import type {Not} from './internal'; import type {IsFloat} from './is-float'; import type {PositiveInfinity, NegativeInfinity} from './numeric'; /** Returns a boolean for whether the given number is a integer, like `-5`, `1.0` or `100`. Like [`Number#IsInteger()`]( but for types. Use-case: - If you want to make a conditional branch based on the result of whether a number is a intrger or not. @example ``` type Integer = IsInteger<1>; //=> true type IntegerWithDecimal = IsInteger<1.0>; //=> true type NegativeInteger = IsInteger<-1>; //=> true type Float = IsInteger<1.5>; //=> false // Supports non-decimal numbers type OctalInteger: IsInteger<0o10>; //=> true type BinaryInteger: IsInteger<0b10>; //=> true type HexadecimalInteger: IsInteger<0x10>; //=> true ``` */ export type IsInteger = T extends bigint ? true : T extends number ? number extends T ? false : T extends PositiveInfinity | NegativeInfinity ? false : Not> : false;