// The builtin `join` method supports all these natively in the same way that typescript handles them so we can safely accept all of them. type JoinableItem = string | number | bigint | boolean | undefined | null; // `null` and `undefined` are treated uniquely in the built-in join method, in a way that differs from the default `toString` that would result in the type `${undefined}`. That's why we need to handle it specifically with this helper. // @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/join#description type NullishCoalesce< Value extends JoinableItem, Fallback extends string, > = Value extends undefined | null ? NonNullable | Fallback : Value; /** Join an array of strings and/or numbers using the given string as a delimiter. Use-case: Defining key paths in a nested object. For example, for dot-notation fields in MongoDB queries. @example ``` import type {Join} from 'type-fest'; // Mixed (strings & numbers) items; result is: 'foo.0.baz' const path: Join<['foo', 0, 'baz'], '.'> = ['foo', 0, 'baz'].join('.'); // Only string items; result is: 'foo.bar.baz' const path: Join<['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], '.'> = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].join('.'); // Only number items; result is: '1.2.3' const path: Join<[1, 2, 3], '.'> = [1, 2, 3].join('.'); // Only bigint items; result is '1.2.3' const path: Join<[1n, 2n, 3n], '.'> = [1n, 2n, 3n].join('.'); // Only boolean items; result is: 'true.false.true' const path: Join<[true, false, true], '.'> = [true, false, true].join('.'); // Contains nullish items; result is: 'foo..baz..xyz' const path: Join<['foo', undefined, 'baz', null, 'xyz'], '.'> = ['foo', undefined, 'baz', null, 'xyz'].join('.'); // Partial tuple shapes (rest param last); result is: `prefix.${string}` const path: Join<['prefix', ...string[]], '.'> = ['prefix'].join('.'); // Partial tuple shapes (rest param first); result is: `${string}.suffix` const path: Join<[...string[], 'suffix'], '.'> = ['suffix'].join('.'); // Tuples items with nullish unions; result is '.' | 'hello.' | '.world' | 'hello.world' const path: Join<['hello' | undefined, 'world' | null], '.'> = ['hello', 'world'].join('.'); ``` @category Array @category Template literal */ export type Join< Items extends readonly JoinableItem[], Delimiter extends string, > = Items extends readonly [] ? '' : Items extends readonly [JoinableItem?] ? `${NullishCoalesce}` : Items extends readonly [ infer First extends JoinableItem, ...infer Tail extends readonly JoinableItem[], ] ? `${NullishCoalesce}${Delimiter}${Join}` : Items extends readonly [ ...infer Head extends readonly JoinableItem[], infer Last extends JoinableItem, ] ? `${Join}${Delimiter}${NullishCoalesce}` : string;