/** Get the element type of an `Iterable`/`AsyncIterable`. For example, `Array`, `Set`, `Map`, generator, stream, etc. This can be useful, for example, if you want to get the type that is yielded in a generator function. Often the return type of those functions are not specified. This type works with both `Iterable`s and `AsyncIterable`s, so it can be use with synchronous and asynchronous generators. Here is an example of `IterableElement` in action with a generator function: @example ``` import type {IterableElement} from 'type-fest'; function * iAmGenerator() { yield 1; yield 2; } type MeNumber = IterableElement> ``` And here is an example with an async generator: @example ``` import type {IterableElement} from 'type-fest'; async function * iAmGeneratorAsync() { yield 'hi'; yield true; } type MeStringOrBoolean = IterableElement> ``` Many types in JavaScript/TypeScript are iterables. This type works on all types that implement those interfaces. An example with an array of strings: @example ``` import type {IterableElement} from 'type-fest'; type MeString = IterableElement ``` @example ``` import type {IterableElement} from 'type-fest'; const fruits = new Set(['🍎', '🍌', '🍉'] as const); type Fruit = IterableElement; //=> '🍎' | '🍌' | '🍉' ``` @category Iterable */ export type IterableElement = TargetIterable extends Iterable ? ElementType : TargetIterable extends AsyncIterable ? ElementType : never;