/** Returns a boolean for whether the two given types are equal. @link https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/27024#issuecomment-421529650 @link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68961864/how-does-the-equals-work-in-typescript/68963796#68963796 Use-cases: - If you want to make a conditional branch based on the result of a comparison of two types. @example ``` import type {IsEqual} from 'type-fest'; // This type returns a boolean for whether the given array includes the given item. // `IsEqual` is used to compare the given array at position 0 and the given item and then return true if they are equal. type Includes = Value extends readonly [Value[0], ...infer rest] ? IsEqual extends true ? true : Includes : false; ``` @category Type Guard @category Utilities */ export type IsEqual = (() => G extends A ? 1 : 2) extends (() => G extends B ? 1 : 2) ? true : false;