import * as ts from 'typescript'; import * as Lint from 'tslint'; import { ErrorTolerantWalker } from './utils/ErrorTolerantWalker'; import { ExtendedMetadata } from './utils/ExtendedMetadata'; import { AstUtils } from './utils/AstUtils'; /** * Implementation of the no-feature-envy rule. */ export class Rule extends Lint.Rules.AbstractRule { public static metadata: ExtendedMetadata = { ruleName: 'no-feature-envy', type: 'maintainability', // one of: 'functionality' | 'maintainability' | 'style' | 'typescript' description: 'A method accesses the data of another object more than its own data.', options: null, optionsDescription: '', optionExamples: [], //Remove this property if the rule has no options recommendation: '[true, 1, ["_"]],', typescriptOnly: false, issueClass: 'Non-SDL', // one of: 'SDL' | 'Non-SDL' | 'Ignored' issueType: 'Warning', // one of: 'Error' | 'Warning' severity: 'Moderate', // one of: 'Critical' | 'Important' | 'Moderate' | 'Low' level: 'Opportunity for Excellence', // one of 'Mandatory' | 'Opportunity for Excellence' group: 'Clarity', // one of 'Ignored' | 'Security' | 'Correctness' | 'Clarity' | 'Whitespace' | 'Configurable' | 'Deprecated' commonWeaknessEnumeration: '', // if possible, please map your rule to a CWE (see cwe_descriptions.json and }; public static FAILURE_STRING(feature: MethodFeature): string { const { methodName, className, otherClassName } = feature; const failureMessage = `Method "${methodName}" uses "${otherClassName}" more than its own class "${className}".`; const recommendation = `Extract or Move Method from "${methodName}" into "${otherClassName}".`; return `${failureMessage} ${recommendation}`; } public apply(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): Lint.RuleFailure[] { return this.applyWithWalker(new NoFeatureEnvyRuleWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions())); } } class NoFeatureEnvyRuleWalker extends ErrorTolerantWalker { private threshold: number = 0; private exclude: string[] = []; constructor(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, options: Lint.IOptions) { super(sourceFile, options); this.parseOptions(); } protected visitClassDeclaration(node: ts.ClassDeclaration): void { this.checkAndReport(node); super.visitClassDeclaration(node); } private checkAndReport(node: ts.ClassDeclaration): void { this.getFeatureMethodsForClass(node).forEach(feature => { const failureMessage = Rule.FAILURE_STRING(feature); this.addFailureAtNode(feature.methodNode, failureMessage); }); } private getFeatureMethodsForClass(classNode: ts.ClassDeclaration): MethodFeature[] { const methods = this.methodsForClass(classNode); return methods .map(method => { const walker = new ClassMethodWalker(classNode, method); return walker.features(); }) .map(features => this.getTopFeature(features)) .filter(feature => feature !== undefined); } private getTopFeature(features: MethodFeature[]): MethodFeature | void { const filteredFeatures = this.filterFeatures(features); return filteredFeatures.reduce((best, current) => { if (!best) { return current; } if (current.featureEnvy() > best.featureEnvy()) { return current; } return best; }, undefined); } private filterFeatures(features: MethodFeature[]): MethodFeature[] { return features.filter(feature => { const isExcluded = this.exclude.indexOf(feature.otherClassName) !== -1; if (isExcluded) { return false; } return feature.featureEnvy() > this.threshold; }); } protected methodsForClass(classNode: ts.ClassDeclaration): ts.MethodDeclaration[] { return classNode.members.filter( (classElement: ts.ClassElement): boolean => { switch (classElement.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: return !AstUtils.isStatic(classElement); default: return false; } } ); } private parseOptions(): void { this.getOptions().forEach((opt: any) => { if (typeof opt === 'boolean') { return; } if (typeof opt === 'number') { this.threshold = opt; return; } if (Array.isArray(opt)) { this.exclude = opt; return; } }); } } class ClassMethodWalker extends Lint.SyntaxWalker { private featureEnvyMap: EnvyMap = {}; constructor(private classNode: ts.ClassDeclaration, private methodNode: ts.MethodDeclaration) { super(); this.walk(this.methodNode); } public features(): MethodFeature[] { const thisClassAccesses = this.getCountForClass('this'); return => { const otherClassAccesses = this.getCountForClass(className); return new MethodFeature({ classNode: this.classNode, methodNode: this.methodNode, otherClassName: className, thisClassAccesses, otherClassAccesses, }); }); } private getCountForClass(className: string): number { return this.featureEnvyMap[className] || 0; } private get classesUsed(): string[] { return Object.keys(this.featureEnvyMap).filter(className => className !== 'this'); } protected visitPropertyAccessExpression(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression) { if (this.isTopPropertyAccess(node)) { const className = this.classNameForPropertyAccess(node); this.incrementCountForClass(className); } super.visitPropertyAccessExpression(node); } private incrementCountForClass(className: string): void { if (this.featureEnvyMap[className] !== undefined) { this.featureEnvyMap[className] += 1; } else { this.featureEnvyMap[className] = 1; } } private isTopPropertyAccess(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression): boolean { switch (node.expression.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier: case ts.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: case ts.SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword: return true; } return false; } private classNameForPropertyAccess(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression): string { const { expression } = node; if (ts.isThisTypeNode(node)) { return 'this'; } if (expression.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword) { return 'this'; } if ( === expression.getText()) { return 'this'; } return expression.getText(); } } export class MethodFeature { constructor( private data: { classNode: ts.ClassDeclaration; methodNode: ts.MethodDeclaration; otherClassName: string; thisClassAccesses: number; otherClassAccesses: number; } ) {} public get className(): string { return; } public get classNode(): ts.ClassDeclaration { return; } public get methodName(): string { return; } public get methodNode(): ts.MethodDeclaration { return; } public featureEnvy(): number { const { thisClassAccesses, otherClassAccesses } =; return otherClassAccesses - thisClassAccesses; } public get otherClassName(): string { return; } } interface EnvyMap { [className: string]: number; }