/// import ts = require('typescript-api'); import path = require('path'); import events = require('events'); export function compile(files: string[], options?: any, callback?: Function) { return new BatchCompiler().compile(files, options, callback); } export interface ICompilerOptions { /** * Generates corresponding .d.ts file. */ declaration?: boolean; /** * Print this message. */ help?: boolean; /** * Specifies the location where debugger should locate map files * instead of generated locations. */ mapRoot?: string; /** * Specify module code generation: 'commonjs' or 'amd' */ module?: string; /** * Warn on expressions and declarations with any implied 'any' type. */ noImplicitAny?: boolean; /** * Skip resolution and preprocessing. */ noResolve?: boolean; /** * Concatenate and emit output to a single file. */ out?: string; /** * Redirect output structure to the directory. */ outDir?: string; /** * Do not emit comments to output. */ removeComments?: boolean; /** * Generates corresponding .map file. */ sourcemap?: boolean; /** * Specifies the location where debugger should locate TypeScript * files instead of source locations. */ sourceRoot?: string; /** * Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), or 'ES5' */ target?: string; /** * Print the compiler's version: */ version?: string; /** * Watch input files. */ watch?: boolean; /** * Insert command line options and files from a file. */ optionsFile?: string; /** * Skip writing the output files. */ skipWrite?: boolean; } export class BatchCompiler extends events.EventEmitter { private _skipWrite = false; private _compiler: ts.BatchCompiler; constructor() { super(); this.redirectErrors(); this._compiler = new ts.BatchCompiler(ts.IO); (process).mainModule.filename = require.resolve('typescript'); } private redirectErrors() { ts.IO.stderr.Write = (s: string) => { this.emit('error', s); }; ts.IO.stderr.WriteLine = (s: string) => { ts.IO.stderr.Write(s + '\n'); }; ts.IO.stdout.Write = (s: string) => { this.emit('info', s); }; ts.IO.stdout.WriteLine = (s: string) => { ts.IO.stdout.Write(s + '\n'); }; (ts.BatchCompiler).prototype.addDiagnostic = function(diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic) { var diagnosticInfo = diagnostic.info(); if (diagnosticInfo.category === 1 /* Error */) { this.hasErrors = true; } var errorLocation = ''; if (diagnostic.fileName()) { errorLocation = diagnostic.fileName() + "(" + (diagnostic.line() + 1) + "," + (diagnostic.character() + 1) + "): "; } this.ioHost.stderr.WriteLine(errorLocation + diagnostic.message()); }; } compile(files: string[], options?: any, callback?: Function) { handleOverloads.call(this); handleSkipWrite.call(this); setupArguments(args => { ts.IO.arguments = args; this._batchCompile(callback); }); function handleOverloads() { if (typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } else if (typeof callback !== 'function') { callback = () => {}; } } function handleSkipWrite() { options = options || {}; this._skipWrite = options.skipWrite; delete options.skipWrite; } function setupArguments(cb: Function) { var args = argify(options); args.push.apply(args, files); cb(args); } } private _batchCompile(callback: Function) { var compiler = this._compiler; ts.CompilerDiagnostics.diagnosticWriter = { Alert: (s: string) => { compiler.ioHost.printLine(s); } }; if (compiler.parseOptions()) { compiler.logger = compiler.compilationSettings.gatherDiagnostics() ? new DiagnosticsLogger((this).ioHost) : new ts.NullLogger(); if (compiler.compilationSettings.watch()) { // Watch will cause the program to stick around as long as the files exist compiler.watchFiles(); callback(null); return; } compiler.resolve(); this._compile(callback); } else { callback(new Error('Error parsing compiler options')); } if (compiler.hasErrors) { callback(new Error('Unspecified error')); } } private _compile(callback: Function) { var compiler = this._compiler; var tsCompiler = new ts.TypeScriptCompiler(compiler.logger, compiler.compilationSettings); compiler.resolvedFiles.forEach(resolvedFile => { var sourceFile = compiler.getSourceFile(resolvedFile.path); tsCompiler.addFile(resolvedFile.path, sourceFile.scriptSnapshot, sourceFile.byteOrderMark, /*version:*/ 0, /*isOpen:*/ false, resolvedFile.referencedFiles); }); var results: ts.OutputFile[] = []; for (var it = tsCompiler.compile((path: string) => compiler.resolvePath(path)); it.moveNext();) { var result = it.current(); result.diagnostics.forEach(d => compiler.addDiagnostic(d)); if (!this._skipWrite && !compiler.tryWriteOutputFiles(result.outputFiles)) { callback(new Error('Error writing to output file')); } Array.prototype.push.apply(results, result.outputFiles); } callback(null, results); } } class DiagnosticsLogger implements ts.ILogger { constructor(public ioHost: ts.IIO) { } public information(): boolean { return false; } public debug(): boolean { return false; } public warning(): boolean { return false; } public error(): boolean { return false; } public fatal(): boolean { return false; } public log(s: string): void { this.ioHost.stdout.WriteLine(s); } } function argify(options: ICompilerOptions): string[] { var args = []; Object.keys(options).forEach(key => { var value = options[key]; if (!value) { return; } if (key === 'optionsFile') { args.push('@' + value); return; } var flag = '-'; if (key.length !== 1) { flag += '-'; } args.push(flag + key); if (typeof value !== 'boolean') { args.push(value); } }); return args; } export class OutputFile extends ts.OutputFile { }