import { TW } from 'twind'; export * from 'twind'; /** * [[include:src/observe/]] * * @packageDocumentation * @module twind/observe */ /** * Options for {@link createObserver}. */ interface ShimConfiguration { /** * Custom {@link | tw} instance to use (default: {@link}). */ tw?: TW; } /** Provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree. */ interface TwindObserver { /** * Stops observer from observing any mutations. */ disconnect(): TwindObserver; /** * Observe an additional element. */ observe(target: Node): TwindObserver; } /** * Creates a new {@link TwindObserver}. * * @param options to use */ declare const createObserver: ({ tw }?: ShimConfiguration) => TwindObserver; /** * Creates a new {@link TwindObserver} and {@link TwindObserver.observe | start observing} the passed target element. * @param this to bind * @param target to shim * @param config to use */ declare function observe(this: ShimConfiguration | undefined | void, target: Node, config?: ShimConfiguration | undefined | void): TwindObserver; export { ShimConfiguration, TwindObserver, createObserver, observe }; //#