import * as ts from 'typescript'; import * as Lint from 'tslint'; import { ErrorTolerantWalker } from './utils/ErrorTolerantWalker'; import { ExtendedMetadata } from './utils/ExtendedMetadata'; /** * Implementation of the no-map-without-usage rule. */ export class Rule extends Lint.Rules.AbstractRule { public static metadata: ExtendedMetadata = { ruleName: 'no-map-without-usage', type: 'maintainability', // one of: 'functionality' | 'maintainability' | 'style' | 'typescript' description: 'Prevent from being called and results not used.', options: null, optionsDescription: '', optionExamples: [], //Remove this property if the rule has no options typescriptOnly: false, issueClass: 'Non-SDL', // one of: 'SDL' | 'Non-SDL' | 'Ignored' issueType: 'Warning', // one of: 'Error' | 'Warning' severity: 'Low', // one of: 'Critical' | 'Important' | 'Moderate' | 'Low' level: 'Opportunity for Excellence', // one of 'Mandatory' | 'Opportunity for Excellence' group: 'Correctness', // one of 'Ignored' | 'Security' | 'Correctness' | 'Clarity' | 'Whitespace' | 'Configurable' | 'Deprecated' commonWeaknessEnumeration: '', // if possible, please map your rule to a CWE (see cwe_descriptions.json and }; public static FAILURE_STRING: string = 'Return value from should be assigned to a variable. ' + 'Consider using Array.prototype.forEach instead.'; public apply(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): Lint.RuleFailure[] { return this.applyWithWalker(new NoMapWithoutAssignmentRuleWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions())); } } class NoMapWithoutAssignmentRuleWalker extends ErrorTolerantWalker { protected visitPropertyAccessExpression(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression): void { this.checkAndReport(node); super.visitPropertyAccessExpression(node); } private checkAndReport(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression): void { if (this.isMapCall(node) && !this.isAssignment(node) && !this.isUsed(node)) { this.addFailureAtNode(node, Rule.FAILURE_STRING); } } private isMapCall(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression): boolean { const isCallExpression = ts.isCallExpression(node.parent); const isMap = === 'map'; return isCallExpression && isMap; } private isAssignment(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression): boolean { const { parent: parent1 } = node; if (parent1 && ts.isCallExpression(parent1)) { const { parent: parent2 } = parent1; const parentIsAssignment = ts.isPropertyAssignment(parent2) || ts.isVariableDeclaration(parent2) || (ts.isBinaryExpression(parent2) && parent2.operatorToken.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.FirstAssignment); if (parentIsAssignment) { return true; } } return false; } private isUsed(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression): boolean { const { parent: parent1 } = node; if (parent1 && ts.isCallExpression(parent1)) { const { parent: parent2 } = parent1; if (this.parentUsesNode(parent2)) { return true; } } return false; } private parentUsesNode(parent?: ts.Node) { return ( parent && (ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(parent) || ts.isPropertyDeclaration(parent) || ts.isReturnStatement(parent) || ts.isCallOrNewExpression(parent) || ts.isSpreadElement(parent) || ts.isJsxExpression(parent) || ts.isConditionalExpression(parent) || ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(parent) || ts.isBinaryExpression(parent) || ts.isArrowFunction(parent)) ); } }