/* @flow */ import type {Transport, AcquireInput, TrezorDeviceInfoWithSession, MessageFromTrezor} from './transport'; import {debugInOut} from './debug-decorator'; function compare(a: TrezorDeviceInfoWithSession, b: TrezorDeviceInfoWithSession): number { if (!isNaN(parseInt(a.path))) { return parseInt(a.path) - parseInt(b.path); } else { return a.path < b.path ? -1 : (a.path > b.path ? 1 : 0); } } export default class ParallelTransport { name: string = `ParallelTransport`; transports: {[key: string]: Transport}; debug: boolean = false; constructor(transports: {[key: string]: Transport}) { this.transports = transports; } _prepend(name: string, devices: Array): Array { return devices.map(device => { return { path: `${name}-${device.path}`, session: device.session == null ? null : `${name}-${device.session}`, }; }); } _filter(name: string, devices: Array): Array { return devices.filter(device => this._parseName(device.path).name === name).map(device => { return { ...device, path: this._parseName(device.path).rest, session: device.session == null ? device.session : this._parseName(device.session).rest, }; }); } _antiFilter(name: string, devices: Array): Array { return devices.filter(device => this._parseName(device.path).name !== name); } @debugInOut async enumerate(): Promise> { const res = []; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const for (let name of Object.keys(this.transports)) { const devices = await this.transports[name].enumerate(); res.push(...(this._prepend(name, devices))); } return res.sort(compare); } @debugInOut async listen(old: ?Array): Promise> { const actualOld: Array = (old == null) ? await this.enumerate() : old; const promises = Object.keys(this.transports).map(async (name) => { const oldFiltered = this._filter(name, actualOld); const devices = await this.transports[name].listen(oldFiltered); return {name: name, devices: devices}; }); const {name, devices} = await Promise.race(promises); const antiFiltered = this._antiFilter(name, actualOld); const prepended = this._prepend(name, devices); return antiFiltered.concat(prepended).sort(compare); } _parseName(input: string): { transport: Transport, name: string, rest: string } { if (input == null) { throw new Error(`Wrong input`); } const [name, ...restArray] = input.split(`-`); if (restArray.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Input has to contain transport name.`); } const transport: Transport = this.transports[name]; if (transport == null) { throw new Error(`Input has to contain valid transport name.`); } const rest = restArray.join(`-`); return { transport, name, rest, }; } @debugInOut async acquire(input: AcquireInput): Promise { const path = this._parseName(input.path); const previous = input.previous == null ? null : this._parseName(input.previous); if (previous != null && path.name !== previous.name) { throw new Error(`Session transport has to equal path transport.`); } const newInput: AcquireInput = { path: path.rest, previous: previous == null ? null : previous.rest, checkPrevious: input.checkPrevious, }; const res = await path.transport.acquire(newInput); return `${path.name}-${res}`; } @debugInOut async release(session: string): Promise { const sessionP = this._parseName(session); return sessionP.transport.release(sessionP.rest); } _checkConfigured(): boolean { // configured is true if all of the transports are configured for (const name of Object.keys(this.transports)) { const transport = this.transports[name]; if (!transport.configured) { return false; } } return true; } @debugInOut async configure(signedData: string): Promise { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const for (let name of Object.keys(this.transports)) { const transport = this.transports[name]; await transport.configure(signedData); } this.configured = this._checkConfigured(); } @debugInOut async call(session: string, name: string, data: Object): Promise { const sessionP = this._parseName(session); return sessionP.transport.call(sessionP.rest, name, data); } // resolves when the transport can be used; rejects when it cannot @debugInOut async init(debug: ?boolean): Promise { this.debug = !!debug; let version = ``; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const for (let name of Object.keys(this.transports)) { const transport = this.transports[name]; await transport.init(debug); version = version + `${name}:${transport.version};`; if (transport.requestNeeded) { this.requestNeeded = transport.requestNeeded; } } this.version = version; this.configured = this._checkConfigured(); } configured: boolean; version: string; async requestDevice(): Promise { for (const name of Object.keys(this.transports)) { const transport = this.transports[name]; if (transport.requestNeeded) { return transport.requestDevice(); } } return Promise.reject(); } requestNeeded: boolean = false; }