var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __assign = Object.assign; var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", {value: true}); var __rest = (source, exclude) => { var target = {}; for (var prop in source) if (, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0) target[prop] = source[prop]; if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(source)) { if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 &&, prop)) target[prop] = source[prop]; } return target; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, {get: all[name], enumerable: true}); }; var __exportStar = (target, module2, desc) => { if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2)) if (!, key) && key !== "default") __defProp(target, key, {get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable}); } return target; }; var __toModule = (module2) => { return __exportStar(__markAsModule(__defProp(module2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module2)) : {}, "default", module2 && module2.__esModule && "default" in module2 ? {get: () => module2.default, enumerable: true} : {value: module2, enumerable: true})), module2); }; // src/index.ts __markAsModule(exports); __export(exports, { apply: () => apply, autoprefix: () => autoprefix, create: () => create, cssomSheet: () => cssomSheet, directive: () => directive, expandGroups: () => expandGroups, hash: () => cyrb32, mode: () => mode, noprefix: () => noprefix, setup: () => setup, silent: () => silent, strict: () => strict, theme: () => theme, tw: () => tw, voidSheet: () => voidSheet, warn: () => warn }); // node_modules/distilt/shim-node-cjs.js var import_url = __toModule(require("url")); var shim_import_meta_url = /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_url.pathToFileURL)(__filename); // src/internal/util.ts var includes = (value, search) => !!~value.indexOf(search); var join = (parts, separator = "-") => parts.join(separator); var joinTruthy = (parts, separator) => join(parts.filter(Boolean), separator); var tail = (array, startIndex = 1) => array.slice(startIndex); var identity = (value) => value; var noop = () => { }; var capitalize = (value) => value[0].toUpperCase() + tail(value); var hyphenate = (value) => value.replace(/[A-Z]/g, "-$&").toLowerCase(); var evalThunk = (value, context) => { while (typeof value == "function") { value = value(context); } return value; }; var ensureMaxSize = (map, max) => { if (map.size > max) { map.delete(map.keys().next().value); } }; var isCSSProperty = (key, value) => !includes("@:&", key[0]) && (includes("rg", (typeof value)[5]) || Array.isArray(value)); var merge = (target, source, context) => source ? Object.keys(source).reduce((target2, key) => { const value = evalThunk(source[key], context); if (isCSSProperty(key, value)) { target2[hyphenate(key)] = value; } else { target2[key] = key[0] == "@" && includes("figa", key[1]) ? (target2[key] || []).concat(value) : merge(target2[key] || {}, value, context); } return target2; }, target) : target; var escape = typeof CSS !== "undefined" && CSS.escape || ((className) => className.replace(/[!"'`*+.,;:\\/<=>?@#$%&^|~()[\]{}]/g, "\\$&").replace(/^\d/, "\\3$& ")); var buildMediaQuery = (screen) => { if (!Array.isArray(screen)) { screen = [screen]; } return "@media " + join( => { if (typeof screen2 == "string") { screen2 = {min: screen2}; } return screen2.raw || join(Object.keys(screen2).map((feature) => `(${feature}-width:${screen2[feature]})`), " and "); }), ","); }; var cyrb32 = (value) => { for (var h = 9, index = value.length; index--; ) { h = Math.imul(h ^ value.charCodeAt(index), 1597334677); } return "tw-" + ((h ^ h >>> 9) >>> 0).toString(36); }; var sortedInsertionIndex = (array, element) => { for (var low = 0, high = array.length; low < high; ) { const pivot = high + low >> 1; if (array[pivot] <= element) { low = pivot + 1; } else { high = pivot; } } return high; }; // src/twind/parse.ts var groupings; var rules; var startGrouping = (value = "") => { groupings.push(value); return ""; }; var endGrouping = (isWhitespace) => { groupings.length = Math.max(groupings.lastIndexOf("") + ~~isWhitespace, 0); }; var onlyPrefixes = (s) => s && !includes("!:", s[0]); var onlyVariants = (s) => s[0] == ":"; var addRule = (directive2, negate) => { rules.push({ v: groupings.filter(onlyVariants), d: directive2, n: negate, i: includes(groupings, "!"), $: "" }); }; var saveRule = (buffer) => { const negate = buffer[0] == "-"; if (negate) { buffer = tail(buffer); } const prefix = join(groupings.filter(onlyPrefixes)); addRule(buffer == "&" ? prefix : (prefix && prefix + "-") + buffer, negate); return ""; }; var parseString = (token, isVariant) => { let buffer = ""; for (let char, dynamic = false, position2 = 0; char = token[position2++]; ) { if (dynamic || char == "[") { buffer += char; dynamic = char != "]"; continue; } switch (char) { case ":": buffer = buffer && startGrouping(":" + (token[position2] == char ? token[position2++] : "") + buffer); break; case "(": buffer = buffer && startGrouping(buffer); startGrouping(); break; case "!": startGrouping(char); break; case ")": case " ": case " ": case "\n": case "\r": buffer = buffer && saveRule(buffer); endGrouping(char !== ")"); break; default: buffer += char; } } if (buffer) { if (isVariant) { startGrouping(":" + buffer); } else if (buffer.slice(-1) == "-") { startGrouping(buffer.slice(0, -1)); } else { saveRule(buffer); } } }; var parseGroupedToken = (token) => { startGrouping(); parseToken(token); endGrouping(); }; var parseGroup = (key, token) => { if (token) { startGrouping(); const isVariant = includes("tbu", (typeof token)[1]); parseString(key, isVariant); if (isVariant) { parseGroupedToken(token); } endGrouping(); } }; var parseToken = (token) => { switch (typeof token) { case "string": parseString(token); break; case "function": addRule(token); break; case "object": if (Array.isArray(token)) { token.forEach(parseGroupedToken); } else if (token) { Object.keys(token).forEach((key) => { parseGroup(key, token[key]); }); } } }; var staticsCaches = new WeakMap(); var buildStatics = (strings) => { let statics = staticsCaches.get(strings); if (!statics) { let slowModeIndex = NaN; let buffer = ""; statics =, index) => { if (slowModeIndex !== slowModeIndex && (token.slice(-1) == "[" || includes(":-(", (strings[index + 1] || "")[0]))) { slowModeIndex = index; } if (index >= slowModeIndex) { return (interpolation) => { if (index == slowModeIndex) { buffer = ""; } buffer += token; if (includes("rg", (typeof interpolation)[5])) { buffer += interpolation; } else if (interpolation) { parseString(buffer); buffer = ""; parseToken(interpolation); } if (index == strings.length - 1) { parseString(buffer); } }; } const staticRules = rules = []; parseString(token); const activeGroupings = [...groupings]; rules = []; return (interpolation) => { rules.push(...staticRules); groupings = [...activeGroupings]; if (interpolation) { parseToken(interpolation); } }; }); staticsCaches.set(strings, statics); } return statics; }; var parse = (tokens) => { groupings = []; rules = []; if (Array.isArray(tokens[0]) && Array.isArray(tokens[0].raw)) { buildStatics(tokens[0]).forEach((apply2, index) => apply2(tokens[index + 1])); } else { parseToken(tokens); } return rules; }; // src/twind/directive.ts var isFunctionFree; var detectFunction = (key, value) => { if (typeof value == "function") { isFunctionFree = false; } return value; }; var stringify = (data) => { isFunctionFree = true; const key = JSON.stringify(data, detectFunction); return isFunctionFree && key; }; var cacheByFactory = new WeakMap(); var directive = (factory, data) => { const key = stringify(data); let directive2; if (key) { var cache = cacheByFactory.get(factory); if (!cache) { cacheByFactory.set(factory, cache = new Map()); } directive2 = cache.get(key); } if (!directive2) { directive2 = Object.defineProperty((params, context) => { context = Array.isArray(params) ? context : params; return evalThunk(factory(data, context), context); }, "toJSON", { value: () => key || data }); if (cache) { cache.set(key, directive2); ensureMaxSize(cache, 1e4); } } return directive2; }; // src/twind/apply.ts var applyFactory = (tokens, {css}) => css(parse(tokens)); var apply = (...tokens) => directive(applyFactory, tokens); // src/twind/helpers.ts var positions = (resolve) => (value, position2, prefix, suffix) => { if (value) { const properties = position2 && resolve(position2); if (properties && properties.length > 0) { return properties.reduce((declarations, property2) => { declarations[joinTruthy([prefix, property2, suffix])] = value; return declarations; }, {}); } } }; var corners = /* @__PURE__ */ positions((key) => ({ t: ["top-left", "top-right"], r: ["top-right", "bottom-right"], b: ["bottom-left", "bottom-right"], l: ["bottom-left", "top-left"], tl: ["top-left"], tr: ["top-right"], bl: ["bottom-left"], br: ["bottom-right"] })[key]); var expandEdges = (key) => { const parts = ({x: "lr", y: "tb"}[key] || key || "").split("").sort(); for (let index = parts.length; index--; ) { if (!(parts[index] = { t: "top", r: "right", b: "bottom", l: "left" }[parts[index]])) return; } if (parts.length) return parts; }; var edges = /* @__PURE__ */ positions(expandEdges); var stringifyVariant = (selector, variant) => selector + (variant[1] == ":" ? tail(variant, 2) + ":" : tail(variant)) + ":"; var stringifyRule = (rule, directive2 = rule.d) => typeof directive2 == "function" ? "" : rule.v.reduce(stringifyVariant, "") + (rule.i ? "!" : "") + (rule.n ? "-" : "") + directive2; // src/twind/plugins.ts var _; var __; var $; var toColumnsOrRows = (x) => x == "cols" ? "columns" : "rows"; var property = (property2) => (params, context, id) => ({ [property2]: id + ((_ = join(params)) && "-" + _) }); var propertyValue = (property2, separator) => (params, context, id) => (_ = join(params, separator)) && { [property2 || id]: _ }; var themeProperty = (section) => (params, {theme: theme2}, id) => (_ = theme2(section || id, params)) && { [section || id]: _ }; var themePropertyFallback = (section, separator) => (params, {theme: theme2}, id) => (_ = theme2(section || id, params, join(params, separator))) && { [section || id]: _ }; var alias = (handler, name) => (params, context) => handler(params, context, name); var display = property("display"); var position = property("position"); var textTransform = property("textTransform"); var textDecoration = property("textDecoration"); var fontStyle = property("fontStyle"); var fontVariantNumeric = (key) => (params, context, id) => ({ ["--tw-" + key]: id, fontVariantNumeric: "var(--tw-ordinal,/*!*/ /*!*/) var(--tw-slashed-zero,/*!*/ /*!*/) var(--tw-numeric-figure,/*!*/ /*!*/) var(--tw-numeric-spacing,/*!*/ /*!*/) var(--tw-numeric-fraction,/*!*/ /*!*/)" }); var inset = (params, {theme: theme2}, id) => (_ = theme2("inset", params)) && {[id]: _}; var opacityProperty = (params, theme2, id, section = id) => (_ = theme2(section + "Opacity", tail(params))) && { [`--tw-${id}-opacity`]: _ }; var parseColorComponent = (chars, factor) => Math.round(parseInt(chars, 16) * factor); var asRGBA = (color, opacityProperty2, opacityDefault) => { if (color && color[0] == "#" && (_ = (color.length - 1) / 3) && ($ = [17, 1, 0.062272][_ - 1])) { return `rgba(${parseColorComponent(color.substr(1, _), $)},${parseColorComponent(color.substr(1 + _, _), $)},${parseColorComponent(color.substr(1 + 2 * _, _), $)},${opacityProperty2 ? `var(--tw-${opacityProperty2}${opacityDefault ? "," + opacityDefault : ""})` : opacityDefault || 1})`; } return color; }; var withOpacityFallback = (property2, kind, color) => color && typeof color == "string" ? (_ = asRGBA(color, kind + "-opacity")) && _ !== color ? { [`--tw-${kind}-opacity`]: "1", [property2]: [color, _] } : {[property2]: color} : void 0; var transparentTo = (color) => ($ = asRGBA(color, "", "0")) == _ ? "transparent" : $; var reversableEdge = (params, {theme: theme2}, id, section, prefix, suffix) => (_ = {x: ["right", "left"], y: ["bottom", "top"]}[params[0]]) && ($ = `--tw-${id}-${params[0]}-reverse`) ? params[1] == "reverse" ? { [$]: "1" } : { [$]: "0", [joinTruthy([prefix, _[0], suffix])]: (__ = theme2(section, tail(params))) && `calc(${__} * var(${$}))`, [joinTruthy([prefix, _[1], suffix])]: __ && [__, `calc(${__} * calc(1 - var(${$})))`] } : void 0; var placeHelper = (property2, params) => params[0] && { [property2]: (includes("wun", (params[0] || "")[3]) ? "space-" : "") + params[0] }; var contentPluginFor = (property2) => (params) => includes(["start", "end"], params[0]) ? {[property2]: "flex-" + params[0]} : placeHelper(property2, params); var gridPlugin = (kind) => (params, {theme: theme2}) => { if (_ = theme2("grid" + capitalize(kind), params, "")) { return {["grid-" + kind]: _}; } switch (params[0]) { case "span": return params[1] && { ["grid-" + kind]: `span ${params[1]} / span ${params[1]}` }; case "start": case "end": return (_ = theme2("grid" + capitalize(kind) + capitalize(params[0]), tail(params), join(tail(params)))) && { [`grid-${kind}-${params[0]}`]: _ }; } }; var border = (params, {theme: theme2}, id) => { switch (params[0]) { case "solid": case "dashed": case "dotted": case "double": case "none": return propertyValue("borderStyle")(params); case "collapse": case "separate": return propertyValue("borderCollapse")(params); case "opacity": return opacityProperty(params, theme2, id); } return (_ = theme2(id + "Width", params, "")) ? {borderWidth: _} : withOpacityFallback("borderColor", id, theme2(id + "Color", params)); }; var borderEdges = (params, context, id) => { var _a; const edges2 = (_a = expandEdges(params[0])) == null ? void 0 :; if (edges2) { params = tail(params); } let rules2 = border(params, context, id); if (edges2 && rules2 && typeof rules2 === "object") { rules2 = Object.entries(rules2).reduce((newRules, [key, value]) => { if (key.startsWith("border")) { for (const edge of edges2) { newRules[key.slice(0, 6) + edge + key.slice(6)] = value; } } else { newRules[key] = value; } return newRules; }, {}); } return rules2; }; var transform = (gpu) => (gpu ? "translate3d(var(--tw-translate-x,0),var(--tw-translate-y,0),0)" : "translateX(var(--tw-translate-x,0)) translateY(var(--tw-translate-y,0))") + " rotate(var(--tw-rotate,0)) skewX(var(--tw-skew-x,0)) skewY(var(--tw-skew-y,0)) scaleX(var(--tw-scale-x,1)) scaleY(var(--tw-scale-y,1))"; var transformXYFunction = (params, context, id) => params[0] && (_ = context.theme(id, params[1] || params[0])) && { [`--tw-${id}-x`]: params[0] !== "y" && _, [`--tw-${id}-y`]: params[0] !== "x" && _, transform: [`${id}${params[1] ? params[0].toUpperCase() : ""}(${_})`, transform()] }; var edgesPluginFor = (key) => (params, context, id) => id[1] ? edges(context.theme(key, params), id[1], key) : themeProperty(key)(params, context, id); var padding = edgesPluginFor("padding"); var margin = edgesPluginFor("margin"); var minMax = (params, {theme: theme2}, id) => (_ = {w: "width", h: "height"}[params[0]]) && { [_ = `${id}${capitalize(_)}`]: theme2(_, tail(params)) }; var filter = (params, {theme: theme2}, id) => { const parts = id.split("-"); const prefix = parts[0] == "backdrop" ? parts[0] + "-" : ""; if (!prefix) { params.unshift(; } if (params[0] == "filter") { const filters = [ "blur", "brightness", "contrast", "grayscale", "hue-rotate", "invert", prefix && "opacity", "saturate", "sepia", !prefix && "drop-shadow" ].filter(Boolean); return params[1] == "none" ? {[prefix + "filter"]: "none"} : filters.reduce((css, key) => { css["--tw-" + prefix + key] = "var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)"; return css; }, { [prefix + "filter"]: => `var(--tw-${prefix}${key})`).join(" ") }); } $ = params.shift(); if (includes(["hue", "drop"], $)) $ += capitalize(params.shift()); return (_ = theme2(prefix ? "backdrop" + capitalize($) : $, params)) && { ["--tw-" + prefix + $]: (Array.isArray(_) ? _ : [_]).map((_4) => `${hyphenate($)}(${_4})`).join(" ") }; }; var corePlugins = { group: (params, {tag}, id) => tag(join([id, ...params])), hidden: alias(display, "none"), inline: display, block: display, contents: display, flow: display, table: (params, context, id) => includes(["auto", "fixed"], params[0]) ? {tableLayout: params[0]} : display(params, context, id), flex(params, context, id) { switch (params[0]) { case "row": case "col": return { flexDirection: join(params[0] == "col" ? ["column", ...tail(params)] : params) }; case "nowrap": case "wrap": return {flexWrap: join(params)}; case "grow": case "shrink": _ = context.theme("flex" + capitalize(params[0]), tail(params), params[1] || 1); return _ != null && { ["flex-" + params[0]]: "" + _ }; } return (_ = context.theme("flex", params, "")) ? {flex: _} : display(params, context, id); }, grid(params, context, id) { switch (params[0]) { case "cols": case "rows": return (_ = context.theme("gridTemplate" + capitalize(toColumnsOrRows(params[0])), tail(params), params.length == 2 && Number(params[1]) ? `repeat(${params[1]},minmax(0,1fr))` : join(tail(params)))) && { ["gridTemplate-" + toColumnsOrRows(params[0])]: _ }; case "flow": return params.length > 1 && { gridAutoFlow: join(params[1] == "col" ? ["column", ...tail(params, 2)] : tail(params), " ") }; } return display(params, context, id); }, auto: (params, {theme: theme2}) => includes(["cols", "rows"], params[0]) && (_ = theme2("gridAuto" + capitalize(toColumnsOrRows(params[0])), tail(params), join(tail(params)))) && { ["gridAuto-" + toColumnsOrRows(params[0])]: _ }, static: position, fixed: position, absolute: position, relative: position, sticky: position, visible: {visibility: "visible"}, invisible: {visibility: "hidden"}, antialiased: { WebkitFontSmoothing: "antialiased", MozOsxFontSmoothing: "grayscale" }, "subpixel-antialiased": { WebkitFontSmoothing: "auto", MozOsxFontSmoothing: "auto" }, truncate: { overflow: "hidden", whiteSpace: "nowrap", textOverflow: "ellipsis" }, "sr-only": { position: "absolute", width: "1px", height: "1px", padding: "0", margin: "-1px", overflow: "hidden", whiteSpace: "nowrap", clip: "rect(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: "0" }, "not-sr-only": { position: "static", width: "auto", height: "auto", padding: "0", margin: "0", overflow: "visible", whiteSpace: "normal", clip: "auto" }, resize: (params) => ({ resize: {x: "horizontal", y: "vertical"}[params[0]] || params[0] || "both" }), box: (params) => params[0] && {boxSizing: params[0] + "-box"}, appearance: propertyValue(), cursor: themePropertyFallback(), float: propertyValue(), clear: propertyValue(), decoration: propertyValue("boxDecorationBreak"), isolate: {isolation: "isolate"}, isolation: propertyValue(), "mix-blend": propertyValue("mixBlendMode"), top: inset, right: inset, bottom: inset, left: inset, inset: (params, {theme: theme2}) => (_ = expandEdges(params[0])) ? edges(theme2("inset", tail(params)), params[0]) : (_ = theme2("inset", params)) && { top: _, right: _, bottom: _, left: _ }, underline: textDecoration, "line-through": textDecoration, "no-underline": alias(textDecoration, "none"), "text-underline": alias(textDecoration, "underline"), "text-no-underline": alias(textDecoration, "none"), "text-line-through": alias(textDecoration, "line-through"), uppercase: textTransform, lowercase: textTransform, capitalize: textTransform, "normal-case": alias(textTransform, "none"), "text-normal-case": alias(textTransform, "none"), italic: fontStyle, "not-italic": alias(fontStyle, "normal"), "font-italic": alias(fontStyle, "italic"), "font-not-italic": alias(fontStyle, "normal"), font: (params, context, id) => (_ = context.theme("fontFamily", params, "")) ? {fontFamily: _} : themeProperty("fontWeight")(params, context, id), items: (params) => params[0] && { alignItems: includes(["start", "end"], params[0]) ? "flex-" + params[0] : join(params) }, "justify-self": propertyValue(), "justify-items": propertyValue(), justify: contentPluginFor("justifyContent"), content: contentPluginFor("alignContent"), self: contentPluginFor("alignSelf"), place: (params) => params[0] && placeHelper("place-" + params[0], tail(params)), overscroll: (params) => params[0] && { ["overscrollBehavior" + (params[1] ? "-" + params[0] : "")]: params[1] || params[0] }, col: gridPlugin("column"), row: gridPlugin("row"), duration: themeProperty("transitionDuration"), delay: themeProperty("transitionDelay"), tracking: themeProperty("letterSpacing"), leading: themeProperty("lineHeight"), z: themeProperty("zIndex"), opacity: themeProperty(), ease: themeProperty("transitionTimingFunction"), p: padding, py: padding, px: padding, pt: padding, pr: padding, pb: padding, pl: padding, m: margin, my: margin, mx: margin, mt: margin, mr: margin, mb: margin, ml: margin, w: themeProperty("width"), h: themeProperty("height"), min: minMax, max: minMax, fill: themeProperty(), order: themeProperty(), origin: themePropertyFallback("transformOrigin", " "), select: propertyValue("userSelect"), "pointer-events": propertyValue(), align: propertyValue("verticalAlign"), whitespace: propertyValue("whiteSpace"), "normal-nums": {fontVariantNumeric: "normal"}, ordinal: fontVariantNumeric("ordinal"), "slashed-zero": fontVariantNumeric("slashed-zero"), "lining-nums": fontVariantNumeric("numeric-figure"), "oldstyle-nums": fontVariantNumeric("numeric-figure"), "proportional-nums": fontVariantNumeric("numeric-spacing"), "tabular-nums": fontVariantNumeric("numeric-spacing"), "diagonal-fractions": fontVariantNumeric("numeric-fraction"), "stacked-fractions": fontVariantNumeric("numeric-fraction"), overflow: (params, context, id) => includes(["ellipsis", "clip"], params[0]) ? propertyValue("textOverflow")(params) : params[1] ? {["overflow-" + params[0]]: params[1]} : propertyValue()(params, context, id), transform: (params) => params[0] == "none" ? {transform: "none"} : { "--tw-translate-x": "0", "--tw-translate-y": "0", "--tw-rotate": "0", "--tw-skew-x": "0", "--tw-skew-y": "0", "--tw-scale-x": "1", "--tw-scale-y": "1", transform: transform(params[0] == "gpu") }, rotate: (params, {theme: theme2}) => (_ = theme2("rotate", params)) && { "--tw-rotate": _, transform: [`rotate(${_})`, transform()] }, scale: transformXYFunction, translate: transformXYFunction, skew: transformXYFunction, gap: (params, context, id) => (_ = {x: "column", y: "row"}[params[0]]) ? {[_ + "Gap"]: context.theme("gap", tail(params))} : themeProperty("gap")(params, context, id), stroke: (params, context, id) => (_ = context.theme("stroke", params, "")) ? {stroke: _} : themeProperty("strokeWidth")(params, context, id), outline: (params, {theme: theme2}) => (_ = theme2("outline", params)) && { outline: _[0], outlineOffset: _[1] }, "break-normal": { wordBreak: "normal", overflowWrap: "normal" }, "break-words": {overflowWrap: "break-word"}, "break-all": {wordBreak: "break-all"}, text(params, {theme: theme2}, id) { switch (params[0]) { case "left": case "center": case "right": case "justify": return {textAlign: params[0]}; case "uppercase": case "lowercase": case "capitalize": return textTransform([], _, params[0]); case "opacity": return opacityProperty(params, theme2, id); } const fontSize = theme2("fontSize", params, ""); if (fontSize) { return typeof fontSize == "string" ? {fontSize} : __assign({ fontSize: fontSize[0] }, typeof fontSize[1] == "string" ? {lineHeight: fontSize[1]} : fontSize[1]); } return withOpacityFallback("color", "text", theme2("textColor", params)); }, bg(params, {theme: theme2}, id) { switch (params[0]) { case "fixed": case "local": case "scroll": return propertyValue("backgroundAttachment", ",")(params); case "bottom": case "center": case "left": case "right": case "top": return propertyValue("backgroundPosition", " ")(params); case "no": return params[1] == "repeat" && propertyValue("backgroundRepeat")(params); case "repeat": return includes("xy", params[1]) ? propertyValue("backgroundRepeat")(params) : {backgroundRepeat: params[1] || params[0]}; case "opacity": return opacityProperty(params, theme2, id, "background"); case "clip": case "origin": return params[1] && { ["background-" + params[0]]: params[1] + (params[1] == "text" ? 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" !important" : ""}`; var autoprefix = (property2, value, important) => { let cssText = ""; const propertyAlias = (0, import_style_vendorizer.cssPropertyAlias)(property2); if (propertyAlias) cssText += `${noprefix(propertyAlias, value, important)};`; let flags = (0, import_style_vendorizer.cssPropertyPrefixFlags)(property2); if (flags & 1) cssText += `-webkit-${noprefix(property2, value, important)};`; if (flags & 2) cssText += `-moz-${noprefix(property2, value, important)};`; if (flags & 4) cssText += `-ms-${noprefix(property2, value, important)};`; flags = (0, import_style_vendorizer.cssValuePrefixFlags)(property2, value); if (flags & 1) cssText += `${noprefix(property2, `-webkit-${value}`, important)};`; if (flags & 2) cssText += `${noprefix(property2, `-moz-${value}`, important)};`; if (flags & 4) cssText += `${noprefix(property2, `-ms-${value}`, important)};`; cssText += noprefix(property2, value, important); return cssText; }; // src/twind/theme.ts var ratios = (start, end) => { 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linear(10, "rem", 4, 3)), margin: (theme2) => __assign({ auto: "auto" }, theme2("spacing")), maxHeight: (theme2) => __assign(__assign({}, theme2("spacing")), { full: "100%", screen: "100vh" }), maxWidth: (theme2, {breakpoints}) => __assign({ none: "none", 0: "0rem", xs: "20rem", sm: "24rem", md: "28rem", lg: "32rem", xl: "36rem", "2xl": "42rem", "3xl": "48rem", "4xl": "56rem", "5xl": "64rem", "6xl": "72rem", "7xl": "80rem", full: "100%", min: "min-content", max: "max-content", prose: "65ch" }, breakpoints(theme2("screens"))), minHeight: { 0: "0px", full: "100%", screen: "100vh" }, minWidth: { 0: "0px", full: "100%", min: "min-content", max: "max-content" }, opacity: __assign(__assign({}, /* @__PURE__ */ linear(100, "", 100, 0, 10)), { 5: "0.05", 25: "0.25", 75: "0.75", 95: "0.95" }), order: __assign({ first: "-9999", last: "9999", none: "0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ linear(12, "", 1, 1)), outline: { none: ["2px solid transparent", "2px"], white: ["2px dotted white", "2px"], black: ["2px dotted black", "2px"] }, padding: /* @__PURE__ */ alias2("spacing"), placeholderColor: /* @__PURE__ */ alias2("colors"), placeholderOpacity: /* @__PURE__ */ alias2("opacity"), ringColor: (theme2) => __assign({ DEFAULT: theme2("", "#3b82f6") }, theme2("colors")), ringOffsetColor: /* @__PURE__ */ alias2("colors"), ringOffsetWidth: /* @__PURE__ */ exponential(8, "px"), ringOpacity: (theme2) => __assign({ DEFAULT: "0.5" }, theme2("opacity")), ringWidth: __assign({ DEFAULT: "3px" }, /* @__PURE__ */ exponential(8, "px")), rotate: __assign(__assign(__assign({}, /* @__PURE__ */ exponential(2, "deg")), /* @__PURE__ */ exponential(12, "deg", 3)), /* @__PURE__ */ exponential(180, "deg", 45)), saturate: /* @__PURE__ */ linear(200, "", 100, 0, 50), scale: __assign(__assign(__assign({}, /* @__PURE__ */ linear(150, "", 100, 0, 50)), /* @__PURE__ */ linear(110, "", 100, 90, 5)), { 75: "0.75", 125: "1.25" }), sepia: { 0: "0", DEFAULT: "100%" }, skew: __assign(__assign({}, /* @__PURE__ */ exponential(2, "deg")), /* @__PURE__ */ exponential(12, "deg", 3)), space: /* @__PURE__ */ alias2("spacing"), stroke: { current: "currentColor" }, strokeWidth: /* @__PURE__ */ linear(2), textColor: /* @__PURE__ */ alias2("colors"), textOpacity: /* @__PURE__ */ alias2("opacity"), transitionDuration: (theme2) => __assign({ DEFAULT: "150ms" }, theme2("durations")), transitionDelay: /* @__PURE__ */ alias2("durations"), transitionProperty: { none: "none", all: "all", DEFAULT: "background-color,border-color,color,fill,stroke,opacity,box-shadow,transform,filter,backdrop-filter", colors: "background-color,border-color,color,fill,stroke", opacity: "opacity", shadow: "box-shadow", transform: "transform" }, transitionTimingFunction: { DEFAULT: "cubic-bezier(0.4,0,0.2,1)", linear: "linear", in: "cubic-bezier(0.4,0,1,1)", out: "cubic-bezier(0,0,0.2,1)", "in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.4,0,0.2,1)" }, translate: (theme2) => __assign(__assign(__assign({}, theme2("spacing")), ratios(2, 4)), { full: "100%" }), width: (theme2) => __assign(__assign(__assign(__assign({ auto: "auto" }, theme2("spacing")), ratios(2, 6)), ratios(12, 12)), { screen: "100vw", full: "100%", min: "min-content", max: "max-content" }), zIndex: __assign({ auto: "auto" }, /* @__PURE__ */ linear(50, "", 1, 0, 10)) }; var flattenColorPalette = (colors, target = {}, prefix = []) => { Object.keys(colors).forEach((property2) => { const value = colors[property2]; if (property2 == "DEFAULT") { target[join(prefix)] = value; target[join(prefix, ".")] = value; } const key = [...prefix, property2]; target[join(key)] = value; target[join(key, ".")] = value; if (value && typeof value == "object") { flattenColorPalette(value, target, key); } }, target); return target; }; var resolveContext = { negative: () => ({}), breakpoints: (screens) => Object.keys(screens).filter((key) => typeof screens[key] == "string").reduce((target, key) => { target["screen-" + key] = screens[key]; return target; }, {}) }; var handleArbitraryValues = (section, key) => (key = key[0] == "[" && key.slice(-1) == "]" && key.slice(1, -1)) && includes(section, "olor") == /^(#|(hsl|rgb)a?\(|[a-z]+$)/.test(key) && (includes(key, "calc(") ? key.replace(/(-?\d*\.?\d(?!\b-.+[,)](?![^+\-/*])\D)(?:%|[a-z]+)?|\))([+\-/*])/g, "$1 $2 ") : key); var makeThemeResolver = (config) => { const cache = new Map(); const theme2 = __assign(__assign({}, defaultTheme), config); const deref = (theme3, section) => { const base = theme3 && theme3[section]; const value = typeof base == "function" ? base(resolve, resolveContext) : base; return value && section == "colors" ? flattenColorPalette(value) : value; }; const resolve = (section, key, defaultValue) => { const keypath = section.split("."); section = keypath[0]; if (keypath.length > 1) { defaultValue = key; key = join(tail(keypath), "."); } let base = cache.get(section); if (!base) { cache.set(section, base = __assign({}, deref(theme2, section))); Object.assign(base, deref(theme2.extend, section)); } if (key != null) { key = (Array.isArray(key) ? join(key) : key) || "DEFAULT"; const value = handleArbitraryValues(section, key) || base[key]; return value == null ? defaultValue : Array.isArray(value) && !includes(["fontSize", "outline", "dropShadow"], section) ? join(value, ",") : value; } return base; }; return resolve; }; // src/twind/translate.ts var translate = (plugins, context) => (rule, isTranslating) => { if (typeof rule.d == "function") { return rule.d(context); } const parameters = rule.d.split(/-(?![^[]*])/g); if (!isTranslating && parameters[0] == "tw" && rule.$ == rule.d) { return rule.$; } for (let index = parameters.length; index; index--) { const id = join(parameters.slice(0, index)); if (, id)) { const plugin = plugins[id]; return typeof plugin == "function" ? plugin(tail(parameters, index), context, id) : typeof plugin == "string" ? context[isTranslating ? "css" : "tw"](plugin) : plugin; } } }; // src/twind/decorate.ts var _2; var GROUP_RE = /^:(group(?:(?!-focus).+?)*)-(.+)$/; var NOT_PREFIX_RE = /^(:not)-(.+)/; var prepareVariantSelector = (variant) => variant[1] == "[" ? tail(variant) : variant; var decorate = (darkMode, variants, {theme: theme2, tag}) => { const applyVariant = (translation, variant) => { if (_2 = theme2("screens", tail(variant), "")) { return {[buildMediaQuery(_2)]: translation}; } if (variant == ":dark" && darkMode == "class") { return {".dark &": translation}; } if (_2 = GROUP_RE.exec(variant)) { return {[`.${escape(tag(_2[1]))}:${_2[2]} &`]: translation}; } return { [variants[tail(variant)] || "&" + variant.replace(NOT_PREFIX_RE, (_4, not, variant2) => not + "(" + prepareVariantSelector(":" + variant2) + ")")]: translation }; }; return (translation, rule) => rule.v.reduceRight(applyVariant, translation); }; // src/twind/presedence.ts var _3; var responsivePrecedence = (css) => (((_3 = /(?:^|min-width: *)(\d+(?:.\d+)?)(p)?/.exec(css)) ? +_3[1] / (_3[2] ? 15 : 1) / 10 : 0) & 31) << 22; var seperatorPrecedence = (string) => { _3 = 0; for (let index = string.length; index--; ) { _3 += includes("-:,", string[index]); } return _3; }; var atRulePresedence = (css) => (seperatorPrecedence(css) & 15) << 18; var PRECEDENCES_BY_PSEUDO_CLASS = [ "rst", "st", "en", "d", "nk", "sited", "pty", "ecked", "cus-w", "ver", "cus", "cus-v", "tive", "sable", "ad-on", "tiona", "quire" ]; var pseudoPrecedence = (pseudoClass) => 1 << (~(_3 = PRECEDENCES_BY_PSEUDO_CLASS.indexOf(pseudoClass.replace(GROUP_RE, ":$2").slice(3, 8))) ? _3 : 17); var makeVariantPresedenceCalculator = (theme2, variants) => (presedence, variant) => presedence | ((_3 = theme2("screens", tail(variant), "")) ? 1 << 27 | responsivePrecedence(buildMediaQuery(_3)) : variant == ":dark" ? 1 << 30 : (_3 = variants[variant] || variant.replace(NOT_PREFIX_RE, ":$2"))[0] == "@" ? atRulePresedence(_3) : pseudoPrecedence(variant)); var declarationPropertyPrecedence = (property2) => property2[0] == "-" ? 0 : seperatorPrecedence(property2) + ((_3 = /^(?:(border-(?!w|c|sty)|[tlbr].{2,4}m?$|c.{7}$)|([fl].{5}l|g.{8}$|pl))/.exec(property2)) ? +!!_3[1] || -!!_3[2] : 0) + 1; // src/twind/serialize.ts var stringifyBlock = (body, selector) => selector + "{" + body + "}"; var serialize = (prefix, variants, context) => { const {theme: theme2, tag} = context; const tagVar = (_4, property2) => "--" + tag(property2); const tagVars = (value) => `${value}`.replace(/--(tw-[\w-]+)\b/g, tagVar); const stringifyDeclaration = (property2, value, important) => { property2 = tagVars(property2); return Array.isArray(value) ? join(value.filter(Boolean).map((value2) => prefix(property2, tagVars(value2), important)), ";") : prefix(property2, tagVars(value), important); }; let rules2; const stringify2 = (atRules, selector, presedence, css, important) => { if (Array.isArray(css)) { css.forEach((css2) => css2 && stringify2(atRules, selector, presedence, css2, important)); return; } let declarations = ""; let maxPropertyPresedence = 0; let numberOfDeclarations = 0; if (css["@apply"]) { css = merge(evalThunk(apply(css["@apply"]), context), __assign(__assign({}, css), {"@apply": void 0}), context); } Object.keys(css).forEach((key) => { const value = evalThunk(css[key], context); if (isCSSProperty(key, value)) { if (value !== "" && key.length > 1) { const property2 = hyphenate(key); numberOfDeclarations += 1; maxPropertyPresedence = Math.max(maxPropertyPresedence, declarationPropertyPrecedence(property2)); declarations = (declarations && declarations + ";") + stringifyDeclaration(property2, value, important); } } else if (value) { if (key == ":global") { key = "@global"; } if (key[0] == "@") { if (key[1] == "g") { stringify2([], "", 0, value, important); } else if (key[1] == "f") { stringify2([], key, 0, value, important); } else if (key[1] == "k") { const currentSize = rules2.length; stringify2([], "", 0, value, important); const waypoints = rules2.splice(currentSize, rules2.length - currentSize); rules2.push({ r: stringifyBlock(join( => p.r), ""), key), p: waypoints.reduce((sum, p) => sum + p.p, 0) }); } else if (key[1] == "i") { ; (Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]).forEach((value2) => value2 && rules2.push({p: 0, r: `${key} ${value2};`})); } else { if (key[2] == "c") { key = buildMediaQuery(context.theme("screens", tail(key, 8).trim())); } stringify2([...atRules, key], selector, presedence | responsivePrecedence(key) | atRulePresedence(key), value, important); } } else { stringify2(atRules, selector ? selector.replace(/ *((?:\(.+?\)|\[.+?\]|[^,])+) *(,|$)/g, (_4, selectorPart, comma) => key.replace(/ *((?:\(.+?\)|\[.+?\]|[^,])+) *(,|$)/g, (_5, keyPart, comma2) => (includes(keyPart, "&") ? keyPart.replace(/&/g, selectorPart) : (selectorPart && selectorPart + " ") + keyPart) + comma2) + comma) : key, presedence, value, important); } } }); if (numberOfDeclarations) { rules2.push({ r: atRules.reduceRight(stringifyBlock, stringifyBlock(declarations, selector)), p: presedence * (1 << 8) + ((Math.max(0, 15 - numberOfDeclarations) & 15) << 4 | (maxPropertyPresedence || 15) & 15) }); } }; const variantPresedence = makeVariantPresedenceCalculator(theme2, variants); return (css, className, rule, layer = 0) => { layer <<= 28; rules2 = []; stringify2([], className ? "." + escape(className) : "", rule ? rule.v.reduceRight(variantPresedence, layer) : layer, css, rule && rule.i); return rules2; }; }; // src/twind/inject.ts var inject = (sheet, mode2, init, context) => { let sortedPrecedences; init((value = []) => sortedPrecedences = value); let insertedRules; init((value = new Set()) => insertedRules = value); return ({r: css, p: presedence}) => { if (!insertedRules.has(css)) { insertedRules.add(css); const index = sortedInsertionIndex(sortedPrecedences, presedence); try { sheet.insert(css, index); sortedPrecedences.splice(index, 0, presedence); } catch (error) { if (!/:-[mwo]/.test(css)) {{id: "INJECT_CSS_ERROR", css, error}, context); } } } }; }; // src/twind/configure.ts var sanitize = (value, defaultValue, disabled, enabled = defaultValue) => value === false ? disabled : value === true ? enabled : value || defaultValue; var loadMode = (mode2) => (typeof mode2 == "string" ? {t: strict, a: warn, i: silent}[mode2[1]] : mode2) || warn; var COMPONENT_PROPS = {_: {value: "", writable: true}}; var configure = (config = {}) => { const theme2 = makeThemeResolver(config.theme); const mode2 = loadMode(config.mode); const hash = sanitize(config.hash, false, false, cyrb32); const important = config.important; let activeRule = {v: []}; let translateDepth = 0; const lastTranslations = []; const context = { tw: (...tokens) => process(tokens), theme: (section, key, defaultValue) => { var _a; const value = (_a = theme2(section, key, defaultValue)) != null ? _a : mode2.unknown(section, key == null || Array.isArray(key) ? key : key.split("."), defaultValue != null, context); return activeRule.n && value && includes("rg", (typeof value)[5]) ? `calc(${value} * -1)` : value; }, tag: (value) => hash ? hash(value) : value, css: (rules2) => { translateDepth++; const lastTranslationsIndex = lastTranslations.length; try { ; (typeof rules2 == "string" ? parse([rules2]) : rules2).forEach(convert); const css = Object.create(null, COMPONENT_PROPS); for (let index = lastTranslationsIndex; index < lastTranslations.length; index++) { const translation = lastTranslations[index]; if (translation) { switch (typeof translation) { case "object": merge(css, translation, context); break; case "string": css._ += (css._ && " ") + translation; } } } return css; } finally { lastTranslations.length = lastTranslationsIndex; translateDepth--; } } }; const translate2 = translate(__assign(__assign({}, corePlugins), config.plugins), context); const doTranslate = (rule) => { const parentRule = activeRule; activeRule = rule; try { return evalThunk(translate2(rule), context); } finally { activeRule = parentRule; } }; const variants = __assign(__assign({}, coreVariants), config.variants); const decorate2 = decorate(config.darkMode || "media", variants, context); const serialize2 = serialize(sanitize(config.prefix, autoprefix, noprefix), variants, context); const sheet = config.sheet || (typeof window == "undefined" ? voidSheet() : cssomSheet(config)); const {init = (callback) => callback()} = sheet; const inject2 = inject(sheet, mode2, init, context); let idToClassName; init((value = new Map()) => idToClassName = value); const inlineDirectiveName = new WeakMap(); const evaluateFunctions = (key, value) => key == "_" ? void 0 : typeof value == "function" ? JSON.stringify(evalThunk(value, context), evaluateFunctions) : value; const convert = (rule) => { if (!translateDepth && activeRule.v.length) { rule = __assign(__assign({}, rule), {v: [...activeRule.v, ...rule.v], $: ""}); } if (!rule.$) { rule.$ = stringifyRule(rule, inlineDirectiveName.get(rule.d)); } let className = translateDepth ? null : idToClassName.get(rule.$); if (className == null) { let translation = doTranslate(rule); if (!rule.$) { rule.$ = cyrb32(JSON.stringify(translation, evaluateFunctions)); inlineDirectiveName.set(rule.d, rule.$); rule.$ = stringifyRule(rule, rule.$); } if (translation && typeof translation == "object") { rule.v =; if (important) rule.i = important; translation = decorate2(translation, rule); if (translateDepth) { lastTranslations.push(translation); } else { const layer = typeof rule.d == "function" ? typeof translation._ == "string" ? 1 : 3 : 2; className = hash || typeof rule.d == "function" ? (hash || cyrb32)(layer + rule.$) : rule.$; serialize2(translation, className, rule, layer).forEach(inject2); if (translation._) { className += " " + translation._; } } } else { if (typeof translation == "string") { className = translation; } else { className = rule.$;{id: "UNKNOWN_DIRECTIVE", rule: className}, context); } if (translateDepth && typeof rule.d !== "function") { lastTranslations.push(className); } } if (!translateDepth) { idToClassName.set(rule.$, className); ensureMaxSize(idToClassName, 3e4); } } return className; }; const process = (tokens) => join(parse(tokens).map(convert).filter(Boolean), " "); const preflight = sanitize(config.preflight, identity, false); if (preflight) { const css = createPreflight(theme2); const styles = serialize2(typeof preflight == "function" ? evalThunk(preflight(css, context), context) || css : __assign(__assign({}, css), preflight)); init((injected = (styles.forEach(inject2), true)) => injected); } return { init: () =>{id: "LATE_SETUP_CALL"}, context), process }; }; // src/twind/instance.ts var create = (config) => { let process = (tokens) => { init(); return process(tokens); }; let init = (config2) => { ; ({process, init} = configure(config2)); }; if (config) init(config); let context; const fromContext = (key) => () => { if (!context) { process([ (_4) => { context = _4; return ""; } ]); } return context[key]; }; return { tw: Object.defineProperties((...tokens) => process(tokens), { theme: { get: fromContext("theme") } }), setup: (config2) => init(config2) }; }; // src/twind/default.ts var {tw, setup} = /* @__PURE__ */ create(); // src/twind/expand.ts var expandGroups = (classNames) => parse(classNames).map((rule) => stringifyRule(rule)).join(" "); // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { apply, autoprefix, create, cssomSheet, directive, expandGroups, hash, mode, noprefix, setup, silent, strict, theme, tw, voidSheet, warn }); //#