const mockExecute = jest.fn() jest.mock("../src/transport/TeamSpeakQuery", () => { const { TeamSpeakQuery } = jest.requireActual("../src/transport/TeamSpeakQuery") TeamSpeakQuery.getSocket = function() { return { on() {}, send() {}, sendKeepAlive() {}, close() {}, isConnected() {} } } TeamSpeakQuery.prototype.execute = mockExecute return { TeamSpeakQuery } }) import { TeamSpeak } from "../src/TeamSpeak" import { TeamSpeakChannel } from "../src/node/Channel" import { channellist, clientlist } from "./mocks/queryresponse" import { TeamSpeakClient } from "../src/node/Client" describe("TeamSpeakChannel", () => { let teamspeak: TeamSpeak let raw: ReturnType[0] let channel: TeamSpeakChannel beforeEach(() => { teamspeak = new TeamSpeak({}) raw = channellist(1)[0] channel = new TeamSpeakChannel(teamspeak, raw) mockExecute.mockReset() mockExecute.mockResolvedValue(null) }) it("should verify the getter value of #cid()", () => { expect(channel.cid).toBe(raw.cid) }) it("should verify the getter value of #pid()", () => { expect( }) it("should verify the getter value of #order()", () => { expect(channel.order).toBe(raw.channel_order) }) it("should verify the getter value of #name()", () => { expect( }) it("should verify the getter value of #topic()", () => { expect(channel.topic).toBe(raw.channel_topic) }) it("should verify the getter value of #flagDefault()", () => { expect(channel.flagDefault).toBe(raw.channel_flag_default) }) it("should verify the getter value of #flagPassword()", () => { expect(channel.flagPassword).toBe(raw.channel_flag_password) }) it("should verify the getter value of #flagPermanent()", () => { expect(channel.flagPermanent).toBe(raw.channel_flag_permanent) }) it("should verify the getter value of #flagSemiPermanent()", () => { expect(channel.flagSemiPermanent).toBe(raw.channel_flag_semi_permanent) }) it("should verify the getter value of #codec()", () => { expect(channel.codec).toBe(raw.channel_codec) }) it("should verify the getter value of #codecQuality()", () => { expect(channel.codecQuality).toBe(raw.channel_codec_quality) }) it("should verify the getter value of #neededTalkPower()", () => { expect(channel.neededTalkPower).toBe(raw.channel_needed_talk_power) }) it("should verify the getter value of #iconId()", () => { expect(channel.iconId).toBe(raw.channel_icon_id) }) it("should verify the getter value of #secondsEmpty()", () => { expect(channel.secondsEmpty).toBe(raw.seconds_empty) }) it("should verify the getter value of #totalClientsFamily()", () => { expect(channel.totalClientsFamily).toBe(raw.total_clients_family) }) it("should verify the getter value of #maxclients()", () => { expect(channel.maxclients).toBe(raw.channel_maxclients) }) it("should verify the getter value of #maxfamilyclients()", () => { expect(channel.maxfamilyclients).toBe(raw.channel_maxfamilyclients) }) it("should verify the getter value of #totalClients()", () => { expect(channel.totalClients).toBe(raw.total_clients) }) it("should verify the getter value of #neededSubscribePower()", () => { expect(channel.neededSubscribePower).toBe(raw.channel_needed_subscribe_power) }) it("should verify the getter value of #totalClients()", () => { expect(channel.bannerGfxUrl).toBe(raw.channel_banner_gfx_url) }) it("should verify the getter value of #neededSubscribePower()", () => { expect(channel.bannerMode).toBe(raw.channel_banner_mode) }) it("should verify the return value of #getNameSpace()", () => { expect(channel.getNameSpace()).toBe("channel") }) it("should verify execute parameters of #getInfo()", async () => { await channel.getInfo() expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channelinfo", { cid: raw.cid }) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #move()", async () => { await channel.move(1, 10) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channelmove", { cid: raw.cid, cpid: 1, order: 10 }) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #move()", async () => { await channel.move(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channelmove", { cid: raw.cid, cpid: 1, order: 0 }) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #del()", async () => { await channel.del(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channeldelete", { cid: raw.cid, force: 1 }) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #del()", async () => { await channel.del() expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channeldelete", { cid: raw.cid, force: 0 }) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #edit()", async () => { await channel.edit({ channel_codec_quality: 10, channel_name: "Test"}) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channeledit", { cid: raw.cid, channel_codec_quality: 10, channel_name: "Test"}) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #permList()", async () => { await channel.permList(true) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channelpermlist", { cid: raw.cid }, ["-permsid"]) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #permList()", async () => { await channel.permList() expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channelpermlist", { cid: raw.cid }, [null]) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #setPerm()", async () => { await channel.setPerm("i_channel_subscribe_power", 25) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channeladdperm", { permsid: "i_channel_subscribe_power", permvalue: 25, cid: raw.cid }) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #delPerm()", async () => { await channel.delPerm("i_channel_subscribe_power") expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledWith("channeldelperm", { permsid: "i_channel_subscribe_power", cid: raw.cid }) }) it("should verify execute parameters of #getClients()", async () => { mockExecute.mockResolvedValueOnce(clientlist(1)[0]) const clients = await channel.getClients() expect(Array.isArray(clients)).toBe(true) clients.forEach(client => expect(client).toBeInstanceOf(TeamSpeakClient)) }) it("should validate the return value of #getIcon()", done => { mockExecute.mockResolvedValueOnce([{ permsid: "i_icon_id", permvalue: 9999 }]) mockExecute.mockResolvedValueOnce([{ size: 0, msg: "nok" }]) channel.getIcon() .then(() => done("Expected Promise to reject!")) .catch((err: Error) => { expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) expect(err.message).toBe("nok") done() }) }) it("should validate the return value of #getIconName()", async () => { mockExecute.mockResolvedValueOnce([{ permsid: "i_icon_id", permvalue: 9999 }]) const name = await channel.getIconName() expect(mockExecute).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(name).toEqual("icon_9999") }) })