/// import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import { TeamSpeakQuery } from "./transport/TeamSpeakQuery"; import { QueryResponse } from "./types/QueryResponse"; import { ResponseError } from "./exception/ResponseError"; import { TeamSpeakClient } from "./node/Client"; import { TeamSpeakServer } from "./node/Server"; import { TeamSpeakChannel } from "./node/Channel"; import { TeamSpeakServerGroup } from "./node/ServerGroup"; import { TeamSpeakChannelGroup } from "./node/ChannelGroup"; import * as Response from "./types/ResponseTypes"; import * as Event from "./types/Events"; import * as Props from "./types/PropertyTypes"; import { QueryProtocol, ReasonIdentifier, TextMessageTargetMode, TokenType, LogLevel } from "./types/enum"; export * from "./types/enum"; export interface ConnectionParams { /** the host to connect to (default: */ host: string; /** the query protocol to use (default: @see QueryProtocol ) */ protocol: QueryProtocol; /** the queryport to use (default: raw=10011 ssh=10022) */ queryport: number; /** the server to select upon connect (default: none) */ serverport?: number; /** the username to login with (default: none) */ username?: string; /** the password to use with the login (default: none) */ password?: string; /** the nickname to connect with */ nickname?: string; /** time to wait until a timeout gets fired (default: 10000) */ readyTimeout: number; /** wether a keepalive should get sent (default: true) */ keepAlive: boolean; /** sends the keepalive after x seconds of inactivity (default: 250s) */ keepAliveTimeout: number; /** wether query clients should be ignored allover (clientList, events, etc) */ ignoreQueries: boolean; /** local address the socket should connect from */ localAddress?: string; /** wether it should automatically connect after instanciating (default: true) */ autoConnect?: boolean; } export interface TeamSpeak { on(event: "error", listener: (error: Error) => void): this; on(event: "ready", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "close", listener: (error?: Error) => void): this; on(event: "flooding", listener: (error: ResponseError) => void): this; on(event: "debug", listener: (event: Event.Debug) => void): this; on(event: "clientconnect", listener: (event: Event.ClientConnect) => void): this; on(event: "clientdisconnect", listener: (event: Event.ClientDisconnect) => void): this; on(event: "tokenused", listener: (event: Event.TokenUsed) => void): this; on(event: "textmessage", listener: (event: Event.TextMessage) => void): this; on(event: "clientmoved", listener: (event: Event.ClientMoved) => void): this; on(event: "serveredit", listener: (event: Event.ServerEdit) => void): this; on(event: "channeledit", listener: (event: Event.ChannelEdit) => void): this; on(event: "channelcreate", listener: (event: Event.ChannelCreate) => void): this; on(event: "channelmoved", listener: (event: Event.ChannelMove) => void): this; on(event: "channeldelete", listener: (event: Event.ChannelDelete) => void): this; channelClientPermList(cid: number, cldbid: number, permsid: false): Promise; channelClientPermList(cid: number, cldbid: number, permsid: true): Promise; } export declare class TeamSpeak extends EventEmitter { readonly config: ConnectionParams; private clients; private servers; private servergroups; private channels; private channelgroups; private priorizeNextCommand; private query; private context; constructor(config: Partial); /** * connects via a Promise wrapper * @param config config options to connect */ static connect(config: Partial): Promise; /** * attempts a reconnect to the teamspeak server with full context features * @param attempts the amount of times it should try to reconnect (-1 = try forever) * @param timeout time in ms to wait inbetween reconnect */ reconnect(attempts?: number, timeout?: number): Promise; /** * waits a set time of ms * @param time time in ms to wait */ static wait(time: number): Promise; /** * connects to the TeamSpeak Server */ connect(): Promise; /** handles initial commands after successfully connecting to a TeamSpeak Server */ private handleReady; /** * Gets called when a client connects to the TeamSpeak Server * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evcliententerview; /** * Gets called when a client discconnects from the TeamSpeak Server * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evclientleftview; /** * Gets called when a client uses a privilege key * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evtokenused; /** * Gets called when a chat message gets received * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evtextmessage; /** * Gets called when a client moves to a different channel * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evclientmoved; /** * Gets called when the server has been edited * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evserveredited; /** * Gets called when a channel gets edited * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evchanneledited; /** * Gets called when a channel gets edited * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evchannelcreated; /** * Gets called when a channel gets moved * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evchannelmoved; /** * Gets called when a channel gets deleted * @param event the raw teamspeak event */ private evchanneldeleted; /** priorizes the next command, this commands will be first in execution */ priorize(): this; /** * Sends a raw command to the TeamSpeak Server. * @param {...any} args the command which should get executed on the teamspeak server * @example * ts3.execute("clientlist", ["-ip"]) * ts3.execute("use", [9987], { client_nickname: "test" }) */ execute(cmd: string, ...args: TeamSpeakQuery.executeArgs[]): Promise; /** * Adds a new query client login, or enables query login for existing clients. * When no virtual server has been selected, the command will create global query logins. * Otherwise the command enables query login for existing client, and cldbid must be specified. * @param client_login_name the login name * @param cldbid the database id which should be used */ queryLoginAdd(client_login_name: string, cldbid?: number): Promise; /** * Deletes an existing server query login on selected server. * When no virtual server has been selected, deletes global query logins instead. * @param cldbid deletes the querylogin of this client */ queryLoginDel(cldbid: number): Promise; /** * List existing query client logins. * The pattern parameter can include regular characters and SQL wildcard characters (e.g. %). * Only displays query logins of the selected virtual server, or all query logins when no virtual server have been selected. * @param pattern the pattern to filter for client login names * @param start the offset from where clients should be listed * @param duration how many clients should be listed */ queryLoginList(pattern?: string, start?: number, duration?: number): Promise; apiKeyAdd(props: Props.ApiKeyAdd): Promise; /** * Lists all apikeys owned by the user, or of all users using cldbid=*. * Usage of cldbid=... requires b_virtualserver_apikey_manage. */ apiKeyList(props?: Props.ApiKeyList): Promise; /** * Deletes an apikey. Any apikey owned by the current user, can always be deleted * Deleting apikeys from other requires b_virtualserver_apikey_manage * @param id the key id to delete */ apiKeyDel(id: number): Promise; /** * Updates your own ServerQuery login credentials using a specified username. * The password will be auto-generated. * @param name */ clientSetServerQueryLogin(name: string): Promise; /** * Change your ServerQuery clients settings using given properties. * @param props the properties which should be changed */ clientUpdate(props: Props.ClientUpdate): Promise; /** * Subscribes to an Event * @param event the event on which should be subscribed * @param id the channel id, only required when subscribing to the "channel" event */ registerEvent(event: string, id?: number): Promise; /** * Subscribes to an Event. */ unregisterEvent(): Promise; /** * Authenticates with the TeamSpeak 3 Server instance using given ServerQuery login credentials. * @param username the username which you want to login with * @param password the password you want to login with */ login(username: string, password: string): Promise; /** Deselects the active virtual server and logs out from the server instance. */ logout(): Promise; /** Displays the servers version information including platform and build number. */ version(): Promise; /** * Displays detailed connection information about the server instance including uptime, * number of virtual servers online, traffic information, etc. */ hostInfo(): Promise; /** * Displays the server instance configuration including database revision number, * the file transfer port, default group IDs, etc. */ instanceInfo(): Promise; /** * Changes the server instance configuration using given properties. * @param properties the props you want to change */ instanceEdit(properties: Props.InstanceEdit): Promise; /** returns a list of IP addresses used by the server instance on multi-homed machines. */ bindingList(): Promise; /** * Selects the virtual server specified with the port to allow further interaction. * @param port the port the server runs on * @param client_nickname set nickname when selecting a server */ useByPort(port: number, client_nickname?: string): Promise; /** * Selects the virtual server specified with the sid to allow further interaction. * @param sid the server id * @param client_nickname set nickname when selecting a server */ useBySid(sid: number, client_nickname?: string): Promise; /** returns information about your current ServerQuery connection including your loginname, etc. */ whoami(): Promise; /** * Displays detailed configuration information about the selected virtual server * including unique ID, number of clients online, configuration, etc. */ serverInfo(): Promise; /** * Displays the database ID of the virtual server running on the UDP port * @param virtualserver_port the server port where data should be retrieved */ serverIdGetByPort(virtualserver_port: number): Promise; /** * Changes the selected virtual servers configuration using given properties. * Note that this command accepts multiple properties which means that you're able to change all settings of the selected virtual server at once. */ serverEdit(properties: Props.ServerEdit): Promise; /** * Stops the entire TeamSpeak 3 Server instance by shutting down the process. * @param reasonmsg specifies a text message that is sent to the clients before the client disconnects (requires TeamSpeak Server 3.2.0 or newer). */ serverProcessStop(reasonmsg?: string): Promise; /** * returns detailed connection information about the selected virtual server including uptime, traffic information, etc. */ connectionInfo(): Promise; /** * Creates a new virtual server using the given properties and displays its ID, port and initial administrator privilege key. * If virtualserver_port is not specified, the server will test for the first unused UDP port * @param properties the server properties */ serverCreate(properties: Props.ServerEdit): Promise; /** * deletes the server * @param sid the server id to delete */ serverDelete(sid: number): Promise; /** * Starts the virtual server. Depending on your permissions, * you're able to start either your own virtual server only or all virtual servers in the server instance. * @param sid the server id to start */ serverStart(sid: number): Promise; /** * Stops the virtual server. Depending on your permissions, * you're able to stop either your own virtual server only or all virtual servers in the server instance. * @param sid the server id to stop * @param reasonmsg Specifies a text message that is sent to the clients before the client disconnects (requires TeamSpeak Server 3.2.0 or newer). */ serverStop(sid: number, reasonmsg?: string): Promise; /** * Creates a new server group using the name specified with name. * The optional type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery groups and template groups. * @param name the name of the servergroup * @param type type of the servergroup */ serverGroupCreate(name: string, type?: number): Promise; /** * returns the IDs of all clients currently residing in the server group. * @param sgid the servergroup id */ serverGroupClientList(sgid: number): Promise; /** * Adds one or more clients to a server group specified with sgid. * Please note that a client cannot be added to default groups or template groups * @param cldbid one or more client database ids which should be added * @param sgid the servergroup id which the client(s) should be added to */ serverGroupAddClient(cldbid: number | number[], sgid: number): Promise; /** * Removes one or more clients from the server group specified with sgid. * @param cldbid one or more client database ids which should be added * @param sgid the servergroup id which the client(s) should be removed from */ serverGroupDelClient(cldbid: number | number[], sgid: number): Promise; /** * displays all server groups the client specified with cldbid is currently residing in * @param cldbid the client database id to check */ serverGroupsByClientId(cldbid: number): Promise; /** * Adds one or more servergroups to a client. * Please note that a client cannot be added to default groups or template groups * @param cldbid one or more client database ids which should be added * @param sgid one or more servergroup ids which the client should be added to */ clientAddServerGroup(cldbid: number, sgid: number | number[]): Promise; /** * Removes one or more servergroups from the client. * @param cldbid one or more client database ids which should be added * @param sgid one or more servergroup ids which the client should be removed from */ clientDelServerGroup(cldbid: number, sgid: number | number[]): Promise; /** * Deletes the server group. If force is set to 1, the server group will be deleted even if there are clients within. * @param sgid the servergroup id * @param force if set to 1 the servergoup will be deleted even when clients stil belong to this group */ serverGroupDel(sgid: number, force?: number): Promise; /** * Creates a copy of the server group specified with ssgid. * If tsgid is set to 0, the server will create a new group. * To overwrite an existing group, simply set tsgid to the ID of a designated target group. * If a target group is set, the name parameter will be ignored. * @param ssgid the source ServerGroup * @param tsgid the target ServerGroup, 0 to create a new Group * @param type the type of the servergroup (0 = Query Group | 1 = Normal Group) * @param name name of the group */ serverGroupCopy(ssgid: number, tsgid?: number, type?: number, name?: string): Promise; /** * Changes the name of the server group * @param sgid the servergroup id * @param name new name of the servergroup */ serverGroupRename(sgid: number, name: string): Promise; /** * Displays a list of permissions assigned to the server group specified with sgid. * @param sgid the servergroup id * @param permsid if the permsid option is set to true the output will contain the permission names */ serverGroupPermList(sgid: number, permsid?: boolean): Promise; /** * Adds a specified permissions to the server group. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * @param sgid the ServerGroup id * @param perm the permid or permsid * @param value value of the Permission * @param skip whether the skip flag should be set * @param negate whether the negate flag should be set */ serverGroupAddPerm(sgid: number, perm: string | number, value: number, skip?: number, negate?: number): Promise; /** * Removes a set of specified permissions from the server group. * A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * @param sgid the servergroup id * @param perm the permid or permsid */ serverGroupDelPerm(sgid: number, perm: string | number): Promise; /** * Sets a new temporary server password specified with pw. The temporary * password will be valid for the number of seconds specified with duration. The * client connecting with this password will automatically join the channel * specified with tcid. If tcid is set to 0, the client will join the default * channel. */ serverTempPasswordAdd(props: Props.ServerTempPasswordAdd): Promise; /** * Deletes the temporary server password specified with pw. * @param pw the password to delete */ serverTempPasswordDel(pw: string): Promise; /** * Returns a list of active temporary server passwords. The output contains the * clear-text password, the nickname and unique identifier of the creating * client. */ serverTempPasswordList(): Promise; /** * Creates a new channel using the given properties. * Note that this command accepts multiple properties which means that you're able to specifiy all settings of the new channel at once. * @param name the name of the channel * @param properties properties of the channel */ channelCreate(name: string, properties?: Props.ChannelEdit): Promise; /** * Creates a new channel group using a given name. * The optional type parameter can be used to create ServerQuery groups and template groups. * @param name the name of the channelgroup * @param type type of the channelgroup */ channelGroupCreate(name: string, type?: number): Promise; /** * Retrieves a Single Channel by the given Channel ID * @param cid the channel id */ getChannelByID(cid: number): Promise; /** * Retrieves a Single Channel by the given Channel Name * @param channel_name the name of the channel */ getChannelByName(channel_name: string): Promise; /** * displays a list of channels matching a given name pattern * @param pattern the channel name pattern to search for */ channelFind(pattern: string): Promise; /** * Displays detailed configuration information about a channel including ID, topic, description, etc. * @param cid the channel id */ channelInfo(cid: number): Promise; /** * Moves a channel to a new parent channel with the ID cpid. * If order is specified, the channel will be sorted right under the channel with the specified ID. * If order is set to 0, the channel will be sorted right below the new parent. * @param cid the channel id * @param cpid channel parent id * @param order channel sort order */ channelMove(cid: number, cpid: number, order?: number): Promise; /** * Deletes an existing channel by ID. * If force is set to 1, the channel will be deleted even if there are clients within. * The clients will be kicked to the default channel with an appropriate reason message. * @param cid the channel id * @param force if set to 1 the channel will be deleted even when client are in it */ channelDelete(cid: number, force?: number): Promise; /** * Changes a channels configuration using given properties. * Note that this command accepts multiple properties which means that you're able to change all settings of the channel specified with cid at once. * @param cid the channel id * @param properties the properties of the channel which should get changed */ channelEdit(cid: number, properties?: Props.ChannelEdit): Promise; /** * Displays a list of permissions defined for a channel. * @param cid the channel id * @param permsid whether the permsid should be displayed aswell */ channelPermList(cid: number, permsid?: boolean): Promise; /** * Adds a set of specified permissions to a channel. * @param cid the channel id * @param perm the permid or permsid * @param value the value which should be set */ channelSetPerm(cid: number, perm: string | number, value: number): Promise; /** * Adds a set of specified permissions to a channel. * A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * @param cid the channel id * @param permissions the permissions to assign * @example * TeamSpeak.channelSetPerms(5, [{ permsid: "i_channel_needed_modify_power", permvalue: 75 }]) */ channelSetPerms(cid: number, permissions: any[]): Promise; /** * Removes a set of specified permissions from a channel. * Multiple permissions can be removed at once. * A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * @param cid the channel id * @param perm the permid or permsid */ channelDelPerm(cid: number, perm: string | number): Promise; /** * Retrieves a Single Client by the given Client ID * @param clid the client id */ getClientByID(clid: number): Promise; /** * Retrieves a Single Client by the given Client Database ID * @param client_database_id the client database Id */ getClientByDBID(client_database_id: number): Promise; /** * Retrieves a Single Client by the given Client Unique Identifier * @param client_unique_identifier the client unique identifier */ getClientByUID(client_unique_identifier: string): Promise; /** * Retrieves a Single Client by the given Client Unique Identifier * @param client_nickname the nickname of the client */ getClientByName(client_nickname: string): Promise; /** * Returns General Info of the Client, requires the Client to be online * @param clid one or more client ids to get */ clientInfo(clid: number | number[]): Promise; /** * Returns the Clients Database List * @param start start offset * @param duration amount of entries which should get retrieved * @param count retrieve the count of entries */ clientDBList(start?: number, duration?: number, count?: boolean): Promise; /** * Returns the Clients Database Info * @param cldbid one or more client database ids to get */ clientDBInfo(cldbid: number | number[]): Promise; /** * Kicks the Client from the Server * @param clid the client id * @param reasonid the reasonid * @param reasonmsg the message the client should receive when getting kicked */ clientKick(clid: number, reasonid: ReasonIdentifier, reasonmsg: string): Promise; /** * Moves the Client to a different Channel * @param clid the client id * @param cid channel id in which the client should get moved * @param cpw the channel password */ clientMove(clid: number, cid: number, cpw?: string): Promise; /** * Pokes the Client with a certain message * @param clid the client id * @param msg the message the client should receive */ clientPoke(clid: number, msg: string): Promise; /** * Displays a list of permissions defined for a client * @param cldbid the client database id * @param permsid if the permsid option is set to true the output will contain the permission names */ clientPermList(cldbid: number, permsid?: boolean): Promise; /** * Adds a set of specified permissions to a client. * Multiple permissions can be added by providing the three parameters of each permission. * A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * @param cldbid the client database id * @param perm the permid or permsid * @param value value of the permission * @param skip whether the skip flag should be set * @param negate whether the negate flag should be set */ clientAddPerm(cldbid: number, perm: string | number, value: number, skip?: number, negate?: number): Promise; /** * Removes a set of specified permissions from a client. * Multiple permissions can be removed at once. * A permission can be specified by permid or permsid * @param cldbid the client database id * @param perm the permid or permsid */ clientDelPerm(cldbid: number, perm: string | number): Promise; /** * Searches for custom client properties specified by ident and value. * The value parameter can include regular characters and SQL wildcard characters (e.g. %). * @param ident the key to search for * @param pattern the search pattern to use */ customSearch(ident: string, pattern: string): Promise; /** * returns a list of custom properties for the client specified with cldbid. * @param cldbid the Client Database ID which should be retrieved */ customInfo(cldbid: number): Promise; /** * Removes a custom property from a client specified by the cldbid. * This requires TeamSpeak Server Version 3.2.0 or newer. * @param cldbid the client Database ID which should be changed * @param ident the key which should be deleted */ customDelete(cldbid: number, ident: string): Promise; /** * Creates or updates a custom property for client specified by the cldbid. * Ident and value can be any value, and are the key value pair of the custom property. * This requires TeamSpeak Server Version 3.2.0 or newer. * @param cldbid the client database id which should be changed * @param ident the key which should be set * @param value the value which should be set */ customSet(cldbid: number, ident: string, value: string): Promise; /** * Sends a text message a specified target. * The type of the target is determined by targetmode while target specifies the ID of the recipient, * whether it be a virtual server, a channel or a client. * @param target target client id which should receive the message * @param targetmode targetmode (1: client, 2: channel, 3: server) * @param msg the message the client should receive */ sendTextMessage(target: number, targetmode: TextMessageTargetMode, msg: string): Promise; /** * Retrieves a single ServerGroup by the given ServerGroup ID * @param sgid the servergroup id */ getServerGroupByID(sgid: number): Promise; /** * Retrieves a single ServerGroup by the given ServerGroup Name * @param name the servergroup name */ getServerGroupByName(name: string): Promise; /** * Retrieves a single ChannelGroup by the given ChannelGroup ID * @param cgid the channelgroup Id */ getChannelGroupByID(cgid: number): Promise; /** * Retrieves a single ChannelGroup by the given ChannelGroup Name * @param name the channelGroup name */ getChannelGroupByName(name: string): Promise; /** * Sets the channel group of a client * @param cgid the channelgroup which the client should get assigned * @param cid the channel in which the client should be assigned the group * @param cldbid the client database id which should be added to the group */ setClientChannelGroup(cgid: number, cid: number, cldbid: number): Promise; /** * Deletes the channel group. If force is set to 1, the channel group will be deleted even if there are clients within. * @param cgid the channelgroup id * @param force if set to 1 the channelgroup will be deleted even when clients are in it */ deleteChannelGroup(cgid: number, force?: number): Promise; /** * Creates a copy of the channel group. * If tcgid is set to 0, the server will create a new group. * To overwrite an existing group, simply set tcgid to the ID of a designated target group. * If a target group is set, the name parameter will be ignored. * @param scgid the source channelgroup * @param tcgid the target channelgroup (0 to create a new group) * @param type the type of the group (0 = Template Group | 1 = Normal Group) * @param name name of the goup */ channelGroupCopy(scgid: number, tcgid?: number, type?: number, name?: string): Promise; /** * Changes the name of the channel group * @param cgid the channelgroup id to rename * @param name new name of the ghannelgroup */ channelGroupRename(cgid: number, name: string): Promise; /** * Displays a list of permissions assigned to the channel group specified with cgid. * @param cgid the channelgroup id to list * @param permsid if the permsid option is set to true the output will contain the permission names. */ channelGroupPermList(cgid: number, permsid?: boolean): Promise; /** * Adds a specified permissions to the channel group. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * @param cgid the channelgroup id * @param perm the permid or permsid * @param value value of the permission * @param skip whether the skip flag should be set * @param negate whether the negate flag should be set */ channelGroupAddPerm(cgid: number, perm: string | number, value: number, skip?: number, negate?: number): Promise; /** * Removes a set of specified permissions from the channel group. A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * @param cgid the channelgroup id * @param perm the permid or permsid */ channelGroupDelPerm(cgid: number, perm: string | number): Promise; /** * Displays the IDs of all clients currently residing in the channel group. * @param cgid the channelgroup id * @param cid the channel id * @param cldbid the client database id to filter */ channelGroupClientList(cgid: number, cid?: number, cldbid?: number): Promise; /** * Displays all permissions assigned to a client for the channel specified with cid. * If permid is set to 0, all permissions will be displayed. * A permission can be specified by permid or permsid. * @param cldbid the client database id * @param cid one or more permission names * @param permid one or more permission ids * @param permsid one or more permission names */ permOverview(cldbid: number, cid: number, perms?: number[] | string[]): Promise; /** * Retrieves a list of permissions available on the server instance including ID, name and description. */ permissionList(): Promise; /** * Retrieves the database ID of one or more permissions specified by permsid. * @param permsid one name */ permIdGetByName(permsid: string): Promise; /** * Retrieves the database ID of one or more permissions specified by permsid. * @param permsid multiple permission names */ permIdsGetByName(permsid: string[]): Promise; /** * Retrieves the current value of the permission for your own connection. * This can be useful when you need to check your own privileges. * @param perm perm id or name which should be checked */ permGet(perm: number | string): Promise; /** * Retrieves detailed information about all assignments of the permission. * The output is similar to permoverview which includes the type and the ID of the client, channel or group associated with the permission. * @param perm perm id or name to retrieve */ permFind(perm: number | string): Promise; /** * Restores the default permission settings on the selected virtual server and creates a new initial administrator token. * Please note that in case of an error during the permreset call - e.g. when the database has been modified or corrupted - the virtual server will be deleted from the database. */ permReset(): Promise; /** * Retrieves a list of privilege keys available including their type and group IDs. */ privilegeKeyList(): Promise; /** * Create a new token.+ * If type is set to 0, the ID specified with tokenid will be a server group ID. * Otherwise, tokenid is used as a channel group ID and you need to provide a valid channel ID using channelid. * @param tokentype token type * @param group depends on the type given, add either a valid channelgroup or servergroup * @param cid depends on the type given, add a valid channel id * @param description token description * @param customset token custom set */ privilegeKeyAdd(tokentype: TokenType, group: number, cid?: number, description?: string, customset?: string): Promise; /** * Create a new privilegekey token for a ServerGroup with the given description * @param group servergroup which should be generated the token for * @param description token description * @param tokencustomset token custom set */ serverGroupPrivilegeKeyAdd(group: number, description?: string, tokencustomset?: string): Promise; /** * Create a new privilegekey token for a Channel Group and assigned Channel ID with the given description * @param group the channel group for which the token should be valid * @param cid channel id for which the token should be valid * @param description token description * @param tokencustomset token custom set */ channelGroupPrivilegeKeyAdd(group: number, cid: number, description?: string, tokencustomset?: string): Promise; /** * Deletes an existing token matching the token key specified with token. * @param token the token which should be deleted */ privilegeKeyDelete(token: string): Promise; /** * Use a token key gain access to a server or channel group. * Please note that the server will automatically delete the token after it has been used. * @param token the token which should be used */ privilegeKeyUse(token: string): Promise; /** * Displays a list of offline messages you've received. * The output contains the senders unique identifier, the messages subject, etc. */ messageList(): Promise; /** * Sends an offline message to the client specified by uid. * @param cluid client unique identifier * @param subject subject of the message * @param message message text */ messageAdd(cluid: string, subject: string, message: string): Promise; /** * Sends an offline message to the client specified by uid. * @param msgid the message id which should be deleted */ messageDel(msgid: number): Promise; /** * Displays an existing offline message with the given id from the inbox. * @param msgid the message id */ messageGet(msgid: number): Promise; /** * Displays an existing offline message with the given id from the inbox. * @param msgid the message id * @param flag if flag is set to 1 the message will be marked as read */ messageUpdate(msgid: number, flag?: number): Promise; /** * Displays a list of complaints on the selected virtual server. * If dbid is specified, only complaints about the targeted client will be shown. * @param cldbid filter only for certain client with the given database id */ complainList(cldbid?: number): Promise; /** * Submits a complaint about the client with database ID dbid to the server. * @param cldbid filter only for certain client with the given database id * @param message the Message which should be added */ complainAdd(cldbid: number, message?: string): Promise; /** * Deletes the complaint about the client with ID tcldbid submitted by the client with ID fdbid from the server. * If fcldbid will be left empty all complaints for the tcldbid will be deleted * @param tcldbid the target client database id * @param fcldbid the client database id which filed the report */ complainDel(tcldbid: number, fcldbid?: number): Promise; /** * Displays a list of active bans on the selected virtual server. * @param start optional start from where clients should be listed * @param duration optional duration on how much ban entries should be retrieved */ banList(start?: number, duration?: number): Promise; /** * Adds a new ban rule on the selected virtual server. * All parameters are optional but at least one of the following must be set: ip, name, uid or mytsid. */ ban(properties: Props.BanAdd): Promise; /** * Bans the client specified with ID clid from the server. * Please note that this will create two separate ban rules for the targeted clients IP address and his unique identifier. */ banClient(properties: Props.BanClient): Promise; /** * Removes one or all bans from the server * @param banid the banid to remove, if not provided it will remove all bans */ banDel(banid?: number): Promise; /** * Displays a specified number of entries from the servers log. * If instance is set to 1, the server will return lines from the master logfile (ts3server_0.log) instead of the selected virtual server logfile. * @param lines amount of lines to receive * @param reverse invert output (like Array.reverse) * @param instance instance or virtualserver log * @param begin_pos begin at position */ logView(lines?: number, reverse?: number, instance?: number, begin_pos?: number): Promise; /** * Writes a custom entry into the servers log. * Depending on your permissions, you'll be able to add entries into the server instance log and/or your virtual servers log. * The loglevel parameter specifies the type of the entry * @param loglevel level 1 to 4 * @param logmsg message to log */ logAdd(loglevel: LogLevel, logmsg: string): Promise; /** * Sends a text message to all clients on all virtual servers in the TeamSpeak 3 Server instance. * @param msg message which will be sent to all instances */ gm(msg: string): Promise; /** * displays a list of clients matching a given name pattern * @param pattern the pattern to search clients */ clientFind(pattern: string): Promise; /** * displays all client IDs matching the unique identifier specified by cluid * @param cluid the unique id to search for */ clientGetIds(cluid: string): Promise; /** * displays the database ID matching the unique identifier specified by cluid * @param cluid the unique id to search for */ clientGetDbidFromUid(cluid: string): Promise; /** * displays the database ID and nickname matching the unique identifier specified by cluid * @param cluid the unique id to search for */ clientGetNameFromUid(cluid: string): Promise; /** * displays the database ID and nickname matching the unique identifier specified by cluid * @param clid the client id to search from */ clientGetUidFromClid(clid: number): Promise; /** * displays the unique identifier and nickname matching the database ID specified by cldbid * @param cldbid client database it to search from */ clientGetNameFromDbid(cldbid: number): Promise; /** * edits a specific client * @param clid the client id to modify * @param properties the properties to change */ clientEdit(clid: number, properties: Props.ClientEdit): Promise; /** * Displays a list of client database IDs matching a given pattern. * You can either search for a clients last known nickname or his unique identity by using the -uid option. * @param pattern the pattern which should be searched for * @param isUid true when instead of the Name it should be searched for an uid */ clientDBFind(pattern: string, isUid?: boolean): Promise; /** * Changes a clients settings using given properties. * @param cldbid the client database id which should be edited * @param properties the properties which should be modified */ clientDBEdit(cldbid: number, properties: Props.ClientDBEdit): Promise; /** * Deletes a clients properties from the database. * @param cldbid the client database id which should be deleted */ clientDBDelete(cldbid: number): Promise; /** * Displays a list of virtual servers including their ID, status, number of clients online, etc. */ serverList(filter?: Partial): Promise; /** * Displays a list of channel groups available. Depending on your permissions, the output may also contain template groups. */ channelGroupList(filter?: Partial): Promise; /** * Displays a list of server groups available. * Depending on your permissions, the output may also contain global ServerQuery groups and template groups. */ serverGroupList(filter?: Partial): Promise; /** * Lists all Channels with a given Filter */ channelList(filter?: Partial): Promise; /** * Lists all Clients with a given Filter */ clientList(filter?: Partial): Promise; /** * Lists currently active file transfers */ ftList(): Promise; /** * Displays a list of files and directories stored in the specified channels file repository. * @param cid the channel id to check for * @param path the path to list * @param cpw the channel password */ ftGetFileList(cid: number, path?: string, cpw?: string): Promise; /** * Displays detailed information about one or more specified files stored in a channels file repository. * @param cid the channel id to check for * @param name the filepath to receive * @param cpw the channel password */ ftGetFileInfo(cid: number, name: string, cpw?: string): Promise; /** * Stops the running file transfer with server-side ID serverftfid. * @param serverftfid server file transfer id * @param del */ ftStop(serverftfid: number, del?: number): Promise; /** * Deletes one or more files stored in a channels file repository * @param cid the channel id to check for * @param name path to the file to delete * @param cpw the channel password */ ftDeleteFile(cid: number, name: string, cpw?: string): Promise; /** * Creates new directory in a channels file repository * @param cid the channel id to check for * @param dirname path to the directory * @param cpw the channel password */ ftCreateDir(cid: number, dirname: string, cpw?: string): Promise; /** * Renames a file in a channels file repository. * If the two parameters tcid and tcpw are specified, the file will be moved into another channels file repository * @param cid the channel id to check for * @param oldname the path to the file which should be renamed * @param newname the path to the file with the new name * @param tcid target channel id if the file should be moved to a different channel * @param cpw the channel password from where the file gets renamed * @param tcpw the channel password from where the file will get transferred to */ ftRenameFile(cid: number, oldname: string, newname: string, tcid?: number, cpw?: string, tcpw?: string): Promise; /** * Initializes a file transfer upload. clientftfid is an arbitrary ID to identify the file transfer on client-side. * On success, the server generates a new ftkey which is required to start uploading the file through TeamSpeak 3's file transfer interface. */ ftInitUpload(transfer: Props.TransferUpload): Promise; /** * Initializes a file transfer download. clientftfid is an arbitrary ID to identify the file transfer on client-side. * On success, the server generates a new ftkey which is required to start downloading the file through TeamSpeak 3's file transfer interface. */ ftInitDownload(transfer: Props.TransferDownload): Promise; /** * Uploads a file * @param path the path whith the filename where the file should be uploaded to * @param data the data to upload * @param cid channel id to upload to * @param cpw channel password of the channel which will be uploaded to */ uploadFile(path: string, data: string | Buffer, cid?: number, cpw?: string): Promise; /** * Returns the file in the channel with the given path * @param path the path whith the filename where the file should be uploaded to * @param cid channel id to download from * @param cpw channel password of the channel which will be uploaded to */ downloadFile(path: string, cid?: number, cpw?: string): Promise; /** * Returns an Icon with the given Name * @param name the name of the icon to retrieve eg "icon_262672952" */ downloadIcon(name: string): Promise; /** * Gets the Icon Name of a resolveable Perm List * @param permlist expects a promise which resolves to a permission list */ getIconName(permlist: Promise): Promise; /** * displays a snapshot of the selected virtual server containing all settings, * groups and known client identities. The data from a server snapshot can be * used to restore a virtual servers configuration, channels and permissions * using the serversnapshotdeploy command. * only supports version 2 (from server 3.10.0) * @param password the optional password to encrypt the snapshot */ createSnapshot(password?: string): Promise; /** * displays a snapshot of the selected virtual server containing all settings, * groups and known client identities. The data from a server snapshot can be * used to restore a virtual servers configuration, channels and permissions * using the serversnapshotdeploy command. * only supports version 2 (from server 3.10.0) * @param salt if a password has been set provide the salt from the response * @param password the password which has been set while saving * @param keepfiles wether it should keep the file mapping */ deploySnapshot(data: string, salt?: string, password?: string, keepfiles?: boolean): Promise; /** closes the ServerQuery connection to the TeamSpeak server instance. */ quit(): Promise; /** forcefully closes the socket connection */ forceQuit(): void; /** * parses the whole cache by given objects * @param cache the cache object * @param list the list to check against the cache * @param key the key used to identify the object inside the cache * @param node the class which should be used */ private handleCache; /** * updates the context when the inner callback gets called * and returns the first parameter * @param context context data to update */ private updateContextResolve; /** * updates the context when the inner callback gets called * and throws the first parameter which is an error * @param context context data to update */ private updateContextReject; /** * updates the context with new data * @param data the data to update the context with */ private updateContext; /** * wether the query client should get handled or not * @param type the client type */ private ignoreQueryClient; /** * filters an array with given filter * @param array the array which should get filtered * @param filter filter object */ static filter(array: T[], filter: T): T[]; /** * Transforms an Input to an Array * @param input input data which should be converted to an array */ static toArray(input: T | T[]): T[]; /** * retrieves the first element of an array * @param input the response input */ static singleResponse(input: T | T[]): T; }