PATH := ./node_modules/.bin:${PATH} NPM_PACKAGE := $(shell node -e 'process.stdout.write(require("./package.json").name)') NPM_VERSION := $(shell node -e 'process.stdout.write(require("./package.json").version)') TMP_PATH := /tmp/${NPM_PACKAGE}-$(shell date +%s) REMOTE_NAME ?= origin REMOTE_REPO ?= $(shell git config --get remote.${REMOTE_NAME}.url) CURR_HEAD := $(firstword $(shell git show-ref --hash HEAD | cut --bytes=-6) master) GITHUB_PROJ := fontello/${NPM_PACKAGE} help: echo "make help - Print this help" echo "make lint - Lint sources with JSHint" echo "make publish - Set new version tag and publish npm package" lint: if test ! `which jshint` ; then \ echo "You need 'jshint' installed in order to run lint." >&2 ; \ echo " $ make dev-deps" >&2 ; \ exit 128 ; \ fi jshint . --show-non-errors publish: @if test 0 -ne `git status --porcelain | wc -l` ; then \ echo "Unclean working tree. Commit or stash changes first." >&2 ; \ exit 128 ; \ fi @if test 0 -ne `git fetch ; git status | grep '^# Your branch' | wc -l` ; then \ echo "Local/Remote history differs. Please push/pull changes." >&2 ; \ exit 128 ; \ fi @if test 0 -ne `git tag -l ${NPM_VERSION} | wc -l` ; then \ echo "Tag ${NPM_VERSION} exists. Update package.json" >&2 ; \ exit 128 ; \ fi git tag ${NPM_VERSION} && git push origin ${NPM_VERSION} npm publish${GITHUB_PROJ}/tarball/${NPM_VERSION} .PHONY: publish lint .SILENT: help lint