEndOffset( nodeIndex32 ) { const { uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; let nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; // traverse until we find a leaf while ( ! IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ) ) { // adjust offset to point to the right node nodeIndex32 = RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; } // return the end offset of the triangle range return OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ) + COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); } } } const temp = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const temp1$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); function closestPointToPoint( bvh, point, target = { }, minThreshold = 0, maxThreshold = Infinity, ) { // early out if under minThreshold // skip checking if over maxThreshold // set minThreshold = maxThreshold to quickly check if a point is within a threshold // returns Infinity if no value found const minThresholdSq = minThreshold * minThreshold; const maxThresholdSq = maxThreshold * maxThreshold; let closestDistanceSq = Infinity; let closestDistanceTriIndex = null; bvh.shapecast( { boundsTraverseOrder: box => { temp.copy( point ).clamp( box.min, box.max ); return temp.distanceToSquared( point ); }, intersectsBounds: ( box, isLeaf, score ) => { return score < closestDistanceSq && score < maxThresholdSq; }, intersectsTriangle: ( tri, triIndex ) => { tri.closestPointToPoint( point, temp ); const distSq = point.distanceToSquared( temp ); if ( distSq < closestDistanceSq ) { temp1$2.copy( temp ); closestDistanceSq = distSq; closestDistanceTriIndex = triIndex; } if ( distSq < minThresholdSq ) { return true; } else { return false; } }, } ); if ( closestDistanceSq === Infinity ) return null; const closestDistance = Math.sqrt( closestDistanceSq ); if ( ! target.point ) target.point = temp1$2.clone(); else target.point.copy( temp1$2 ); target.distance = closestDistance, target.faceIndex = closestDistanceTriIndex; return target; } const IS_GT_REVISION_169 = parseInt( three.REVISION ) >= 169; // Ripped and modified From THREE.js Mesh raycast // https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/0aa87c999fe61e216c1133fba7a95772b503eddf/src/objects/Mesh.js#L115 const _vA = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const _vB = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const _vC = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const _uvA = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector2(); const _uvB = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector2(); const _uvC = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector2(); const _normalA = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const _normalB = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const _normalC = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const _intersectionPoint = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); function checkIntersection( ray, pA, pB, pC, point, side, near, far ) { let intersect; if ( side === three.BackSide ) { intersect = ray.intersectTriangle( pC, pB, pA, true, point ); } else { intersect = ray.intersectTriangle( pA, pB, pC, side !== three.DoubleSide, point ); } if ( intersect === null ) return null; const distance = ray.origin.distanceTo( point ); if ( distance < near || distance > far ) return null; return { distance: distance, point: point.clone(), }; } function checkBufferGeometryIntersection( ray, position, normal, uv, uv1, a, b, c, side, near, far ) { _vA.fromBufferAttribute( position, a ); _vB.fromBufferAttribute( position, b ); _vC.fromBufferAttribute( position, c ); const intersection = checkIntersection( ray, _vA, _vB, _vC, _intersectionPoint, side, near, far ); if ( intersection ) { const barycoord = new three.Vector3(); three.Triangle.getBarycoord( _intersectionPoint, _vA, _vB, _vC, barycoord ); if ( uv ) { _uvA.fromBufferAttribute( uv, a ); _uvB.fromBufferAttribute( uv, b ); _uvC.fromBufferAttribute( uv, c ); intersection.uv = three.Triangle.getInterpolation( _intersectionPoint, _vA, _vB, _vC, _uvA, _uvB, _uvC, new three.Vector2() ); } if ( uv1 ) { _uvA.fromBufferAttribute( uv1, a ); _uvB.fromBufferAttribute( uv1, b ); _uvC.fromBufferAttribute( uv1, c ); intersection.uv1 = three.Triangle.getInterpolation( _intersectionPoint, _vA, _vB, _vC, _uvA, _uvB, _uvC, new three.Vector2() ); } if ( normal ) { _normalA.fromBufferAttribute( normal, a ); _normalB.fromBufferAttribute( normal, b ); _normalC.fromBufferAttribute( normal, c ); intersection.normal = three.Triangle.getInterpolation( _intersectionPoint, _vA, _vB, _vC, _normalA, _normalB, _normalC, new three.Vector3() ); if ( intersection.normal.dot( ray.direction ) > 0 ) { intersection.normal.multiplyScalar( - 1 ); } } const face = { a: a, b: b, c: c, normal: new three.Vector3(), materialIndex: 0 }; three.Triangle.getNormal( _vA, _vB, _vC, face.normal ); intersection.face = face; intersection.faceIndex = a; if ( IS_GT_REVISION_169 ) { intersection.barycoord = barycoord; } } return intersection; } // https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/0aa87c999fe61e216c1133fba7a95772b503eddf/src/objects/Mesh.js#L258 function intersectTri( geo, side, ray, tri, intersections, near, far ) { const triOffset = tri * 3; let a = triOffset + 0; let b = triOffset + 1; let c = triOffset + 2; const index = geo.index; if ( geo.index ) { a = index.getX( a ); b = index.getX( b ); c = index.getX( c ); } const { position, normal, uv, uv1 } = geo.attributes; const intersection = checkBufferGeometryIntersection( ray, position, normal, uv, uv1, a, b, c, side, near, far ); if ( intersection ) { intersection.faceIndex = tri; if ( intersections ) intersections.push( intersection ); return intersection; } return null; } // sets the vertices of triangle `tri` with the 3 vertices after i function setTriangle( tri, i, index, pos ) { const ta = tri.a; const tb = tri.b; const tc = tri.c; let i0 = i; let i1 = i + 1; let i2 = i + 2; if ( index ) { i0 = index.getX( i0 ); i1 = index.getX( i1 ); i2 = index.getX( i2 ); } ta.x = pos.getX( i0 ); ta.y = pos.getY( i0 ); ta.z = pos.getZ( i0 ); tb.x = pos.getX( i1 ); tb.y = pos.getY( i1 ); tb.z = pos.getZ( i1 ); tc.x = pos.getX( i2 ); tc.y = pos.getY( i2 ); tc.z = pos.getZ( i2 ); } const tempV1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const tempV2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const tempV3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const tempUV1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector2(); const tempUV2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector2(); const tempUV3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector2(); function getTriangleHitPointInfo( point, geometry, triangleIndex, target ) { const indices = geometry.getIndex().array; const positions = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ); const uvs = geometry.getAttribute( 'uv' ); const a = indices[ triangleIndex * 3 ]; const b = indices[ triangleIndex * 3 + 1 ]; const c = indices[ triangleIndex * 3 + 2 ]; tempV1.fromBufferAttribute( positions, a ); tempV2.fromBufferAttribute( positions, b ); tempV3.fromBufferAttribute( positions, c ); // find the associated material index let materialIndex = 0; const groups = geometry.groups; const firstVertexIndex = triangleIndex * 3; for ( let i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const group = groups[ i ]; const { start, count } = group; if ( firstVertexIndex >= start && firstVertexIndex < start + count ) { materialIndex = group.materialIndex; break; } } // extract barycoord const barycoord = target && target.barycoord ? target.barycoord : new three.Vector3(); three.Triangle.getBarycoord( point, tempV1, tempV2, tempV3, barycoord ); // extract uvs let uv = null; if ( uvs ) { tempUV1.fromBufferAttribute( uvs, a ); tempUV2.fromBufferAttribute( uvs, b ); tempUV3.fromBufferAttribute( uvs, c ); if ( target && target.uv ) uv = target.uv; else uv = new three.Vector2(); three.Triangle.getInterpolation( point, tempV1, tempV2, tempV3, tempUV1, tempUV2, tempUV3, uv ); } // adjust the provided target or create a new one if ( target ) { if ( ! target.face ) target.face = { }; target.face.a = a; target.face.b = b; target.face.c = c; target.face.materialIndex = materialIndex; if ( ! target.face.normal ) target.face.normal = new three.Vector3(); three.Triangle.getNormal( tempV1, tempV2, tempV3, target.face.normal ); if ( uv ) target.uv = uv; target.barycoord = barycoord; return target; } else { return { face: { a: a, b: b, c: c, materialIndex: materialIndex, normal: three.Triangle.getNormal( tempV1, tempV2, tempV3, new three.Vector3() ) }, uv: uv, barycoord: barycoord, }; } } /*************************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "iterationUtils.template.js". */ /*************************************************************/ /* eslint-disable indent */ function intersectTris( bvh, side, ray, offset, count, intersections, near, far ) { const { geometry, _indirectBuffer } = bvh; for ( let i = offset, end = offset + count; i < end; i ++ ) { intersectTri( geometry, side, ray, i, intersections, near, far ); } } function intersectClosestTri( bvh, side, ray, offset, count, near, far ) { const { geometry, _indirectBuffer } = bvh; let dist = Infinity; let res = null; for ( let i = offset, end = offset + count; i < end; i ++ ) { let intersection; intersection = intersectTri( geometry, side, ray, i, null, near, far ); if ( intersection && intersection.distance < dist ) { res = intersection; dist = intersection.distance; } } return res; } function iterateOverTriangles( offset, count, bvh, intersectsTriangleFunc, contained, depth, triangle ) { const { geometry } = bvh; const { index } = geometry; const pos = geometry.attributes.position; for ( let i = offset, l = count + offset; i < l; i ++ ) { let tri; tri = i; setTriangle( triangle, tri * 3, index, pos ); triangle.needsUpdate = true; if ( intersectsTriangleFunc( triangle, tri, contained, depth ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /****************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "refit.template.js". */ /****************************************************/ function refit( bvh, nodeIndices = null ) { if ( nodeIndices && Array.isArray( nodeIndices ) ) { nodeIndices = new Set( nodeIndices ); } const geometry = bvh.geometry; const indexArr = geometry.index ? geometry.index.array : null; const posAttr = geometry.attributes.position; let buffer, uint32Array, uint16Array, float32Array; let byteOffset = 0; const roots = bvh._roots; for ( let i = 0, l = roots.length; i < l; i ++ ) { buffer = roots[ i ]; uint32Array = new Uint32Array( buffer ); uint16Array = new Uint16Array( buffer ); float32Array = new Float32Array( buffer ); _traverse( 0, byteOffset ); byteOffset += buffer.byteLength; } function _traverse( node32Index, byteOffset, force = false ) { const node16Index = node32Index * 2; const isLeaf = uint16Array[ node16Index + 15 ] === IS_LEAFNODE_FLAG; if ( isLeaf ) { const offset = uint32Array[ node32Index + 6 ]; const count = uint16Array[ node16Index + 14 ]; let minx = Infinity; let miny = Infinity; let minz = Infinity; let maxx = - Infinity; let maxy = - Infinity; let maxz = - Infinity; for ( let i = 3 * offset, l = 3 * ( offset + count ); i < l; i ++ ) { let index = indexArr[ i ]; const x = posAttr.getX( index ); const y = posAttr.getY( index ); const z = posAttr.getZ( index ); if ( x < minx ) minx = x; if ( x > maxx ) maxx = x; if ( y < miny ) miny = y; if ( y > maxy ) maxy = y; if ( z < minz ) minz = z; if ( z > maxz ) maxz = z; } if ( float32Array[ node32Index + 0 ] !== minx || float32Array[ node32Index + 1 ] !== miny || float32Array[ node32Index + 2 ] !== minz || float32Array[ node32Index + 3 ] !== maxx || float32Array[ node32Index + 4 ] !== maxy || float32Array[ node32Index + 5 ] !== maxz ) { float32Array[ node32Index + 0 ] = minx; float32Array[ node32Index + 1 ] = miny; float32Array[ node32Index + 2 ] = minz; float32Array[ node32Index + 3 ] = maxx; float32Array[ node32Index + 4 ] = maxy; float32Array[ node32Index + 5 ] = maxz; return true; } else { return false; } } else { const left = node32Index + 8; const right = uint32Array[ node32Index + 6 ]; // the identifying node indices provided by the shapecast function include offsets of all // root buffers to guarantee they're unique between roots so offset left and right indices here. const offsetLeft = left + byteOffset; const offsetRight = right + byteOffset; let forceChildren = force; let includesLeft = false; let includesRight = false; if ( nodeIndices ) { // if we see that neither the left or right child are included in the set that need to be updated // then we assume that all children need to be updated. if ( ! forceChildren ) { includesLeft = nodeIndices.has( offsetLeft ); includesRight = nodeIndices.has( offsetRight ); forceChildren = ! includesLeft && ! includesRight; } } else { includesLeft = true; includesRight = true; } const traverseLeft = forceChildren || includesLeft; const traverseRight = forceChildren || includesRight; let leftChange = false; if ( traverseLeft ) { leftChange = _traverse( left, byteOffset, forceChildren ); } let rightChange = false; if ( traverseRight ) { rightChange = _traverse( right, byteOffset, forceChildren ); } const didChange = leftChange || rightChange; if ( didChange ) { for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const lefti = left + i; const righti = right + i; const minLeftValue = float32Array[ lefti ]; const maxLeftValue = float32Array[ lefti + 3 ]; const minRightValue = float32Array[ righti ]; const maxRightValue = float32Array[ righti + 3 ]; float32Array[ node32Index + i ] = minLeftValue < minRightValue ? minLeftValue : minRightValue; float32Array[ node32Index + i + 3 ] = maxLeftValue > maxRightValue ? maxLeftValue : maxRightValue; } } return didChange; } } } /** * This function performs intersection tests similar to Ray.intersectBox in three.js, * with the difference that the box values are read from an array to improve performance. */ function intersectRay( nodeIndex32, array, ray, near, far ) { let tmin, tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax; const invdirx = 1 / ray.direction.x, invdiry = 1 / ray.direction.y, invdirz = 1 / ray.direction.z; const ox = ray.origin.x; const oy = ray.origin.y; const oz = ray.origin.z; let minx = array[ nodeIndex32 ]; let maxx = array[ nodeIndex32 + 3 ]; let miny = array[ nodeIndex32 + 1 ]; let maxy = array[ nodeIndex32 + 3 + 1 ]; let minz = array[ nodeIndex32 + 2 ]; let maxz = array[ nodeIndex32 + 3 + 2 ]; if ( invdirx >= 0 ) { tmin = ( minx - ox ) * invdirx; tmax = ( maxx - ox ) * invdirx; } else { tmin = ( maxx - ox ) * invdirx; tmax = ( minx - ox ) * invdirx; } if ( invdiry >= 0 ) { tymin = ( miny - oy ) * invdiry; tymax = ( maxy - oy ) * invdiry; } else { tymin = ( maxy - oy ) * invdiry; tymax = ( miny - oy ) * invdiry; } if ( ( tmin > tymax ) || ( tymin > tmax ) ) return false; if ( tymin > tmin || isNaN( tmin ) ) tmin = tymin; if ( tymax < tmax || isNaN( tmax ) ) tmax = tymax; if ( invdirz >= 0 ) { tzmin = ( minz - oz ) * invdirz; tzmax = ( maxz - oz ) * invdirz; } else { tzmin = ( maxz - oz ) * invdirz; tzmax = ( minz - oz ) * invdirz; } if ( ( tmin > tzmax ) || ( tzmin > tmax ) ) return false; if ( tzmin > tmin || tmin !== tmin ) tmin = tzmin; if ( tzmax < tmax || tmax !== tmax ) tmax = tzmax; //return point closest to the ray (positive side) return tmin <= far && tmax >= near; } /*************************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "iterationUtils.template.js". */ /*************************************************************/ /* eslint-disable indent */ function intersectTris_indirect( bvh, side, ray, offset, count, intersections, near, far ) { const { geometry, _indirectBuffer } = bvh; for ( let i = offset, end = offset + count; i < end; i ++ ) { let vi = _indirectBuffer ? _indirectBuffer[ i ] : i; intersectTri( geometry, side, ray, vi, intersections, near, far ); } } function intersectClosestTri_indirect( bvh, side, ray, offset, count, near, far ) { const { geometry, _indirectBuffer } = bvh; let dist = Infinity; let res = null; for ( let i = offset, end = offset + count; i < end; i ++ ) { let intersection; intersection = intersectTri( geometry, side, ray, _indirectBuffer ? _indirectBuffer[ i ] : i, null, near, far ); if ( intersection && intersection.distance < dist ) { res = intersection; dist = intersection.distance; } } return res; } function iterateOverTriangles_indirect( offset, count, bvh, intersectsTriangleFunc, contained, depth, triangle ) { const { geometry } = bvh; const { index } = geometry; const pos = geometry.attributes.position; for ( let i = offset, l = count + offset; i < l; i ++ ) { let tri; tri = bvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i ); setTriangle( triangle, tri * 3, index, pos ); triangle.needsUpdate = true; if ( intersectsTriangleFunc( triangle, tri, contained, depth ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /******************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "raycast.template.js". */ /******************************************************/ function raycast( bvh, root, side, ray, intersects, near, far ) { BufferStack.setBuffer( bvh._roots[ root ] ); _raycast$1( 0, bvh, side, ray, intersects, near, far ); BufferStack.clearBuffer(); } function _raycast$1( nodeIndex32, bvh, side, ray, intersects, near, far ) { const { float32Array, uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; const nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; const isLeaf = IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); if ( isLeaf ) { const offset = OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const count = COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); intersectTris( bvh, side, ray, offset, count, intersects, near, far ); } else { const leftIndex = LEFT_NODE( nodeIndex32 ); if ( intersectRay( leftIndex, float32Array, ray, near, far ) ) { _raycast$1( leftIndex, bvh, side, ray, intersects, near, far ); } const rightIndex = RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); if ( intersectRay( rightIndex, float32Array, ray, near, far ) ) { _raycast$1( rightIndex, bvh, side, ray, intersects, near, far ); } } } /***********************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "raycastFirst.template.js". */ /***********************************************************/ const _xyzFields$1 = [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ]; function raycastFirst( bvh, root, side, ray, near, far ) { BufferStack.setBuffer( bvh._roots[ root ] ); const result = _raycastFirst$1( 0, bvh, side, ray, near, far ); BufferStack.clearBuffer(); return result; } function _raycastFirst$1( nodeIndex32, bvh, side, ray, near, far ) { const { float32Array, uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; let nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; const isLeaf = IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); if ( isLeaf ) { const offset = OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const count = COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unreachable return intersectClosestTri( bvh, side, ray, offset, count, near, far ); } else { // consider the position of the split plane with respect to the oncoming ray; whichever direction // the ray is coming from, look for an intersection among that side of the tree first const splitAxis = SPLIT_AXIS( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const xyzAxis = _xyzFields$1[ splitAxis ]; const rayDir = ray.direction[ xyzAxis ]; const leftToRight = rayDir >= 0; // c1 is the child to check first let c1, c2; if ( leftToRight ) { c1 = LEFT_NODE( nodeIndex32 ); c2 = RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); } else { c1 = RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); c2 = LEFT_NODE( nodeIndex32 ); } const c1Intersection = intersectRay( c1, float32Array, ray, near, far ); const c1Result = c1Intersection ? _raycastFirst$1( c1, bvh, side, ray, near, far ) : null; // if we got an intersection in the first node and it's closer than the second node's bounding // box, we don't need to consider the second node because it couldn't possibly be a better result if ( c1Result ) { // check if the point is within the second bounds // "point" is in the local frame of the bvh const point = c1Result.point[ xyzAxis ]; const isOutside = leftToRight ? point <= float32Array[ c2 + splitAxis ] : // min bounding data point >= float32Array[ c2 + splitAxis + 3 ]; // max bounding data if ( isOutside ) { return c1Result; } } // either there was no intersection in the first node, or there could still be a closer // intersection in the second, so check the second node and then take the better of the two const c2Intersection = intersectRay( c2, float32Array, ray, near, far ); const c2Result = c2Intersection ? _raycastFirst$1( c2, bvh, side, ray, near, far ) : null; if ( c1Result && c2Result ) { return c1Result.distance <= c2Result.distance ? c1Result : c2Result; } else { return c1Result || c2Result || null; } } } /*****************************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "intersectsGeometry.template.js". */ /*****************************************************************/ /* eslint-disable indent */ const boundingBox$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Box3(); const triangle$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new ExtendedTriangle(); const triangle2$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new ExtendedTriangle(); const invertedMat$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Matrix4(); const obb$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); const obb2$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); function intersectsGeometry( bvh, root, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh ) { BufferStack.setBuffer( bvh._roots[ root ] ); const result = _intersectsGeometry$1( 0, bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh ); BufferStack.clearBuffer(); return result; } function _intersectsGeometry$1( nodeIndex32, bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, cachedObb = null ) { const { float32Array, uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; let nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; if ( cachedObb === null ) { if ( ! otherGeometry.boundingBox ) { otherGeometry.computeBoundingBox(); } obb$4.set( otherGeometry.boundingBox.min, otherGeometry.boundingBox.max, geometryToBvh ); cachedObb = obb$4; } const isLeaf = IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); if ( isLeaf ) { const thisGeometry = bvh.geometry; const thisIndex = thisGeometry.index; const thisPos = thisGeometry.attributes.position; const index = otherGeometry.index; const pos = otherGeometry.attributes.position; const offset = OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const count = COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); // get the inverse of the geometry matrix so we can transform our triangles into the // geometry space we're trying to test. We assume there are fewer triangles being checked // here. invertedMat$1.copy( geometryToBvh ).invert(); if ( otherGeometry.boundsTree ) { // if there's a bounds tree arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( nodeIndex32 ), float32Array, obb2$3 ); obb2$3.matrix.copy( invertedMat$1 ); obb2$3.needsUpdate = true; // TODO: use a triangle iteration function here const res = otherGeometry.boundsTree.shapecast( { intersectsBounds: box => obb2$3.intersectsBox( box ), intersectsTriangle: tri => { tri.a.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); tri.b.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); tri.c.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); tri.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i = offset * 3, l = ( count + offset ) * 3; i < l; i += 3 ) { // this triangle needs to be transformed into the current BVH coordinate frame setTriangle( triangle2$1, i, thisIndex, thisPos ); triangle2$1.needsUpdate = true; if ( tri.intersectsTriangle( triangle2$1 ) ) { return true; } } return false; } } ); return res; } else { // if we're just dealing with raw geometry for ( let i = offset * 3, l = ( count + offset ) * 3; i < l; i += 3 ) { // this triangle needs to be transformed into the current BVH coordinate frame setTriangle( triangle$1, i, thisIndex, thisPos ); triangle$1.a.applyMatrix4( invertedMat$1 ); triangle$1.b.applyMatrix4( invertedMat$1 ); triangle$1.c.applyMatrix4( invertedMat$1 ); triangle$1.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i2 = 0, l2 = index.count; i2 < l2; i2 += 3 ) { setTriangle( triangle2$1, i2, index, pos ); triangle2$1.needsUpdate = true; if ( triangle$1.intersectsTriangle( triangle2$1 ) ) { return true; } } } } } else { const left = nodeIndex32 + 8; const right = uint32Array[ nodeIndex32 + 6 ]; arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( left ), float32Array, boundingBox$2 ); const leftIntersection = cachedObb.intersectsBox( boundingBox$2 ) && _intersectsGeometry$1( left, bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, cachedObb ); if ( leftIntersection ) return true; arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( right ), float32Array, boundingBox$2 ); const rightIntersection = cachedObb.intersectsBox( boundingBox$2 ) && _intersectsGeometry$1( right, bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, cachedObb ); if ( rightIntersection ) return true; return false; } } /*********************************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "closestPointToGeometry.template.js". */ /*********************************************************************/ const tempMatrix$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Matrix4(); const obb$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); const obb2$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); const temp1$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const temp2$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const temp3$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const temp4$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); function closestPointToGeometry( bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, target1 = { }, target2 = { }, minThreshold = 0, maxThreshold = Infinity, ) { if ( ! otherGeometry.boundingBox ) { otherGeometry.computeBoundingBox(); } obb$3.set( otherGeometry.boundingBox.min, otherGeometry.boundingBox.max, geometryToBvh ); obb$3.needsUpdate = true; const geometry = bvh.geometry; const pos = geometry.attributes.position; const index = geometry.index; const otherPos = otherGeometry.attributes.position; const otherIndex = otherGeometry.index; const triangle = ExtendedTrianglePool.getPrimitive(); const triangle2 = ExtendedTrianglePool.getPrimitive(); let tempTarget1 = temp1$1; let tempTargetDest1 = temp2$1; let tempTarget2 = null; let tempTargetDest2 = null; if ( target2 ) { tempTarget2 = temp3$1; tempTargetDest2 = temp4$1; } let closestDistance = Infinity; let closestDistanceTriIndex = null; let closestDistanceOtherTriIndex = null; tempMatrix$1.copy( geometryToBvh ).invert(); obb2$2.matrix.copy( tempMatrix$1 ); bvh.shapecast( { boundsTraverseOrder: box => { return obb$3.distanceToBox( box ); }, intersectsBounds: ( box, isLeaf, score ) => { if ( score < closestDistance && score < maxThreshold ) { // if we know the triangles of this bounds will be intersected next then // save the bounds to use during triangle checks. if ( isLeaf ) { obb2$2.min.copy( box.min ); obb2$2.max.copy( box.max ); obb2$2.needsUpdate = true; } return true; } return false; }, intersectsRange: ( offset, count ) => { if ( otherGeometry.boundsTree ) { // if the other geometry has a bvh then use the accelerated path where we use shapecast to find // the closest bounds in the other geometry to check. const otherBvh = otherGeometry.boundsTree; return otherBvh.shapecast( { boundsTraverseOrder: box => { return obb2$2.distanceToBox( box ); }, intersectsBounds: ( box, isLeaf, score ) => { return score < closestDistance && score < maxThreshold; }, intersectsRange: ( otherOffset, otherCount ) => { for ( let i2 = otherOffset, l2 = otherOffset + otherCount; i2 < l2; i2 ++ ) { setTriangle( triangle2, 3 * i2, otherIndex, otherPos ); triangle2.a.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.b.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.c.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i = offset, l = offset + count; i < l; i ++ ) { setTriangle( triangle, 3 * i, index, pos ); triangle.needsUpdate = true; const dist = triangle.distanceToTriangle( triangle2, tempTarget1, tempTarget2 ); if ( dist < closestDistance ) { tempTargetDest1.copy( tempTarget1 ); if ( tempTargetDest2 ) { tempTargetDest2.copy( tempTarget2 ); } closestDistance = dist; closestDistanceTriIndex = i; closestDistanceOtherTriIndex = i2; } // stop traversal if we find a point that's under the given threshold if ( dist < minThreshold ) { return true; } } } }, } ); } else { // If no bounds tree then we'll just check every triangle. const triCount = getTriCount( otherGeometry ); for ( let i2 = 0, l2 = triCount; i2 < l2; i2 ++ ) { setTriangle( triangle2, 3 * i2, otherIndex, otherPos ); triangle2.a.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.b.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.c.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i = offset, l = offset + count; i < l; i ++ ) { setTriangle( triangle, 3 * i, index, pos ); triangle.needsUpdate = true; const dist = triangle.distanceToTriangle( triangle2, tempTarget1, tempTarget2 ); if ( dist < closestDistance ) { tempTargetDest1.copy( tempTarget1 ); if ( tempTargetDest2 ) { tempTargetDest2.copy( tempTarget2 ); } closestDistance = dist; closestDistanceTriIndex = i; closestDistanceOtherTriIndex = i2; } // stop traversal if we find a point that's under the given threshold if ( dist < minThreshold ) { return true; } } } } }, } ); ExtendedTrianglePool.releasePrimitive( triangle ); ExtendedTrianglePool.releasePrimitive( triangle2 ); if ( closestDistance === Infinity ) { return null; } if ( ! target1.point ) { target1.point = tempTargetDest1.clone(); } else { target1.point.copy( tempTargetDest1 ); } target1.distance = closestDistance, target1.faceIndex = closestDistanceTriIndex; if ( target2 ) { if ( ! target2.point ) target2.point = tempTargetDest2.clone(); else target2.point.copy( tempTargetDest2 ); target2.point.applyMatrix4( tempMatrix$1 ); tempTargetDest1.applyMatrix4( tempMatrix$1 ); target2.distance = tempTargetDest1.sub( target2.point ).length(); target2.faceIndex = closestDistanceOtherTriIndex; } return target1; } /****************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "refit.template.js". */ /****************************************************/ function refit_indirect( bvh, nodeIndices = null ) { if ( nodeIndices && Array.isArray( nodeIndices ) ) { nodeIndices = new Set( nodeIndices ); } const geometry = bvh.geometry; const indexArr = geometry.index ? geometry.index.array : null; const posAttr = geometry.attributes.position; let buffer, uint32Array, uint16Array, float32Array; let byteOffset = 0; const roots = bvh._roots; for ( let i = 0, l = roots.length; i < l; i ++ ) { buffer = roots[ i ]; uint32Array = new Uint32Array( buffer ); uint16Array = new Uint16Array( buffer ); float32Array = new Float32Array( buffer ); _traverse( 0, byteOffset ); byteOffset += buffer.byteLength; } function _traverse( node32Index, byteOffset, force = false ) { const node16Index = node32Index * 2; const isLeaf = uint16Array[ node16Index + 15 ] === IS_LEAFNODE_FLAG; if ( isLeaf ) { const offset = uint32Array[ node32Index + 6 ]; const count = uint16Array[ node16Index + 14 ]; let minx = Infinity; let miny = Infinity; let minz = Infinity; let maxx = - Infinity; let maxy = - Infinity; let maxz = - Infinity; for ( let i = offset, l = offset + count; i < l; i ++ ) { const t = 3 * bvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i ); for ( let j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) { let index = t + j; index = indexArr ? indexArr[ index ] : index; const x = posAttr.getX( index ); const y = posAttr.getY( index ); const z = posAttr.getZ( index ); if ( x < minx ) minx = x; if ( x > maxx ) maxx = x; if ( y < miny ) miny = y; if ( y > maxy ) maxy = y; if ( z < minz ) minz = z; if ( z > maxz ) maxz = z; } } if ( float32Array[ node32Index + 0 ] !== minx || float32Array[ node32Index + 1 ] !== miny || float32Array[ node32Index + 2 ] !== minz || float32Array[ node32Index + 3 ] !== maxx || float32Array[ node32Index + 4 ] !== maxy || float32Array[ node32Index + 5 ] !== maxz ) { float32Array[ node32Index + 0 ] = minx; float32Array[ node32Index + 1 ] = miny; float32Array[ node32Index + 2 ] = minz; float32Array[ node32Index + 3 ] = maxx; float32Array[ node32Index + 4 ] = maxy; float32Array[ node32Index + 5 ] = maxz; return true; } else { return false; } } else { const left = node32Index + 8; const right = uint32Array[ node32Index + 6 ]; // the identifying node indices provided by the shapecast function include offsets of all // root buffers to guarantee they're unique between roots so offset left and right indices here. const offsetLeft = left + byteOffset; const offsetRight = right + byteOffset; let forceChildren = force; let includesLeft = false; let includesRight = false; if ( nodeIndices ) { // if we see that neither the left or right child are included in the set that need to be updated // then we assume that all children need to be updated. if ( ! forceChildren ) { includesLeft = nodeIndices.has( offsetLeft ); includesRight = nodeIndices.has( offsetRight ); forceChildren = ! includesLeft && ! includesRight; } } else { includesLeft = true; includesRight = true; } const traverseLeft = forceChildren || includesLeft; const traverseRight = forceChildren || includesRight; let leftChange = false; if ( traverseLeft ) { leftChange = _traverse( left, byteOffset, forceChildren ); } let rightChange = false; if ( traverseRight ) { rightChange = _traverse( right, byteOffset, forceChildren ); } const didChange = leftChange || rightChange; if ( didChange ) { for ( let i = 0; i < 3; i ++ ) { const lefti = left + i; const righti = right + i; const minLeftValue = float32Array[ lefti ]; const maxLeftValue = float32Array[ lefti + 3 ]; const minRightValue = float32Array[ righti ]; const maxRightValue = float32Array[ righti + 3 ]; float32Array[ node32Index + i ] = minLeftValue < minRightValue ? minLeftValue : minRightValue; float32Array[ node32Index + i + 3 ] = maxLeftValue > maxRightValue ? maxLeftValue : maxRightValue; } } return didChange; } } } /******************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "raycast.template.js". */ /******************************************************/ function raycast_indirect( bvh, root, side, ray, intersects, near, far ) { BufferStack.setBuffer( bvh._roots[ root ] ); _raycast( 0, bvh, side, ray, intersects, near, far ); BufferStack.clearBuffer(); } function _raycast( nodeIndex32, bvh, side, ray, intersects, near, far ) { const { float32Array, uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; const nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; const isLeaf = IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); if ( isLeaf ) { const offset = OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const count = COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); intersectTris_indirect( bvh, side, ray, offset, count, intersects, near, far ); } else { const leftIndex = LEFT_NODE( nodeIndex32 ); if ( intersectRay( leftIndex, float32Array, ray, near, far ) ) { _raycast( leftIndex, bvh, side, ray, intersects, near, far ); } const rightIndex = RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); if ( intersectRay( rightIndex, float32Array, ray, near, far ) ) { _raycast( rightIndex, bvh, side, ray, intersects, near, far ); } } } /***********************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "raycastFirst.template.js". */ /***********************************************************/ const _xyzFields = [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ]; function raycastFirst_indirect( bvh, root, side, ray, near, far ) { BufferStack.setBuffer( bvh._roots[ root ] ); const result = _raycastFirst( 0, bvh, side, ray, near, far ); BufferStack.clearBuffer(); return result; } function _raycastFirst( nodeIndex32, bvh, side, ray, near, far ) { const { float32Array, uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; let nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; const isLeaf = IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); if ( isLeaf ) { const offset = OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const count = COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); return intersectClosestTri_indirect( bvh, side, ray, offset, count, near, far ); } else { // consider the position of the split plane with respect to the oncoming ray; whichever direction // the ray is coming from, look for an intersection among that side of the tree first const splitAxis = SPLIT_AXIS( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const xyzAxis = _xyzFields[ splitAxis ]; const rayDir = ray.direction[ xyzAxis ]; const leftToRight = rayDir >= 0; // c1 is the child to check first let c1, c2; if ( leftToRight ) { c1 = LEFT_NODE( nodeIndex32 ); c2 = RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); } else { c1 = RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); c2 = LEFT_NODE( nodeIndex32 ); } const c1Intersection = intersectRay( c1, float32Array, ray, near, far ); const c1Result = c1Intersection ? _raycastFirst( c1, bvh, side, ray, near, far ) : null; // if we got an intersection in the first node and it's closer than the second node's bounding // box, we don't need to consider the second node because it couldn't possibly be a better result if ( c1Result ) { // check if the point is within the second bounds // "point" is in the local frame of the bvh const point = c1Result.point[ xyzAxis ]; const isOutside = leftToRight ? point <= float32Array[ c2 + splitAxis ] : // min bounding data point >= float32Array[ c2 + splitAxis + 3 ]; // max bounding data if ( isOutside ) { return c1Result; } } // either there was no intersection in the first node, or there could still be a closer // intersection in the second, so check the second node and then take the better of the two const c2Intersection = intersectRay( c2, float32Array, ray, near, far ); const c2Result = c2Intersection ? _raycastFirst( c2, bvh, side, ray, near, far ) : null; if ( c1Result && c2Result ) { return c1Result.distance <= c2Result.distance ? c1Result : c2Result; } else { return c1Result || c2Result || null; } } } /*****************************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "intersectsGeometry.template.js". */ /*****************************************************************/ /* eslint-disable indent */ const boundingBox$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Box3(); const triangle = /* @__PURE__ */ new ExtendedTriangle(); const triangle2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new ExtendedTriangle(); const invertedMat = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Matrix4(); const obb$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); const obb2$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); function intersectsGeometry_indirect( bvh, root, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh ) { BufferStack.setBuffer( bvh._roots[ root ] ); const result = _intersectsGeometry( 0, bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh ); BufferStack.clearBuffer(); return result; } function _intersectsGeometry( nodeIndex32, bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, cachedObb = null ) { const { float32Array, uint16Array, uint32Array } = BufferStack; let nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; if ( cachedObb === null ) { if ( ! otherGeometry.boundingBox ) { otherGeometry.computeBoundingBox(); } obb$2.set( otherGeometry.boundingBox.min, otherGeometry.boundingBox.max, geometryToBvh ); cachedObb = obb$2; } const isLeaf = IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); if ( isLeaf ) { const thisGeometry = bvh.geometry; const thisIndex = thisGeometry.index; const thisPos = thisGeometry.attributes.position; const index = otherGeometry.index; const pos = otherGeometry.attributes.position; const offset = OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const count = COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); // get the inverse of the geometry matrix so we can transform our triangles into the // geometry space we're trying to test. We assume there are fewer triangles being checked // here. invertedMat.copy( geometryToBvh ).invert(); if ( otherGeometry.boundsTree ) { // if there's a bounds tree arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( nodeIndex32 ), float32Array, obb2$1 ); obb2$1.matrix.copy( invertedMat ); obb2$1.needsUpdate = true; // TODO: use a triangle iteration function here const res = otherGeometry.boundsTree.shapecast( { intersectsBounds: box => obb2$1.intersectsBox( box ), intersectsTriangle: tri => { tri.a.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); tri.b.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); tri.c.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); tri.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i = offset, l = count + offset; i < l; i ++ ) { // this triangle needs to be transformed into the current BVH coordinate frame setTriangle( triangle2, 3 * bvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i ), thisIndex, thisPos ); triangle2.needsUpdate = true; if ( tri.intersectsTriangle( triangle2 ) ) { return true; } } return false; } } ); return res; } else { // if we're just dealing with raw geometry for ( let i = offset, l = count + offset; i < l; i ++ ) { // this triangle needs to be transformed into the current BVH coordinate frame const ti = bvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i ); setTriangle( triangle, 3 * ti, thisIndex, thisPos ); triangle.a.applyMatrix4( invertedMat ); triangle.b.applyMatrix4( invertedMat ); triangle.c.applyMatrix4( invertedMat ); triangle.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i2 = 0, l2 = index.count; i2 < l2; i2 += 3 ) { setTriangle( triangle2, i2, index, pos ); triangle2.needsUpdate = true; if ( triangle.intersectsTriangle( triangle2 ) ) { return true; } } } } } else { const left = nodeIndex32 + 8; const right = uint32Array[ nodeIndex32 + 6 ]; arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( left ), float32Array, boundingBox$1 ); const leftIntersection = cachedObb.intersectsBox( boundingBox$1 ) && _intersectsGeometry( left, bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, cachedObb ); if ( leftIntersection ) return true; arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( right ), float32Array, boundingBox$1 ); const rightIntersection = cachedObb.intersectsBox( boundingBox$1 ) && _intersectsGeometry( right, bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, cachedObb ); if ( rightIntersection ) return true; return false; } } /*********************************************************************/ /* This file is generated from "closestPointToGeometry.template.js". */ /*********************************************************************/ const tempMatrix = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Matrix4(); const obb$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); const obb2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); const temp1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const temp2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const temp3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const temp4 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); function closestPointToGeometry_indirect( bvh, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, target1 = { }, target2 = { }, minThreshold = 0, maxThreshold = Infinity, ) { if ( ! otherGeometry.boundingBox ) { otherGeometry.computeBoundingBox(); } obb$1.set( otherGeometry.boundingBox.min, otherGeometry.boundingBox.max, geometryToBvh ); obb$1.needsUpdate = true; const geometry = bvh.geometry; const pos = geometry.attributes.position; const index = geometry.index; const otherPos = otherGeometry.attributes.position; const otherIndex = otherGeometry.index; const triangle = ExtendedTrianglePool.getPrimitive(); const triangle2 = ExtendedTrianglePool.getPrimitive(); let tempTarget1 = temp1; let tempTargetDest1 = temp2; let tempTarget2 = null; let tempTargetDest2 = null; if ( target2 ) { tempTarget2 = temp3; tempTargetDest2 = temp4; } let closestDistance = Infinity; let closestDistanceTriIndex = null; let closestDistanceOtherTriIndex = null; tempMatrix.copy( geometryToBvh ).invert(); obb2.matrix.copy( tempMatrix ); bvh.shapecast( { boundsTraverseOrder: box => { return obb$1.distanceToBox( box ); }, intersectsBounds: ( box, isLeaf, score ) => { if ( score < closestDistance && score < maxThreshold ) { // if we know the triangles of this bounds will be intersected next then // save the bounds to use during triangle checks. if ( isLeaf ) { obb2.min.copy( box.min ); obb2.max.copy( box.max ); obb2.needsUpdate = true; } return true; } return false; }, intersectsRange: ( offset, count ) => { if ( otherGeometry.boundsTree ) { // if the other geometry has a bvh then use the accelerated path where we use shapecast to find // the closest bounds in the other geometry to check. const otherBvh = otherGeometry.boundsTree; return otherBvh.shapecast( { boundsTraverseOrder: box => { return obb2.distanceToBox( box ); }, intersectsBounds: ( box, isLeaf, score ) => { return score < closestDistance && score < maxThreshold; }, intersectsRange: ( otherOffset, otherCount ) => { for ( let i2 = otherOffset, l2 = otherOffset + otherCount; i2 < l2; i2 ++ ) { const ti2 = otherBvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i2 ); setTriangle( triangle2, 3 * ti2, otherIndex, otherPos ); triangle2.a.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.b.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.c.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i = offset, l = offset + count; i < l; i ++ ) { const ti = bvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i ); setTriangle( triangle, 3 * ti, index, pos ); triangle.needsUpdate = true; const dist = triangle.distanceToTriangle( triangle2, tempTarget1, tempTarget2 ); if ( dist < closestDistance ) { tempTargetDest1.copy( tempTarget1 ); if ( tempTargetDest2 ) { tempTargetDest2.copy( tempTarget2 ); } closestDistance = dist; closestDistanceTriIndex = i; closestDistanceOtherTriIndex = i2; } // stop traversal if we find a point that's under the given threshold if ( dist < minThreshold ) { return true; } } } }, } ); } else { // If no bounds tree then we'll just check every triangle. const triCount = getTriCount( otherGeometry ); for ( let i2 = 0, l2 = triCount; i2 < l2; i2 ++ ) { setTriangle( triangle2, 3 * i2, otherIndex, otherPos ); triangle2.a.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.b.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.c.applyMatrix4( geometryToBvh ); triangle2.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i = offset, l = offset + count; i < l; i ++ ) { const ti = bvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i ); setTriangle( triangle, 3 * ti, index, pos ); triangle.needsUpdate = true; const dist = triangle.distanceToTriangle( triangle2, tempTarget1, tempTarget2 ); if ( dist < closestDistance ) { tempTargetDest1.copy( tempTarget1 ); if ( tempTargetDest2 ) { tempTargetDest2.copy( tempTarget2 ); } closestDistance = dist; closestDistanceTriIndex = i; closestDistanceOtherTriIndex = i2; } // stop traversal if we find a point that's under the given threshold if ( dist < minThreshold ) { return true; } } } } }, } ); ExtendedTrianglePool.releasePrimitive( triangle ); ExtendedTrianglePool.releasePrimitive( triangle2 ); if ( closestDistance === Infinity ) { return null; } if ( ! target1.point ) { target1.point = tempTargetDest1.clone(); } else { target1.point.copy( tempTargetDest1 ); } target1.distance = closestDistance, target1.faceIndex = closestDistanceTriIndex; if ( target2 ) { if ( ! target2.point ) target2.point = tempTargetDest2.clone(); else target2.point.copy( tempTargetDest2 ); target2.point.applyMatrix4( tempMatrix ); tempTargetDest1.applyMatrix4( tempMatrix ); target2.distance = tempTargetDest1.sub( target2.point ).length(); target2.faceIndex = closestDistanceOtherTriIndex; } return target1; } function isSharedArrayBufferSupported() { return typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined'; } function convertToBufferType( array, BufferConstructor ) { if ( array === null ) { return array; } else if ( array.buffer ) { const buffer = array.buffer; if ( buffer.constructor === BufferConstructor ) { return array; } const ArrayConstructor = array.constructor; const result = new ArrayConstructor( new BufferConstructor( buffer.byteLength ) ); result.set( array ); return result; } else { if ( array.constructor === BufferConstructor ) { return array; } const result = new BufferConstructor( array.byteLength ); new Uint8Array( result ).set( new Uint8Array( array ) ); return result; } } const _bufferStack1 = new BufferStack.constructor(); const _bufferStack2 = new BufferStack.constructor(); const _boxPool = new PrimitivePool( () => new three.Box3() ); const _leftBox1 = new three.Box3(); const _rightBox1 = new three.Box3(); const _leftBox2 = new three.Box3(); const _rightBox2 = new three.Box3(); let _active = false; function bvhcast( bvh, otherBvh, matrixToLocal, intersectsRanges ) { if ( _active ) { throw new Error( 'MeshBVH: Recursive calls to bvhcast not supported.' ); } _active = true; const roots = bvh._roots; const otherRoots = otherBvh._roots; let result; let offset1 = 0; let offset2 = 0; const invMat = new three.Matrix4().copy( matrixToLocal ).invert(); // iterate over the first set of roots for ( let i = 0, il = roots.length; i < il; i ++ ) { _bufferStack1.setBuffer( roots[ i ] ); offset2 = 0; // prep the initial root box const localBox = _boxPool.getPrimitive(); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( 0 ), _bufferStack1.float32Array, localBox ); localBox.applyMatrix4( invMat ); // iterate over the second set of roots for ( let j = 0, jl = otherRoots.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { _bufferStack2.setBuffer( otherRoots[ j ] ); result = _traverse( 0, 0, matrixToLocal, invMat, intersectsRanges, offset1, offset2, 0, 0, localBox, ); _bufferStack2.clearBuffer(); offset2 += otherRoots[ j ].length; if ( result ) { break; } } // release stack info _boxPool.releasePrimitive( localBox ); _bufferStack1.clearBuffer(); offset1 += roots[ i ].length; if ( result ) { break; } } _active = false; return result; } function _traverse( node1Index32, node2Index32, matrix2to1, matrix1to2, intersectsRangesFunc, // offsets for ids node1IndexByteOffset = 0, node2IndexByteOffset = 0, // tree depth depth1 = 0, depth2 = 0, currBox = null, reversed = false, ) { // get the buffer stacks associated with the current indices let bufferStack1, bufferStack2; if ( reversed ) { bufferStack1 = _bufferStack2; bufferStack2 = _bufferStack1; } else { bufferStack1 = _bufferStack1; bufferStack2 = _bufferStack2; } // get the local instances of the typed buffers const float32Array1 = bufferStack1.float32Array, uint32Array1 = bufferStack1.uint32Array, uint16Array1 = bufferStack1.uint16Array, float32Array2 = bufferStack2.float32Array, uint32Array2 = bufferStack2.uint32Array, uint16Array2 = bufferStack2.uint16Array; const node1Index16 = node1Index32 * 2; const node2Index16 = node2Index32 * 2; const isLeaf1 = IS_LEAF( node1Index16, uint16Array1 ); const isLeaf2 = IS_LEAF( node2Index16, uint16Array2 ); let result = false; if ( isLeaf2 && isLeaf1 ) { // if both bounds are leaf nodes then fire the callback if the boxes intersect if ( reversed ) { result = intersectsRangesFunc( OFFSET( node2Index32, uint32Array2 ), COUNT( node2Index32 * 2, uint16Array2 ), OFFSET( node1Index32, uint32Array1 ), COUNT( node1Index32 * 2, uint16Array1 ), depth2, node2IndexByteOffset + node2Index32, depth1, node1IndexByteOffset + node1Index32, ); } else { result = intersectsRangesFunc( OFFSET( node1Index32, uint32Array1 ), COUNT( node1Index32 * 2, uint16Array1 ), OFFSET( node2Index32, uint32Array2 ), COUNT( node2Index32 * 2, uint16Array2 ), depth1, node1IndexByteOffset + node1Index32, depth2, node2IndexByteOffset + node2Index32, ); } } else if ( isLeaf2 ) { // SWAP // If we've traversed to the leaf node on the other bvh then we need to swap over // to traverse down the first one // get the new box to use const newBox = _boxPool.getPrimitive(); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( node2Index32 ), float32Array2, newBox ); newBox.applyMatrix4( matrix2to1 ); // get the child bounds to check before traversal const cl1 = LEFT_NODE( node1Index32 ); const cr1 = RIGHT_NODE( node1Index32, uint32Array1 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( cl1 ), float32Array1, _leftBox1 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( cr1 ), float32Array1, _rightBox1 ); // precompute the intersections otherwise the global boxes will be modified during traversal const intersectCl1 = newBox.intersectsBox( _leftBox1 ); const intersectCr1 = newBox.intersectsBox( _rightBox1 ); result = ( intersectCl1 && _traverse( node2Index32, cl1, matrix1to2, matrix2to1, intersectsRangesFunc, node2IndexByteOffset, node1IndexByteOffset, depth2, depth1 + 1, newBox, ! reversed, ) ) || ( intersectCr1 && _traverse( node2Index32, cr1, matrix1to2, matrix2to1, intersectsRangesFunc, node2IndexByteOffset, node1IndexByteOffset, depth2, depth1 + 1, newBox, ! reversed, ) ); _boxPool.releasePrimitive( newBox ); } else { // if neither are leaves then we should swap if one of the children does not // intersect with the current bounds // get the child bounds to check const cl2 = LEFT_NODE( node2Index32 ); const cr2 = RIGHT_NODE( node2Index32, uint32Array2 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( cl2 ), float32Array2, _leftBox2 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( cr2 ), float32Array2, _rightBox2 ); const leftIntersects = currBox.intersectsBox( _leftBox2 ); const rightIntersects = currBox.intersectsBox( _rightBox2 ); if ( leftIntersects && rightIntersects ) { // continue to traverse both children if they both intersect result = _traverse( node1Index32, cl2, matrix2to1, matrix1to2, intersectsRangesFunc, node1IndexByteOffset, node2IndexByteOffset, depth1, depth2 + 1, currBox, reversed, ) || _traverse( node1Index32, cr2, matrix2to1, matrix1to2, intersectsRangesFunc, node1IndexByteOffset, node2IndexByteOffset, depth1, depth2 + 1, currBox, reversed, ); } else if ( leftIntersects ) { if ( isLeaf1 ) { // if the current box is a leaf then just continue result = _traverse( node1Index32, cl2, matrix2to1, matrix1to2, intersectsRangesFunc, node1IndexByteOffset, node2IndexByteOffset, depth1, depth2 + 1, currBox, reversed, ); } else { // SWAP // if only one box intersects then we have to swap to the other bvh to continue const newBox = _boxPool.getPrimitive(); newBox.copy( _leftBox2 ).applyMatrix4( matrix2to1 ); const cl1 = LEFT_NODE( node1Index32 ); const cr1 = RIGHT_NODE( node1Index32, uint32Array1 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( cl1 ), float32Array1, _leftBox1 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( cr1 ), float32Array1, _rightBox1 ); // precompute the intersections otherwise the global boxes will be modified during traversal const intersectCl1 = newBox.intersectsBox( _leftBox1 ); const intersectCr1 = newBox.intersectsBox( _rightBox1 ); result = ( intersectCl1 && _traverse( cl2, cl1, matrix1to2, matrix2to1, intersectsRangesFunc, node2IndexByteOffset, node1IndexByteOffset, depth2, depth1 + 1, newBox, ! reversed, ) ) || ( intersectCr1 && _traverse( cl2, cr1, matrix1to2, matrix2to1, intersectsRangesFunc, node2IndexByteOffset, node1IndexByteOffset, depth2, depth1 + 1, newBox, ! reversed, ) ); _boxPool.releasePrimitive( newBox ); } } else if ( rightIntersects ) { if ( isLeaf1 ) { // if the current box is a leaf then just continue result = _traverse( node1Index32, cr2, matrix2to1, matrix1to2, intersectsRangesFunc, node1IndexByteOffset, node2IndexByteOffset, depth1, depth2 + 1, currBox, reversed, ); } else { // SWAP // if only one box intersects then we have to swap to the other bvh to continue const newBox = _boxPool.getPrimitive(); newBox.copy( _rightBox2 ).applyMatrix4( matrix2to1 ); const cl1 = LEFT_NODE( node1Index32 ); const cr1 = RIGHT_NODE( node1Index32, uint32Array1 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( cl1 ), float32Array1, _leftBox1 ); arrayToBox( BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( cr1 ), float32Array1, _rightBox1 ); // precompute the intersections otherwise the global boxes will be modified during traversal const intersectCl1 = newBox.intersectsBox( _leftBox1 ); const intersectCr1 = newBox.intersectsBox( _rightBox1 ); result = ( intersectCl1 && _traverse( cr2, cl1, matrix1to2, matrix2to1, intersectsRangesFunc, node2IndexByteOffset, node1IndexByteOffset, depth2, depth1 + 1, newBox, ! reversed, ) ) || ( intersectCr1 && _traverse( cr2, cr1, matrix1to2, matrix2to1, intersectsRangesFunc, node2IndexByteOffset, node1IndexByteOffset, depth2, depth1 + 1, newBox, ! reversed, ) ); _boxPool.releasePrimitive( newBox ); } } } return result; } const obb = /* @__PURE__ */ new OrientedBox(); const tempBox = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Box3(); const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { strategy: CENTER, maxDepth: 40, maxLeafTris: 10, useSharedArrayBuffer: false, setBoundingBox: true, onProgress: null, indirect: false, verbose: true, range: null }; class MeshBVH { static serialize( bvh, options = {} ) { options = { cloneBuffers: true, ...options, }; const geometry = bvh.geometry; const rootData = bvh._roots; const indirectBuffer = bvh._indirectBuffer; const indexAttribute = geometry.getIndex(); let result; if ( options.cloneBuffers ) { result = { roots: rootData.map( root => root.slice() ), index: indexAttribute ? indexAttribute.array.slice() : null, indirectBuffer: indirectBuffer ? indirectBuffer.slice() : null, }; } else { result = { roots: rootData, index: indexAttribute ? indexAttribute.array : null, indirectBuffer: indirectBuffer, }; } return result; } static deserialize( data, geometry, options = {} ) { options = { setIndex: true, indirect: Boolean( data.indirectBuffer ), ...options, }; const { index, roots, indirectBuffer } = data; const bvh = new MeshBVH( geometry, { ...options, [ SKIP_GENERATION ]: true } ); bvh._roots = roots; bvh._indirectBuffer = indirectBuffer || null; if ( options.setIndex ) { const indexAttribute = geometry.getIndex(); if ( indexAttribute === null ) { const newIndex = new three.BufferAttribute( data.index, 1, false ); geometry.setIndex( newIndex ); } else if ( indexAttribute.array !== index ) { indexAttribute.array.set( index ); indexAttribute.needsUpdate = true; } } return bvh; } get indirect() { return ! ! this._indirectBuffer; } constructor( geometry, options = {} ) { if ( ! geometry.isBufferGeometry ) { throw new Error( 'MeshBVH: Only BufferGeometries are supported.' ); } else if ( geometry.index && geometry.index.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) { throw new Error( 'MeshBVH: InterleavedBufferAttribute is not supported for the index attribute.' ); } // default options options = Object.assign( { ...DEFAULT_OPTIONS, // undocumented options // Whether to skip generating the tree. Used for deserialization. [ SKIP_GENERATION ]: false, }, options ); if ( options.useSharedArrayBuffer && ! isSharedArrayBufferSupported() ) { throw new Error( 'MeshBVH: SharedArrayBuffer is not available.' ); } // retain references to the geometry so we can use them it without having to // take a geometry reference in every function. this.geometry = geometry; this._roots = null; this._indirectBuffer = null; if ( ! options[ SKIP_GENERATION ] ) { buildPackedTree( this, options ); if ( ! geometry.boundingBox && options.setBoundingBox ) { geometry.boundingBox = this.getBoundingBox( new three.Box3() ); } } this.resolveTriangleIndex = options.indirect ? i => this._indirectBuffer[ i ] : i => i; } refit( nodeIndices = null ) { const refitFunc = this.indirect ? refit_indirect : refit; return refitFunc( this, nodeIndices ); } traverse( callback, rootIndex = 0 ) { const buffer = this._roots[ rootIndex ]; const uint32Array = new Uint32Array( buffer ); const uint16Array = new Uint16Array( buffer ); _traverse( 0 ); function _traverse( node32Index, depth = 0 ) { const node16Index = node32Index * 2; const isLeaf = uint16Array[ node16Index + 15 ] === IS_LEAFNODE_FLAG; if ( isLeaf ) { const offset = uint32Array[ node32Index + 6 ]; const count = uint16Array[ node16Index + 14 ]; callback( depth, isLeaf, new Float32Array( buffer, node32Index * 4, 6 ), offset, count ); } else { // TODO: use node functions here const left = node32Index + BYTES_PER_NODE / 4; const right = uint32Array[ node32Index + 6 ]; const splitAxis = uint32Array[ node32Index + 7 ]; const stopTraversal = callback( depth, isLeaf, new Float32Array( buffer, node32Index * 4, 6 ), splitAxis ); if ( ! stopTraversal ) { _traverse( left, depth + 1 ); _traverse( right, depth + 1 ); } } } } /* Core Cast Functions */ raycast( ray, materialOrSide = three.FrontSide, near = 0, far = Infinity ) { const roots = this._roots; const geometry = this.geometry; const intersects = []; const isMaterial = materialOrSide.isMaterial; const isArrayMaterial = Array.isArray( materialOrSide ); const groups = geometry.groups; const side = isMaterial ? materialOrSide.side : materialOrSide; const raycastFunc = this.indirect ? raycast_indirect : raycast; for ( let i = 0, l = roots.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const materialSide = isArrayMaterial ? materialOrSide[ groups[ i ].materialIndex ].side : side; const startCount = intersects.length; raycastFunc( this, i, materialSide, ray, intersects, near, far ); if ( isArrayMaterial ) { const materialIndex = groups[ i ].materialIndex; for ( let j = startCount, jl = intersects.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { intersects[ j ].face.materialIndex = materialIndex; } } } return intersects; } raycastFirst( ray, materialOrSide = three.FrontSide, near = 0, far = Infinity ) { const roots = this._roots; const geometry = this.geometry; const isMaterial = materialOrSide.isMaterial; const isArrayMaterial = Array.isArray( materialOrSide ); let closestResult = null; const groups = geometry.groups; const side = isMaterial ? materialOrSide.side : materialOrSide; const raycastFirstFunc = this.indirect ? raycastFirst_indirect : raycastFirst; for ( let i = 0, l = roots.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const materialSide = isArrayMaterial ? materialOrSide[ groups[ i ].materialIndex ].side : side; const result = raycastFirstFunc( this, i, materialSide, ray, near, far ); if ( result != null && ( closestResult == null || result.distance < closestResult.distance ) ) { closestResult = result; if ( isArrayMaterial ) { result.face.materialIndex = groups[ i ].materialIndex; } } } return closestResult; } intersectsGeometry( otherGeometry, geomToMesh ) { let result = false; const roots = this._roots; const intersectsGeometryFunc = this.indirect ? intersectsGeometry_indirect : intersectsGeometry; for ( let i = 0, l = roots.length; i < l; i ++ ) { result = intersectsGeometryFunc( this, i, otherGeometry, geomToMesh ); if ( result ) { break; } } return result; } shapecast( callbacks ) { const triangle = ExtendedTrianglePool.getPrimitive(); const iterateFunc = this.indirect ? iterateOverTriangles_indirect : iterateOverTriangles; let { boundsTraverseOrder, intersectsBounds, intersectsRange, intersectsTriangle, } = callbacks; // wrap the intersectsRange function if ( intersectsRange && intersectsTriangle ) { const originalIntersectsRange = intersectsRange; intersectsRange = ( offset, count, contained, depth, nodeIndex ) => { if ( ! originalIntersectsRange( offset, count, contained, depth, nodeIndex ) ) { return iterateFunc( offset, count, this, intersectsTriangle, contained, depth, triangle ); } return true; }; } else if ( ! intersectsRange ) { if ( intersectsTriangle ) { intersectsRange = ( offset, count, contained, depth ) => { return iterateFunc( offset, count, this, intersectsTriangle, contained, depth, triangle ); }; } else { intersectsRange = ( offset, count, contained ) => { return contained; }; } } // run shapecast let result = false; let byteOffset = 0; const roots = this._roots; for ( let i = 0, l = roots.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const root = roots[ i ]; result = shapecast( this, i, intersectsBounds, intersectsRange, boundsTraverseOrder, byteOffset ); if ( result ) { break; } byteOffset += root.byteLength; } ExtendedTrianglePool.releasePrimitive( triangle ); return result; } bvhcast( otherBvh, matrixToLocal, callbacks ) { let { intersectsRanges, intersectsTriangles, } = callbacks; const triangle1 = ExtendedTrianglePool.getPrimitive(); const indexAttr1 = this.geometry.index; const positionAttr1 = this.geometry.attributes.position; const assignTriangle1 = this.indirect ? i1 => { const ti = this.resolveTriangleIndex( i1 ); setTriangle( triangle1, ti * 3, indexAttr1, positionAttr1 ); } : i1 => { setTriangle( triangle1, i1 * 3, indexAttr1, positionAttr1 ); }; const triangle2 = ExtendedTrianglePool.getPrimitive(); const indexAttr2 = otherBvh.geometry.index; const positionAttr2 = otherBvh.geometry.attributes.position; const assignTriangle2 = otherBvh.indirect ? i2 => { const ti2 = otherBvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i2 ); setTriangle( triangle2, ti2 * 3, indexAttr2, positionAttr2 ); } : i2 => { setTriangle( triangle2, i2 * 3, indexAttr2, positionAttr2 ); }; // generate triangle callback if needed if ( intersectsTriangles ) { const iterateOverDoubleTriangles = ( offset1, count1, offset2, count2, depth1, index1, depth2, index2 ) => { for ( let i2 = offset2, l2 = offset2 + count2; i2 < l2; i2 ++ ) { assignTriangle2( i2 ); triangle2.a.applyMatrix4( matrixToLocal ); triangle2.b.applyMatrix4( matrixToLocal ); triangle2.c.applyMatrix4( matrixToLocal ); triangle2.needsUpdate = true; for ( let i1 = offset1, l1 = offset1 + count1; i1 < l1; i1 ++ ) { assignTriangle1( i1 ); triangle1.needsUpdate = true; if ( intersectsTriangles( triangle1, triangle2, i1, i2, depth1, index1, depth2, index2 ) ) { return true; } } } return false; }; if ( intersectsRanges ) { const originalIntersectsRanges = intersectsRanges; intersectsRanges = function ( offset1, count1, offset2, count2, depth1, index1, depth2, index2 ) { if ( ! originalIntersectsRanges( offset1, count1, offset2, count2, depth1, index1, depth2, index2 ) ) { return iterateOverDoubleTriangles( offset1, count1, offset2, count2, depth1, index1, depth2, index2 ); } return true; }; } else { intersectsRanges = iterateOverDoubleTriangles; } } return bvhcast( this, otherBvh, matrixToLocal, intersectsRanges ); } /* Derived Cast Functions */ intersectsBox( box, boxToMesh ) { obb.set( box.min, box.max, boxToMesh ); obb.needsUpdate = true; return this.shapecast( { intersectsBounds: box => obb.intersectsBox( box ), intersectsTriangle: tri => obb.intersectsTriangle( tri ) } ); } intersectsSphere( sphere ) { return this.shapecast( { intersectsBounds: box => sphere.intersectsBox( box ), intersectsTriangle: tri => tri.intersectsSphere( sphere ) } ); } closestPointToGeometry( otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, target1 = { }, target2 = { }, minThreshold = 0, maxThreshold = Infinity ) { const closestPointToGeometryFunc = this.indirect ? closestPointToGeometry_indirect : closestPointToGeometry; return closestPointToGeometryFunc( this, otherGeometry, geometryToBvh, target1, target2, minThreshold, maxThreshold, ); } closestPointToPoint( point, target = { }, minThreshold = 0, maxThreshold = Infinity ) { return closestPointToPoint( this, point, target, minThreshold, maxThreshold, ); } getBoundingBox( target ) { target.makeEmpty(); const roots = this._roots; roots.forEach( buffer => { arrayToBox( 0, new Float32Array( buffer ), tempBox ); target.union( tempBox ); } ); return target; } } const boundingBox = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Box3(); const matrix = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Matrix4(); class MeshBVHRootHelper extends three.Object3D { get isMesh() { return ! this.displayEdges; } get isLineSegments() { return this.displayEdges; } get isLine() { return this.displayEdges; } getVertexPosition( ...args ) { // implement this function so it works with Box3.setFromObject return three.Mesh.prototype.getVertexPosition.call( this, ...args ); } constructor( bvh, material, depth = 10, group = 0 ) { super(); this.material = material; this.geometry = new three.BufferGeometry(); this.name = 'MeshBVHRootHelper'; this.depth = depth; this.displayParents = false; this.bvh = bvh; this.displayEdges = true; this._group = group; } raycast() {} update() { const geometry = this.geometry; const boundsTree = this.bvh; const group = this._group; geometry.dispose(); this.visible = false; if ( boundsTree ) { // count the number of bounds required const targetDepth = this.depth - 1; const displayParents = this.displayParents; let boundsCount = 0; boundsTree.traverse( ( depth, isLeaf ) => { if ( depth >= targetDepth || isLeaf ) { boundsCount ++; return true; } else if ( displayParents ) { boundsCount ++; } }, group ); // fill in the position buffer with the bounds corners let posIndex = 0; const positionArray = new Float32Array( 8 * 3 * boundsCount ); boundsTree.traverse( ( depth, isLeaf, boundingData ) => { const terminate = depth >= targetDepth || isLeaf; if ( terminate || displayParents ) { arrayToBox( 0, boundingData, boundingBox ); const { min, max } = boundingBox; for ( let x = - 1; x <= 1; x += 2 ) { const xVal = x < 0 ? min.x : max.x; for ( let y = - 1; y <= 1; y += 2 ) { const yVal = y < 0 ? min.y : max.y; for ( let z = - 1; z <= 1; z += 2 ) { const zVal = z < 0 ? min.z : max.z; positionArray[ posIndex + 0 ] = xVal; positionArray[ posIndex + 1 ] = yVal; positionArray[ posIndex + 2 ] = zVal; posIndex += 3; } } } return terminate; } }, group ); let indexArray; let indices; if ( this.displayEdges ) { // fill in the index buffer to point to the corner points indices = new Uint8Array( [ // x axis 0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, // y axis 0, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7, // z axis 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ] ); } else { indices = new Uint8Array( [ // X-, X+ 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 6, 7, 5, // Y-, Y+ 1, 4, 5, 0, 4, 1, 2, 3, 6, 3, 7, 6, // Z-, Z+ 0, 2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 1, 5, 3, 3, 5, 7, ] ); } if ( positionArray.length > 65535 ) { indexArray = new Uint32Array( indices.length * boundsCount ); } else { indexArray = new Uint16Array( indices.length * boundsCount ); } const indexLength = indices.length; for ( let i = 0; i < boundsCount; i ++ ) { const posOffset = i * 8; const indexOffset = i * indexLength; for ( let j = 0; j < indexLength; j ++ ) { indexArray[ indexOffset + j ] = posOffset + indices[ j ]; } } // update the geometry geometry.setIndex( new three.BufferAttribute( indexArray, 1, false ), ); geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new three.BufferAttribute( positionArray, 3, false ), ); this.visible = true; } } } class MeshBVHHelper extends three.Group { get color() { return this.edgeMaterial.color; } get opacity() { return this.edgeMaterial.opacity; } set opacity( v ) { this.edgeMaterial.opacity = v; this.meshMaterial.opacity = v; } constructor( mesh = null, bvh = null, depth = 10 ) { // handle bvh, depth signature if ( mesh instanceof MeshBVH ) { depth = bvh || 10; bvh = mesh; mesh = null; } // handle mesh, depth signature if ( typeof bvh === 'number' ) { depth = bvh; bvh = null; } super(); this.name = 'MeshBVHHelper'; this.depth = depth; this.mesh = mesh; this.bvh = bvh; this.displayParents = false; this.displayEdges = true; this.objectIndex = 0; this._roots = []; const edgeMaterial = new three.LineBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00FF88, transparent: true, opacity: 0.3, depthWrite: false, } ); const meshMaterial = new three.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00FF88, transparent: true, opacity: 0.3, depthWrite: false, } ); meshMaterial.color = edgeMaterial.color; this.edgeMaterial = edgeMaterial; this.meshMaterial = meshMaterial; this.update(); } update() { const mesh = this.mesh; let bvh = this.bvh || mesh.geometry.boundsTree || null; if ( mesh.isBatchedMesh && mesh.boundsTrees && ! bvh ) { // get the bvh from a batchedMesh if not provided // TODO: we should have an official way to get the geometry index cleanly const drawInfo = mesh._drawInfo[ this.objectIndex ]; if ( drawInfo ) { bvh = mesh.boundsTrees[ drawInfo.geometryIndex ] || bvh; } } const totalRoots = bvh ? bvh._roots.length : 0; while ( this._roots.length > totalRoots ) { const root = this._roots.pop(); root.geometry.dispose(); this.remove( root ); } for ( let i = 0; i < totalRoots; i ++ ) { const { depth, edgeMaterial, meshMaterial, displayParents, displayEdges } = this; if ( i >= this._roots.length ) { const root = new MeshBVHRootHelper( bvh, edgeMaterial, depth, i ); this.add( root ); this._roots.push( root ); } const root = this._roots[ i ]; root.bvh = bvh; root.depth = depth; root.displayParents = displayParents; root.displayEdges = displayEdges; root.material = displayEdges ? edgeMaterial : meshMaterial; root.update(); } } updateMatrixWorld( ...args ) { const mesh = this.mesh; const parent = this.parent; if ( mesh !== null ) { mesh.updateWorldMatrix( true, false ); if ( parent ) { this.matrix .copy( parent.matrixWorld ) .invert() .multiply( mesh.matrixWorld ); } else { this.matrix .copy( mesh.matrixWorld ); } // handle batched and instanced mesh bvhs if ( mesh.isInstancedMesh || mesh.isBatchedMesh ) { mesh.getMatrixAt( this.objectIndex, matrix ); this.matrix.multiply( matrix ); } this.matrix.decompose( this.position, this.quaternion, this.scale, ); } super.updateMatrixWorld( ...args ); } copy( source ) { this.depth = source.depth; this.mesh = source.mesh; this.bvh = source.bvh; this.opacity = source.opacity; this.color.copy( source.color ); } clone() { return new MeshBVHHelper( this.mesh, this.bvh, this.depth ); } dispose() { this.edgeMaterial.dispose(); this.meshMaterial.dispose(); const children = this.children; for ( let i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) { children[ i ].geometry.dispose(); } } } class MeshBVHVisualizer extends MeshBVHHelper { constructor( ...args ) { super( ...args ); console.warn( 'MeshBVHVisualizer: MeshBVHVisualizer has been deprecated. Use MeshBVHHelper, instead.' ); } } const _box1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Box3(); const _box2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Box3(); const _vec = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1248302/how-to-get-the-size-of-a-javascript-object function getPrimitiveSize( el ) { switch ( typeof el ) { case 'number': return 8; case 'string': return el.length * 2; case 'boolean': return 4; default: return 0; } } function isTypedArray( arr ) { const regex = /(Uint|Int|Float)(8|16|32)Array/; return regex.test( arr.constructor.name ); } function getRootExtremes( bvh, group ) { const result = { nodeCount: 0, leafNodeCount: 0, depth: { min: Infinity, max: - Infinity }, tris: { min: Infinity, max: - Infinity }, splits: [ 0, 0, 0 ], surfaceAreaScore: 0, }; bvh.traverse( ( depth, isLeaf, boundingData, offsetOrSplit, count ) => { const l0 = boundingData[ 0 + 3 ] - boundingData[ 0 ]; const l1 = boundingData[ 1 + 3 ] - boundingData[ 1 ]; const l2 = boundingData[ 2 + 3 ] - boundingData[ 2 ]; const surfaceArea = 2 * ( l0 * l1 + l1 * l2 + l2 * l0 ); result.nodeCount ++; if ( isLeaf ) { result.leafNodeCount ++; result.depth.min = Math.min( depth, result.depth.min ); result.depth.max = Math.max( depth, result.depth.max ); result.tris.min = Math.min( count, result.tris.min ); result.tris.max = Math.max( count, result.tris.max ); result.surfaceAreaScore += surfaceArea * TRIANGLE_INTERSECT_COST * count; } else { result.splits[ offsetOrSplit ] ++; result.surfaceAreaScore += surfaceArea * TRAVERSAL_COST; } }, group ); // If there are no leaf nodes because the tree hasn't finished generating yet. if ( result.tris.min === Infinity ) { result.tris.min = 0; result.tris.max = 0; } if ( result.depth.min === Infinity ) { result.depth.min = 0; result.depth.max = 0; } return result; } function getBVHExtremes( bvh ) { return bvh._roots.map( ( root, i ) => getRootExtremes( bvh, i ) ); } function estimateMemoryInBytes( obj ) { const traversed = new Set(); const stack = [ obj ]; let bytes = 0; while ( stack.length ) { const curr = stack.pop(); if ( traversed.has( curr ) ) { continue; } traversed.add( curr ); for ( let key in curr ) { if ( ! Object.hasOwn( curr, key ) ) { continue; } bytes += getPrimitiveSize( key ); const value = curr[ key ]; if ( value && ( typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function' ) ) { if ( isTypedArray( value ) ) { bytes += value.byteLength; } else if ( isSharedArrayBufferSupported() && value instanceof SharedArrayBuffer ) { bytes += value.byteLength; } else if ( value instanceof ArrayBuffer ) { bytes += value.byteLength; } else { stack.push( value ); } } else { bytes += getPrimitiveSize( value ); } } } return bytes; } function validateBounds( bvh ) { const geometry = bvh.geometry; const depthStack = []; const index = geometry.index; const position = geometry.getAttribute( 'position' ); let passes = true; bvh.traverse( ( depth, isLeaf, boundingData, offset, count ) => { const info = { depth, isLeaf, boundingData, offset, count, }; depthStack[ depth ] = info; arrayToBox( 0, boundingData, _box1 ); const parent = depthStack[ depth - 1 ]; if ( isLeaf ) { // check triangles for ( let i = offset, l = offset + count; i < l; i ++ ) { const triIndex = bvh.resolveTriangleIndex( i ); let i0 = 3 * triIndex; let i1 = 3 * triIndex + 1; let i2 = 3 * triIndex + 2; if ( index ) { i0 = index.getX( i0 ); i1 = index.getX( i1 ); i2 = index.getX( i2 ); } let isContained; _vec.fromBufferAttribute( position, i0 ); isContained = _box1.containsPoint( _vec ); _vec.fromBufferAttribute( position, i1 ); isContained = isContained && _box1.containsPoint( _vec ); _vec.fromBufferAttribute( position, i2 ); isContained = isContained && _box1.containsPoint( _vec ); console.assert( isContained, 'Leaf bounds does not fully contain triangle.' ); passes = passes && isContained; } } if ( parent ) { // check if my bounds fit in my parents arrayToBox( 0, boundingData, _box2 ); const isContained = _box2.containsBox( _box1 ); console.assert( isContained, 'Parent bounds does not fully contain child.' ); passes = passes && isContained; } } ); return passes; } // Returns a simple, human readable object that represents the BVH. function getJSONStructure( bvh ) { const depthStack = []; bvh.traverse( ( depth, isLeaf, boundingData, offset, count ) => { const info = { bounds: arrayToBox( 0, boundingData, new three.Box3() ), }; if ( isLeaf ) { info.count = count; info.offset = offset; } else { info.left = null; info.right = null; } depthStack[ depth ] = info; // traversal hits the left then right node const parent = depthStack[ depth - 1 ]; if ( parent ) { if ( parent.left === null ) { parent.left = info; } else { parent.right = info; } } } ); return depthStack[ 0 ]; } // converts the given BVH raycast intersection to align with the three.js raycast // structure (include object, world space distance and point). function convertRaycastIntersect( hit, object, raycaster ) { if ( hit === null ) { return null; } hit.point.applyMatrix4( object.matrixWorld ); hit.distance = hit.point.distanceTo( raycaster.ray.origin ); hit.object = object; return hit; } const IS_REVISION_166 = parseInt( three.REVISION ) >= 166; const ray = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Ray(); const direction = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const tmpInverseMatrix = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Matrix4(); const origMeshRaycastFunc = three.Mesh.prototype.raycast; const origBatchedRaycastFunc = three.BatchedMesh.prototype.raycast; const _worldScale = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Vector3(); const _mesh = /* @__PURE__ */ new three.Mesh(); const _batchIntersects = []; function acceleratedRaycast( raycaster, intersects ) { if ( this.isBatchedMesh ) { acceleratedBatchedMeshRaycast.call( this, raycaster, intersects ); } else { acceleratedMeshRaycast.call( this, raycaster, intersects ); } } function acceleratedBatchedMeshRaycast( raycaster, intersects ) { if ( this.boundsTrees ) { // TODO: remove use of geometry info, instance info when r170 is minimum version const boundsTrees = this.boundsTrees; const drawInfo = this._drawInfo || this._instanceInfo; const drawRanges = this._drawRanges || this._geometryInfo; const matrixWorld = this.matrixWorld; _mesh.material = this.material; _mesh.geometry = this.geometry; const oldBoundsTree = _mesh.geometry.boundsTree; const oldDrawRange = _mesh.geometry.drawRange; if ( _mesh.geometry.boundingSphere === null ) { _mesh.geometry.boundingSphere = new three.Sphere(); } // TODO: provide new method to get instances count instead of 'drawInfo.length' for ( let i = 0, l = drawInfo.length; i < l; i ++ ) { if ( ! this.getVisibleAt( i ) ) { continue; } // TODO: use getGeometryIndex const geometryId = drawInfo[ i ].geometryIndex; _mesh.geometry.boundsTree = boundsTrees[ geometryId ]; this.getMatrixAt( i, _mesh.matrixWorld ).premultiply( matrixWorld ); if ( ! _mesh.geometry.boundsTree ) { this.getBoundingBoxAt( geometryId, _mesh.geometry.boundingBox ); this.getBoundingSphereAt( geometryId, _mesh.geometry.boundingSphere ); const drawRange = drawRanges[ geometryId ]; _mesh.geometry.setDrawRange( drawRange.start, drawRange.count ); } _mesh.raycast( raycaster, _batchIntersects ); for ( let j = 0, l = _batchIntersects.length; j < l; j ++ ) { const intersect = _batchIntersects[ j ]; intersect.object = this; intersect.batchId = i; intersects.push( intersect ); } _batchIntersects.length = 0; } _mesh.geometry.boundsTree = oldBoundsTree; _mesh.geometry.drawRange = oldDrawRange; _mesh.material = null; _mesh.geometry = null; } else { origBatchedRaycastFunc.call( this, raycaster, intersects ); } } function acceleratedMeshRaycast( raycaster, intersects ) { if ( this.geometry.boundsTree ) { if ( this.material === undefined ) return; tmpInverseMatrix.copy( this.matrixWorld ).invert(); ray.copy( raycaster.ray ).applyMatrix4( tmpInverseMatrix ); _worldScale.setFromMatrixScale( this.matrixWorld ); direction.copy( ray.direction ).multiply( _worldScale ); const scaleFactor = direction.length(); const near = raycaster.near / scaleFactor; const far = raycaster.far / scaleFactor; const bvh = this.geometry.boundsTree; if ( raycaster.firstHitOnly === true ) { const hit = convertRaycastIntersect( bvh.raycastFirst( ray, this.material, near, far ), this, raycaster ); if ( hit ) { intersects.push( hit ); } } else { const hits = bvh.raycast( ray, this.material, near, far ); for ( let i = 0, l = hits.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const hit = convertRaycastIntersect( hits[ i ], this, raycaster ); if ( hit ) { intersects.push( hit ); } } } } else { origMeshRaycastFunc.call( this, raycaster, intersects ); } } function computeBoundsTree( options = {} ) { this.boundsTree = new MeshBVH( this, options ); return this.boundsTree; } function disposeBoundsTree() { this.boundsTree = null; } function computeBatchedBoundsTree( index = - 1, options = {} ) { if ( ! IS_REVISION_166 ) { throw new Error( 'BatchedMesh: Three r166+ is required to compute bounds trees.' ); } if ( options.indirect ) { console.warn( '"Indirect" is set to false because it is not supported for BatchedMesh.' ); } options = { ...options, indirect: false, range: null }; const drawRanges = this._drawRanges || this._geometryInfo; const geometryCount = this._geometryCount; if ( ! this.boundsTrees ) { this.boundsTrees = new Array( geometryCount ).fill( null ); } const boundsTrees = this.boundsTrees; while ( boundsTrees.length < geometryCount ) { boundsTrees.push( null ); } if ( index < 0 ) { for ( let i = 0; i < geometryCount; i ++ ) { options.range = drawRanges[ i ]; boundsTrees[ i ] = new MeshBVH( this.geometry, options ); } return boundsTrees; } else { if ( index < drawRanges.length ) { options.range = drawRanges[ index ]; boundsTrees[ index ] = new MeshBVH( this.geometry, options ); } return boundsTrees[ index ] || null; } } function disposeBatchedBoundsTree( index = - 1 ) { if ( index < 0 ) { this.boundsTrees.fill( null ); } else { if ( index < this.boundsTree.length ) { this.boundsTrees[ index ] = null; } } } function countToStringFormat( count ) { switch ( count ) { case 1: return 'R'; case 2: return 'RG'; case 3: return 'RGBA'; case 4: return 'RGBA'; } throw new Error(); } function countToFormat( count ) { switch ( count ) { case 1: return three.RedFormat; case 2: return three.RGFormat; case 3: return three.RGBAFormat; case 4: return three.RGBAFormat; } } function countToIntFormat( count ) { switch ( count ) { case 1: return three.RedIntegerFormat; case 2: return three.RGIntegerFormat; case 3: return three.RGBAIntegerFormat; case 4: return three.RGBAIntegerFormat; } } class VertexAttributeTexture extends three.DataTexture { constructor() { super(); this.minFilter = three.NearestFilter; this.magFilter = three.NearestFilter; this.generateMipmaps = false; this.overrideItemSize = null; this._forcedType = null; } updateFrom( attr ) { const overrideItemSize = this.overrideItemSize; const originalItemSize = attr.itemSize; const originalCount = attr.count; if ( overrideItemSize !== null ) { if ( ( originalItemSize * originalCount ) % overrideItemSize !== 0.0 ) { throw new Error( 'VertexAttributeTexture: overrideItemSize must divide evenly into buffer length.' ); } attr.itemSize = overrideItemSize; attr.count = originalCount * originalItemSize / overrideItemSize; } const itemSize = attr.itemSize; const count = attr.count; const normalized = attr.normalized; const originalBufferCons = attr.array.constructor; const byteCount = originalBufferCons.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; let targetType = this._forcedType; let finalStride = itemSize; // derive the type of texture this should be in the shader if ( targetType === null ) { switch ( originalBufferCons ) { case Float32Array: targetType = three.FloatType; break; case Uint8Array: case Uint16Array: case Uint32Array: targetType = three.UnsignedIntType; break; case Int8Array: case Int16Array: case Int32Array: targetType = three.IntType; break; } } // get the target format to store the texture as let type, format, normalizeValue, targetBufferCons; let internalFormat = countToStringFormat( itemSize ); switch ( targetType ) { case three.FloatType: normalizeValue = 1.0; format = countToFormat( itemSize ); if ( normalized && byteCount === 1 ) { targetBufferCons = originalBufferCons; internalFormat += '8'; if ( originalBufferCons === Uint8Array ) { type = three.UnsignedByteType; } else { type = three.ByteType; internalFormat += '_SNORM'; } } else { targetBufferCons = Float32Array; internalFormat += '32F'; type = three.FloatType; } break; case three.IntType: internalFormat += byteCount * 8 + 'I'; normalizeValue = normalized ? Math.pow( 2, originalBufferCons.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 8 - 1 ) : 1.0; format = countToIntFormat( itemSize ); if ( byteCount === 1 ) { targetBufferCons = Int8Array; type = three.ByteType; } else if ( byteCount === 2 ) { targetBufferCons = Int16Array; type = three.ShortType; } else { targetBufferCons = Int32Array; type = three.IntType; } break; case three.UnsignedIntType: internalFormat += byteCount * 8 + 'UI'; normalizeValue = normalized ? Math.pow( 2, originalBufferCons.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * 8 - 1 ) : 1.0; format = countToIntFormat( itemSize ); if ( byteCount === 1 ) { targetBufferCons = Uint8Array; type = three.UnsignedByteType; } else if ( byteCount === 2 ) { targetBufferCons = Uint16Array; type = three.UnsignedShortType; } else { targetBufferCons = Uint32Array; type = three.UnsignedIntType; } break; } // there will be a mismatch between format length and final length because // RGBFormat and RGBIntegerFormat was removed if ( finalStride === 3 && ( format === three.RGBAFormat || format === three.RGBAIntegerFormat ) ) { finalStride = 4; } // copy the data over to the new texture array const dimension = Math.ceil( Math.sqrt( count ) ) || 1; const length = finalStride * dimension * dimension; const dataArray = new targetBufferCons( length ); // temporarily set the normalized state to false since we have custom normalization logic const originalNormalized = attr.normalized; attr.normalized = false; for ( let i = 0; i < count; i ++ ) { const ii = finalStride * i; dataArray[ ii ] = attr.getX( i ) / normalizeValue; if ( itemSize >= 2 ) { dataArray[ ii + 1 ] = attr.getY( i ) / normalizeValue; } if ( itemSize >= 3 ) { dataArray[ ii + 2 ] = attr.getZ( i ) / normalizeValue; if ( finalStride === 4 ) { dataArray[ ii + 3 ] = 1.0; } } if ( itemSize >= 4 ) { dataArray[ ii + 3 ] = attr.getW( i ) / normalizeValue; } } attr.normalized = originalNormalized; this.internalFormat = internalFormat; this.format = format; this.type = type; this.image.width = dimension; this.image.height = dimension; this.image.data = dataArray; this.needsUpdate = true; this.dispose(); attr.itemSize = originalItemSize; attr.count = originalCount; } } class UIntVertexAttributeTexture extends VertexAttributeTexture { constructor() { super(); this._forcedType = three.UnsignedIntType; } } class IntVertexAttributeTexture extends VertexAttributeTexture { constructor() { super(); this._forcedType = three.IntType; } } class FloatVertexAttributeTexture extends VertexAttributeTexture { constructor() { super(); this._forcedType = three.FloatType; } } class MeshBVHUniformStruct { constructor() { this.index = new UIntVertexAttributeTexture(); this.position = new FloatVertexAttributeTexture(); this.bvhBounds = new three.DataTexture(); this.bvhContents = new three.DataTexture(); this._cachedIndexAttr = null; this.index.overrideItemSize = 3; } updateFrom( bvh ) { const { geometry } = bvh; bvhToTextures( bvh, this.bvhBounds, this.bvhContents ); this.position.updateFrom( geometry.attributes.position ); // dereference a new index attribute if we're using indirect storage if ( bvh.indirect ) { const indirectBuffer = bvh._indirectBuffer; if ( this._cachedIndexAttr === null || this._cachedIndexAttr.count !== indirectBuffer.length ) { if ( geometry.index ) { this._cachedIndexAttr = geometry.index.clone(); } else { const array = getIndexArray( getVertexCount( geometry ) ); this._cachedIndexAttr = new three.BufferAttribute( array, 1, false ); } } dereferenceIndex( geometry, indirectBuffer, this._cachedIndexAttr ); this.index.updateFrom( this._cachedIndexAttr ); } else { this.index.updateFrom( geometry.index ); } } dispose() { const { index, position, bvhBounds, bvhContents } = this; if ( index ) index.dispose(); if ( position ) position.dispose(); if ( bvhBounds ) bvhBounds.dispose(); if ( bvhContents ) bvhContents.dispose(); } } function dereferenceIndex( geometry, indirectBuffer, target ) { const unpacked = target.array; const indexArray = geometry.index ? geometry.index.array : null; for ( let i = 0, l = indirectBuffer.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const i3 = 3 * i; const v3 = 3 * indirectBuffer[ i ]; for ( let c = 0; c < 3; c ++ ) { unpacked[ i3 + c ] = indexArray ? indexArray[ v3 + c ] : v3 + c; } } } function bvhToTextures( bvh, boundsTexture, contentsTexture ) { const roots = bvh._roots; if ( roots.length !== 1 ) { throw new Error( 'MeshBVHUniformStruct: Multi-root BVHs not supported.' ); } const root = roots[ 0 ]; const uint16Array = new Uint16Array( root ); const uint32Array = new Uint32Array( root ); const float32Array = new Float32Array( root ); // Both bounds need two elements per node so compute the height so it's twice as long as // the width so we can expand the row by two and still have a square texture const nodeCount = root.byteLength / BYTES_PER_NODE; const boundsDimension = 2 * Math.ceil( Math.sqrt( nodeCount / 2 ) ); const boundsArray = new Float32Array( 4 * boundsDimension * boundsDimension ); const contentsDimension = Math.ceil( Math.sqrt( nodeCount ) ); const contentsArray = new Uint32Array( 2 * contentsDimension * contentsDimension ); for ( let i = 0; i < nodeCount; i ++ ) { const nodeIndex32 = i * BYTES_PER_NODE / 4; const nodeIndex16 = nodeIndex32 * 2; const boundsIndex = BOUNDING_DATA_INDEX( nodeIndex32 ); for ( let b = 0; b < 3; b ++ ) { boundsArray[ 8 * i + 0 + b ] = float32Array[ boundsIndex + 0 + b ]; boundsArray[ 8 * i + 4 + b ] = float32Array[ boundsIndex + 3 + b ]; } if ( IS_LEAF( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ) ) { const count = COUNT( nodeIndex16, uint16Array ); const offset = OFFSET( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); const mergedLeafCount = 0xffff0000 | count; contentsArray[ i * 2 + 0 ] = mergedLeafCount; contentsArray[ i * 2 + 1 ] = offset; } else { const rightIndex = 4 * RIGHT_NODE( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ) / BYTES_PER_NODE; const splitAxis = SPLIT_AXIS( nodeIndex32, uint32Array ); contentsArray[ i * 2 + 0 ] = splitAxis; contentsArray[ i * 2 + 1 ] = rightIndex; } } boundsTexture.image.data = boundsArray; boundsTexture.image.width = boundsDimension; boundsTexture.image.height = boundsDimension; boundsTexture.format = three.RGBAFormat; boundsTexture.type = three.FloatType; boundsTexture.internalFormat = 'RGBA32F'; boundsTexture.minFilter = three.NearestFilter; boundsTexture.magFilter = three.NearestFilter; boundsTexture.generateMipmaps = false; boundsTexture.needsUpdate = true; boundsTexture.dispose(); contentsTexture.image.data = contentsArray; contentsTexture.image.width = contentsDimension; contentsTexture.image.height = contentsDimension; contentsTexture.format = three.RGIntegerFormat; contentsTexture.type = three.UnsignedIntType; contentsTexture.internalFormat = 'RG32UI'; contentsTexture.minFilter = three.NearestFilter; contentsTexture.magFilter = three.NearestFilter; contentsTexture.generateMipmaps = false; contentsTexture.needsUpdate = true; contentsTexture.dispose(); } const _positionVector = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Vector3(); const _normalVector = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Vector3(); const _tangentVector = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Vector3(); const _tangentVector4 = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Vector4(); const _morphVector = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Vector3(); const _temp = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Vector3(); const _skinIndex = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Vector4(); const _skinWeight = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Vector4(); const _matrix = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Matrix4(); const _boneMatrix = /*@__PURE__*/ new three.Matrix4(); // Confirms that the two provided attributes are compatible function validateAttributes( attr1, attr2 ) { if ( ! attr1 && ! attr2 ) { return; } const sameCount = attr1.count === attr2.count; const sameNormalized = attr1.normalized === attr2.normalized; const sameType = attr1.array.constructor === attr2.array.constructor; const sameItemSize = attr1.itemSize === attr2.itemSize; if ( ! sameCount || ! sameNormalized || ! sameType || ! sameItemSize ) { throw new Error(); } } // Clones the given attribute with a new compatible buffer attribute but no data function createAttributeClone( attr, countOverride = null ) { const cons = attr.array.constructor; const normalized = attr.normalized; const itemSize = attr.itemSize; const count = countOverride === null ? attr.count : countOverride; return new three.BufferAttribute( new cons( itemSize * count ), itemSize, normalized ); } // target offset is the number of elements in the target buffer stride to skip before copying the // attributes contents in to. function copyAttributeContents( attr, target, targetOffset = 0 ) { if ( attr.isInterleavedBufferAttribute ) { const itemSize = attr.itemSize; for ( let i = 0, l = attr.count; i < l; i ++ ) { const io = i + targetOffset; target.setX( io, attr.getX( i ) ); if ( itemSize >= 2 ) target.setY( io, attr.getY( i ) ); if ( itemSize >= 3 ) target.setZ( io, attr.getZ( i ) ); if ( itemSize >= 4 ) target.setW( io, attr.getW( i ) ); } } else { const array = target.array; const cons = array.constructor; const byteOffset = array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * attr.itemSize * targetOffset; const temp = new cons( array.buffer, byteOffset, attr.array.length ); temp.set( attr.array ); } } // Adds the "matrix" multiplied by "scale" to "target" function addScaledMatrix( target, matrix, scale ) { const targetArray = target.elements; const matrixArray = matrix.elements; for ( let i = 0, l = matrixArray.length; i < l; i ++ ) { targetArray[ i ] += matrixArray[ i ] * scale; } } // A version of "SkinnedMesh.boneTransform" for normals function boneNormalTransform( mesh, index, target ) { const skeleton = mesh.skeleton; const geometry = mesh.geometry; const bones = skeleton.bones; const boneInverses = skeleton.boneInverses; _skinIndex.fromBufferAttribute( geometry.attributes.skinIndex, index ); _skinWeight.fromBufferAttribute( geometry.attributes.skinWeight, index ); _matrix.elements.fill( 0 ); for ( let i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ) { const weight = _skinWeight.getComponent( i ); if ( weight !== 0 ) { const boneIndex = _skinIndex.getComponent( i ); _boneMatrix.multiplyMatrices( bones[ boneIndex ].matrixWorld, boneInverses[ boneIndex ] ); addScaledMatrix( _matrix, _boneMatrix, weight ); } } _matrix.multiply( mesh.bindMatrix ).premultiply( mesh.bindMatrixInverse ); target.transformDirection( _matrix ); return target; } // Applies the morph target data to the target vector function applyMorphTarget( morphData, morphInfluences, morphTargetsRelative, i, target ) { _morphVector.set( 0, 0, 0 ); for ( let j = 0, jl = morphData.length; j < jl; j ++ ) { const influence = morphInfluences[ j ]; const morphAttribute = morphData[ j ]; if ( influence === 0 ) continue; _temp.fromBufferAttribute( morphAttribute, i ); if ( morphTargetsRelative ) { _morphVector.addScaledVector( _temp, influence ); } else { _morphVector.addScaledVector( _temp.sub( target ), influence ); } } target.add( _morphVector ); } // Modified version of BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries that ignores morph targets and updates a attributes in place function mergeBufferGeometries( geometries, options = { useGroups: false, updateIndex: false, skipAttributes: [] }, targetGeometry = new three.BufferGeometry() ) { const isIndexed = geometries[ 0 ].index !== null; const { useGroups = false, updateIndex = false, skipAttributes = [] } = options; const attributesUsed = new Set( Object.keys( geometries[ 0 ].attributes ) ); const attributes = {}; let offset = 0; targetGeometry.clearGroups(); for ( let i = 0; i < geometries.length; ++ i ) { const geometry = geometries[ i ]; let attributesCount = 0; // ensure that all geometries are indexed, or none if ( isIndexed !== ( geometry.index !== null ) ) { throw new Error( 'StaticGeometryGenerator: All geometries must have compatible attributes; make sure index attribute exists among all geometries, or in none of them.' ); } // gather attributes, exit early if they're different for ( const name in geometry.attributes ) { if ( ! attributesUsed.has( name ) ) { throw new Error( 'StaticGeometryGenerator: All geometries must have compatible attributes; make sure "' + name + '" attribute exists among all geometries, or in none of them.' ); } if ( attributes[ name ] === undefined ) { attributes[ name ] = []; } attributes[ name ].push( geometry.attributes[ name ] ); attributesCount ++; } // ensure geometries have the same number of attributes if ( attributesCount !== attributesUsed.size ) { throw new Error( 'StaticGeometryGenerator: Make sure all geometries have the same number of attributes.' ); } if ( useGroups ) { let count; if ( isIndexed ) { count = geometry.index.count; } else if ( geometry.attributes.position !== undefined ) { count = geometry.attributes.position.count; } else { throw new Error( 'StaticGeometryGenerator: The geometry must have either an index or a position attribute' ); } targetGeometry.addGroup( offset, count, i ); offset += count; } } // merge indices if ( isIndexed ) { let forceUpdateIndex = false; if ( ! targetGeometry.index ) { let indexCount = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < geometries.length; ++ i ) { indexCount += geometries[ i ].index.count; } targetGeometry.setIndex( new three.BufferAttribute( new Uint32Array( indexCount ), 1, false ) ); forceUpdateIndex = true; } if ( updateIndex || forceUpdateIndex ) { const targetIndex = targetGeometry.index; let targetOffset = 0; let indexOffset = 0; for ( let i = 0; i < geometries.length; ++ i ) { const geometry = geometries[ i ]; const index = geometry.index; if ( skipAttributes[ i ] !== true ) { for ( let j = 0; j < index.count; ++ j ) { targetIndex.setX( targetOffset, index.getX( j ) + indexOffset ); targetOffset ++; } } indexOffset += geometry.attributes.position.count; } } } // merge attributes for ( const name in attributes ) { const attrList = attributes[ name ]; if ( ! ( name in targetGeometry.attributes ) ) { let count = 0; for ( const key in attrList ) { count += attrList[ key ].count; } targetGeometry.setAttribute( name, createAttributeClone( attributes[ name ][ 0 ], count ) ); } const targetAttribute = targetGeometry.attributes[ name ]; let offset = 0; for ( let i = 0, l = attrList.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const attr = attrList[ i ]; if ( skipAttributes[ i ] !== true ) { copyAttributeContents( attr, targetAttribute, offset ); } offset += attr.count; } } return targetGeometry; } function checkTypedArrayEquality( a, b ) { if ( a === null || b === null ) { return a === b; } if ( a.length !== b.length ) { return false; } for ( let i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i ++ ) { if ( a[ i ] !== b[ i ] ) { return false; } } return true; } function invertGeometry( geometry ) { const { index, attributes } = geometry; if ( index ) { for ( let i = 0, l = index.count; i < l; i += 3 ) { const v0 = index.getX( i ); const v2 = index.getX( i + 2 ); index.setX( i, v2 ); index.setX( i + 2, v0 ); } } else { for ( const key in attributes ) { const attr = attributes[ key ]; const itemSize = attr.itemSize; for ( let i = 0, l = attr.count; i < l; i += 3 ) { for ( let j = 0; j < itemSize; j ++ ) { const v0 = attr.getComponent( i, j ); const v2 = attr.getComponent( i + 2, j ); attr.setComponent( i, j, v2 ); attr.setComponent( i + 2, j, v0 ); } } } } return geometry; } // Checks whether the geometry changed between this and last evaluation class GeometryDiff { constructor( mesh ) { this.matrixWorld = new three.Matrix4(); this.geometryHash = null; this.boneMatrices = null; this.primitiveCount = - 1; this.mesh = mesh; this.update(); } update() { const mesh = this.mesh; const geometry = mesh.geometry; const skeleton = mesh.skeleton; const primitiveCount = ( geometry.index ? geometry.index.count : geometry.attributes.position.count ) / 3; this.matrixWorld.copy( mesh.matrixWorld ); this.geometryHash = geometry.attributes.position.version; this.primitiveCount = primitiveCount; if ( skeleton ) { // ensure the bone matrix array is updated to the appropriate length if ( ! skeleton.boneTexture ) { skeleton.computeBoneTexture(); } skeleton.update(); // copy data if possible otherwise clone it const boneMatrices = skeleton.boneMatrices; if ( ! this.boneMatrices || this.boneMatrices.length !== boneMatrices.length ) { this.boneMatrices = boneMatrices.slice(); } else { this.boneMatrices.set( boneMatrices ); } } else { this.boneMatrices = null; } } didChange() { const mesh = this.mesh; const geometry = mesh.geometry; const primitiveCount = ( geometry.index ? geometry.index.count : geometry.attributes.position.count ) / 3; const identical = this.matrixWorld.equals( mesh.matrixWorld ) && this.geometryHash === geometry.attributes.position.version && checkTypedArrayEquality( mesh.skeleton && mesh.skeleton.boneMatrices || null, this.boneMatrices ) && this.primitiveCount === primitiveCount; return ! identical; } } class StaticGeometryGenerator { constructor( meshes ) { if ( ! Array.isArray( meshes ) ) { meshes = [ meshes ]; } const finalMeshes = []; meshes.forEach( object => { object.traverseVisible( c => { if ( c.isMesh ) { finalMeshes.push( c ); } } ); } ); this.meshes = finalMeshes; this.useGroups = true; this.applyWorldTransforms = true; this.attributes = [ 'position', 'normal', 'color', 'tangent', 'uv', 'uv2' ]; this._intermediateGeometry = new Array( finalMeshes.length ).fill().map( () => new three.BufferGeometry() ); this._diffMap = new WeakMap(); } getMaterials() { const materials = []; this.meshes.forEach( mesh => { if ( Array.isArray( mesh.material ) ) { materials.push( ...mesh.material ); } else { materials.push( mesh.material ); } } ); return materials; } generate( targetGeometry = new three.BufferGeometry() ) { // track which attributes have been updated and which to skip to avoid unnecessary attribute copies let skipAttributes = []; const { meshes, useGroups, _intermediateGeometry, _diffMap } = this; for ( let i = 0, l = meshes.length; i < l; i ++ ) { const mesh = meshes[ i ]; const geom = _intermediateGeometry[ i ]; const diff = _diffMap.get( mesh ); if ( ! diff || diff.didChange( mesh ) ) { this._convertToStaticGeometry( mesh, geom ); skipAttributes.push( false ); if ( ! diff ) { _diffMap.set( mesh, new GeometryDiff( mesh ) ); } else { diff.update(); } } else { skipAttributes.push( true ); } } if ( _intermediateGeometry.length === 0 ) { // if there are no geometries then just create a fake empty geometry to provide targetGeometry.setIndex( null ); // remove all geometry const attrs = targetGeometry.attributes; for ( const key in attrs ) { targetGeometry.deleteAttribute( key ); } // create dummy attributes for ( const key in this.attributes ) { targetGeometry.setAttribute( this.attributes[ key ], new three.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( 0 ), 4, false ) ); } } else { mergeBufferGeometries( _intermediateGeometry, { useGroups, skipAttributes }, targetGeometry ); } for ( const key in targetGeometry.attributes ) { targetGeometry.attributes[ key ].needsUpdate = true; } return targetGeometry; } _convertToStaticGeometry( mesh, targetGeometry = new three.BufferGeometry() ) { const geometry = mesh.geometry; const applyWorldTransforms = this.applyWorldTransforms; const includeNormal = this.attributes.includes( 'normal' ); const includeTangent = this.attributes.includes( 'tangent' ); const attributes = geometry.attributes; const targetAttributes = targetGeometry.attributes; // initialize the attributes if they don't exist if ( ! targetGeometry.index && geometry.index ) { targetGeometry.index = geometry.index.clone(); } if ( ! targetAttributes.position ) { targetGeometry.setAttribute( 'position', createAttributeClone( attributes.position ) ); } if ( includeNormal && ! targetAttributes.normal && attributes.normal ) { targetGeometry.setAttribute( 'normal', createAttributeClone( attributes.normal ) ); } if ( includeTangent && ! targetAttributes.tangent && attributes.tangent ) { targetGeometry.setAttribute( 'tangent', createAttributeClone( attributes.tangent ) ); } // ensure the attributes are consistent validateAttributes( geometry.index, targetGeometry.index ); validateAttributes( attributes.position, targetAttributes.position ); if ( includeNormal ) { validateAttributes( attributes.normal, targetAttributes.normal ); } if ( includeTangent ) { validateAttributes( attributes.tangent, targetAttributes.tangent ); } // generate transformed vertex attribute data const position = attributes.position; const normal = includeNormal ? attributes.normal : null; const tangent = includeTangent ? attributes.tangent : null; const morphPosition = geometry.morphAttributes.position; const morphNormal = geometry.morphAttributes.normal; const morphTangent = geometry.morphAttributes.tangent; const morphTargetsRelative = geometry.morphTargetsRelative; const morphInfluences = mesh.morphTargetInfluences; const normalMatrix = new three.Matrix3(); normalMatrix.getNormalMatrix( mesh.matrixWorld ); // copy the index if ( geometry.index ) { targetGeometry.index.array.set( geometry.index.array ); } // copy and apply other attributes for ( let i = 0, l = attributes.position.count; i < l; i ++ ) { _positionVector.fromBufferAttribute( position, i ); if ( normal ) { _normalVector.fromBufferAttribute( normal, i ); } if ( tangent ) { _tangentVector4.fromBufferAttribute( tangent, i ); _tangentVector.fromBufferAttribute( tangent, i ); } // apply morph target transform if ( morphInfluences ) { if ( morphPosition ) { applyMorphTarget( morphPosition, morphInfluences, morphTargetsRelative, i, _positionVector ); } if ( morphNormal ) { applyMorphTarget( morphNormal, morphInfluences, morphTargetsRelative, i, _normalVector ); } if ( morphTangent ) { applyMorphTarget( morphTangent, morphInfluences, morphTargetsRelative, i, _tangentVector ); } } // apply bone transform if ( mesh.isSkinnedMesh ) { mesh.applyBoneTransform( i, _positionVector ); if ( normal ) { boneNormalTransform( mesh, i, _normalVector ); } if ( tangent ) { boneNormalTransform( mesh, i, _tangentVector ); } } // update the vectors of the attributes if ( applyWorldTransforms ) { _positionVector.applyMatrix4( mesh.matrixWorld ); } targetAttributes.position.setXYZ( i, _positionVector.x, _positionVector.y, _positionVector.z ); if ( normal ) { if ( applyWorldTransforms ) { _normalVector.applyNormalMatrix( normalMatrix ); } targetAttributes.normal.setXYZ( i, _normalVector.x, _normalVector.y, _normalVector.z ); } if ( tangent ) { if ( applyWorldTransforms ) { _tangentVector.transformDirection( mesh.matrixWorld ); } targetAttributes.tangent.setXYZW( i, _tangentVector.x, _tangentVector.y, _tangentVector.z, _tangentVector4.w ); } } // copy other attributes over for ( const i in this.attributes ) { const key = this.attributes[ i ]; if ( key === 'position' || key === 'tangent' || key === 'normal' || ! ( key in attributes ) ) { continue; } if ( ! targetAttributes[ key ] ) { targetGeometry.setAttribute( key, createAttributeClone( attributes[ key ] ) ); } validateAttributes( attributes[ key ], targetAttributes[ key ] ); copyAttributeContents( attributes[ key ], targetAttributes[ key ] ); } if ( mesh.matrixWorld.determinant() < 0 ) { invertGeometry( targetGeometry ); } return targetGeometry; } } const common_functions = /* glsl */` // A stack of uint32 indices can can store the indices for // a perfectly balanced tree with a depth up to 31. Lower stack // depth gets higher performance. // // However not all trees are balanced. Best value to set this to // is the trees max depth. #ifndef BVH_STACK_DEPTH #define BVH_STACK_DEPTH 60 #endif #ifndef INFINITY #define INFINITY 1e20 #endif // Utilities uvec4 uTexelFetch1D( usampler2D tex, uint index ) { uint width = uint( textureSize( tex, 0 ).x ); uvec2 uv; uv.x = index % width; uv.y = index / width; return texelFetch( tex, ivec2( uv ), 0 ); } ivec4 iTexelFetch1D( isampler2D tex, uint index ) { uint width = uint( textureSize( tex, 0 ).x ); uvec2 uv; uv.x = index % width; uv.y = index / width; return texelFetch( tex, ivec2( uv ), 0 ); } vec4 texelFetch1D( sampler2D tex, uint index ) { uint width = uint( textureSize( tex, 0 ).x ); uvec2 uv; uv.x = index % width; uv.y = index / width; return texelFetch( tex, ivec2( uv ), 0 ); } vec4 textureSampleBarycoord( sampler2D tex, vec3 barycoord, uvec3 faceIndices ) { return barycoord.x * texelFetch1D( tex, faceIndices.x ) + barycoord.y * texelFetch1D( tex, faceIndices.y ) + barycoord.z * texelFetch1D( tex, faceIndices.z ); } void ndcToCameraRay( vec2 coord, mat4 cameraWorld, mat4 invProjectionMatrix, out vec3 rayOrigin, out vec3 rayDirection ) { // get camera look direction and near plane for camera clipping vec4 lookDirection = cameraWorld * vec4( 0.0, 0.0, - 1.0, 0.0 ); vec4 nearVector = invProjectionMatrix * vec4( 0.0, 0.0, - 1.0, 1.0 ); float near = abs( nearVector.z / nearVector.w ); // get the camera direction and position from camera matrices vec4 origin = cameraWorld * vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); vec4 direction = invProjectionMatrix * vec4( coord, 0.5, 1.0 ); direction /= direction.w; direction = cameraWorld * direction - origin; // slide the origin along the ray until it sits at the near clip plane position origin.xyz += direction.xyz * near / dot( direction, lookDirection ); rayOrigin = origin.xyz; rayDirection = direction.xyz; } `; // Distance to Point const bvh_distance_functions = /* glsl */` float dot2( vec3 v ) { return dot( v, v ); } // https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ttfGWl vec3 closestPointToTriangle( vec3 p, vec3 v0, vec3 v1, vec3 v2, out vec3 barycoord ) { vec3 v10 = v1 - v0; vec3 v21 = v2 - v1; vec3 v02 = v0 - v2; vec3 p0 = p - v0; vec3 p1 = p - v1; vec3 p2 = p - v2; vec3 nor = cross( v10, v02 ); // method 2, in barycentric space vec3 q = cross( nor, p0 ); float d = 1.0 / dot2( nor ); float u = d * dot( q, v02 ); float v = d * dot( q, v10 ); float w = 1.0 - u - v; if( u < 0.0 ) { w = clamp( dot( p2, v02 ) / dot2( v02 ), 0.0, 1.0 ); u = 0.0; v = 1.0 - w; } else if( v < 0.0 ) { u = clamp( dot( p0, v10 ) / dot2( v10 ), 0.0, 1.0 ); v = 0.0; w = 1.0 - u; } else if( w < 0.0 ) { v = clamp( dot( p1, v21 ) / dot2( v21 ), 0.0, 1.0 ); w = 0.0; u = 1.0-v; } barycoord = vec3( u, v, w ); return u * v1 + v * v2 + w * v0; } float distanceToTriangles( // geometry info and triangle range sampler2D positionAttr, usampler2D indexAttr, uint offset, uint count, // point and cut off range vec3 point, float closestDistanceSquared, // outputs inout uvec4 faceIndices, inout vec3 faceNormal, inout vec3 barycoord, inout float side, inout vec3 outPoint ) { bool found = false; vec3 localBarycoord; for ( uint i = offset, l = offset + count; i < l; i ++ ) { uvec3 indices = uTexelFetch1D( indexAttr, i ).xyz; vec3 a = texelFetch1D( positionAttr, indices.x ).rgb; vec3 b = texelFetch1D( positionAttr, indices.y ).rgb; vec3 c = texelFetch1D( positionAttr, indices.z ).rgb; // get the closest point and barycoord vec3 closestPoint = closestPointToTriangle( point, a, b, c, localBarycoord ); vec3 delta = point - closestPoint; float sqDist = dot2( delta ); if ( sqDist < closestDistanceSquared ) { // set the output results closestDistanceSquared = sqDist; faceIndices = uvec4( indices.xyz, i ); faceNormal = normalize( cross( a - b, b - c ) ); barycoord = localBarycoord; outPoint = closestPoint; side = sign( dot( faceNormal, delta ) ); } } return closestDistanceSquared; } float distanceSqToBounds( vec3 point, vec3 boundsMin, vec3 boundsMax ) { vec3 clampedPoint = clamp( point, boundsMin, boundsMax ); vec3 delta = point - clampedPoint; return dot( delta, delta ); } float distanceSqToBVHNodeBoundsPoint( vec3 point, sampler2D bvhBounds, uint currNodeIndex ) { uint cni2 = currNodeIndex * 2u; vec3 boundsMin = texelFetch1D( bvhBounds, cni2 ).xyz; vec3 boundsMax = texelFetch1D( bvhBounds, cni2 + 1u ).xyz; return distanceSqToBounds( point, boundsMin, boundsMax ); } // use a macro to hide the fact that we need to expand the struct into separate fields #define\ bvhClosestPointToPoint(\ bvh,\ point, maxDistance, faceIndices, faceNormal, barycoord, side, outPoint\ )\ _bvhClosestPointToPoint(\ bvh.position, bvh.index, bvh.bvhBounds, bvh.bvhContents,\ point, maxDistance, faceIndices, faceNormal, barycoord, side, outPoint\ ) float _bvhClosestPointToPoint( // bvh info sampler2D bvh_position, usampler2D bvh_index, sampler2D bvh_bvhBounds, usampler2D bvh_bvhContents, // point to check vec3 point, float maxDistance, // output variables inout uvec4 faceIndices, inout vec3 faceNormal, inout vec3 barycoord, inout float side, inout vec3 outPoint ) { // stack needs to be twice as long as the deepest tree we expect because // we push both the left and right child onto the stack every traversal int ptr = 0; uint stack[ BVH_STACK_DEPTH ]; stack[ 0 ] = 0u; float closestDistanceSquared = maxDistance * maxDistance; bool found = false; while ( ptr > - 1 && ptr < BVH_STACK_DEPTH ) { uint currNodeIndex = stack[ ptr ]; ptr --; // check if we intersect the current bounds float boundsHitDistance = distanceSqToBVHNodeBoundsPoint( point, bvh_bvhBounds, currNodeIndex ); if ( boundsHitDistance > closestDistanceSquared ) { continue; } uvec2 boundsInfo = uTexelFetch1D( bvh_bvhContents, currNodeIndex ).xy; bool isLeaf = bool( boundsInfo.x & 0xffff0000u ); if ( isLeaf ) { uint count = boundsInfo.x & 0x0000ffffu; uint offset = boundsInfo.y; closestDistanceSquared = distanceToTriangles( bvh_position, bvh_index, offset, count, point, closestDistanceSquared, // outputs faceIndices, faceNormal, barycoord, side, outPoint ); } else { uint leftIndex = currNodeIndex + 1u; uint splitAxis = boundsInfo.x & 0x0000ffffu; uint rightIndex = boundsInfo.y; bool leftToRight = distanceSqToBVHNodeBoundsPoint( point, bvh_bvhBounds, leftIndex ) < distanceSqToBVHNodeBoundsPoint( point, bvh_bvhBounds, rightIndex );//rayDirection[ splitAxis ] >= 0.0; uint c1 = leftToRight ? leftIndex : rightIndex; uint c2 = leftToRight ? rightIndex : leftIndex; // set c2 in the stack so we traverse it later. We need to keep track of a pointer in // the stack while we traverse. The second pointer added is the one that will be // traversed first ptr ++; stack[ ptr ] = c2; ptr ++; stack[ ptr ] = c1; } } return sqrt( closestDistanceSquared ); } `; const bvh_ray_functions = /* glsl */` #ifndef TRI_INTERSECT_EPSILON #define TRI_INTERSECT_EPSILON 1e-5 #endif // Raycasting bool intersectsBounds( vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 rayDirection, vec3 boundsMin, vec3 boundsMax, out float dist ) { // https://www.reddit.com/r/opengl/comments/8ntzz5/fast_glsl_ray_box_intersection/ // https://tavianator.com/2011/ray_box.html vec3 invDir = 1.0 / rayDirection; // find intersection distances for each plane vec3 tMinPlane = invDir * ( boundsMin - rayOrigin ); vec3 tMaxPlane = invDir * ( boundsMax - rayOrigin ); // get the min and max distances from each intersection vec3 tMinHit = min( tMaxPlane, tMinPlane ); vec3 tMaxHit = max( tMaxPlane, tMinPlane ); // get the furthest hit distance vec2 t = max( tMinHit.xx, tMinHit.yz ); float t0 = max( t.x, t.y ); // get the minimum hit distance t = min( tMaxHit.xx, tMaxHit.yz ); float t1 = min( t.x, t.y ); // set distance to 0.0 if the ray starts inside the box dist = max( t0, 0.0 ); return t1 >= dist; } bool intersectsTriangle( vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 rayDirection, vec3 a, vec3 b, vec3 c, out vec3 barycoord, out vec3 norm, out float dist, out float side ) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42740765/intersection-between-line-and-triangle-in-3d vec3 edge1 = b - a; vec3 edge2 = c - a; norm = cross( edge1, edge2 ); float det = - dot( rayDirection, norm ); float invdet = 1.0 / det; vec3 AO = rayOrigin - a; vec3 DAO = cross( AO, rayDirection ); vec4 uvt; uvt.x = dot( edge2, DAO ) * invdet; uvt.y = - dot( edge1, DAO ) * invdet; uvt.z = dot( AO, norm ) * invdet; uvt.w = 1.0 - uvt.x - uvt.y; // set the hit information barycoord = uvt.wxy; // arranged in A, B, C order dist = uvt.z; side = sign( det ); norm = side * normalize( norm ); // add an epsilon to avoid misses between triangles uvt += vec4( TRI_INTERSECT_EPSILON ); return all( greaterThanEqual( uvt, vec4( 0.0 ) ) ); } bool intersectTriangles( // geometry info and triangle range sampler2D positionAttr, usampler2D indexAttr, uint offset, uint count, // ray vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 rayDirection, // outputs inout float minDistance, inout uvec4 faceIndices, inout vec3 faceNormal, inout vec3 barycoord, inout float side, inout float dist ) { bool found = false; vec3 localBarycoord, localNormal; float localDist, localSide; for ( uint i = offset, l = offset + count; i < l; i ++ ) { uvec3 indices = uTexelFetch1D( indexAttr, i ).xyz; vec3 a = texelFetch1D( positionAttr, indices.x ).rgb; vec3 b = texelFetch1D( positionAttr, indices.y ).rgb; vec3 c = texelFetch1D( positionAttr, indices.z ).rgb; if ( intersectsTriangle( rayOrigin, rayDirection, a, b, c, localBarycoord, localNormal, localDist, localSide ) && localDist < minDistance ) { found = true; minDistance = localDist; faceIndices = uvec4( indices.xyz, i ); faceNormal = localNormal; side = localSide; barycoord = localBarycoord; dist = localDist; } } return found; } bool intersectsBVHNodeBounds( vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 rayDirection, sampler2D bvhBounds, uint currNodeIndex, out float dist ) { uint cni2 = currNodeIndex * 2u; vec3 boundsMin = texelFetch1D( bvhBounds, cni2 ).xyz; vec3 boundsMax = texelFetch1D( bvhBounds, cni2 + 1u ).xyz; return intersectsBounds( rayOrigin, rayDirection, boundsMin, boundsMax, dist ); } // use a macro to hide the fact that we need to expand the struct into separate fields #define\ bvhIntersectFirstHit(\ bvh,\ rayOrigin, rayDirection, faceIndices, faceNormal, barycoord, side, dist\ )\ _bvhIntersectFirstHit(\ bvh.position, bvh.index, bvh.bvhBounds, bvh.bvhContents,\ rayOrigin, rayDirection, faceIndices, faceNormal, barycoord, side, dist\ ) bool _bvhIntersectFirstHit( // bvh info sampler2D bvh_position, usampler2D bvh_index, sampler2D bvh_bvhBounds, usampler2D bvh_bvhContents, // ray vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 rayDirection, // output variables split into separate variables due to output precision inout uvec4 faceIndices, inout vec3 faceNormal, inout vec3 barycoord, inout float side, inout float dist ) { // stack needs to be twice as long as the deepest tree we expect because // we push both the left and right child onto the stack every traversal int ptr = 0; uint stack[ BVH_STACK_DEPTH ]; stack[ 0 ] = 0u; float triangleDistance = INFINITY; bool found = false; while ( ptr > - 1 && ptr < BVH_STACK_DEPTH ) { uint currNodeIndex = stack[ ptr ]; ptr --; // check if we intersect the current bounds float boundsHitDistance; if ( ! intersectsBVHNodeBounds( rayOrigin, rayDirection, bvh_bvhBounds, currNodeIndex, boundsHitDistance ) || boundsHitDistance > triangleDistance ) { continue; } uvec2 boundsInfo = uTexelFetch1D( bvh_bvhContents, currNodeIndex ).xy; bool isLeaf = bool( boundsInfo.x & 0xffff0000u ); if ( isLeaf ) { uint count = boundsInfo.x & 0x0000ffffu; uint offset = boundsInfo.y; found = intersectTriangles( bvh_position, bvh_index, offset, count, rayOrigin, rayDirection, triangleDistance, faceIndices, faceNormal, barycoord, side, dist ) || found; } else { uint leftIndex = currNodeIndex + 1u; uint splitAxis = boundsInfo.x & 0x0000ffffu; uint rightIndex = boundsInfo.y; bool leftToRight = rayDirection[ splitAxis ] >= 0.0; uint c1 = leftToRight ? leftIndex : rightIndex; uint c2 = leftToRight ? rightIndex : leftIndex; // set c2 in the stack so we traverse it later. We need to keep track of a pointer in // the stack while we traverse. The second pointer added is the one that will be // traversed first ptr ++; stack[ ptr ] = c2; ptr ++; stack[ ptr ] = c1; } } return found; } `; // Note that a struct cannot be used for the hit record including faceIndices, faceNormal, barycoord, // side, and dist because on some mobile GPUS (such as Adreno) numbers are afforded less precision specifically // when in a struct leading to inaccurate hit results. See KhronosGroup/WebGL#3351 for more details. const bvh_struct_definitions = /* glsl */` struct BVH { usampler2D index; sampler2D position; sampler2D bvhBounds; usampler2D bvhContents; }; `; var BVHShaderGLSL = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, bvh_distance_functions: bvh_distance_functions, bvh_ray_functions: bvh_ray_functions, bvh_struct_definitions: bvh_struct_definitions, common_functions: common_functions }); const shaderStructs = bvh_struct_definitions; const shaderDistanceFunction = bvh_distance_functions; const shaderIntersectFunction = ` ${ common_functions } ${ bvh_ray_functions } `; exports.AVERAGE = AVERAGE; exports.BVHShaderGLSL = BVHShaderGLSL; exports.CENTER = CENTER; exports.CONTAINED = CONTAINED; exports.ExtendedTriangle = ExtendedTriangle; exports.FloatVertexAttributeTexture = FloatVertexAttributeTexture; exports.INTERSECTED = INTERSECTED; exports.IntVertexAttributeTexture = IntVertexAttributeTexture; exports.MeshBVH = MeshBVH; exports.MeshBVHHelper = MeshBVHHelper; exports.MeshBVHUniformStruct = MeshBVHUniformStruct; exports.NOT_INTERSECTED = NOT_INTERSECTED; exports.OrientedBox = OrientedBox; exports.SAH = SAH; exports.StaticGeometryGenerator = StaticGeometryGenerator; exports.UIntVertexAttributeTexture = UIntVertexAttributeTexture; exports.VertexAttributeTexture = VertexAttributeTexture; exports.acceleratedRaycast = acceleratedRaycast; exports.computeBatchedBoundsTree = computeBatchedBoundsTree; exports.computeBoundsTree = computeBoundsTree; exports.disposeBatchedBoundsTree = disposeBatchedBoundsTree; exports.disposeBoundsTree = disposeBoundsTree; exports.estimateMemoryInBytes = estimateMemoryInBytes; exports.getBVHExtremes = getBVHExtremes; exports.getJSONStructure = getJSONStructure; exports.getTriangleHitPointInfo = getTriangleHitPointInfo; exports.shaderDistanceFunction = shaderDistanceFunction; exports.shaderIntersectFunction = shaderIntersectFunction; exports.shaderStructs = shaderStructs; exports.validateBounds = validateBounds; })); //# sourceMappingURL=index.umd.cjs.map