3.0.2 * #432 Sandbox is always enabled, whatever the options passed to the environment * #428 added eslint and fixed minor eslint problems * #417 Rewrite the test suite in TypeScript * #422 Map and reduce filters documentation exposes a non-existing "array" argument 3.0.1 * #419 TwingLoaderNull doesn't behave as expected * #418 Types are not available to consumers * #414 Include function should be called with undefined when no variables is set to benefit from the default values * #412 Performance is way lower than pre-2.3 * #411 Source maps are exported in the npm package 3.0.0 * #409 3.x: compatibility chart is not up-to-date * #403 3.x: Lexer doesn't support custom operators * #399 Move the project to NightlyCommit * #398 Add support for Node.js 12 * #391 Add a way to register templates module in the environment cache * #390 Get rid of TwingTemplateWrapper * #375 Clean the included extensions * #368 filter tag is supposed to create a new context scope * #365 Add support for Twig 2.11 * #362 Array syntax should always resolve to a Map * #348 The lexer is lossy * #345 Provide an easier way to load the main pre-compiled template * #338 Rework filter and function declaration APIs to enforce explicit parameters naming * #337 Clarify documentation of the auto_reload option * #310 Move deprecation messages to warnings instead of errors * #305 Provide an ES along with CJS version of Twing 2.3.6 * #385 Get rid of most constructor.name usage 2.3.5 * #381 Browser and Webpack (TypeScript) * #380 Doesn't run without the types luxon 2.3.4 * #378 Add a "Related projects" section to the README * #376 Error thrown when for tag is used inside a with tag 2.3.3 * #373 Browser flavor lacks some exports 2.3.2 * #371 Add a compatibility chart * #369 Add a "known issues" section in the documentation 2.3.1 * #360 slice filter returns a map 2.3.0 * #333 Add support for Twig 2.10 2.2.7 * #358 package-lock.json prevents grabbing latest dependencies security patches * #349 Variable wrongly interpreted as operator when used as assignment of a for tag * #327 Comments are not part of the AST 2.2.6 * #352 twing fails to render if the the html tag has an attribute lang="de" - Cannot read property 'LC_CTYPE' of undefined * #354 Twing crashes when template contains JS interpolation syntax 2.2.5 * #341 Syntax errors don't show the location where the error occurred 2.2.4 * #334 Changing autoescape option doesn't invalidate the cache * #298 Add support for sourceContents 2.2.3 * #323 include function doesn't support relative filesystem loader * #322 Test suite fails with node.js 11 2.2.2 * #225 [RCF] npm found 3 vulnerabilities (2 low, 1 moderate) * #313 TwingEnvironmentOptions.cache typing is incorrect * #316 `json_encode` cannot serialize Map 2.2.1 * #314 Twing 2.2.0 not working in browser 2.2.0 * #299 Add support for Twig 2.6.3 2.1.4 * #308 Source map for spaceless tag is still faulty in some case 2.1.3 * #303 Incorrect souce map when spaceless tag is used * #302 TwingErrorSyntax: Unknown "dump" function * #300 Probable bug in TwingFileSystemLoader 2.1.2 * #289 - "include" tag uses merge filter instead of merge helper * #286 - Types are incorrect - i.e. impossible to build against Twing 2.1.1 * #284 - Uncaught TwingErrorSyntax: An exception has been thrown during the compilation of a template ("parseFunction is not a function") * #282 - Template code and path not send to TwingError when TwingTemplate#loadTemplate is called with a template name 2.1.0 * #280 - Documentation doesn't build anymore * #9 - Rewrite varDump helper * #277 - Add core support for template-relative resolving * #227 - date filter doesn't support all required format * #274 - CHANGELOG not up-to-date 2.0.0 * #267 - Update documentation * #271 - Improve the packaging process * #200 - Cannot find module 'twing/lib/runtime' * #237 - Can twing be run on the frontend? * #258 - Twing should return source map as string instead of SourceMapGenerator * #209 - How to use base_template_class? 1.3.1 * #266 - CHANGELOG not up-to-date on v1.3.0 1.3.0 * #251 - Support Twig 2.5.0 1.2.7 * #262 - TwingToken is not exported 1.2.6 * #256 - Source map sources are not relative to the project root * #254 - Changing source map config doesn't invalidate template cache * #255 - TypeError: Cannot read property 'toMappings' of undefined * #253 - "Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory" on non-existent namespace folder * #249 - Interfaces are not exported 1.2.5 * #247 - Package manifest uses deprecated licenses key 1.2.4 * #236 - Batch filter throws an error when used on an undefined variable * #238 - "types" entry missing from package.json * #242 - Improve Travis CI support * #240 - Remove benchmark and tasks folders and dependencies * #239 - TwingEnvironmentOptions is not exported 1.2.3 * Fix #234 - loop.last & loop.length & iterable not available in nested for 1.2.2 * Fix #230 - Compiler should not escape quotation mark * Fix #232 - Twing throws: "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list" whenever it encounters a ` character. 1.2.1 * Fix #218 - Twing@1.2.0 created a breaking changes with extension filters and functions * Fix #219 - An exception has been thrown during the compilation of a template ("The comparison function must be either a function or undefined"). * Fix #220 - Error when getSourceMap is called with source_map option set to false 1.2.0 * Fix #12 - Add source map support enhancement in progress * Fix #205 - Unable to register extension "_default" when using babel + twing extensions * Fix #216 - Restore auto reload behavior from pre-#194 1.1.1 * Fix #210 - If with multiple elseif not working as expected 1.1.0 * Fix #204 - Export TwingNodeType as part of twing * Fix #206 - Make TwingEnvironment emit an event when encountering a template 1.0.3 * Fix #194 - Autoreload broken 1.0.2 * Fix #201 - The merge filter returns a Map even if the filtered object is an array 1.0.1 * Catch-up with TwigPHP 2.4.8 * Add a changelog 1.0.0 * Initial release based on TwigPHP 2.4.4