/* @flow */ import type {Transport, AcquireInput, TrezorDeviceInfoWithSession, MessageFromTrezor} from './transport'; import {debugInOut} from './debug-decorator'; export default class FallbackTransport { name: string = `FallbackTransport`; activeName: string = ``; _availableTransports: Array; transports: Array; configured: boolean; version: string; debug: boolean = false; // note: activeTransport is actually "?Transport", but // everywhere I am using it is in `async`, so error gets returned as Promise.reject activeTransport: Transport; constructor(transports: Array) { this.transports = transports; } // first one that inits successfuly is the final one; others won't even start initing async _tryInitTransports(): Promise> { const res: Array = []; let lastError: ?Error = null; for (const transport of this.transports) { try { await transport.init(this.debug); res.push(transport); } catch (e) { lastError = e; } } if (res.length === 0) { throw lastError || new Error(`No transport could be initialized.`); } return res; } // first one that inits successfuly is the final one; others won't even start initing async _tryConfigureTransports(data: string): Promise { let lastError: ?Error = null; for (const transport of this._availableTransports) { try { await transport.configure(data); return transport; } catch (e) { lastError = e; } } throw lastError || new Error(`No transport could be initialized.`); } @debugInOut async init(debug: ?boolean): Promise { this.debug = !!debug; // init ALL OF THEM const transports = await this._tryInitTransports(); this._availableTransports = transports; // a slight hack - configured is always false, so we force caller to call configure() // to find out the actual working transport (bridge falls on configure, not on info) this.version = transports[0].version; this.configured = false; } async configure(signedData: string): Promise { this.activeTransport = await this._tryConfigureTransports(signedData); this.configured = this.activeTransport.configured; this.version = this.activeTransport.version; this.activeName = this.activeTransport.name; this.requestNeeded = this.activeTransport.requestNeeded; } // using async so I get Promise.recect on this.activeTransport == null (or other error), not Error async enumerate(): Promise> { return this.activeTransport.enumerate(); } async listen(old: ?Array): Promise> { return this.activeTransport.listen(old); } async acquire(input: AcquireInput): Promise { return this.activeTransport.acquire(input); } async release(session: string): Promise { return this.activeTransport.release(session); } async call(session: string, name: string, data: Object): Promise { return this.activeTransport.call(session, name, data); } async requestDevice(): Promise { return this.activeTransport.requestDevice(); } requestNeeded: boolean = false; }