import { Gain } from "../../core/context/Gain.js"; import { ToneAudioNode } from "../../core/context/ToneAudioNode.js"; import { Frequency } from "../../core/type/Units.js"; import { Signal } from "../../signal/Signal.js"; import { BiquadFilterOptions } from "./BiquadFilter.js"; export type FilterRollOff = -12 | -24 | -48 | -96; export type FilterOptions = BiquadFilterOptions & { rolloff: FilterRollOff; }; /** * Tone.Filter is a filter which allows for all of the same native methods * as the [BiquadFilterNode]( * Tone.Filter has the added ability to set the filter rolloff at -12 * (default), -24 and -48. * @example * const filter = new Tone.Filter(1500, "highpass").toDestination(); * filter.frequency.rampTo(20000, 10); * const noise = new Tone.Noise().connect(filter).start(); * @category Component */ export declare class Filter extends ToneAudioNode { readonly name: string; readonly input: Gain<"gain">; readonly output: Gain<"gain">; private _filters; /** * the rolloff value of the filter */ private _rolloff; private _type; /** * The Q or Quality of the filter */ readonly Q: Signal<"positive">; /** * The cutoff frequency of the filter. */ readonly frequency: Signal<"frequency">; /** * The detune parameter */ readonly detune: Signal<"cents">; /** * The gain of the filter, only used in certain filter types */ readonly gain: Signal<"decibels">; /** * @param frequency The cutoff frequency of the filter. * @param type The type of filter. * @param rolloff The drop in decibels per octave after the cutoff frequency */ constructor(frequency?: Frequency, type?: BiquadFilterType, rolloff?: FilterRollOff); constructor(options?: Partial); static getDefaults(): FilterOptions; /** * The type of the filter. Types: "lowpass", "highpass", * "bandpass", "lowshelf", "highshelf", "notch", "allpass", or "peaking". */ get type(): BiquadFilterType; set type(type: BiquadFilterType); /** * The rolloff of the filter which is the drop in db * per octave. Implemented internally by cascading filters. * Only accepts the values -12, -24, -48 and -96. */ get rolloff(): FilterRollOff; set rolloff(rolloff: FilterRollOff); /** * Get the frequency response curve. This curve represents how the filter * responses to frequencies between 20hz-20khz. * @param len The number of values to return * @return The frequency response curve between 20-20kHz */ getFrequencyResponse(len?: number): Float32Array; /** * Clean up. */ dispose(): this; }