import { AudioRange, Degrees, Frequency, Seconds, Time } from "../../core/type/Units.js"; import { Signal } from "../../signal/Signal.js"; import { Source } from "../Source.js"; import { PulseOscillatorOptions, ToneOscillatorInterface } from "./OscillatorInterface.js"; export { PulseOscillatorOptions } from "./OscillatorInterface.js"; /** * PulseOscillator is an oscillator with control over pulse width, * also known as the duty cycle. At 50% duty cycle (width = 0) the wave is * a square wave. * [Read more]( * ``` * width = -0.25 width = 0.0 width = 0.25 * * +-----+ +-------+ + +-------+ +-+ * | | | | | | | * | | | | | | | * +-+ +-------+ + +-------+ +-----+ * * * width = -0.5 width = 0.5 * * +---+ +-------+ +---+ * | | | | * | | | | * +---+ +-------+ +---+ * * * width = -0.75 width = 0.75 * * +-+ +-------+ +-----+ * | | | | * | | | | * +-----+ +-------+ +-+ * ``` * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const pulse = new Tone.PulseOscillator(50, 0.4).toDestination().start(); * }, 0.1, 1); * @category Source */ export declare class PulseOscillator extends Source implements ToneOscillatorInterface { readonly name: string; /** * The width of the pulse. * @example * return Tone.Offline(() => { * const pulse = new Tone.PulseOscillator(20, 0.8).toDestination().start(); * }, 0.1, 1); */ readonly width: Signal<"audioRange">; /** * gate the width amount */ private _widthGate; /** * the sawtooth oscillator */ private _triangle; /** * The frequency control. */ readonly frequency: Signal<"frequency">; /** * The detune in cents. */ readonly detune: Signal<"cents">; /** * Threshold the signal to turn it into a square */ private _thresh; /** * @param frequency The frequency of the oscillator * @param width The width of the pulse */ constructor(frequency?: Frequency, width?: AudioRange); constructor(options?: Partial); static getDefaults(): PulseOscillatorOptions; /** * start the oscillator */ protected _start(time: Time): void; /** * stop the oscillator */ protected _stop(time: Time): void; protected _restart(time: Seconds): void; /** * The phase of the oscillator in degrees. */ get phase(): Degrees; set phase(phase: Degrees); /** * The type of the oscillator. Always returns "pulse". */ get type(): "pulse"; /** * The baseType of the oscillator. Always returns "pulse". */ get baseType(): "pulse"; /** * The partials of the waveform. Cannot set partials for this waveform type */ get partials(): number[]; /** * No partials for this waveform type. */ get partialCount(): number; /** * *Internal use* The carrier oscillator type is fed through the * waveshaper node to create the pulse. Using different carrier oscillators * changes oscillator's behavior. */ set carrierType(type: "triangle" | "sine"); asArray(length?: number): Promise; /** * Clean up method. */ dispose(): this; }