import * as typescript from 'typescript'; import { Chalk } from 'chalk'; import * as logger from './logger'; export interface ErrorInfo { code: number; severity: Severity; content: string; file: string; line: number; character: number; context: string; } export declare type FileLocation = { line: number; character: number; }; export interface WebpackError { module?: any; file?: string; message: string; location?: FileLocation; loaderSource: string; } export interface WebpackModule { resource: string; errors: WebpackError[]; addWarning(warning: Error): void; addError(error: WebpackError | Error): void; getWarnings(): Iterable | undefined; getErrors(): Iterable | undefined; clearWarningsAndErrors(): void; buildMeta: { tsLoaderFileVersion: number; tsLoaderDefinitionFileVersions: string[]; }; } export declare type ResolveSync = (context: string | undefined, path: string, moduleName: string) => string; export interface HostMayBeCacheable { clearCache?(): void; fileExistsCache?: Map; directoryExistsCache?: Map; realpathCache?: Map; } export interface CacheableHost extends HostMayBeCacheable { fileExists: typescript.ModuleResolutionHost['fileExists']; directoryExists: NonNullable; realpath?: typescript.ModuleResolutionHost['realpath']; } export interface ModuleResolutionHostMayBeCacheable extends typescript.ModuleResolutionHost, HostMayBeCacheable { readFile(filePath: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined; trace: NonNullable; directoryExists: NonNullable; getCurrentDirectory: NonNullable; getDirectories: NonNullable; useCaseSensitiveFileNames: NonNullable; getNewLine: NonNullable; getDefaultLibFileName: NonNullable; readDirectory: NonNullable; } export interface ServiceHostWhichMayBeCacheable extends typescript.LanguageServiceHost, HostMayBeCacheable { } export interface WatchHost extends typescript.WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions { invokeFileWatcher: WatchFactory['invokeFileWatcher']; updateRootFileNames(): void; outputFiles: Map; tsbuildinfo?: typescript.OutputFile; } export declare type WatchCallbacks = Map; export interface WatchFactory { watchedFiles: WatchCallbacks; watchedDirectories: WatchCallbacks; watchedDirectoriesRecursive: WatchCallbacks; invokeFileWatcher(fileName: string, eventKind: typescript.FileWatcherEventKind): boolean; /** Used to watch changes in source files, missing files needed to update the program or config file */ watchFile: typescript.WatchHost['watchFile']; /** Used to watch resolved module's failed lookup locations, config file specs, type roots where auto type reference directives are added */ watchDirectory: typescript.WatchHost['watchDirectory']; } export interface SolutionDiagnostics { global: typescript.Diagnostic[]; perFile: Map; transpileErrors: [FilePathKey | undefined, typescript.Diagnostic[]][]; } export declare type FilePathKey = string & { __filePathKeyBrand: any; }; export interface SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost extends typescript.SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost, WatchFactory { diagnostics: SolutionDiagnostics; writtenFiles: typescript.OutputFile[]; configFileInfo: Map; outputAffectingInstanceVersion: Map; getInputFileStamp(fileName: string): Date; updateSolutionBuilderInputFile(fileName: string): void; getOutputFileKeyFromReferencedProject(outputFileName: string): FilePathKey | undefined; getOutputFileAndKeyFromReferencedProject(oututFileName: string): { key: FilePathKey; outputFile: string | false; } | undefined; getOutputFileTextAndKeyFromReferencedProject(oututFileName: string): { key: FilePathKey; text: string | undefined; } | undefined; getInputFileNameFromOutput(outputFileName: string): string | undefined; getOutputFilesFromReferencedProjectInput(inputFileName: string): typescript.OutputFile[]; buildReferences(): void; ensureAllReferenceTimestamps(): void; clearCache(): void; close(): void; } export interface ConfigFileInfo { config: typescript.ParsedCommandLine | undefined; outputFileNames?: Map; tsbuildInfoFile?: string; dtsFiles?: string[]; } export interface TSInstance { compiler: typeof typescript; compilerOptions: typescript.CompilerOptions; /** Used for Vue for the most part */ appendTsTsxSuffixesIfRequired: (filePath: string) => string; loaderOptions: LoaderOptions; rootFileNames: Set; /** * a cache of all the files */ files: TSFiles; /** * contains the modified files - cleared each time after-compile is called */ modifiedFiles?: Map; /** * Paths to project references that are missing source maps. * Cleared each time after-compile is called. Used to dedupe * warnings about source maps during a single compilation. */ projectsMissingSourceMaps?: Set; servicesHost?: ServiceHostWhichMayBeCacheable; languageService?: typescript.LanguageService | null; version: number; dependencyGraph: DependencyGraph; filesWithErrors?: TSFiles; transformers: typescript.CustomTransformers; colors: Chalk; otherFiles: TSFiles; watchHost?: WatchHost; watchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions?: typescript.WatchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions; builderProgram?: typescript.EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram; program?: typescript.Program; hasUnaccountedModifiedFiles?: boolean; changedFilesList?: boolean; reportTranspileErrors?: boolean; solutionBuilderHost?: SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost; configFilePath: string | undefined; filePathKeyMapper: (fileName: string) => FilePathKey; initialSetupPending: boolean; configParseResult: typescript.ParsedCommandLine; log: logger.Logger; } export interface LoaderOptionsCache { [name: string]: WeakMap; } export declare type DependencyGraph = Map; export declare type ReverseDependencyGraph = Map>; export declare type LogLevel = 'INFO' | 'WARN' | 'ERROR'; export declare type ResolveModuleName = (moduleName: string, containingFile: string, compilerOptions: typescript.CompilerOptions, moduleResolutionHost: typescript.ModuleResolutionHost) => typescript.ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations; export declare type CustomResolveModuleName = (moduleName: string, containingFile: string, compilerOptions: typescript.CompilerOptions, moduleResolutionHost: typescript.ModuleResolutionHost, parentResolver: ResolveModuleName) => typescript.ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations; export declare type CustomResolveTypeReferenceDirective = (typeDirectiveName: string, containingFile: string, compilerOptions: typescript.CompilerOptions, moduleResolutionHost: typescript.ModuleResolutionHost, parentResolver: typeof typescript.resolveTypeReferenceDirective) => typescript.ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations; export interface LoaderOptions { silent: boolean; logLevel: LogLevel; logInfoToStdOut: boolean; instance: string; compiler: string; configFile: string; context: string; transpileOnly: boolean; ignoreDiagnostics: number[]; reportFiles: string[]; errorFormatter: (message: ErrorInfo, colors: Chalk) => string; onlyCompileBundledFiles: boolean; colors: boolean; compilerOptions: typescript.CompilerOptions; appendTsSuffixTo: (RegExp | string)[]; appendTsxSuffixTo: (RegExp | string)[]; happyPackMode: boolean; getCustomTransformers: string | ((program: typescript.Program) => typescript.CustomTransformers | undefined); experimentalWatchApi: boolean; allowTsInNodeModules: boolean; experimentalFileCaching: boolean; projectReferences: boolean; resolveModuleName: CustomResolveModuleName; resolveTypeReferenceDirective: CustomResolveTypeReferenceDirective; useCaseSensitiveFileNames?: boolean; } export interface TSFile { fileName: string; text?: string; version: number; modifiedTime?: Date; projectReference?: { /** * Undefined here means we’ve already checked and confirmed there is no * project reference for the file. Don’t bother checking again. */ project?: typescript.ResolvedProjectReference; outputFileName?: string; }; } /** where key is filepath */ export declare type TSFiles = Map; export interface ResolvedModule { originalFileName: string; resolvedFileName: string; resolvedModule?: ResolvedModule; isExternalLibraryImport?: boolean; } export declare type Severity = 'error' | 'warning'; //#