/** Given a [literal type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types) return the {@link Primitive | primitive type} it belongs to, or `never` if it's not a primitive. Use-case: Working with generic types that may be literal types. @example ``` import type {LiteralToPrimitive} from 'type-fest'; // No overloads needed to get the correct return type function plus(x: T, y: T): LiteralToPrimitive { return x + (y as any); } plus('a', 'b'); // string plus(1, 2); // number plus(1n, 2n); // bigint ``` @category Type */ export type LiteralToPrimitive = T extends number ? number : T extends bigint ? bigint : T extends string ? string : T extends boolean ? boolean : T extends symbol ? symbol : T extends null ? null : T extends undefined ? undefined : never;