import { Chalk } from 'chalk'; import * as typescript from 'typescript'; import { FilePathKey, LoaderOptions, ResolvedModule, ReverseDependencyGraph, TSInstance, WebpackError, WebpackModule } from './interfaces'; /** * Take TypeScript errors, parse them and format to webpack errors * Optionally adds a file name */ export declare function formatErrors(diagnostics: ReadonlyArray | undefined, loaderOptions: LoaderOptions, colors: Chalk, compiler: typeof typescript, merge: { file?: string; module?: WebpackModule; }, context: string): WebpackError[]; export declare function fsReadFile(fileName: string, encoding?: string | undefined): string | undefined; export declare function makeError(loaderOptions: LoaderOptions, message: string, file: string | undefined, location?: { line: number; character: number; }): WebpackError; export declare function tsLoaderSource(loaderOptions: LoaderOptions): string; export declare function appendSuffixIfMatch(patterns: (RegExp | string)[], filePath: string, suffix: string): string; export declare function appendSuffixesIfMatch(suffixDict: { [suffix: string]: (RegExp | string)[]; }, filePath: string): string; export declare function unorderedRemoveItem(array: T[], item: T): boolean; export declare function populateDependencyGraph(resolvedModules: ResolvedModule[], instance: TSInstance, containingFile: string): void; export declare function populateReverseDependencyGraph(instance: TSInstance): ReverseDependencyGraph; /** * Recursively collect all possible dependants of passed file */ export declare function collectAllDependants(reverseDependencyGraph: ReverseDependencyGraph, fileName: FilePathKey, result?: Map): Map; export declare function arrify(val: T | T[]): T[]; export declare function ensureProgram(instance: TSInstance): typescript.Program | undefined; export declare function supportsSolutionBuild(instance: TSInstance): boolean; export declare function isReferencedFile(instance: TSInstance, filePath: string): boolean; export declare function useCaseSensitiveFileNames(compiler: typeof typescript, loaderOptions: LoaderOptions): boolean; //#